This villain is so cute

Chapter 118 His Lemon Essence Is Sweet [Encounter Zhou Yan] 32

Chapter 118 His Lemon Essence Is Sweet [Encounter Zhou Yan] 32
The reason why Mu Wencheng searched for a long time, but couldn't find Chao Heng, was because he followed Shi Qing back to Rihui Country, which is far away from Yongzheng Mountain, and returned to their cabin.

Rihui Country is far away from Yongzheng Mountain and Wangyao Mountain. There are not so many disturbances. It is indeed a good place for seclusion.

Back at the wooden house, when Shi lightly raised his hand and waved, the whole wooden house immediately became spotless, shiny and clean.

Then, she looked at the man behind her leisurely, tilted her head and asked him: "Do you think I should call you Mo Wang now, or Jiu Hua, or Chao Heng?"

Relying on his own desperate tossing, a man with three names in this plane is really too beautiful.

Yan Yi looked down at her with a warm and clean smile: "Actually, you can still call me Yan Yi."

Shi Qing was silent for a while.

Yan Yi.

For some reason, when she heard this name, the feeling of emptiness in her heart was instantly filled.

"Alright, Yan Yi, the rest of your life belongs to me!"

Shi patted his shoulder lightly, announcing the relationship between the two domineeringly.

Next, the two got married, and none of the things Jiuhua bought for the marriage was wasted.

The life after marriage is simple and comfortable every day, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, without worries.

Shi Qing's wooden badge for identifying her identity in Yaozu is already in her hand.

It was Yan Yi who exchanged his self-destructive cultivation base from Mo Qing, the Queen of Ten Thousand Monsters.

At that time, after Yan Yi woke up, he went to see Mo Qing.

With Shiqing behind his back, Jiuhua quietly nodded to Mo Qing, which meant that he was willing to accept Mo Qing's threat and make a deal with her.

He wanted to get back Shiqing's wooden token, and he couldn't let her life be in the hands of others.

And Mo Qing saw that he was so infatuated with a goblin and was willing to give up everything, so she didn't want his life, but asked him to abolish all his cultivation and not to hurt any goblin from her goblin clan again.

Yan Yi agreed, anyway, he and Shi Qing had more than just this life.

He doesn't need to cultivate immortality, or he doesn't need to live forever, he just wants to spend this life peacefully with Shi Qing.

And the premise of this peaceful life is that Shi Qing's life cannot be threatened in any way.

Mo Qing also agreed, and gave Shi Qing's wooden sign to him, but did not kill him.

For her, the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons, as long as Chao Heng is no longer a threat to their demon clan, he is like a passer-by, so she doesn't bother to take another look.

For Yan Yi's choice and contribution, Shi Qing silently accepted it, never saying that he was stupid.

She thought that if it were her, she would make the same choice.

Who told the heroine of the plane not to die, otherwise, if she wanted to get the wooden token back, she would just grab it.

For example, by enlarging the hairpin, smashing Mo Qing, the peony flower demon, and taking the position of the demon king, it is simple and crude, but very effective.

But now, we can only accept the reality.

half year later--

During the Fifteenth Lantern Festival in Rihui Country, Shi Qing and Yan Yi rarely come out of the forest to join in the fun.

There were a lot of people at the Lantern Festival, men, women and children, walking side by side, Yan Yi protected Shi Qing with his arms, walked very slowly, and was accidentally bumped into by a person walking beside him.

"I'm sorry..." The man subconsciously apologized, but after seeing their faces clearly, he immediately widened his eyes, "You, you, you, you..."

His gaze alternated back and forth between Shi Qing and Yan Yi, but he still couldn't say a complete sentence.

Yan Yi knew what he wanted to say, so he took an oath of sovereignty, hugged Shi Qing tightly, and said with a smile: "My lord, long time no see, how are you?"

"Jiuhua, you, you, you..." Zhou Yan's eyes were still wide open, unable to react for a long time.

Oh my god, he is a majestic king, but he was tricked by Jiuhua!

Zhou Yan immediately recalled that at the beginning, he took a portrait and went to Jiuhua to count the marriage.

Now, accidentally bumping into Jiuhua hugging the woman in the portrait, Zhou Yan feels that he understands everything!
What does it mean that he has nothing to do with this woman, and let him leave a portrait, otherwise it will cause trouble, is it all fake?
Jiuhua obviously also fell in love with the woman in the portrait, so he tricked him into giving up, and then he went out of his way to pursue her!
Ouch, my heart hurts so much, why should I let him know the truth.

After Zhou Yan reacted, Yan Yi and Shi Qing had already disappeared into the sea of ​​people with smirks.

Zhou Yan clutched his chest, resisting the urge to vomit blood, and summoned a guard who pretended to be a commoner to protect him.

Panting heavily, he leaned weakly on the guard's shoulder as if he was deeply shocked.

With the help of the guards, Zhou Yan told him: "Hurry up, King Fugu returns to the palace! The routine outside the palace is too deep, and the lonely king can't move anymore."

"..." The guard's face was loyal, but he was actually crying in his heart.

God, the king is so heavy!
The whole person was leaning on him, and he couldn't walk anymore. Can you call someone to help?


Walking in the crowd, Shi chuckled and said to Yan Yi: "Is that the king just now? He once approached me and said he wanted to make friends with me, but I said he was too old and had a generation gap, so I didn't agree. he."

"Really." The corner of Yan Yi's mouth was raised, but there was a hint of danger in his eyes, "He also went to the Pagoda Temple to find me, and wanted me to help him calculate the marriage between you and him."

Shi Qing suddenly became interested: "Huh? Then how did you tell him?"

"I said, there is no relationship between you, tell him to stay away from you, otherwise he will cause trouble."

Yan Yi speaks very slowly and calmly, which is in stark contrast to Zhou Yan who seems to be in a hurry and needs the guards to help him back to the palace.

Shi Qing frowned: "Oh, didn't you just tell him that I'm a goblin?"

"No, I didn't say that."

"Otherwise, how can there be disasters if you approach me?"

"This is because...if he dares to approach you, I will never let him go."

At the moment when Yan Yi's voice fell, Shi Qing felt that she heard her heartbeat again!
Ah, this man is boring and tricky, but she just likes it~
"Yanyi, I don't want to go shopping anymore, let's go back."

Shi Qing hugged the man's arm, raised her head and looked at him with a sweet smile, her beautiful eyes were dotted with stars, making people unable to move their eyes away.

Yan Yi concealed the obsession in his eyes, kept smiling and said: "But, we just came out not long ago, do we really have to go back so sleep?"

Shi Qing looked at the surrounding lanterns, maybe she was older psychologically, she really didn't think there was anything interesting about them.

So she nodded: "Well, I think listening to you tell your previous stories is much more interesting than visiting this Lantern Festival."

Just go back and tell the story?
The smile on the corners of Yan Yi's lips deepened, and his tone was so gentle that one could indulge in it, "Okay, it's all up to you."

 Zhou Yan: Pfft (vomiting blood), so I am a humble tool person!Strongly request that after the scene is over, add chicken legs to me!
  Author: No problem, one hundred chicken legs, arrange!
  (The update is late, because I accidentally fell asleep, oh~)

(End of this chapter)

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