Chapter 91

Senier originally wanted to show Cheng Xue his sunny side, so he sent it with an elegant smile and eyes, but unexpectedly, he attracted a cold murderous look, which made him turn his head quickly in fright.

"My dear, it's so scary. It's strange, doesn't it mean that she doesn't like a handsome guy like me?" The more she can't get it, the more she wants it. When Cheng Xue stared at her fiercely, Senil became even more interested. "Ah, by the way, does she have any intimate relationship with that other kid? If so, it can explain the reason why she is indifferent to me." Senier didn't think of Jin Xiaokai until now, because of his thinking just now All creatures except beautiful women are automatically filtered.

Feeling uneasy, Senil asked, "I don't know how to call you two?" He wanted to directly ask about the relationship between the two of them, but he felt that it was too presumptuous, so he had no choice but to take it one step at a time.

"My name is Jin Xiaokai, and her name is Cheng Xue. I don't know where we are going to eat?"

"Ah, it should be the palace built by the royal family in Qiyao City."

Due to the assassination just now, the entire airport has been blocked, and anyone who wants to enter or leave must undergo strict inspections, and because a huge airship has been overturned, a fire has already ignited on it, and thick smoke is billowing , it looks spectacular.Jin Xiaokai looked back, and saw that the entire airport square was in a mess, and the guards suffered heavy casualties.Although only six or seven orcs came to assassinate just now, the damage caused was quite huge.

At this time, an extended high-end hovering car stopped, Senier invited Jin Xiaokai and Cheng Xue to get on the car, and then drove towards the royal palace he said.

Along the way, Senier racked his brains to find topics, trying to win a smile from the beauty, but Cheng Xue always closed his eyes and rested his mind coldly, which made Senier helpless.

Seeing Senil like this, Jin Xiaokai admired him a little bit.As a royal family, it neither puts on airs nor acts as arrogant and domineering as imagined, which is really interesting.

"Prince Senil, during the assassination process just now, do you know what the ball of light that first bombarded the airship was?" Jin Xiaokai raised the topic pretending to be interested, but in fact he did not I hope that Senier will always pester Cheng Xue.

"Ball of light?" Senil was taken aback, and said with a smile, "That should be a kind of defensive light. In fact, there are those orcs inside the ball of light. They were thrown from a very far away place."

Jin Xiaokai muttered: "I guessed it a long time ago." Then asked: "Why would someone assassinate you?"

This question is a bit presumptuous.Senil frowned slightly, and smiled: "Some people just hate peaceful life, and always create chaos on various occasions, which is convenient for them to take advantage of the fire, or to achieve some of their ulterior motives ...Of course, the specific situation is beyond my knowledge."

Jin Xiaokai knew that Senier was looking at Cheng Xue's face, so he was embarrassed to refuse to answer directly, so he used this kind of nonsense to prevaricate, feeling a little funny in his heart. "By the way, speaking of it, I also saw an orc in the city a while ago..." Jin Xiaokai faintly felt that the Dulong Gang and the Tiandihui seemed to have a certain relationship with this assassination, and it happened that they always had some feelings towards him. Hostility, it would be better to take advantage of the current situation to cause them some trouble.

Senil was taken aback for a moment, and his face gradually became a little solemn.Jin Xiaokai recounted how he saw the orc in a light manner, and Senil pondered for a while, then nodded: "Thank you very much. But I think, if these two gangs really assassinate me, then they will also kill me." It is impossible to expose such a big flaw in advance."

Jin Xiao laughed and said, "I also think it's unlikely, but it's true that they have an orc."

Not long after, the flying car has arrived at the palace.After Jin Xiaokai and Cheng Xue got out of the car, they were a little surprised. It turned out that the so-called palace was just a castle with mountains.There are already a lot of guards patrolling outside the castle, obviously due to the previous assassination incident, the security has been strengthened.

After entertaining the two of them graciously, Senil held a big banquet, but it was a pity that Cheng Xue didn't like him and never gave him a good face.Jin Xiaokai was a real treat, and he ate a lot of special dishes from Shenen Continent.After eating and drinking enough, Senil really had no excuse to stay, so he reluctantly sent Cheng Xue and Jin Xiaokai away, and repeatedly made an agreement with Jin Xiaokai: I will go to them when I have time in a few days .

Senil sent a car to take them back, and the journey was easy and fun.

After returning to Enge's house, Cheng Xue asked in a low voice, "Why don't you ask about the land or spiritual reality? Are you not in a hurry?"

Jin Xiao laughed and said, "What are you afraid of, there will be opportunities in the future."

Cheng Xue snorted, and said a little annoyed: "What on earth is he doing in Qiyao City? There are still people who directly assassinate like this... I don't think this world is much better than ours."

"A country ruled by a monarchy is nothing more than a few things. Brothers are fighting for the throne, uncles are usurping power, and I haven't heard of any country that is at war. It must be an internal problem."

Cheng Xue said indifferently: "Anyway, it's none of our business, they can make trouble as they like."

At this time in Senil's castle.

Senil sat alone in a secret room, a small crystal prism floated in front of him, and slender rays of light were projected from the crystal prism, forming an image of an old man in the air.

"Father, if I'm not lucky this time, I'm afraid I will be assassinated successfully."

The old man in the image frowned slightly, and said: "It's really outrageous to make such a big commotion this time, and it also involves the beastman in the beast world... Humph." With a trace of murderous aura, Senier's body couldn't help trembling slightly.

"Okay, you can ignore other things for now, and investigate the two things I entrusted to you-remember, it is a secret investigation, and I don't want it to be known to the world. Understand?"

Senil's forehead was sweating slightly, and he lowered his head and said, "I understand."

Seeing Senil's terrified look, the old man sighed and said in a slow tone: "Third brother, I know you are not good at doing these things, but since you were born in the royal family, you must be mentally prepared to become a royal family. And this What happens once is of great significance, and if it is not handled properly, it may cause serious trouble."

Senil raised his head with some doubts, and asked: "It's just looking for a few earth humans who came to our Tianding space, how big a storm can they cause?"

The old man said in a deep voice: "Earth humans? It is because they are Earth humans that they are in trouble. They have been confined in the wild space for tens of thousands of years, and have already forgotten all the memories of parallel dimensions, even the ancient and glorious civilizations. Do... our Tianding space is guarding the passage, and we absolutely cannot let any uncontrolled human beings in!"

Speaking of this, the old man slowed down his voice and said: "As for the reason, when you come back, you can enter the temple to find the answer, and it is not convenient to talk about it now."

Senil was stunned for a moment, and then exulted: "The temple?! Can I enter the temple?"

With a slight smile in his eyes, the old man nodded and said, "Don't forget, you are also a member of the royal family. After your affairs are over, you can go in and see for yourself when you return to the imperial city."

"Yes, yes!" Senil was trembling as he spoke.

"In addition to looking for those earth humans, there is another thing you can't relax."

"Father, I suspect that this news is false news spread by some boring people. No matter how powerful a cultivator is, the first rank is still the first rank. How can he beat a third rank cultivator?"

The old man said solemnly: "That's why you need to find out. It's hard for me to believe that such a thing will happen, but..." The old man pondered for a while, and then said: "There are some things I can tell you in advance. The records in the temple Among them, the ancient civilizations do have such warriors—they can easily break through the third-level defense with a first-level power."

Senil was shocked: "If this skill reappears, it will be terrible, and the whole world will be in chaos!"

"Indeed. So you have to be careful and take as many guards as you can."

When he heard the old man say this, Senier didn't know why, but Cheng Xue's beautiful face suddenly appeared in his heart.The old man's eyes were sharp, and he could tell at a glance that Senil was out of mind. He smiled secretly in his heart, and said nonchalantly, "When you come back, remember to bring that girl back for me to see."

Senier replied: "Yes..." Suddenly came back to his senses, his face was slightly red, and he pretended to be confused: "What girl?"

"Hahahahaha!" The old man laughed loudly, "You are my son, how can I not know what you are thinking? And your little thoughts are all on your face."

Senil rubbed his cheeks in embarrassment, and smiled, "Is it really that obvious? But...Father, I'm afraid I'm serious this time."

"Oh?" The old man suppressed his laughter and said in surprise, "Since this is the case, then I have to take a look."

"This... alright." Senil wasn't sure, but he didn't want to give up.

After disconnecting the communication, Senil leaned gently on the back of the chair and murmured, "Jin Xiaokai... What is your relationship with Cheng Xue?"


"Hah!" Jin Xiaokai and Cheng Xue sneezed at the same time, they looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, maybe someone is thinking about both of us at the same time?"

"Who knows." Jin Xiao said with a smile: "Maybe that person is missing you and cursing me at the same time."

"Who would do this?" Cheng Xue immediately came to her senses: "You mean that little boy?"

"He's a prince. Don't girls dream of having Prince Charming to pursue them?"

"It's just him?" Cheng Xue said disdainfully, "One embroidered pillow can confuse a few ignorant little girls."

"Aren't you too..." Jin Xiaokai picked up which pot he didn't open.

"Go to hell!" Cheng Xue punched Jin Xiaokai on the wall as a sticker, and said angrily, "Don't mention this again! Just wait and see, I will definitely beat him up!"


"Sneeze! Sneeze!" Senil felt that he must be sick, he kept sneezing, and even his nose flowed out.Although dizzy, Senier was still thinking about Cheng Xue. "That's great, I must take her back."

(End of this chapter)

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