my fox wife

Chapter 366 Meeting an Acquaintance

Chapter 366 Meeting an Acquaintance
Hearing this, hope was rekindled from the originally disappointed expression, and he immediately cupped Mo Tong's face with both hands.

"You little villain, you are too good at selling officials."

Mo Tong stuck out his bright red tongue, acting cute.

In fact, the Sanqing forbidden technique cannot be practiced, and she also knows this, otherwise, when she said that the Sanqing forbidden technique can make up for the seven judgments of God's punishment against the sky, she would not have a sad face, but seeing Li Dianfeng's disappointed face, she And he couldn't bear Li Dianfeng to be unhappy, so in order to make Li Dianfeng happy, he ignored everything and surprised him with a big smile.

"Brother Dianfeng, do you really want to learn?" Mo Tong raised his head and said.

"Otherwise, if you don't learn how to improve your cultivation, if you don't learn, you won't be able to ascend to the peak of purple qi to help you unseal, and you have to cure your sister-in-law's infertility, have you forgotten?" Li Dianfeng said angrily.

"Learning the forbidden technique will be dangerous..." Mo Tong worried.

"What danger?" Li Dianfeng asked.

"I don't know." Mo Tong shook his head.

"." Li Dianfeng didn't speak, and seemed to feel that Mo Tong had difficulties, "If you don't let Brother Dianfeng learn, I won't force you."

"But if you don't learn, then I will never be able to unseal the other half of the seal." Mo Tong pouted.

"Then do you let me learn or not?" Li Dianfeng was a little anxious, feeling that Mo Tong was hiding something from himself.

"Study." Mo Tong nodded earnestly, "But brother Dianfeng, you have to promise me three things."

"You said."

This girl looks very serious, and it's not easy for Li Dianfeng to be careless with her.

"I didn't think about it now, but I'll talk about it later." Mo Tong pouted her lips, looking worried. In fact, she had already thought about it, but now is not the time to say it.

This girl doesn't talk about it now, Li Dianfeng is really ups and downs caused by her, suddenly disappointed and suddenly happy.

"Oh, why are you so cute?"

He held Mo Tong's face and rubbed it gently.

Mo Tong's face was deformed by kneading, and his pink lips were pouty, looking very cute.

"Then let's go to Kunlun Mountain right away." Mo Tong grabbed Li Dianfeng's wrists and took them away.

"Now?" Li Dianfeng was a little surprised, it seemed that Mo Tong was more anxious than himself.


"Wait, you said that the universe is cut in the heart of the golden dragon in Kunlun Mountain. Is there a golden dragon in Kunlun Mountain?" Li Dianfeng asked a little puzzled.

"No, this golden dragon is Kunlun Mountain." Mo Tong explained Kunlun Mountain in detail.

It turns out that Kunlun Mountain was thousands of years ago when a thousand-foot-long golden dragon ascended to the heavens, leaving its body behind in the mortal world. The body of this golden dragon gradually became Kunlun Mountain. The heart of Kunlun Mountains.

But don't know if it's still there now.

"Kunlun Mountain is so big, do you know the heart is there?" Li Dianfeng asked.

"Of course I know, and I don't even look at who I am." Mo Tong raised his head and shivered.

In the past, when Mo Tong was shivering, Li Dianfeng would hit her, but not now, Mo Tong was so cute when she was shivering, and wanted to kiss her a few times instead.

Zuo Ziyu's challenge letter is coming soon, Li Dianfeng has no time to waste now, and hurried home with Mo Tong, set up a purple air barrier to protect Lan Zixun's body, then left Jiangnan City with Mo Tong, and flew to XZ.

Kunlun Mountain is not far from XZ. When you arrive at XZ, you can go to Kunlun Mountain after flying in the air for a while.

Anyway, I'm going to XZ. The monks in XZ have always brought me there before, so I'll go with them this time.

He took out his mobile phone and called Huang Chanchan, who answered quickly.

"Hey, Chanchan, haven't you always wanted to take me to XZ? I happen to be going to Kunlun Mountain, so I'll go with you."





"Then I'll look for you. Do you still live in the place before? I looked for you before, but you were not there after knocking on the door several times."

"I wasn't here before, come quickly, I'll wait for you." Li Dianfeng said.

Hanging up the phone, waiting at home for Huang Chanchan to come, while Mo Tong said goodbye to Lan Zi in the room, talking a lot, the little girl was sad again.

In less than half an hour, Huang Chanchan landed from the balcony in the air, dressed in white gauze, like a fairy.

Huang Chanchan was able to fly in the air, and the purple air had already entered the surface, which surprised Li Dianfeng.

"Did you enter Ziqi?" Li Dianfeng stood up in surprise and said.

"I just got off the plane to Jiangnan City." Huang Chanchan walked over from the balcony, "The lord of the Immortal Cultivation Realm summoned all the purple qi masters to go to Piaomiaoling, Longcheng. Ziqi."

"That's really congratulations." Li Dianfeng replied casually.

At this time, Huang Chanchan is no longer the coquettish and cute girl she used to be. Now she is a proud girl and a Buddhist mother.

"Actually, I accepted Ziqi and returned to Jiangnan City to bring you back." Huang Chanchan said, "I am the mother of Buddha, so I have to do this. I can't protect you because of my relationship with you."

"You don't even plan to call me Brother Dianfeng now, do you?" Li Dianfeng turned around and said.

Huang Chanchan didn't speak, but with a sad face, she sighed and said, "I'm no longer the Huang Chanchan I used to be, I can't be coquettish like the world, I have to be like a Buddha mother."

"Okay, call me Master Li from now on, and I'll call you Master Buddha Mother." Li Dianfeng's face was a little ugly.

"Don't be like this." Huang Chanchan walked over anxiously, "Brother Dianfeng~~~"

Before I could say anything later, I realized that I couldn't call Li Dianfeng like that anymore.

"Li, Master Li~~~" Huang Chanchan lowered her head.

The words Li Zhenren made Li Dianfeng tremble all over. He didn't expect Huang Chanchan to call himself that, it was so strange.

"Let's go."

Li Dianfeng looked a little bad, went into the room and pulled Mo Tong out, locked the door behind him, and left the house together.

Before leaving this time, I specially called Zhou Sixuan, Su Ying, Zhou Yaming and others one by one, lest they forget about me.

Buy a ticket and get on the plane at three o'clock in the afternoon.

On the plane, Li Dianfeng told Huang Chanchan that the murderer might be Wang Changsu.

"As long as you go to XZ and use a Buddhist instrument to check the vicious aura on your body, you will know. If there is no aura of Jiumozi in the vicious aura, it means that you are not the murderer." Huang Chanchan said.

"I can't stay in Xiaoleiyin Temple for too long, I hope you don't stop me." Li Dianfeng said.

"Now Little Leiyin Temple has the final say, and I won't waste too much of your time." Huang Chanchan said.

Afterwards, everyone remained silent and waited quietly. Li Dianfeng sat with Mo Tong in his arms and whispered.

Ten hours later, when we arrived at XZ and got off the plane, Li Dianfeng dragged Mo Tong and Huang Chanchan away from the crowded airport. Walking outside the airport, he saw a person in the crowd who shocked and dumbfounded him.

Bai Yichu and Lan Qiaoqiao walked out of the airport together~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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