Be a big boss from fighting

Chapter 70 Start the War

Chapter 70 Start the War (recommendation ticket requested)
"Oh, the Misty Cloud Sect has started to move." Still walking slowly on the stone ladder, with hands behind his back, being cooled by the evening wind, he heard the bell ringing through the entire Yunlan Mountain , Su Yan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a faint smile.

"My lord, I don't understand why we have to give them time to prepare, and just take advantage of their unpreparedness to rush in and kill them all. Wouldn't it be better to turn this Misty Cloud Sect into something in our hands?" Okay?" Following behind Su Yan, Orochimaru asked him.

He didn't understand Su Yan's approach very much. In his opinion, this kind of behavior is completely increasing unnecessary risks. What if there is a helper from the Misty Cloud Sect during the process?
Actually, Orochimaru's thinking was not wrong, but he overlooked one point, that is, Su Yan's purpose was not to destroy the Misty Cloud Sect, but he planned to do so, but this was not the purpose, but just a means.

What he really wanted was to use the Misty Cloud Sect as a stepping stone to completely rule the empire.

Then, in the process, give those guys who may stand up to stop their dominance a chance, so that they can see their own power with their own eyes, so as to act as a deterrent, so as not to pop out from time to time in the future, it is better to do things in secret .

Su Yan is different from Orochimaru, the villain who once established Yinnin Village. He established Yinnin Village just for the convenience of research, but he wants to collect taxes from the entire country so that he can have sufficient cultivation resources for his own cultivation. The layout is different, and naturally the things you think are also different.

But it doesn't matter, Su Yan believes that it won't be long before Dashewan follows behind him, and he will have the same or even higher vision and structure as himself, and become his important arm.

"Kill the chickens to scare the monkeys, let them watch." Su Yanyan explained to Dashewan concisely.

"Let them take a look? So that's the case, the subordinates understand." After all, Orochimaru is Orochimaru. Hearing Su Yan's explanation, he turned his eyes and immediately understood the intention of his master, and lowered his head a little. , said respectfully.

5 minutes later……

In this way, the two successfully climbed to the top of the Yunlan Mountain with one step at a time. They said it was the top of the mountain, but in fact the top of the mountain has been smoothed long ago. There is not only a wide square but also a whole group of buildings. It looks very majestic.

Such a complex of buildings was built under such an environment. Yun Potian, the first suzerain of the Misty Cloud Sect, is really a man with lofty ambitions!

It's a pity that the apprentices and grandchildren are all incompetent, not to mention Dou Zun, even breaking through to a Dou Zong needs the help of the Soul Hall, which is really embarrassing to the patriarch.

Su Yan felt a little emotional in his heart, but as a different fire, he didn't have to worry about this because he didn't need a successor, as long as he could live forever!

Closer to home, just as Su Yan and Dashewan finished walking the stone ladder and stepped on the square of the Misty Cloud Sect, the many Misty Yunzong sects in front of him pointed their swords at the two of them. , and shouted loudly at the same time, among other things, this momentum can get full marks.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ......"

Five auroras pierced the sky and descended, appearing in front of these disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect. These are five old men whose cultivation base has reached the realm of fighting kings. dazzling.

"You two, my Yunlan Sect is a thousand-year-old sect based in the Jia Ma Empire. It has always been my responsibility to protect the safety of the people of the empire. Today, the two of you used force to break into my Yunlan Sect. Could it be that you are deceiving me, Yunlan?" Zong Wuren, do you want to challenge the entire Jia Ma Empire? This old man is Yun Fan, the second elder of the Yunlan Sect. This old man hereby guarantees that if the two of you leave here, no matter who is right or wrong during the festival in the past, they will be written off. You are a friend of my Misty Cloud Sect, how about it?"

Yun Fan, who was standing among the five people, took a step forward, and said to Su Yan and Da She Wan behind him.

Although all the elders and deacons and many disciples have been urgently summoned to help, and the formation has been set up, and the cloud and smoke formation can be activated at any time, but if it is possible, Yun Fan is still unwilling to face the previous one A strong man who can make Yun Yun and Jia Xingtian lose their whereabouts at the same time.

Facing such a strong man, whether the Yunyan Shrouding Sun Formation hosted by himself can defeat the opponent, to be honest, Yun Fan really has no confidence in his heart, but he has nothing to do, he can't let the opponent do whatever he wants here, right? .

"Heh, I really like to sell dog meat and brag about myself! Dealing with your Misty Cloud Sect means challenging the entire Jia Ma Empire. You think highly of yourself too much. I don't think even the royal family has the face to say such a thing. "After hearing Yun Fan's words, Su Yan shook his head and laughed.

This old guy is good at telling nonsense with his eyes open, and he knows how to use the entire Jia Ma Empire to suppress him.

It's a pity that I am not in vain.

"Your Excellency, don't you want to be with my Misty Cloud Sect forever?" Hearing the deep meaning in Su Yan's tone, Yun Fan put his hand on the long sword at his waist and said in a heavy tone.

Now he hated Gu He and Yun Leng who were already dead, they were all dead, and they brought such a big trouble to the Misty Cloud Sect, it would be difficult to handle this matter.

Can you win?

"I don't want to die, you are a mere Yunlan sect. You are only a second-rate force on the mainland, and you are worthy of talking to me like this?" From the corner of his eyes, he caught a few rays of fighting spirit and wings that shot here from between the imperial capital and the mountains. The smile on Su Yan's face gradually disappeared, replaced by indifference and contempt, he stretched out his hand to straighten his forehead, and sneered at Yun Fan.

"Your Excellency, you don't want to insult my sect!" Su Yan's contemptuous words made Yun Fan and the disciples of the Misty Yun Sect behind him instantly furious. drank.

At this time, those rays of light also landed on the big tree on the edge of Yunlan Square, but they did not come over to intervene, but watched from a distance, obviously wanting to see the next situation to decide their own behavior.

Seeing this, Orochimaru licked his cheek, and said to himself: "It's really just like what the Lord said, it's an excellent opportunity to make an example of others!"

"Oh, are you...talking to me?" Hearing the deacon's voice, Su Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at him, and then blinked again.

Immediately, with a "boom", a blue flame burst out from the bottom of his feet, instantly obliterating the deacon of the Misty Cloud Sect who had no chance to scream, leaving no bones left.

Qinglian's innate ability of the Earth's Heart Fire is to control the Earth's Heart Flame, so Su Yan can summon the Earth's Heart Fire from the Heart of the Earth at any time to overflow from the ground, making it impossible to guard against and defeat the enemy like a ground thorn.

And...unfortunately, after arriving here, Su Yan also discovered that this Yunlan Mountain was actually an active volcano, which was a surprise.

"Deacon Yun Feng, Your Excellency, you are too venomous!" Seeing that one of the people on his side died before the official battle started, Yun Fan was furious, pulled out the long sword at his waist, pointed at Su Yan and shouted loudly road.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, even if you pour all the dirty water on me, what if you say that the person who started the trouble first was not you Yunlan sect but me, will they help you? Are they so big? Don’t be naive when you’re old, okay? Everything depends on yourself! Come on, let me see your Yunlanzong’s protective array!” Su Yan waved his hand, interrupted the old man’s nonsense, and said impatiently.

The monkeys are already here, don't talk nonsense about the chicken that should be killed, let's die with peace of mind!
"Is there any reason for this? Well, since your Excellency is obsessed with obsession, then our Misty Cloud Sect has no choice but to sacrifice our lives to accompany you. All the disciples, deacons and elders obey the order, and the formation will be filled with clouds and smoke!" Knowing that it is useless to talk, this guy will not retreat no matter what, Yun Fan gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, then pointed the long sword in his hand at the sky, and gave orders to everyone in the Misty Cloud Sect behind him.

"Yes, cloud and smoke covering the sun formation!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of disciples of the entire Misty Cloud Sect took action, and countless dou qi rays shot straight into the sky. It seemed that they were really majestic and mighty like a rainbow!

"Oh, it's interesting!" Seeing this, Su Yan raised his eyebrows and murmured. At the same time, he moved his palm joints a little, making a clicking sound.

(End of this chapter)

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