Anti-Japanese Ace Agent

Chapter 198 Reselling Information

Chapter 198 Reselling Information
As soon as Wang Feng's words fell, Secretary Liu, who was standing in front of him, shuddered in fright. His hands suddenly seemed to lose consciousness. That key fell firmly to the floor, and rolled down in front of Wang Feng like a ghost.

Therefore, Wang Feng, who played by ear, immediately bent down and picked up the key from the ground.Although the key rolled and fell on the floor, it was not stained with any dust and looked very clean.But even so, Wang Feng still held it in front of his eyes, opened his mouth, and blew lightly back and forth.

"Secretary Liu, did you understand what the director told you just now? Do you need the director to repeat it to you?" Wang Feng blew the key in his hand back and forth, and then let it go. Put it into his left trouser pocket, then raised his head, looked at Secretary Liu standing in front of him who was trembling all over his body, raised his voice deliberately, and put on the official airs of a director, with a somewhat serious expression In a tone of voice, he asked word by word.

"No, there's no need, Director, Director, humble, humble, I understand everything. Wait, wait a while, when the other colleagues in the confidential room come to work, I, I will definitely understand exactly what you just said, Director. , and told them verbatim." Secretary Liu, who was so scared and ashen-faced and terrified, raised his head slowly after hearing Wang Feng's inquiry, and slightly opened his trembling upper and lower lips. , replied hesitantly.

"Since that's the case, then the director can rest assured. Secretary Li, you can take a good rest here. The director is leaving." After Wang Feng saw that Secretary Liu was frightened by his words just now, he looked out of his wits. I felt in my heart that he had achieved the effect of knocking mountains and shaking tigers this time, so he turned around and said goodbye politely.

After Wang Feng left the confidential room with vigorous steps, Secretary Liu, who was stunned in place, moved slowly step by step to his desk like a walking corpse in a daze, and sat slumped in the cold room. Get down on the chair without any heat.

At this moment, Secretary Liu looked terrified. After thinking for a while with a mournful face, he looked down at the closed drawer in the middle of the desk in front of him, and slowly stretched out a drawer. With one hand, he gently opened the drawer.

When the drawer was pulled out halfway, a golden key was suddenly found in it under several rays of sunlight.And this key was exactly the same as the one that fell from his hand just now.That is to say, at this moment, there are two keys to the door of the chief's office on the fifth floor, one is in Wang Feng's hand, and the other is lying in his drawer.

This key was assigned secretly from the outside by him, who was in charge of cleaning Director Lu Yuntian's office after he first came to the secret service as the secretary of the confidential room three years ago.Over the years, he has used this key to collect a lot of information from Lu Yuntian's office, and he has sold it out to him who is greedy for profit and has an eye for money.Due to his extremely concealed approach, the Secret Service conducted self-examination several times, but he was not found out as the instigator.

But then again, the Japanese have their own intelligence agency, which is the Mei Agency led by Ono Shinji, and generally important military intelligence is handled and transmitted by the Mei Agency.For some information that the Japanese think is not very important, it is handed over to the Secret Service for processing.

Therefore, in the eyes of people who bought information outside, the information obtained by Secretary Liu was important information, and it might be worthless in the eyes of the Japanese.This self-examination is obviously just going through the motions.Otherwise, relying on the ruthless means of the Japanese people, it would be a breeze to find Secretary Liu who had resold the information for more than three years.

Anyway, Secretary Liu just heard Wang Feng say that if anyone is found breaking into his office without permission in the future, he will be punished for "disclosing the top secrets of the Secret Service", and the punishment is to be shot on the spot.After hearing this, it was impossible for him, who had sold information behind the backs of everyone in the Secret Service for more than three years, not to be afraid.Moreover, he had already learned how powerful Wang Feng was in his previous contacts with Wang Feng, which made Secretary Liu feel even more restless.

In fact, when Secretary Liu left the confidential room to clean up in the director's office next door, he had already seen the key in the middle drawer of Secretary Liu's desk.In fact, he also thought that what was the key in Secretary Liu's drawer for? After becoming Secretary Liu, he carefully looked at the key in Secretary Liu's hand, and felt that the two keys were exactly the same. It was only then that he asked to keep the key to the director's office, and he even beat Secretary Liu.

When Wang Feng walked into Lu Yuntian's original office, he felt that the decoration was magnificent. There were many ancient calligraphy and paintings of famous people hanging on the walls, and the furnishings were also antique.This was the first time he could seriously stop and look at the layout and furnishings of the office.

After watching it for less than 3 minutes, Wang Feng felt a little strange that since Lu Yuntian had stepped down as the director of the Secret Service and rushed to the Wang puppet government of Shangjiang City to take up the post of acting director of the Education Department, then he should The only thing to do is to remove the calligraphy, paintings and furniture in this office. After all, he bought them all with his own money.

Because in Wang Feng's eyes, Lu Yuntian was just a penny-pinching miser and an iron cock, he would not hand over his favorite property to another person, let alone this person took his place.Standing in the office, Wang Feng, the more he thought about this problem, the more he couldn't figure out why Lu Yuntian would do this, and what was his purpose for doing it.

When Wang Feng, who was secretly wondering, fell into deep thought, suddenly, the closed door of the office behind him was pushed open with a "bang", and then a sarcastic soprano voice came from behind. : "Hey, Director Wang Da, didn't you live and die and refused to move to the fifth floor to work? Why did you have a wrong nerve today, and you moved in early in the morning to work. I heard from Secretary Liu in the confidential room , Director Wang Da, you have an important matter with me. Shouldn’t you discuss this important matter with Section Chief Zhao of the Intelligence Section? Today, the sun is coming out of the west, and Director Wang Da actually asked me to discuss important matters. I also ask Director Wang Da to give instructions."

(End of this chapter)

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