Anti-Japanese Ace Agent

Chapter 63 Take the initiative

Chapter 63 Take the initiative
"You, aren't you Liu Min? You, who are you? How did you get in?" Wang Feng waited after he asked the woman sitting on the sofa three to five steps away from him like a cannonball. For nearly 5 minutes, the woman did not respond.So, feeling bad, he stepped forward, quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist, pulled on the safety, pointed the gun at the woman sitting on the sofa, and asked questions one after another with some uncertainty.

"You are a big man, pointing your gun at an unarmed and weak woman, do you think this is appropriate? You have asked so many questions, which one should I answer?" Until this time, sitting Only then did the woman on the sofa speak.

Standing aside, Wang Feng listened and immediately recognized that it was not Liu Min's voice.But this voice was not unfamiliar to him, and in this short period of time, he couldn't think of matching up with the woman he knew, so he immediately put the gun back.

After a "pop", the entire living room suddenly became as bright as day.Because after Wang Feng put away the gun, he quickly walked to one side of the wall, stretched out his hand and pressed the light switch in the living room.In the blink of an eye, a large oval chandelier hanging high on the ceiling of the living room immediately emitted nearly gigabytes of light.

At this time, Wang Feng walked forward in three steps at a time. When he stood in front of and behind the couch, he took a closer look. The woman sitting on the sofa who was confident and unafraid was none other than his upline partner, Comrade Zhao Qiaoyun. .Immediately, Wang Feng's complexion turned cloudy.

"Comrade Wang Feng, do you want to know how I got into your house?" Zhao Qiaoyun stood up slowly, and asked with a slight smile at Wang Feng who was standing in front of her, whose face was blushing and then blue. road.

After seeing the silent Wang Feng nodding his head, Zhao Qiaoyun seemed to be juggling, with a hand that was empty just now, at this moment, he conjured a key from somewhere and waved it in front of Wang Feng. .

"Comrade Zhao Qiaoyun, I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have mistaken you for my fiancée Liu Min first, and then I mistakenly thought you were a strange woman who broke in, and even pulled out a gun and aimed it at you. Once the gun went off and hurt you, my crime would be serious. Here I sincerely apologize to you." As soon as Wang Feng finished speaking, he stood up straight and faced Zhao Qiaoyun, bent down and bowed, said apologetically.

Seeing Wang Feng bowing to herself, Zhao Qiaoyun quickly stepped forward, stretched out her left and right hands, and moved the bow just made

Wang Feng, who was working, was helped up, and he comforted him with understanding: "Comrade Wang Feng, what are you doing, we are all comrades in arms, I can understand what you did just now, get up quickly. "
"Okay, Comrade Zhao Qiaoyun, may I ask if you got the key in your hand from Liu Min?" Wang Feng, who stood up, took advantage of this great opportunity and asked in bewilderment.

"You're right. The key I'm holding in my hand is indeed Comrade Liu Min's. However, Comrade Wang Feng, please don't misunderstand me. I didn't steal this key from Comrade Liu Min, let alone the organization. Comrade Liu Min was forced to hand it over. It was Comrade Liu Min who took the initiative to cooperate with the organization's plan to arrange for the two of us to pretend to be lovers, and transferred this key to me through the organization." Zhao Qiaoyun watched with a smile on his face. Wang Feng, who was standing close to each other, replied seriously.

Zhao Qiaoyun, who had finished speaking, saw the worried look on Wang Feng's face who was standing opposite him, and seemed to have guessed his little thoughts, and hurriedly comforted him: "Comrade Wang Feng, please don't worry, the organization has already Send someone to escort Liu Min safely to the base area in northern Jiangsu, you can rest assured that Comrade Liu Min will be fine."
After hearing what Zhao Qiaoyun said, since Liu Min left a letter without saying goodbye last night, he has been worried about Liu Min's safety in his heart.At this time, his heart has become much more at ease.Comrade Feng
However, Wang Feng, who had calmed down, thought about it again, and felt that Zhao Qiaoyun came home so late and waited for him to return from outside. He must have important matters to discuss with him, or to convey important instructions from his superiors.

"Comrade Zhao Qiaoyun, you came to me so late, you must have something important to tell me?" Wang Feng asked tentatively after a pause.

"Comrade Wang Feng, thank you for your reminder, otherwise, I really forgot the important thing. I came here so late, I have four things to tell you. The first one is, in order not to cause the enemy agents to pay attention to Liu Min suddenly. The suspicion disappeared in the meantime, and the organization came up with a deceptive countermeasure. Two days ago, Shangjiang Normal School semi-openly organized ten female students with excellent academic performance to study in the Soviet Union for three years. Comrade Liu Min's academic performance was very low. Well, through the operation of the organization, her name is included in it. After three days, there will be newspapers reporting this matter.

"The second is that our plan to pretend to be a couple will be implemented tomorrow. I don't think I need to say more about how to pursue women. Comrade Wang Feng, I have heard about your ability in this area even though I have just arrived. There are a lot of romantic scandals about you in this regard, I will wait and see.

"The third thing is that the large batch of medicines that you handed over to the comrades in the northern Jiangsu base area who went to meet you in front of the ruined temple in Shilipo, south of the city, have been safely delivered to the territory of the northern Jiangsu base area, and have already begun to be used for the wounded." , and the effect was good. The head of the northern Jiangsu base area also said that he would ask for credit for Comrade Wang Feng!
"The fourth and most important thing is that I received yesterday that the Japanese are going to launch a new round of "hardening the walls and clearing the wilderness" in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in two to one weeks. Before launching a large-scale sweep in the area, find out the enemy's military deployment and specific plans.

"In terms of contact with the Japanese, you have a wide range of contacts. You can find some ways to inquire about it. And Hungry is in charge of the intelligence work of the Secret Service, and can basically grasp the military deployment and movements of the puppet security brigade in Shangjiang City. Let's first Let's discuss how to obtain information about the Japanese!" Zhao Qiaoyun said to Wang Feng in a serious tone.

Next, the two of them discussed for three hours until two o'clock in the morning.Seeing that it was getting late, it was not safe for Zhao Qiaoyun to go back alone, so Wang Feng forced her to stay and arranged her to rest in Liu Min's original bedroom.

Regarding the plan to assassinate Wutian, Wang Feng did not reveal a single word to Zhao Qiaoyun, because he was afraid that once the organization knew about it, they would definitely oppose him to do so.In the eyes of many people, Wang Feng is like a moth to the flame, but Wang Feng is a person who likes to find chestnuts in the flames.

However, this time Wang Feng had a good reason to deal with the Japanese. First of all, he wanted to start with Sadako Ono.If he could win the favor and love of Sadako Ono, and then Shinji Ono's trust, assassinate Takeda, and obtain the plan of the Japanese sweep, in Wang Feng's view, he could kill two birds with one stone and kill two birds with one stone.

No, the next day Wang Feng rushed to work at the Secret Service. As soon as he sat in the office, he dialed the number of Sadako Ono. Wang Feng smiled and said brazenly: "Miss Sadako, hello, I am yours Good friend Wang Feng, a few days ago I gave you the copybook I copied myself, how is your practice going? Do you need me to teach you personally? "

 The first update this morning, and the second update before ten o'clock in the evening.This book has won the 2015 Star Award [-] guarantee contract, it will not be unfinished, and will be written down seriously, please recommend, collect, reward, hook up...

(End of this chapter)

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