Anti-Japanese Ace Agent

Chapter 200 Gathering Evidence

Chapter 200 Gathering Evidence
Of course, as Wang Feng is a senior military command agent, the Morse code he typed in front of Li Xiaodan at this time is the version commonly used among senior military command agents.And Li Xiaodan, who was born as a senior agent like him, naturally listened to it with all his ears. He didn't need a code book at all, and he could understand the meaning only with his excellent sense of hearing.

But then again.Wang Feng, as a veteran underground party member, broke into the military command to operate two sets of Morse code due to work needs.One is the version used by the senior intelligence agents of the underground party, and the other is the version used by the senior agents of the military command. With dual identities, he has to change his identity from time to time, which is really difficult for him. Yes, if the version of Morse code is wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

Fortunately, over the years, Wang Feng has never made a single mistake.Based on this alone, Wang Feng felt extremely admired by his ex who had a good body.

Seeing the witty Wang Feng suddenly use the Morse code at this time, and after explaining the words clearly, Li Xiaodan also felt that she had to respond.So, she told Wang Feng all about the conversation she had with her father Li Boru last night through Morse code.

Hearing that Li Xiaodan asked him through Morse code that within two days, he must provide some evidence to prove that he was in order to protect the entire military command station from damage, so the killer used tricks to kill eight peripheral military command agents.

After Wang Feng thought about this question for a while, he said to himself: Although yesterday, I have great hopes for Li Xiaodan to be able to protect me.However, I also think that the old fox Li Boru is definitely not so easy to deceive. He is a stubborn old guy who talks about facts and evidence. A lie that sounds plausible will certainly not stand up to any scrutiny if it is not proved by evidence.

The most urgent task at the moment is to quickly produce some evidence that can be used in hand, so as to seal their eloquence.Otherwise, it will only keep me for a day or two. If it takes a long time, it will definitely arouse Li Boru's suspicion. I must hurry up and produce evidence.

When Wang Feng lowered his head and thought about it in his heart, suddenly at this moment, he and Zhang Mingyi personally interrogated the five outlying military command agents in the interrogation room on the second basement of the secret service office building. , I immediately had an idea, it can be said to be: frowning and thinking.

Wang Feng, who was at a loss just now, showed a somewhat relaxed expression at this moment, because in his opinion, thanks to the interrogation of the five guys who could not withstand the sugar-coated shells, he Zhang Mingyi and the other four members of the action team who were in charge of guarding were called, and they were asked to record the confessions of the five guys.

From this point of view, he could use the transcripts of Zhang Mingyi and his four members of the action team who were in charge of guarding at that time as conclusive evidence to prove that those five guys had indeed defected to the Secret Service.Anyway, no one will doubt where the black and white words are.

Other than that, in Wang Feng's mind, as for the other three military command agents who were rescued by him, he "framed" them because of money.Because a small stack of French currency printed and issued by the Japanese puppet government in Shangjiang City was found on the three of them, and these legal currency were numbered. The small stack of legal currency that I keep on my body is all legal currency with consecutive numbers.

In other words, the fiat currencies added together were originally together.Moreover, Wang Feng also has a record of withdrawing money from Hengdeli Bank, and he took out these fiat currencies on the first day.

Anyway, people cannot be resurrected after death, Wang Feng felt that there is no proof of death, so Wang Feng made up his mind to collect relevant evidence and hand it over to Li Xiaodan, so as to deceive Li Boru and Wu Chongren, and wash him clean. The guilt of fratricide and cannibalism continues to win their trust.

After the judge thought about it for a while, Wang Feng, whose complexion returned to normal, immediately tapped the coffee table in front of him rhythmically with the index finger of his left hand again, telling Li Xiaodan to come over at this time tomorrow morning to pick up the things he had tidied up. evidence.

Originally, Li Xiaodan was still worried about Wang Feng, but in her opinion, Wang Feng would most likely not be able to produce any evidence.Unexpectedly, at this moment, he heard the Morse code typed out by Wang Feng with his own ears, and told her to give him a day to collect all the conclusive evidence to prove his innocence and hand it to her.

Li Xiaodan, who has been staring at the Morse code issued by Wang Feng tapping the coffee table with his left index finger, found that Wang Feng's movements were very firm and powerful, and did not show any sense of tension. From her point of view, nine times out of ten, Wang Feng would produce conclusive evidence to prove that he was wronged.

After sending Li Xiaodan away, Wang Feng immediately closed the office door, leaning his back against the office door, raised his head, closed his eyes, took a deep breath of air, and then let out a long breath. Taking a deep breath, he clenched his fists tightly, thinking that this time he must be foolproof, so as not to arouse the slightest suspicion from the military commander.Otherwise, the years he sneaked into the army would be wasted in vain.

"Hey, is this Zhang Mingyi, Captain Zhang? I'm Wang Feng." Sitting on the chair inside the desk, Wang Feng immediately dialed Zhang Mingyi's internal phone, and heard the call through the earpiece. After the signal, before Zhang Mingyi on the other side of the receiver could speak, he asked first.

"Director Wang, if you have any orders, please tell me, I will do it right away." As soon as Wang Feng's voice fell, Zhang Mingyi replied respectfully from the other end of his receiver.

"Exactly, I do have something to ask you today. I hope Captain Zhang, you can actively cooperate with me. As long as you and I know about this matter, we can't let the third person know. What I said Captain Zhang, can you understand this?" After Wang Feng heard Zhang Mingyi's compliment on the other end of the receiver, he didn't care whether Zhang Mingyi was sincere or false, he hesitated for a while, and then raised his voice. , asked in a somewhat commanding tone.

"Director, I understand everything you said. No matter what it is, I will keep it secret for you, and I will definitely only tell the third person to know about the instructions of the Director." What surprised Wang Feng was , As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Mingyi answered without hesitation and resolutely from the receiver.

Seeing that Zhang Mingyi agreed so readily, Wang Feng immediately struck while the iron was hot, and then ordered into the receiver: "Okay, Captain Zhang. I will order you now, within one hour, you and the previous few days, Hand over to me all the transcripts made by your four members of the action team during the interrogation of the five arrested military commanders."

"Director, please don't worry, I promise to complete the task. Within an hour, I will hand over the records made by myself and those four brothers to you, Director." Wang Feng had just finished speaking, and the receiver From the other end came Zhang Mingyi's very straightforward reply.

(End of this chapter)

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