Chapter 25

Luo Chenxi was alone in the office, and opened the drawer next to him casually. A photo frame caught his attention by accident. When he was wondering why there was a photo frame, he suddenly remembered that he had brought it from home last time.

Carefully picked up the photo frame, under the sun, gently stroked it with his hand, as if it was not a photo, but a priceless treasure, the eyes looking at it were extremely gentle.

In the photo, An Xuena smiles sweetly and carefree, she is really a pure and flawless angel.But now, the angel has become a Pandora in the eyes of some people, beautiful but deadly.The happy time they used to get together came back to my head, as if it was yesterday, but everything has changed.

Today, for some reason, he saw An Xuena in particular, and unconsciously dialed her number. He felt nervous for a while, as if he was a little boy in his first love. Even he himself felt amused.

The call An Xuena received was from Luo Chenxi. Knowing that Luo Chenxi was still safe, and wanted to ask her out, An Xuena let go of what she had been worrying about just now, and just happened to be looking for him, so she accepted Luo Chenxi's appointment.

Tilting his head slightly, Miffel asked puzzledly, "Who is it?"

"Chen Xi, he asked me out." An Xuena could not hide a smile on her face.

"Hehe, let's go, don't make the handsome guy wait in a hurry." Miffel deliberately teased her.

"I hate it," An Xuena stuck out her tongue mischievously, and gave a look not far away: "Don't forget to tell him to leave quickly, Yang Yuxuan will become suspicious if he talks too much."

Miffel nodded, and An Xuena left in peace.

Entering BlueLover for the third time, An Xuena sighed that she was really destined to be here.He went straight to the door of the box, knocked on the door lightly, and a deep and magnetic male voice came from inside: "Please come in."

What An Xuena who pushed the door and entered this time didn't see Luo Chenxi drunk, he was very sober, his sharp eyes shot out a menacing light, it looked like he had been in the top position for a long time, with a natural coercion.

An Xuena looked calm, walked to Luo Chenxi and sat down, followed by the waiter who brought a glass of bright red wine.An Xuena was surprised that Luo Chenxi was so careful now, and even remembered her preferences clearly. That glass of red wine was exactly her favorite "rattlesnake".

"Don't be surprised, after all, you are my lover, so you should pay attention to your preferences. How about it? At this time, I specially invited a professional bartender from abroad to make it. Do you like it?" Seeing her surprise, Luo Chenxi explained in a funny way.

Knowing that she had leaked her emotions again, An Xuena was so annoyed, why did she leak her emotions in front of him every time, it was really embarrassing, she pouted dissatisfiedly: "Who promised to be your lover."

Luo Chenxi looked at this tough-looking little woman with a funny face, and domineeringly embraced her in his arms: "Fool, be your true self in front of me, I have everything to do with you."

There was a thump in her heart, as if realizing something, An Xuena looked up at Luo Chenxi in shock.

Porsche and Ferrari drove side by side, speeding across the sparsely trafficked road, both of them had mysterious smiles on their faces.

City D, Yang Yuxuan just came out of the bathroom, her face was pale, and she hurried to the table.Since just now, the phone has been ringing non-stop, but she is suffering from morning sickness, so she doesn't care about it at all. She thought it would be over in a while, but she didn't expect it to keep ringing.After picking up the phone, the weak Yang Yuxuan had to hold the edge of the table with her hands to prevent herself from falling because she couldn't stand.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Yang?" It was a gentle female voice, and the other party asked politely.

"Yes, you are?" Thinking that it might be the phone number from the hospital she was contacting recently, Yang Yuxuan suppressed her bad mood.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I know Miss Yang is in trouble right now?"

Frowning tightly, Yang Yuxuan was immediately alert: "Who the hell are you?!" She thought it was that man.

"Don't worry, I just want to help Miss Yang. You must be in a hurry to get rid of the troubles in your stomach." The other party said in an affirmative tone.

Yang Yuxuan panicked completely: "Who the hell are you?!"

"A person who can help you. See you tomorrow at Linxi Restaurant in D City." After speaking, she hung up the phone without giving Yang Yuxuan a chance to reflect.

Looking at the phone that had been disconnected, Yang Yuxuan was in a state of confusion. This person should not be the one who blackmailed her. He had a secret in his hands, and he didn't know that he was pregnant.Who would this person be?

In the room of the Kate Hotel, just to be on the safe side, Miffel listened carefully to his subordinate's report, and the man in front of him was the "blackmailer" who talked to Yang Yuxuan in the restaurant.

Miffel nodded: "What was her reaction at that time?"

The man seriously recalled: "When she first saw me, her expression was very angry."

"What happened next?" Miffel raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Later when I told her according to Professor An that I was trying to blackmail because my ex-girlfriend left me because of a misunderstanding, and the wife I married later betrayed me, went to a bar to drink, and happened to see her. I felt her expression flicker."

"Hmph!" Miffel snorted coldly, "She's really guilty."

Then he asked the man again: "Is there any more?"

"No, when I came down again, she always had a cold expression, saying that I shouldn't hurt innocent people because of my own reasons. It seems that I don't know the inside story." The man replied honestly.

"Well, I see." Waving his hand, Miffel let the man leave.

Miffel was meditating by himself, it seems that we were worrying too much, so what kind of person is this Lin Xiaonan?

Just as she was thinking, An Xuena opened the door and came in.Miffel looked up, and there was an unexpected person following behind.

"President Luo?!" Miffel was surprised, "You..."

"Hehe, I'll tell you about this later. I saw that person go out just now. Is there any problem?"

Miffel frowned: "I don't know, there are always many things I can't figure out." Then he told An Xuena about the conversation with that man.

"Could it be someone from the Meier family?" An Xuena guessed.

"No way, how did they find you so quickly?" Miffel was puzzled: "Even if they found out, why didn't they take revenge? They have this ability."

"Maybe there is some unavoidable reason why they can't retaliate head-on?" An Xuena analyzed.

At this time, Luo Chenxi on the side followed and analyzed: "It may not be revenge at all, but just want to convey some kind of information."

One word awakened the dreamer: "Could it be that they are internally divided and afraid that Sana will leak the secret, so they came up with this warning?" Miffel was shocked.

Luo Chenxi nodded calmly: "It's not impossible."

Miffel covered her mouth, that would be really troublesome, the Italian mafia is not afraid of the Meier family, but no matter how powerful An Xuena is, she will be no match for four hands.

Luo Chenxi turned his head and looked at An Xuena seriously: "Xue Na, get out of that world and come back." He knew that Miffel was the eldest lady of the Italian Mafia, but he was not afraid that she would stop her, he knew they were good friends .

These people here are analyzing, at the airport, Yang Yufeng has already returned to China.Originally, according to the doctor's request, he would stay for a while longer, but he was really worried about his sister, and even more afraid that there would be friction between her and An Xuena, so he insisted on returning to China.

Yang Yufeng, who had just got off the plane, was sent to the hospital by the medical staff who had been waiting there for a re-examination of the injured leg bone.

In the hospital, Zuo Bingyi received a call from her father, knowing that the young master of the Yang family, a well-known gentleman in the city, was injured, and her father sent her to attend the consultation.

Zuo Bingyi rolled her eyes speechlessly, how could he not know what her father was thinking, he just wanted her to find a boyfriend of the right family, and then upgrade to a husband of the right family.

She has always disdained this kind of marriage without love and only with benefits, so no matter how good Yang Yufeng is to the outside world, she rejects it from the bottom of her heart.Hmph, he deserves it, who made him so undead that his father fell in love with him.

Yang Yufeng, who was lying on the bed in the ward, felt somewhat lost. An Xuena didn't know that she had returned to China, even if she knew, she had never expressed her heart to her, would she come?If I say so, will there be no friends in the future?Yang Yufeng, who was thinking wildly, didn't notice Zuo Bingyi who came in to make rounds.
Looking at the patient lying on the bed, Zuo Bingyi didn't soften his attitude just because he was a rich young master, he was still cold, and asked formulaically: "Mr. Yang, how do you feel now?"

Suddenly hearing the sound of someone talking, Yang Yufeng came back to his senses, turned to see the doctor, and smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was thinking about something just now, and I didn't notice you came in. It's okay, it should be a few days You can leave the hospital."

Zuo Bingyi was looking down at Yang Yufeng's medical record. Hearing this, he raised his head in dissatisfaction: "Hmph, how many days? Are you a doctor or am I a doctor? Do you know how bad your injury is? In a few days, I have seen half of the patients. The moon is enough."

In fact, Zuo Bingyi said this on purpose. It was rumored that he was very personable and had a good temper. She just wanted to see if he was just pretending.

Hearing what Zuo Bingyi said, Yang Yufeng was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head in embarrassment, and replied apologetically: "Ah, I'm really sorry, I thought it wasn't too heavy."

Zuo Bingyi rolled his eyes, this man is not a gentleman, he is simply being taken for a ride, probably anyone can get angry at him, he is not angry.

Originally wanted to punish him and let him take off his mask, but he failed completely. The frustrated Zuo Bingyi left the ward speechlessly.

Yang Yufeng was full of question marks, a little puzzled by the doctor's behavior, and said to himself: "Why does she seem to have a problem with me? Did I offend her? But I just met her for the first time today."

Yang Yufeng who couldn't figure it out shook his head and stopped thinking about it.He took the phone casually and wanted to call An Xuena, but he didn't want to be in front of him like this, so he finally had to find a photo he took of her a long time ago.Looking at her carefree smile, she smiled softly.

(End of this chapter)

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