This villain is so cute

Chapter 120 She, Holding the Male Lead Script [More Systems] 1

Chapter 120 She, Holding the Male Lead Script [More Systems] 1
The two have only lived in this log cabin for 20 years in total.

Now Yan Yi is only in his early forties, his hair has not yet turned white, but his actual age is very high, and he has reached the end of his life by this day.

Shi Qing didn't want to move anymore, and kept holding him like this, maintaining this posture.

Until I don't know how long it took, the two of them became two bones of the dead.

Not long after, Mu Wencheng finally found here.

Looking at the two bones on the bamboo chair that they were sitting on, Mu Wencheng was sluggish in the wind for a long time.

He thought that seeing Chao Heng not doing well would make him feel relieved.

But now, his intuition told him that Chao Heng had become one of the bones in front of him, but he had mixed feelings in his heart.

He suddenly felt that the reason he persisted in finding this place was actually to deal with the affairs of Chao Heng after his death!
In the cabin, while sorting out their relics, Mu Wenchengzhi found a treasured picture scroll and a cracked wooden sign.

Other than that, there were actually no relics that could be buried with their two bones.

Mu Wencheng looked at the inscription on the wooden sign: Shi Qing, the one hundred thousand and one goblin, became proficient in...

He didn't look any further.

He also couldn't believe that Chao Heng, who had conquered countless demons and exterminated demons, would give up all his honor for a goblin.

Mu Wencheng then curiously opened the scroll, on which was a portrait of a beautiful woman.

Beauty misleads people.

These four words suddenly flashed in his mind.

Then, the face of the Wan Yao Queen flashed past.

My heart is extremely complicated.

After putting in the picture scroll and wooden plaque and burying the two bones together, Mu Wencheng left.

After many years, Mu Wencheng finally became the suzerain of the First Immortal Sect as he wished.

I was very lonely in my heart, but he could bear it!

Mission 5 starts, Shi Qing wakes up in a gorgeous princess room.

There is no memory of the previous planes in her mind, and her heart seems to be empty, which makes her feel unreliable.

She got out of bed and opened the curtains.

Warm sunlight came in through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking down, there was an endless sea of ​​flowers, like a dream, which made her feel much better.

This is a very large manor, and she must have an unusual status to live here.

Shi Qing was trying to find out what role she was now, but found that there was an extra system in her mind!

Soon, the mechanical sound of the system sounded in my mind:

[Host, hello, I am the villain strategy system, and I only serve the villains wholeheartedly. I hope we can cooperate happily! 】

Shi Qing: "..."

Hey, what the hell is it that you only serve the villain?

Obviously it is the system in her mind, why not serve her?
Shi Qing seriously suspects that this is a system made by the villain himself!

However, Shi Qing accepted it calmly, and asked in his mind: "Oh, hello little system, what do I need to do then?"

She knew that this was a system of plane roles, which belonged to her current role.

It has nothing to do with her task of sending warmth to the villain.

In other words, she has two tasks on this plane, one is her own task and the other is a system task.

As long as it doesn't affect her to do her own tasks, Shi Qing thinks it doesn't matter if she has one more system task, since it's all about the villain anyway.

Thinking of this, Shi Qingbing heard the system reply: [Host, your mission is to capture the villain and get his heart and soul!As long as the villain's true love for you reaches 100%, it means the strategy is successful! 】

"If it succeeds, what benefits can I get?" Shi Qing asked casually, but she didn't really care much in her heart.

She felt that with her identity in this plane, she must have everything.

The system emphasized exaggeratedly: [Host, if you succeed, you can get the villain's heart and soul!Our villain is super handsome, you will know it when you see it, it is definitely worth having! 】

"Hehehe, it sounds good." Shi Qing said without distraction.

She kept looking at the sea of ​​flowers downstairs, wondering what other flowers could be planted there.

The system's words continued: [Yeah!While we are doing the main mission, we will occasionally randomly trigger some simple small missions to increase the villain's true love value, which needs to be completed by you, the host, and let you know in advance, okay. 】

It's a small system, Shi Qing thinks it's a bit cute.

"Then what if I can't finish it?" She raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.

[Erase, start again!Until the host is completed, oh, huh, huh. 】

"Hehehe." Shi smiled dryly.

What a domineering system!

[Host, can you accept the original plot now? 】

The small system is a bit overbearing, but it is still quite humane, and I know to ask her beforehand.

Shi smiled lightly, and responded to it in his heart: "No need, I know everything."

When she entered this plane, the original plot was already stored in her mind, so she didn't need a system to travel through the three thousand worlds.

[Uh...] The small system got stuck at this moment.

The original plot that was about to be transmitted was abruptly taken back.

It thought, the host it bound this time must be a big boss, and it would definitely be able to successfully complete the task of capturing the villain!

So it changed its name in a doggy way: [Boss, let's go to the task quickly, the villain needs you~]

Shi Qing walked back to the bed, picked up the phone and looked at the time: "It's only eight o'clock in the morning, it's so early, you let me take a rest."

Shi Qing wanted to jump back to the soft and comfortable big bed to sleep, but the system became anxious.

[It's getting late, boss!The villain is going to get engaged to the heroine at the hotel at noon today, but the heroine refused the engagement on the spot and ran away. The villain needs you to rush to the rescue!Go save face for him! 】

Shi Qing listened, no sleepiness at all, "Okay, I'll go right away!"

Here's the chance to give the villain some warmth!


The original plot of this world is a little bit complicated.

Because of the plot in this plane, there are a total of three lives.

In the first life, the heroine He Qiuxue was a pitiful little girl who was oppressed by her stepmother and step-sister since she was a child. She was not favored at home and was forcibly arranged to be engaged to the villain Shen Yongxu.

Who is Shen Yongxu?
Isn't he just a well-known devil incarnation!

He was ignorant and incompetent since he was a child, like a bully, relying on his family's power and influence, he was defiant, reckless and arrogant, seeing who disliked him, but he dared to punish him to death!

He Qiuxue knew him, at first she thought he was so handsome and had a nice voice, but ever since she accidentally saw him beating a man to death, she just wanted to stay away from this man!

Those scarlet eyes and bloody fists made her feel terrified every time she recalled them.

He Qiuxue has no doubts at all, if marrying such a terrifying man, if he doesn't like it in any way, he will be beaten to death directly by him!

(End of this chapter)

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