Young Master's Love Trap

Chapter 306 No matter what you do, you can’t abuse yourself

Chapter 306 No matter what you do, you can’t abuse yourself (6)

Mu Sheng sighed inaudibly, and said with emotion: "You two guys, after stumbling around in the end, you still have to be tied together."

It really is fate, isn't it?
When Mu Sheng thought of those six years, when Xia Zihao made himself look like a human being and a ghost, he also felt a little distressed.

Like this, will it be better?

Even though Yu Yuanyuan only has a little warmth, but she can use that little warmth to warm Xia Zihao, maybe the ending is good.

"Okay, you can just say it directly. You don't look like someone who calls in the middle of the night just to ask about your health." Mu Sheng didn't want to guess anymore, he had to force Yu Yuanyuan to speak out by herself.

Yu Yuanyuan took a deep breath, listened to the soft music played by Mu Sheng, and expressed the contradiction in her heart.


Yu Yuanyuan was startled by a sudden roar, and quickly opened her eyes, "Brother Mu, what's wrong with you?"

He was panting over there, obviously very angry, "It's okay, where are you now?"

"Summer house."

"Okay, Yuanyuan, listen to me now, go up and stop Wu Xin's behavior immediately, she is digging her own grave, hurry up."

The phone was hung up suddenly, and Yu Yuanyuan was still in a daze and did not wake up. This was the first time she had seen Brother Mu like this.

Mu Sheng has always given people the impression that he is calm and gentle, but he did not expect that
Is it?

Yu Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, but she couldn't think of so much. The most urgent thing is to go up quickly, hoping that there is still time.

Panting, she ran to the second floor and stood at the door of the room, but Yu Yuanyuan was timid, and she couldn't reach out to push the door.

What does she hope to be like?

She doesn't know herself, she feels that she is very contradictory now.

"Get out-"

Suddenly, Xia Zihao's voice came from the room, full of anger.

"I don't want it. You clearly said you love me, why are you marrying someone else now? Why don't you let me get close to you, why don't you even give me the last chance. "

Yu Yuanyuan could hear the strong accusation and despair. It seemed that Wu Xin knew the result, but she just didn't want to believe it. If she wanted to hurt herself, she might be able to accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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