Be a big boss from fighting

Chapter 81 Su Yan is about to make a decision!

Chapter 81 Su Yan is about to make a decision! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

It's a threat, yes, but I, Su, just like to position my behavior in a nice way, can't I?

Facing the angry eyes of Queen Medusa in the upper tower, Su Yan shrugged his shoulders, and gave her an expression of "I am such a person, what can you do to me", which made her angry.

If it wasn't for being trapped in the tower, and she wasn't the opponent's opponent, Queen Medusa really wanted to fight with Su Yan freely.

But unfortunately, today is different, trapped in the Leifeng Pagoda, and was forced to spend more than a week's journey with Su Yan, she witnessed the improvement of Su Yan's strength, oh no, it may not be right to say that , it should be that he has gradually increased his control over his own strength.

Now I don't even have the qualifications to fight him.

I still remember the last time I fought with him in Stone Desert City. Although he was suppressed by the opponent in terms of strength, this guy didn't know how to use it at all. He couldn't even aim at the head. He just got stabbed more than 100 times , but now, with a wave of the hand, a large flame swept in, and there was no need to think about the accuracy of the head.

In short, in a word, today is not what it used to be, and I have nothing to do with him, so I can only let him do whatever he wants.

"Hey!" Thinking of this, Queen Medusa sighed a little disappointed, thinking about when she was so embarrassing as the majestic snake-human queen, she didn't expect that she would suffer a loss in the hands of this strange fire, and she would still be in trouble in the future. It's such a miserable word to suffer again and again, it makes people extremely annoyed!

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" After sighing, Queen Medusa closed her eyes, not looking at Su Yan's annoying face, took a deep breath, and asked coldly. road.

"Heh, you have quite a personality." Without answering Queen Medusa's question immediately, seeing her closed eyes and not wanting to look at her, Su Yan couldn't help but smiled, rubbed her chin and said.

"Tell me what you have to say, and stop talking nonsense." Queen Medusa felt that this guy was belittling her, and her face became a little gloomy.

"Okay, seeing that you're so boring, I won't tease you. Let me be honest. I know the purpose of your going to Stone Desert City to find me. Now, I can help you achieve this purpose." Su Yan's eyes were deep. An elusive shadow flashed across the place, smiling at Queen Medusa in the tower.

"Oh, you still know the purpose of this king, tell me?" She still didn't open her eyes, but sat down again relying on her own perception, Queen Medusa put her hands in her arms and said casually.

"You want to use my power to activate the ancient blood in your body, so as to achieve the purpose of evolution, right?" Su Yan said.

"Huh?" As soon as these words came out, Queen Medusa finally opened her eyes. She looked at the man outside the tower sharply with a pair of snake pupils, and said coldly: "That's right. It's a pity that this king failed. I didn't expect The strange fire that appeared in the Great Tagore Desert has turned into a human."

"Heh, it's not too late now, I can help you." Su Yan smiled harmlessly, as if he had no bad intentions at all.

"Hmph, no need. Thanks to you, my mood has improved a lot recently, and some of my previous confusions have been resolved. Even if I don't evolve, I believe it won't be long before I can break through to the Douzong, and I can evolve with different fires. There is still a risk, if you are not careful, you will die." Medusa rejected Su Yan's proposal without thinking.

She wanted to seize the different fire to evolve, but it was just to lead the snake people out of the desert and find a suitable land for habitat.

But now, Jia Xingtian and Yun Yun are both alive and dead, and Yunlanzong was directly extinguished by this strange fire. If she can leave this pagoda, her peak Douhuang strength is enough to lead The tribe defeated the Jia Ma Empire and occupied a piece of land suitable for the tribe's life, not to mention that she was indeed about to break through to the Douzong realm.

Queen Medusa's answer did not surprise Su Yan. He knew that the beautiful snake would not cooperate with him so easily. Fortunately, he just asked her out of respect for women. Her answer It doesn't really matter what it is.

"Okay, since you agree, queen, I'll start helping you evolve." The smile on Su Yan's face remained unchanged, holding the Leifeng Pagoda, he continued to smile at the woman inside.

"Wait, when did this king agree? You..."

"I said you agreed, and you agreed. Also, don't call yourself the king in front of me, you are the queen of the snake-human race, but not my queen. Now, here, I am the king! "


As he said that, the magma on the entire Yunlan Mountain was controlled by Su Yan's emotions and became violent. The magma bubbles kept getting bigger and then exploded. The scene looked extremely terrifying.

Seeing the picture in the tower through the window, and looking at the smiling face of the strange fire, Queen Medusa actually felt a little fear in her heart.

She was afraid, and she understood.

At this time, she finally understood that this strange fire kept her not out of kindness and politeness to the queen of the snake-human race. Even the Yunlanzong was destroyed by him, so how could he be polite to himself? Yes, he kept himself for other purposes. He wanted to evolve himself so that he could subdue the evolved self.

Because after the snake people are born, they will kill a snake monster and take out the soul of the monster as their companion snake spirit.

So after I evolved, whether it is me or my snake spirit that controls the new body, even Queen Medusa herself is not sure. The awe of the strange fire, maybe he will really be subdued by him.

In that case... the consequences would be disastrous, and I would become someone else's pet!
This is absolutely impossible!

"That's it. I'll take you to evolve now. Don't worry, with me here, you won't be in danger. If anything happens, I'll take the flame back immediately. You just need to close your eyes, Just lie down obediently. You can become stronger by lying down, to be honest, I am a little envious of you." Su Yan led Leifeng Pagoda to a relatively secluded and quiet place.


Can you become stronger by lying down?There should be no other meaning in your words, right?


On the other side, Orochimaru, who received Su Yan's order, personally went to Jiama Imperial Capital, and connected Qinglin to Yunlan Mountain from the hotel.

As the person who has the most extraordinary pupils in the mainland and the green snake three-flower pupils, Qinglin's talent is beyond doubt. Her eyes can be said to give her the potential to become the emperor of the snake clan. Except for the ancient sky snake, all snake-shaped monsters are not immune to the control of the three-flower pupil of the green snake.

Su Yan asked Orochimaru to take her over, and then he forced Queen Medusa to evolve into a colorful sky-swallowing python, and the soul of the purple youyan snake who controlled that new body at first, oh no, at that time it was the soul of the seven-colored sky-swallowing python Yes, develop a good relationship with it.

In this way, I have two extremely talented people by my side.

It is said in the original book that the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python has the potential to be comparable to a Dou Sheng powerhouse, that is to say, she will not have any bottlenecks until she has been practicing to Dou Sheng. That talent is so simple, even if she is a strange fire, she will be jealous , such a talent, how can she let go?
Therefore, the evolved Queen Medusa, Su Yan, is decided!
 Veterans, this book is in the second PK, urgently need recommendation votes, begging for help from all veterans, please vote more, remember to check in, these can help this book improve the ranking, if this time the pk fails , It is estimated that it will be put on the shelves, but the results are not good now, if it is put on the shelves, it is likely to rush, so Laomeng hereby asks everyone, help, help!Use the votes in your hands to smash me to death, I beg for votes!


(End of this chapter)

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