Chapter 28

Miffel had just ordered the people below to investigate Yin Luyao's teaching support, when she saw An Xuena push the door in, and asked her suspiciously: "What happened? Why did you call someone from the Mafia?" ?”

Knowing how important Yin Luyao is to An Xuena, Miffel immediately told her everything: "Not long after you left today, Yin Luyao came to say goodbye to you."

An Xuena was puzzled: "Farewell? Where is she going?"

"You go to the mountainous areas of China to support education." Miffel answered honestly.

An Xuena was even more puzzled: "Which person with such great strength can take the idea of ​​Ning Feng's school teacher?"

Miffel shrugged: "I don't know either, so I took them to check."

An Xuena frowned: "Ning Feng seems to belong to the Cheng family's company, does Cheng Junheng know something specific?"

Miffel advised her: "Don't rush to ask Cheng Junheng, call Yin Luyao first, and see how much she knows."

Not long after getting off the plane, Yin Luyao, who was walking to the airport bus with her colleagues, was very happy when she received a call from An Xuena.

"Hey, Nana, where did you go this morning? I wanted to say goodbye to you, but you're not here." Yin Luyao said dissatisfiedly with her mouth pouted on purpose.

As soon as Yin Luyao answered the phone, An Xuena was a little confused. Could it be that they were worrying too much?

"Oh, this is not to apologize to our lovely Miss Yaoyao. It was my mistake not to wait for you to come to me to say goodbye in time. Hehe."

"Cut," Yin Luyao rolled her eyes, "You're really good at talking, I thought you'd been thinking about your lover all day long, and you'd forgotten about me."

An Xuena smiled, and then asked seriously: "Why did you go to teach?"

"Oh, it's like this. A large group in France wants to build a hope school in the mountainous area of ​​China. It's not easy to find teachers temporarily, so we first borrow some teachers from our school." Yin Luyao explained roughly.

Hearing Yin Luyao's explanation, An Xuena frowned. It was too strange for a French group to come to China to build Hope School.Looking at Miffel, afraid that Yin Luyao would be worried, An Xuena pretended to be relaxed and asked: "Then where are you going to stay for as long as you want, so you're not afraid that I'll miss you."

"Come on, I don't know you yet, you still worry about me." Yin Luyao said emotionally.

"Hey, you're so smart, how do you know you can't?" An Xuena deliberately teased her.

"I hate it!" As expected, a single-celled woman on the other end of the phone became angry.

"Hehe, alright, no kidding, by the way, do you know the name of that big group?" An Xuena asked the question she wanted to know.

"I heard from the principal that it's called Simon Group." Yin Luyao recalled it carefully, and took a while to answer.

An Xuena was startled and didn't speak.How could it be the Simon family, they have never been involved in education, why this time?Just a coincidence?Or... Various possibilities flashed through An Xuena's mind in an instant, but in the end she denied them all one by one.

The most important thing is that since the day she joined the Italian Mafia, she has completely deleted all her past interpersonal relationships, just because she is afraid that someone will use these people to threaten to prevent her from revenge in the future, so it stands to reason that, except for the Mafia At the top of the party, Yin Luyao will not appear in her interpersonal relationship.

So is it a coincidence?But why did the Simon family suddenly think of building a school?He even asked Yin Luyao to teach.

Yin Luyao, who had been waiting on the phone for a long time without seeing anything, was puzzled, "Hello? Nana, are you still there?"

When she came back to her senses, she exchanged glances with Miffel, and An Xuena resumed her tone just now: "Yes, Teacher Yin. Then you go to communicate with the children in the mountains, and I won't delay you. Yes How long will it take you to come back?"

Feeling relieved, Yin Luyao pouted: "One year, we won't be able to see each other for a year, Nana, if I go back on my word now, can I ask to go back?"

This girl always looks like a child who can't grow up. An Xuena comforted her with a funny smile: "Okay, you are a teacher of the people. Be strong. It's only been a year, and it will pass soon."

After hanging up the phone, An Xuena put away her smile just now, and Miffel asked worriedly: "Why did you get involved with the Simon family, this matter may be complicated."

Sighing, An Xuena suddenly felt a little powerless. She originally thought that with her influence in the world, she would be able to find out what happened back then and avenge her father.But now it seems that there is always an invisible big hand manipulating everything, and she can't get out of this puzzle no matter what.She really wanted to know whether the big hand of the Simon family was a pawn, and how much weight did she play in the whole thing?

Shaking your head, since you can't figure it out, don't think about it.Turning his head to comfort Miffel: "Forget it, don't think about it. We have an old saying in China, which is to respond to all changes with the same, and we will quietly watch what the Simon family will do next."

City A Luo Family Mansion

Yang Yuxuan, who just came back in the morning, sat on the bed angrily and tore the medical certificate from Zuo's Hospital to shreds.

"I'm so pissed off, what's going on!" Yang Yuxuan thought angrily in her heart, and the scene in the hospital that day appeared in her mind.

Yang Yuxuan, who was holding the sample for testing, suddenly felt someone hit her hard from behind, and when she let go, the test sample fell to the ground.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the woman who bumped into Yang Yuxuan was apologetic, "I'm in a hurry, so I'm sorry." As she said that, she quickly helped Yang Yuxuan pick up the sample.

In normal times, Miss Yang would have lost her temper a long time ago, but due to the special circumstances that day, and the woman's very sincere apology, she endured it.

Thinking about it now, apart from herself and the laboratory personnel, that woman was the only one who touched the sample that day, but she didn't know that woman at all.

No, this matter must be investigated thoroughly, even if it is a coincidence, she has to prove it herself!

Thinking of this, Yang Yuxuan dialed the number she had been secretly contacting without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, the phone was connected, and Yang Yuxuan unexpectedly heard the voice of another person she was familiar with: "Hi, Miss Yang, oh no, it should be Mrs. Luo, what's the matter?" Aaron asked with a wicked smile.

"Why are you!" Yang Yuxuan was shocked.

"Why can't it be me?" Aaron asked deliberately without answering.

"Why are you in the Ling family? What is your relationship with Ling Yeyi!" Yang Yuxuan felt her scalp go numb.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry. I kept forgetting to tell Mrs. Luo my Chinese name. My name is Ling Haotian. I think Mrs. Luo is familiar with this name. What do you think is my relationship with Ling Yeyi?" Aaron, it should be Ling Haotian, laughed to answer.

Yang Yuxuan was so angry that she couldn't speak, she was completely deceived by the two brothers of the Ling family, and the worst thing was this Ling Yeyi.He was right, she was indeed too familiar with his name, that's because, in the entire high society, no one knew the name of the playboy, the second young master of the Ling family.He has always changed women like changing clothes, and with that face that women are jealous of, he has become an irresistible poison for all women. He never thought that he would be tricked one day.

After waiting for a long time, Yang Yuxuan didn't speak, Ling Haotian "kindly" reminded: "Mrs. Luo? Didn't you have something to do with my brother? Do you want me to give him the phone? Or are you reluctant to part with me? Haha."

Ignoring his crazy words, Yang Yuxuan snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, let Ling Yeyi answer the phone."

"Wow, Mrs. Luo is so angry. Is there no one to nourish you? The fire is too hot. In view of Mrs. Luo's good performance last time, I am very happy to light the fire for you again." Ling Haotian Continue to tease and tease Yang Yuxuan.

Yang Yuxuan was extremely angry: "Get out!"

Just at this time Ling Yeyi came down from upstairs, saw his younger brother making gestures, knew it was Yang Yuxuan's call, so he took it, and just heard Yang Yuxuan's scolding, so he said coldly: "Since Mrs. Luo If you don’t want me to answer the phone, then I’d rather be respectful than obedient.”

As soon as she heard Ling Yeyi's voice, Yang Yuxuan scolded Ling Haotian secretly in her heart, but quickly stopped her with words: "Wait a minute, I have something to do with you."

Still in a cold tone: "If you want something from others, you should have a better attitude. I'm not your husband, so I have no obligation to tolerate you."

Yang Yuxuan had no choice but to apologize: "I'm sorry."

Sitting lazily on the sofa, Ling Yeyi closed his eyes and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter."

"I want you to help me find someone." Yang Yuxuan said her request.

Ling Yeyi opened his eyes: "Looking for someone? With your Yang family's ability, it's not difficult. Why do you look for me at a distance?"

Yang Yuxuan really couldn't explain too much, besides, Ling Haotian was also responsible for this matter.

"Don't ask so many questions. I know you've always wanted An Xuena. I promise you, I'll help you take them apart after it's done." Gritting her teeth, Yang Yuxuan became cruel.Although she was very grateful to An Xuena after this incident, but compared to Luo Chenxi, she would choose Luo Chenxi without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yeyi who heard the words smiled lightly: "Just you? Still want to separate the two of them? I think you really don't have that ability, otherwise it wouldn't be my brother who fucked your first and last night."

Yang Yuxuan felt pain in her heart, this was the stain of her life.After three years of marriage, his first marriage was taken away by another man.

Ignoring Yang Yuxuan's mood at this time, Ling Yeyi said coldly: "You don't need to take care of my affairs. As for your request, I will treat it as a help for my brother. But you must promise not to use this again in the future Don't pester him when talking about things. Remember, you have never had any relationship with him. "

Yang Yuxuan gritted her teeth, saying that she was not sad would be a lie.Obviously she was the one who suffered, but now it sounds like she is something terrible, and everyone is afraid to avoid it. This hits Yang Yuxuan, who was always pampered and cared for before, her self-esteem.

"Okay, I promise you." Resisting the pain in her heart, Yang Yuxuan responded.

(End of this chapter)

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