The happy life of Queen Nong

Chapter 299 What do you want to mess with again?

Chapter 299 What do you want to mess with again?
"It turned out to be kerosene! It really pays off."

Xiao Lin stared at the greasy soil with a pale face.

Although he is not sure that this is what the fourteenth aunt sent someone to do it last time, but it must have something to do with them.

Because if it was an ordinary villager, they would definitely not have the guts to set fire and commit murder.

But Yang Yuanwai, not necessarily.

This person Xiao Lin has specially investigated. When he was a county magistrate in Qingtian County when he was young, he was not a good official and often misjudged cases.

In fact, this person took advantage of other people's family and deliberately misjudged it.

Otherwise, with the county magistrate's salary, how could he afford such a large fortune and marry fourteen concubines?
When he was an official, he made a lot of personal gains!

Xiao Lin snorted coldly, did not stop, and walked around here again.

Sure enough, the circle of soil near the workshop was all sprinkled with kerosene.

This person is going to burn their workshop down!
This thought is really vicious.

The workshop is everything to Qingsang, and she puts all her heart and soul into this workshop, and now, the toothpaste and raw silk are about to be sold for money, the other party's attack at this time is undoubtedly the best time, and it will definitely blow people to death.


"You said that someone sprinkled a lot of kerosene in the dirt around the wall of our workshop?"

In the room, Qing Sang was lazily leaning on the cushion, drinking brown sugar ginger tea, while Xiao Lin stood aside, telling the truth about the matter.

Although he can handle it, he should discuss with Qingsang about such a big matter.

Qingsang blinked, and giggled: "It's a violation of Yan's law to burn down houses on purpose. Who is so courageous, does he not want to live?"

Xiao Lin looked at the girl's indifferent manner of talking and laughing, and frowned, "You don't seem to be surprised by this at all, let alone angry?"

Strange thing, this girl has a bad temper, shouldn't she jump three feet high when she hears the news, and then copy a knife to find someone to settle the score?

So calm, unscientific.

Qingsang: "Ah? With you here, what am I worried about? Anyway, you will help me take care of it."

Saying that, Qingsang put down the brown sugar water she had finished drinking, turned around comfortably, and lay on her side. She was covered with a thin blanket, and she happened to show her curvy, charming and ecstatic curves in front of Xiao Lin .

Those almond eyes blinked and blinked, as if they could speak.

Xiao Lin's heart beat violently, and then he said with a cold face: "Lie flat, be careful not to leak out."


Qingsang was stunned, her brain almost froze, and then she saw the slight curvature of Xiao Lin's mouth, and she jumped into a rage.

"Xiao, Lin! Get out, get out, get out!"

Accompanying it, a pillow flew away.

Xiao Lin smiled lowly, dodging it lightly, and then the girl shouted angrily from behind: "Get out, come in, come in!"

After a while, Xiao Lin stood straight in front of Qingsang like a javelin.

"You said that the surrounding area was sprayed with kerosene?"


"So, the other party will also do it in these two days?"


"Go and invite the county magistrate, just say, we invite him to visit our workshop, and then we can taste the new toothpaste ready-made."

Xiao Lin was taken aback, what was this girl trying to mess with?
Also new toothpaste?
However, he had [-]% trust in Qingsang, and immediately responded: "Okay!"


Wow, it's 30 words, babies, shouldn't it be slaughtered?

(End of this chapter)

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