Be a big boss from fighting

Chapter 92 Teacher, it's up to you!

Chapter 92 Teacher, it's up to you! (Please subscribe, please subscribe)

What is this, the snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman benefits?
Seeing the huge pillar of fire attacking towards them, the faces of Yun Yun and Yao Chen couldn't help but change, and then increased each other's energy output one after another, causing the energy that was colliding fiercely to explode, forming a force that would drive the two together. The energy shield that covers all the people is used to resist the purple fire pillar sprayed by the amethyst winged lion king.

Originally, they could have chosen to separate, instead of taking the Amethyst Winged Lion's move directly, but they were too excited to fight before, and they had already played a real fire. Now it's not just about stopping. It's time to stop, that's why I made this bad move and chose to use the protective shield formed by the collision of energy to resist the attack.


The pillar of fire collided with the protective cover formed by the collision of blue and white rays of light, and a loud noise erupted. The protective cover was forcibly breached in an instant, and countless purple flames were blown away, splashing the low-lying canyon in an instant. There was a burst of fire, which made people's scalp numb and scared.

As for Yao Chen and Yun Yun, who were at the center of the flames and had suffered the blow from the Amethyst Winged Lion King, they also felt very sad.

The huge momentum made them feel that their internal organs (spirit, energy and spirit) were a little displaced, and the temperature...

Although it is protected by a protective shield, this is not a real defensive skill after all. It is just something cleverly made by the two of them when they are fighting. The defensive ability is very limited. It is already enough to be able to withstand the impact of the fire pillar before it shatters. It's not bad, but it's a little bit worse if you want to completely isolate it from the high temperature of the purple fire.

The bodies of Yun Yun and Xiao Yan, who was controlled by Yao Chen, were both burnt by the high temperature. The surface of some skins looked a little dark, and some blood flowed out from the pores.

"Pfft!" Yun Yun gritted her teeth and swung the long sword in her hand, forcefully shaking the medicine dust that had taken over Xiao Yan's body and the remaining purple flames around her, and it was over. The two were still in a deadlocked battle scene, and then they flapped their wings and soared into the sky.

Yun Yun, who flew to a height much higher than Yaochen, quickly swung her sword and cast her other powerful skill downward.

"Extreme wind, shining sun!" Shouted the name of this fighting technique, and in an instant, behind Yun Yun, a pattern of cyan battle energy similar to the sun appeared, and then, the pattern became larger, and Yun Yun The long sword in Yun's hand was full of blue light.

Then, the long sword fell, and countless sword lights seemed to be flying all over the sky, stabbing fiercely towards Yaochen who was also injured a little.

"Oh, this really annoying!" The soul power has been greatly damaged, and it is currently only at the level of the Dou Huang. Just now, a part of the power was allocated to protect Xiao Yan's body. Although it could not be completely protected, but After all, there is still some wear and tear, which makes Yaochen feel very uncomfortable. Now, the Amethyst Winged Lion King is here, and this woman actually attacks him. .

Immediately, it was absolutely impossible for Yao Chen, who was being beaten like this to stand still, to make a move. First, he used his soul power to forcibly seal the wound on Xiao Yan's arm, then took off the mysterious heavy ruler behind Xiao Yan, and pressed the palm of his hand against the surface of the ruler. Turn it at an extremely fast speed, just like a high-speed rotating electric fan, let this mysterious heavy ruler be used as a shield to withstand Yun Yun's attack.


In the blink of an eye, countless sword lights unleashed by the wind and setting sun hit the Xuanzhong ruler's surface, making continuous metal collision sounds.

It has to be said that although Yao Chen cursed Yun Yun in his heart before, although it was unpleasant, it was not without reason.

He, or the conflict between Xiao Yan and Yun Yun was completely a mistake, or it was designed by the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

That's right, before Yun Yun noticed someone walking back and forth outside the cave, so she pushed the boulder to attack Xiao Yan. This incident is no one's fault, it can only be regarded as a coincidence, but afterward, the words from the Amethyst Winged Lion King are really wronged .

He and Xiao Yanzi didn't collude with that lion at all, okay?

This woman is simply wronging people!
But... who really asked them to lead the way for the lion?
Although they didn't collude with the Amethyst Winged Lion King, their actions were no different from colluding. It's no wonder that this woman mistakenly thought that they were with the Lion King, and she has been pestering them until now.

"Alas!" After thinking this through, Yaochen sighed, and then powerful soul power surged out and poured into the Xuanzhong ruler, and then the other free hand grabbed the Xuanzhong ruler violently. handle, and then swung violently at the remaining sword light.

"Boom!" No fighting skills were used, just the simplest energy release, a white arc of light was waved out by Yao Chen, instantly blasting out all the remaining sword lights.

"What? How is this possible?" Yun Yun, who still had a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, saw this scene, her beautiful eyes opened wide, with an incredible expression on her face.

Although she was seriously injured, the Douhuang was still the Douhuang after all, and what she displayed was one of the Yunlan Zong Zhenzong's fighting skills, the Xuan-level high-level fighting skill Fengzhi Sunset. How could this young kid be so young? It's too unacceptable to break through your own skills so easily, right?
"Hahaha, human woman, I found you, you really want to kill me!" At this time, the lion's roar sounded again, and following the sound, a huge figure flying fast appeared in Yun Yun's sight, The overlord of the eastern part of the Warcraft Mountains finally appeared.

"Amethyst Winged Lion King!" Looking at the Amethyst Winged Lion King who had said so many words in a loud voice before but never showed up until now, Yao Chen frowned slightly, his face pale. Like Yun Yun, she became a little dignified.

Once again, he is not in collusion with the Amethyst Winged Lion King as the woman thought, they are not familiar at all, okay?

Of course, unfamiliarity is not familiarity. There is also a deep hatred between humans and monsters. Humans want to get the magic core of monsters, and monsters also hope to eat humans and absorb the blood essence and battle energy contained in their bodies. After years of accumulation, the two sides will not talk about death, but they will definitely not look very good when they see people of the other race.

Therefore, Yao Chen felt that the relationship between him, Xiao Yan and the Amethyst Winged Lion King might not be the same!
"Roar!" With a deafening roar, the Amethyst Winged Lion King stopped at the position where it formed a triangle with Yunyun and Yaochen. His wings kept vibrating, and he stopped in midair. His pair of lantern-sized eyes were very greedy at first. He took a deep look at Yun Yun, and then looked at Yao Chen, to be precise, it was the body he was controlling now——Xiao Yan.

"It's another Douhuang powerhouse. Well, it seems that I'm going to have a bumper harvest today, hahaha~" Sensing the aura exuded by Xiao Yan's body, the Amethyst Winged Lion King raised his head to the sky and laughed.

It is currently in the stage of transforming. If it can swallow two human fighting emperors in a row, then there should be no problem in transforming successfully, and its strength will also be greatly improved. Although it has a long lifespan, it is not yet capable of human It is an extremely attractive thing to cultivate talent like that.

"Made, this dead lion actually wants to eat me too! Teacher, let me have a word with it." Xiao Yan's face turned livid when he heard the laughter of the Amethyst Winged Lion King. The emperor was injured, his arm was pierced, and now even the lion is coming to beat him, who did he provoke?Immediately, he said to Yaochen.

"Okay, tell me."

"En." Nodding, Xiao Yan took over his body again, then, he stretched out his uninjured hand, pointed at the Amethyst Winged Lion King and shouted loudly: "Lion King, you have been secretly following Behind me, you even slandered me, trying to sow discord, let us two human beings fight each other, but now, neither of us is dead, but you suddenly popped up, you are not afraid of me and me Did that Your Excellency join forces and let you die here together?!"

"Huh?" Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Yun Yun frowned slightly. Could it be...they are really not in the same group?Immediately thinking of the purple fire pillar that suddenly struck Xiao Yan when they were fighting just now, Yun Yun had a guess in her heart.

"Join hands, let this king die here? Hahahaha~"

Xiao Yan's words stunned the Amethyst Winged Lion King who had appeared, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. He looked at Xiao Yan and Yun Yun, and said with disdain in his eyes: "Just because of you, a woman with five labors and seven injuries, and a A brat with a disabled arm, even if he joins forces, he is just hitting a stone with an egg, but he wants to take this king's life? Well, let this king come and kill you first, and then eat that woman!"

After saying that, the Amethyst Winged Lion King vibrated his wings, raised his huge lion claws, and grabbed Xiao Yan fiercely.

Xiao Yan: "..."

Nima, this situation is not right, it is a sixth-order monster facing us two Dou Huang, why is it not false at all?
No, I'm empty!

"Teacher, it's up to you!" Xiao Yan shouted at Yao Chen for help.

Yaochen: "..."

So why did you say those words, just to make it fight me first?
 Yesterday, I was afraid that the first subscription was too low, so I only updated one chapter deliberately, and wanted to see how many book lovers would read the original version. As of now, the last chapter has a total of 150 subscriptions, and I want to cry!I want to cry!It was so bad for the first time!uncomfortable!
  However, since it is on the shelves, Laomeng will update it properly and finish writing it, please rest assured for those who are still reading.As for the most powerful group leader in Wanjie, I have delayed some update time recently, but there is no way, I am too busy, but Laomeng is not a eunuch anymore, so I will update as soon as I have time, try to update every day, please also Don't give up, everyone, you must accompany Laomeng to the end, everyone!woo woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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