Chapter 23

The next day, Yang Yuxuan went to meet An Xuena at the open-air coffee shop as scheduled. This time, An Xuena arrived first. Seeing the woman who was already waiting there, Yang Yuxuan felt a sour feeling in her heart.She asked for help everywhere, tried all kinds of methods, but failed. In the end, it turned out that her love rival helped her, which made her feel that her self-esteem had been severely hit.

An Xuena picked up the coffee on the table very leisurely, took a sip, and calmly looked at Yang Yuxuan who was walking towards her, not at all unnatural, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on her face, with an angelic beauty.

Today's Yang Yuxuan is wearing the same exquisite makeup as before, dressed appropriately, and looks like a wealthy wife.However, the gauntness and loss hidden in the depths of her eyes are still so obvious under this makeup.

Asked for a glass of juice from the waiter, Yang Yuxuan sat quietly opposite An Xuena, didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

It was An Xuena who was very generous and spoke first: "Mrs. Luo, you look very beautiful today, and the color of your clothes match you very well."

Yang Yuxuan, who didn't know what she meant, was hesitating how to answer, when she heard An Xuena continue to say: "However, you still don't seem to be in a good state of mind, why, haven't you slept well recently? Your eye circles are a bit dark. "An Xuena asked with "concern."

It was a very ordinary question, but at this time Yang Yuxuan was actually a little moved. An Xuena was able to ignore the past when she had treated her like that, and even she herself felt ashamed.

Yang Yuxuan didn't want to lose her composure, let alone make An Xuena unhappy, forced a smile on the corner of her mouth, and nodded at An Xuena: "It's a little bit, Chen Xi has been working too much overtime recently, and often wants to give him supper in the middle of the night, So I can't sleep well." As if she was afraid that An Xuena would not know the relationship between their husband and wife, Yang Yuxuan answered with a slightly flamboyant intention.

An Xuena chuckled in her heart without pointing it out, and continued with the end of her words: "Yeah, President Luo is a very busy person. He often works overtime. It's really hard for you, Mrs. Luo. With a wife like you, you can It's really an honor for President Luo."

It was a normal compliment, but if others said it, Yang Yuxuan would find it very useful, but when it came from An Xuena's mouth, no matter how she heard it, it was a kind of irony, so she couldn't help clenching her fists.

At this moment, there was a loud noise at the door of the coffee shop, and the two of them looked back at the same time, Yang Yuxuan was startled.

Two reporters came in from the door, one of them was still holding a camera, Yang Yuxuan frowned, secretly anxious.Why would I meet the reporter every time I saw An Xuena? She couldn't have arranged it on purpose.As soon as I had this thought, I quickly turned around and looked at An Xuena who was opposite, but I saw the same surprise on her face. Obviously, she didn't know that there would be a reporter coming, so it seemed to be a coincidence. With a hanging heart, Put it down quietly.

"It's really An Xuena!" One of the reporters excitedly turned his head to look at the one holding the camera, and then turned his head to look at that Xuena excitedly: "Hi, Miss An, I am from "A City Metropolis Daily" Reporter Lin Xiaonan is also your loyal fan. I like your paintings very much, and it is a great honor to meet you here. Can I ask you a few questions?" As if afraid that An Xuena would disagree, Lin Xiaonan continued to add Said: "It won't take you too long, can it?" After speaking, there was still a look of expectation in his eyes.

Still with the signature smile, An Xuena has already learned how to hide her emotions and be a standard "celebrity" through her role as a public figure in the past few years.Nodding modestly, he replied formulaically: "As long as Ms. Lin's question does not involve the interests of my agency, I am very happy to cooperate."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaonan's expression was as if he had won the lottery, his excitement was indescribable.

After asking many questions, it seemed that she finally realized that An Xuena still had friends here. Lin Xiaonan apologized in embarrassment: "Ah, I was so excited to ask Ms. An a question, and I forgot that you still have friends here, really sorry Excuse me."

Smiling and shaking her head: "It's okay, your job is not easy." An Xuena casually suggested: "Need me to take a photo with you, and take it back to your editor?"

Lin Xiaonan hesitated for a moment, but then nodded happily, as if this proposal would really bring her great benefits.Just as the reporter with the camera was about to take pictures, An Xuena stopped her. Lin Xiaonan looked at her suspiciously.

An Xuena nodded slightly to Lin Xiaonan, then turned her head to gesture to Yang Yuxuan: "Xuan, you and this reporter friend will take pictures for us."

Yang Yuxuan, who was being a bystander, was stunned when An Xuena called her, but she nodded quickly: "Okay."

Watching the two nodding and bowing reporters leaving, An Xuena was still smiling with deep eyes.

Seeing that she didn't intend to speak, Yang Yuxuan couldn't wait any longer, so she took the lead to break the silence: "Miss An, what you promised me on the phone..."

An Xuena acted as if she suddenly remembered, and looked at Yang Yuxuan apologetically: "Oh, look at me, I just had some inspiration, I was only thinking about painting, I forgot about it, I'm sorry." She took out a check from her bag and unfolded it in front of Yang Yuxuan, with 2000 million written on it. It was true that the stone in Yang Yuxuan's heart finally fell to the ground.

"This is a bearer check for 2000 million. Even if there are any problems in the future, it won't damage your reputation. Don't worry, take it for emergency." An Xuena handed the check to Yang Yuxuan.

After receiving the check, Yang Yuxuan didn't know what to say, her eyes were a little red.An Xuena looked at her with a smile, and reached out to pat her on the shoulder: "Although I don't know what difficulties you have encountered, I believe that as long as you have confidence, you will be able to get through it."

Looking at the time on the phone, An Xuena frowned slightly: "Sorry, I have something to do in a while, so I'll be leaving first. I've already paid for the coffee. Goodbye." After finishing speaking, she took her bag and left .

Yang Yuxuan was left holding the check in her hand, her eyes were moist, she really regretted it, and now the result of all this is not the evil result she planted at the beginning?

An Xuena, who walked out of the coffee shop, glanced at the black Mercedes-Benz on the opposite side, without any expression, put on her sunglasses, drove her sports car, and drove away.

In the evening, BlueLover, the three of them toasted together, and Cheng Junheng said gratifiedly: "In fact, we should have done this cup half a year ago."The three wine glasses collided together, and the red transparent liquid shone brightly under the light.

Sitting on the seat again, Luo Chenxi looked at Mo Shaoyang seriously: "It's been so long, thank you for your hard work."

Mo Shaoyang smiled unruly: "What is this? I lived very happily there, but you, the Hongyang Group has so many documents waiting for you to sign all day long, and so many meetings waiting for you to attend, you are going crazy Alright. Hahahaha."

Luo Chenxi smiled indifferently: "I don't pay attention to these."

Cheng Junheng took the words: "His goddess is his career," he said raising an eyebrow at Mo Shaoyang: "You understand."

Ignoring the friend's jokes, Luo Chenxi asked seriously: "Have you found anything in these years?"

Mo Shaoyang frowned slightly: "I am afraid that the matter is much more complicated than we imagined. At present, it seems that more than the 'Wolf Clan' is involved. If there is a slight carelessness, it will cause a chain international reaction. That's why I've been there for so long."

However, these are not within the scope of Luo Chenxi's worries, he only wants to know one thing.

"Then how much weight will 'sable' play in this matter?" Luo Chenxi, who was also aware of the difficulty of the matter, asked solemnly.

Shaking his head helplessly: "Maybe it's the core, maybe it's just a coincidence. This hasn't been found out yet, so I don't know too well." Mo Shaoyang's tone was a little disappointed.After so long, he didn't find anything important, but her life was still threatened, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Patting Mo Shaoyang on the shoulder comfortingly: "It's okay, don't lose heart, we will definitely do it." Luo Chenxi encouraged him.

Looking at Luo Chenxi, Mo Shaoyang swept away the haze, and the two good brothers collided with fists.

In the middle of the night, the three people who walked out of the bar separated separately.Luo Chenxi started the car, hesitated for a while, and went straight to Kate.

Downstairs in the luxury hotel, Luo Chenxi was fascinated looking at the small jewel pendant that he kept with him all the time, it was a rose.However, those who are knowledgeable know that it is not an ordinary rose, it is a nobleman among roses.Its color is not as red as people usually understand, but pure blue, especially under the carving of the famous Kashmir sapphire, it is even more lifelike.Blue Enchantress - a name full of temptation, temptation and mystery, just like the first owner of this pendant, mysterious and alluring.

Looking up at the brightly lit hotel, he turned the steering wheel with both hands, and the sports car gradually went away.

In the room, since the afternoon, Miffel has been curiously asking about the situation after the meeting, but no matter what method she uses, An Xuena just refuses to tell, which makes Miffel not to mention how frustrated she is.

"Oh, good Sana, just tell me, people really want to know." Miffel pestered An Xuena like a candy.

In the end, An Xuena, who couldn't take it anymore, turned her head and shot her intentionally with her eyes: "You ask me? Didn't you see it this afternoon? What's your question?"

Miffel was stunned: "Ah? I saw it? No, I didn't even go out in the afternoon. Where can I look?"

Hearing this, An Xuena frowned, and asked uncertainly, "Did you go out this afternoon? Did you send someone to pretend to be a reporter?"

Miffel looked puzzled: "No."

After a little thought, An Xuena understood what was going on, and Miffel immediately realized: "You are being watched."

An Xuena immediately took out the photo that Yang Yuxuan took with her mobile phone, and handed it to Miffel: "Check this person for me, the more detailed the information, the better."

Miffel nodded, took the phone and went to give orders.

An Xuena was meditating alone in the room, who could it be?What is the purpose?I really hope she is overthinking, but she has a bad feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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