Chapter 35

In the early morning, at the entrance of the hospital, there was a "squeak" and the silver Ferrari braked urgently. The medical staff who had been waiting at the door immediately stepped forward to help carry Yang Yuxuan onto a stretcher and sent her to the operating room in an emergency.

In the long corridor, the sound of messy footsteps is exciting.Lying on the emergency bed, Yang Yuxuan was wearing an oxygen mask, her eyes half-closed, and she stretched out her hand with difficulty to hold Luo Chenxi's warm palm: "Chen...xi, I'm sorry...sorry, I...I know...I...was wrong , I really... really... too much, please... forgive me, please..." The eyes were full of expectation.

Luo Chenxi was speechless, only held Yang Yuxuan's hand tightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "You will be fine, you must survive."

Hearing Luo Chenxi's words, Yang Yuxuan nodded with tears in her eyes.

Luo Chenxi was leaning against the wall exhaustedly, eyes closed, blood was all over her body, Yang Yuxuan had been sent to the operating room for almost two hours, and the operating light, which symbolized that she was fighting death, was still on.

After a while, footsteps came from the corridor again, Cheng Junheng and Mo Shaoyang hurried to Luo Chenxi's side, seeing the blood on his body, they were startled.

Cheng Junheng immediately stepped forward to examine him: "Are you injured?"

Luo Chenxi shook his head, but still didn't speak.

Mo Shaoyang was startled: "It's Yang Yuxuan?!"

Luo Chenxi nodded, her voice hoarse: "She's protecting me from bullets."

"Bullet-proof? Didn't I replace all your cars with bullet-proof glass? Why is it still like this?"

Taking a deep breath, Luo Chenxi rubbed his forehead: "I guess the other party is using KTI9600 armor-piercing bullets."

Mo Shaoyang was shocked, how powerful was the opponent, and would have such high technology: "What?! KTI9600 armor-piercing bullet?! How do you know?"

Luo Chenxi raised his head and looked deeply at Mo Shaoyang: "I just checked, and all the places where the bullets entered have melted, but the surrounding glass has not broken at all."

Mo Shaoyang's heart sank, and he no longer needed to check the bullets.Under normal circumstances, when a bullet hits the glass, it will definitely form a circle of radial cracks centered on the bullet port, but only the KTI9600 armor-piercing bullet will not.

"When the bullet is shot out of the barrel, it is shot into the target in the form of super-high-speed rotation, just like an electric drill, so to put it bluntly, the bulletproof glass on your car is actually drilled through." Cheng Junheng analyzed it.

Luo Chenxi nodded and was silent when suddenly there was a furious voice, and the three of them turned their heads together.

"Luo Chenxi!"

Frowning tightly, Luo Chenxi didn't speak.Yang Yunjie rushed to Luo Chenxi angrily, and punched Luo Chenxi with a wave of his hand. Cheng Junheng hurriedly supported Luo Chenxi.

"I'll beat you to death, you cold-blooded, heartless devil!" Yang Yunjie yelled.

Mo Shaoyang immediately stepped forward and hugged Yang Yunjie from behind, preventing him from making another move.While struggling, Yang Yunjie yelled angrily, "Let go of me, I'm going to kill this bastard."

Mo Shaoyang didn't intend to let go at all: "Uncle Yang, calm down!"

Yang Yunjie yelled: "Thanks to this devil, my daughter is dying now, how can you tell me to calm down."

"Yang Yuxuan is being rescued, she needs a quiet environment now." Cheng Junheng turned around to persuade Yang Yunjie.

Thinking that his daughter was still being rescued, Yang Yunjie didn't say anything, but looked at Luo Chenxi with almost cannibalistic eyes.

Several hours later, the lights in the operating room finally went out, and the nurse came out and asked the people waiting outside: "Who are the family members of the patient?"

Several people stepped forward immediately, Yang Yunjie asked anxiously: "I am her father, how is my daughter?"

"The operation was very successful, and the bullet has been taken out." As he spoke, he handed the tray in front of several people.

Mo Shaoyang examined it carefully, and exchanged a glance with Cheng Junheng. It was indeed a KTI9600 armor-piercing bullet. Who could it be this time?

Hearing that Yang Yuxuan was fine, Yang Yunjie breathed a sigh of relief, and turned back to look at Luo Chenxi angrily: "My daughter is infatuated with you, and you just repay her like this! Luo Chenxi, listen, this is the last time my daughter will do anything for you. When she recovers and is discharged from the hospital, you immediately go through the divorce procedures, and I will never let her stay by your side again."

Cheng Junheng knew what Luo Chenxi was thinking, and persuaded Yang Yunjie: "Uncle Yang, Chenxi can't be blamed for this matter, actually..."

Luo Chenxi interrupted before he finished speaking: "Junheng, stop talking, this time it's my fault," he said, then turned his head to Yang Yunjie: "Chairman Yang, I'm so grateful to ask Qianjin to block the bullet for me." Regardless of divorce or not, I respect her choice."

Hearing Luo Chenxi's alienation words, Yang Yunjie was even more angry: "You!"

At this time, the door of the operating room opened, and a nurse came out: "The patient is going to be transferred to the general ward, please follow me." After speaking, I saw several medical staff pushing Yang Yuxuan out of the operating room.

The four of them followed the doctor to the ward. At the door, Yang Yunjie blocked Luo Chenxi and warned in a low voice: "You don't need to pretend to be kind here, please leave here."

Hearing this, Luo Chenxi paused, but still didn't go in.The three of them were waiting at the door, Cheng Junheng knew what Luo Chenxi was thinking, he really hoped that Yang Yuxuan would propose a divorce, but this was really unlikely.

Seeing that his friend was troubled, Cheng Junheng stepped forward and patted Luo Chenxi on the shoulder: "Don't think about it so much, even if you really divorced Yang Yuxuan now, it's impossible to be with Xue Na immediately."

"Jun Heng, why do so many such and such things always happen between us, it's really tiring." Luo Chenxi felt powerless.

Cheng Junheng explained him: "Don't forget, Yin Luyao is still in their hands, even if you can abandon everything, Xue Na will still have concerns, think about it, and then slowly figure out a way."

Luo Chenxi closed her eyes in pain: "I'm just afraid that one thing after another will make Xue Na farther and farther away from me."

"Don't worry, she is the one who is truly in the same world as you, and she will understand you." Mo Shaoyang also stepped forward to persuade.

"One world? Hehe, sure enough, we are not what we were back then." Luo Chenxi smiled wryly.

In York's villa, An Xuena sat on the bed and wept silently, and Miffel could only accompany her quietly beside her.

"Sana, can you tell me what happened?" Because it was the reception of the Zuo family, and the De Luca family and the Zuo family had no connection, so they didn't go, naturally they didn't know about Luo Chenxi's attack.

An Xuena's eyes were dim with tears: "Chen Xi has been attacked."

"Ah?!" Miffel was shocked: "Did Ling Yeyi do it?" An Xuena nodded.

Knowing that An Xuena would definitely save him, Miffel immediately looked at her, "What about you? Are you injured?"

An Xuena shook her head lightly: "I didn't save him."

"Why?" Miffel was puzzled, seeing Luo Chenxi in danger and not going to save her, this is not An Xuena's character, the killer sent by Ling Yeyi last time was dealt with by An Xuena, what happened this time?

Knowing Miffel's doubts, An Xuena spoke slowly: "Chen Xi had already noticed it at the time, and I planned to help him, but this time Ling Yeyi sent not an ordinary killer, but a dead soldier from the 'Wolf Clan', There is a powerful bomb on him, as long as I rescue him, Chen Xi will definitely die."

Miffel was angry: "This Ling Yeyi is really insidious, and he still has this trick, which clearly makes you unable to save him. This completely violates the bet at that time."

At this time, An Xuena didn't take it seriously: "Hehe, who is Ling Yeyi, when did he talk about his credibility?"

"Then what are you going to do? Just let him lead you by the nose like this? You must know that he is pervasive, no matter how powerful your Luo Chenxi is, he is in the open and the 'Wolf Clan' is in the dark, so it is hard to guard against." Miffel asked road.

"I don't know either. Let's take a step at a time. I plan to transfer some people from my subordinates to protect Chenxi 24 hours a day. They will be responsible for guarding against Ling Yeyi, and then cooperate with Shaoyang's power to guard against other forces." An Xuena Firm answer.

"Well, okay, I'll help you tell brother." Miffel nodded, expressing his support.

Outside the door, York listened carefully to the conversation between the two, feeling somewhat uncomfortable in his heart, but her decision was his decision, so he still chose to help her.Making up his mind, York put down the hand he had just raised to knock on the door, turned around and went downstairs to make a phone call.

In front of the French windows on the first floor, York picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Order, send some elites to Japan first, and give out the best."

Hesitating that An Xuena has been in a low mood for the past few days, Miffel had no choice but to move to her apartment to live with her. On this day, seeing An Xuena in a daze again, she shook her head and walked over to put her arms around her shoulders: " Sana, you can't always be like this, we are already working hard now, believe me, everything will be fine."

Knowing that her friend was comforting herself, An Xuena nodded.

"How about this? Let's watch TV. I heard that a large international group is going to establish a Chinese branch in City A in the past few days. Such a big business news will definitely be reported by the media."

The two went to the hall and turned on the TV, which happened to be reporting the incident.

"Today we had the honor to interview Ms. Lin, the agent of the German Meier Group China Branch. Hello, Ms. Lin."

The camera turned to the elegant woman sitting next to the host, and a voice familiar to An Xuena said: "Hello."

An Xuena and Miffel looked at each other in surprise at the same time, how could it be her!
(End of this chapter)

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