This villain is so cute

Chapter 102 His Lemon Extract Is Sweet [Strange Idea] 16

Chapter 102 His Lemon Extract Is Sweet [Strange Idea] 16
The Pagoda Temple is the royal temple of this small country, and its status is revered and prominent.

The entire temple building is exquisite and magnificent, resplendent and magnificent, and the incense is lingering endlessly.

Because there is an ancient pagoda that has been hard for a long time in the temple, it is called Baota Temple.

On the top of the pagoda, relics, a Buddhist holy object, are enshrined for the common people to look up and worship.

Originally, the pagoda temple was not paid much attention by the royal family. It was not until Jiuhua grew up that he could open the altar on his own, and the effect was very significant. Then the pagoda temple was paid more attention by the royal family.

Then, when Jiuhua was only 13 years old, he became the head of the temple, that is, the successor of the abbot, and would become the next abbot.

But in fact, if it weren't for his young age, the abbot would have given way to him.

Although the storyteller exaggerated some of his deeds, most of them were true.

For example, in terms of good weather.

This small country originally seemed to have offended the rain god. It was shrouded in rain all year round, and it was difficult to see the sun once.

Every important day, the old abbot of Baota Temple will lead his disciples to open an altar to pray for Yang.

The effect is very poor.

At that time, Jiuhua, who was only 11 years old, couldn't bear the rainy weather, so he insisted on opening the altar to practice once in person, praying for the grace of sunshine and the change of seasons.

A few hours after he finished the practice, the rain stopped and the sun came out.

The long-lost sunshine shining on the body is enough to cheer the whole country of this small country.

If everyone thinks that Qiuyang is just a coincidence, then next, Jiuhua single-handedly pulled out the group of goblins who love the rain behind him, and everyone has to be convinced and start calling him a holy monk .

The old king of the Rihui Kingdom never imagined that the perennial rain in his country did not offend some rain god, but a goblin was causing trouble!

Originally, the reason why they were called Rihui Country was because the sun in their country was very bright, and the afterglow of the sunset every day was particularly beautiful.

I don't know how many years ago, the sun was hidden in layers of dark clouds, and it was very difficult to come out once.

Everyone thought that their country had offended the rain god, and the old king even began to eat fast and chant Buddha, praying sincerely for the rain to dissipate as soon as possible.

When he learned that the goblin behind the scene turned out to be a favored concubine of the old king, the old king was frightened to death on the spot.

I'm not exaggerating, I was really scared to death.

It was probably because he thought that he had slept with a goblin for countless nights, and he couldn't bear the fear in his heart, and he was in poor health as he got older, so he was so frightened to death.

Next, all the goblins who caused trouble were wiped out by Jiuhua, and the Rihui Kingdom finally returned to the sunny days.

After the new young king ascended the throne, he wisely attached great importance to Jiuhua, and also called him a holy monk. The pagoda temple was honored, the status rose, and more and more people worshiped the Buddha devoutly.

After the reputation of the holy monk Jiuhua was revealed, no goblin dared to come out and act presumptuously.

Those goblins either moved away from Rihui Country, or kept a low profile with their tails between their legs, and didn't dare to put their heads on.

As for asking for a child and marriage...

Jiuhua's hand, which was knocking on the wooden fish, suddenly stopped and missed two knocks.

Then, continue to knock on the wooden fish steadily and rhythmically.

However, this was just a habitual action. Although Jiuhua's face remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, he was actually distracted.

He has never tried such a thing as begging for a son or marriage for a pilgrim. This is a business he has always resisted.

Therefore, in the 18 years since he was a monk since he was a child, he has never been in contact with this business, and it has always been done by the master abbot.

In his heart, it seemed that he had always had a very strange idea.

That is……

He himself has no children and no marriage, why should he beg for others?
Every time this thought comes together, he has the urge to throw the wooden fish off.

He always felt in the dark that he didn't live to be merciful and to save all sentient beings, but...

But... looking for a wife?
Whenever this idea popped up, Jiuhua would keep knocking on the wooden fish and chant scriptures: "Amitabha..."

A monk should see through the red dust, keep the six senses pure, and abide by the five precepts and ten good deeds.

Besides, he is still the candidate for the next abbot, so he should not return to vulgarity easily.


After Shi Qing stayed in Rihui Country for a month, he already got to know Jiu Hua to a great extent.

Oh, he is a very good-looking monk who can catch monsters.

Other than that, there is nothing special, just like an ordinary monk, eating fast, reciting Buddhist scriptures every day, really makes Shi Qing a little disappointed.

However, after the ceremony ended that day, she never saw Jiuhua again, because he never left the temple again.

The understanding of him is also heard from the majority of the population.

Shi Qing felt that it was time for her to get in touch with him, to peep into his inner world, and see if she could find out what his soul wanted to do when he came out.

In a moonless night with few stars and the stillness of the night, Shi Qing turned back into a little lemon and flew into the pagoda temple silently.

The monks have a regular schedule, go to bed early and get up early, and in the middle of the night, they don't even see a monk walking around.

All of them slept peacefully, as if the monk Jiuhua was in the temple, so they could sit back and relax.

Shi Qing quickly found the courtyard where Jiuhua lived, flew into his bedroom, and saw him lying flat on the bed, sleeping well.

Shi Qing didn't think much, and turned into a wisp of white smoke and sneaked into his dream.

She didn't expect his dream to be completely dark.

It's not what she thinks, it should be a dream full of Buddha's light, bright and full of hope.

In the endless darkness, she bumped into someone.

Then, the dream began to get a little brighter, allowing her to see clearly the face of the person she bumped into.

Don't forget!

She almost blurted out, calling out the name.

But when she saw that this person had no hair, she woke up instantly. This person, he is now Jiuhua.

The face is exactly the same, but the temperament is very different.

Seeing her, Jiuhua showed no expression, just sat down cross-legged, suddenly a string of Buddhist beads and a wooden fish appeared in his hand.

With his eyes closed, he turned the beads and began to knock on the wooden fish to chant sutras.

Shi Qing circled around him, and couldn't help but click her tongue.

This man recites scriptures during the day and at night, even in his dreams. It seems that he really likes being a monk!

Shi Qing's mind also began to think quickly, when Chao Heng's soul returns and wakes up in the future, will he not want to be the suzerain, but become a monk instead?

Well, what should she do?
In short, she was sure in her heart that Mo Wang was one of Chao Heng's souls, and she planned to capture his soul.

After Chao Heng wakes up, if he can possess the memory of these two souls, he will not be able to escape from her palm, and he will definitely love her badly, and then the two of them will live a life without shame and rashness together.

If you can't remember...

Then encourage him to become a monk and become a monk!

Thinking about it this way, Shi Qing suddenly felt that this was pretty good too.

Chao Heng became a monk to become a monk, away from the hero Mu Wencheng, so there is no reason to continue to be a villain, right?

Then her task here is completed, go directly to task 5, and forget him together.

 Putou: the meaning of appearing and showing up.

  Some babies say that I have less today, so let's add another chapter.

  This book has been updated for almost two months. There are many familiar babies who vote for recommendations every day. I am touched. It is great to have you! ^_^

(End of this chapter)

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