This villain is so cute

Chapter 126 She, Holding the Male Lead Script [If According to Seniority] 7

Chapter 126 She, Holding the Male Lead Script [If According to Seniority] 7
Shen Yongxu was obviously taken aback.

Seemingly not understanding what he did wrong, Shi Qing suddenly wanted to look at him with this look.

That handsome face was particularly innocent, "Why, what's the matter?"

Hearing the voice, he seemed to be a little frightened.

Shi Qingyi suppressed the urge in his heart to beat him up, and said in a friendly manner as much as possible: "Shen Yongxu, you should go back to your own home next, right?"

The warning in the eyes is very obvious.

On the side of the road, the light of the street lamps converged into dots in Shen Yongxu's eyes, his eyes were very bright, and he smiled inexplicably when he heard Shi Qing's words.

"Well, my car will be here soon."

Hearing what Shen Yongxu said, Shi Qing was a little more satisfied.

He told the system in his heart: "Little system, you made a mistake just now! Listen, he said he was going back to his home."

The meaning is obvious, she doesn't want to do this task.

It's not like he doesn't have a home to go back to!


Okay, it will test again now to let the boss know, don't question its small system, so it won't make any detection errors!
However, when the system was full of confidence and tested Shen Yongxu from the air, it found——


It is not detectable that Shen Yongxu has any strong needs at present.

As if what it detected just now, he wanted to go back to her house with Shi Qing, but it was actually an illusion.

The villain's strong demand actually refers to the villain's very strong desire, idea or thought that he wants to realize, which is so strong that it can be easily detected by the system, and then the corresponding random task is formulated for the villain, and it is mandatory to hand over to the villain. The host to help complete.

As for those less strong needs in the villain's heart, it cannot detect them, after all, it cannot pry into the villain's heart.

But, the villain's strong demand just now, how can it be gone if it's gone?
The system does not give up.

It wasn't until it was re-tested five or six times that it completely wilted and was deeply shocked.

Since it's really undetectable now, the villain doesn't have any strong needs now.

The system pitifully and truthfully reflected: 【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooever 】

When I listened lightly, I felt miraculous. Can this be cancelled?
Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he asked the system in his heart: "Then, is this mission corresponding and must be canceled as well?"

The system whimpered: [Yes, that's right. 】

Everything is dominated by the villain. If he changes his mind, the system will have to modify or cancel the tasks set for the host.

So it goes into action.

Shi Qing listened to the voice of "The random mission has been cancelled" in his head, lowered his head and smiled softly.

Very good, she knows how to avoid these tasks in the future.

Not long after, the car to pick up Shen Yongxu arrived.

The driver got down and opened the door for him.

Shen Yongxu looked at Shi Qing, thought for a while, and finally said goodbye to her, and calmly got into the black luxury car driven by his driver.

Because this section of the road cannot be parked for a long time.

He had already spotted a traffic policeman approaching them, ahem.

If you want to win the approval of the Ye family, you must start by being a good citizen who abides by the law and abide by the law.

I can no longer be like the self in my memory, bullying others or something.

Although those things were not done by him, they were also done by his name. The notoriety still hangs on his head and has a great influence on him.

Shi Qing saw that after Shen Yongxu got into the car, the car immediately sped away, blended into the traffic in a blink of an eye, and soon he couldn't see the rear of his car.

Immediately afterwards, the light car that came to pick him up also arrived.

It is a white car that looks very elegant. The lines of the body are exquisite and smooth. The reflections on the surface of the car look very delicate, and the price is everywhere.

After Shi Qing got into the car, she thought she should change to a red one, she wanted a more domineering one, which was in line with her inner character.


Shen house.

It was past midnight and the lights were still on in the house.

Shen Yongxu opened the door and went in, and found a pair of eyes in the living room, staring straight at him, as if waiting for him to come back, and then gave an explanation.

This made Shen Yongxu a little guilty.

When something like that happened at the engagement banquet during the day, he ran away and asked his parents to deal with the aftermath. It was indeed his fault.

"Dad, I'm back, where is my mother?"

He said hello in a calm voice, and then sat down on the single sofa next to him.

Master Shen deliberately looked at the watch on his wrist, and then looked at him expressionlessly: "Your mother can't stay up late, I let her go to bed first. Hmph, we thought that you will live in Ye's house from now on and won't come back It's over."


It was difficult for Shen Yongxu to answer the question.

Because he did have this idea, but he died soon.

But Ye Shiqing's reputation, he still has to maintain.

He said with a serious face: "Dad, Shi Qing is a self-respecting, self-loving, clean girl. She won't let me live in her house before marriage. You can't say that again in the future. It will damage her reputation."

Patriarch Shen actually laughed, because he caught a piece of information that made him laugh.

"Before marriage? So, are you serious and plan to get married?"

Tsk tsk, when his son fell in love with someone, he, the father, didn't even know it.

Hidden so deep!

Shen Yongxu did not answer.

But the face is clearly asking: otherwise.

Patriarch Shen was silent for a long time, and finally said in a deep tone: "Actually, according to seniority, you are of the same generation as her nephew, and I am of the same generation as her brother, so you should also call her aunt."

He can't call his elder brother his brother, and his son can also call his elder brother his brother, right?

Isn't this seniority messed up?
"Also, will the elders of the Ye family agree with your matter?"

After Patriarch Shen finished asking, his answer was already written on his face.

Tsk, definitely not yet.

It is estimated that there is still strong opposition.

"..." Shen Yongxu was silent this time.


You are right, the elders of the Ye family were indeed very opposed.

The next day, before noon, Shi Qing received a call from her brother.

He told her to go back to the old house today. After her parents knew about her glorious deeds yesterday, they were already crying with anger and needed her to go back to comfort them.


One of them is over 70 years old, and the other is over 60 years old. Can they recover from crying?
Shi Qing didn't dare to delay, and left immediately after hanging up the phone.

She thought helplessly in her heart, alas, trouble is coming after all, she probably won't have a clean life.

When she was sitting in the car, she felt bored, so she asked the system in her heart: "Little system, what is Shen Yongxu doing now?"

The system was silent, and chose a more respectable answer: [Boss, he is now in their family's industrial park. 】

It can only remotely monitor the location of the villain, but cannot know what the villain is doing. It has really tried its best...

(End of this chapter)

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