This villain is so cute

Chapter 130 She, Holding the Male Lead Script [Once Known] 11

Chapter 130 She, Holding the Male Lead Script [Once Known] 11
The next morning, Shi Qing was woken up by the system.

The system is very loud: [Boss, it's bad, the villain is in danger now, you need to save him quickly! 】

When Shi Qing listened, he lost all sleepiness immediately, "Give me the location."

She got up quickly, worried that Shen Yongxu would suffer.

It's strange, obviously he is the most dangerous villain, the one who suffers can only be others, and Shi Qing is still worried about him.

The system still yelled loudly: [Boss, he is just outside the main gate of our manor! 】

As for the others, such as what danger the villain encountered, it is unknown.

It can sense that the villain is in danger, and it has done its best.

"What?" Shi Qing's movements of dressing slightly paused, outside the gate of her house, where did the danger come from?


The system tightly shut its mouth and stopped making any sound.

Because it doesn't know, so it can't answer the boss's question.

Fortunately, Shi Qing didn't show an expression of "what's the use of your system" throughout the whole process.

This makes the system happy.

Recalling some of the hosts it was bound to before, I despise it very much, always saying it is useless, huh.

Here at the boss, it has finally regained some self-confidence, and feels that its life is full of hope!
After Shi Qing changed her clothes and finished washing, she didn't even bother to eat breakfast, so she went out.

The manor is very big, and it takes at least 10 minutes to walk out. Shi Qing chose to drive out from the indoor garage.

She drove the car very fast, as if in the blink of an eye, she arrived at the gate.

Through the car window, two men could be seen confronting each other in the open space ahead.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Shen Yongxu and Ye Rongxin.

These two people are about the same height, and they are both handsome men. Standing together is very eye-catching, if the two of them don't look like they can fight at any time.

Seeing that they are all my own people, I am relaxed and not nervous, and I feel relaxed.

She got out of the car calmly, and when the two of them were ready to do something, she stood between them and separated them.

Then, each glanced at them.

In order to ease the atmosphere, she asked in a relaxed tone: "You two, what are you doing here? Why didn't you notify me when you came, and didn't go in to find me?"

Ye Rongxin had a cold face, and his eyes were cold: "Auntie, this is a matter between me and him, it has nothing to do with you, you should get out of the way quickly, go back to the manor and don't come out!"

"Huh? It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, can you order aunt?" Shi Qing raised her eyes and looked at him.

Suddenly, Ye Rongxin felt different from what he saw yesterday.

"..." Ye Rongxin choked.

Indeed, he is a junior and cannot order his aunt.

"But, aunt, Shen Yongxu is not a good person, you can't be with him, he will hurt you!"

Noticing the mischief in Ye Rongxin's eyes, Shi Qing felt more and more that compared with yesterday, he was really different.

Yesterday's Ye Rongxin was at most arrogant, his eyes were still very pure, he didn't object very much when mentioning Shen Yongxu, and he didn't have the feeling of wanting to kill someone like now.

However, she hadn't waited for her to think about it.

Shen Yongxu took her hand, stood behind her, and assured her seriously: "No, Shi Qing, I will never hurt you."

Hearing this, Shi Qing focused his attention on Shen Yongxu.

Seeing his face, Shi Qing inexplicably trusts him.

If it wasn't for his own control, he even wanted to touch his face with his hands.

She nodded and comforted him softly: "Well, I know."

It seems that because of understanding her attitude, Shen Yongxu began to complain: "I don't know why, I came out of the house, and he followed me all the way, and I couldn't shake him off, and then he wanted to hit me when I got out of the car."

"..." Seeing him hiding behind Shi Qing, Ye Rongxin gritted his teeth angrily, "Shen Yongxu, why did you become so cowardly? Are you still a man?"

After fighting with him for so many years, what about the momentum of dying with him?Where did it go?

"I warn you, stay away from my aunt, ah—"

However, as soon as Ye Rongxin said this, his head was knocked gently by a white and tender hand.

"Why, have you forgotten all the things we said last night?" Shi Qing had a serious face, pretending to be displeased.

In fact, Ye Rongxin's expression has been kept in his eyes.

"Last night—" Ye Rongxin rubbed the place on his head where he was knocked, and frowned, "Forget it, pretend I haven't been here before!"

Throwing down these words, he turned around, walked out quickly, got into a car not far away, and walked away without stopping.

Ye Rongxin turned around too quickly, Shi Qing didn't notice anything from his face, but he still felt strange in his heart.

She could only ask the man next to her, "Shen Yongxu, why did you come here? What did my nephew tell you just now?"

Shen Yongxu thought for a while, then lowered his eyes and replied: "He just warned me to stay away from you, and I resolutely refused to agree to him, so he got angry and wanted to fight me."

After listening, Shi Qing was even more puzzled, why Ye Rongxin's opinion of Shen Yongxu became so big after only one night.

Seeing that Shi Qing's thoughts were not on him at the moment, Shen Yongxu shook her hand and drew her attention back, with a smile in his eyes: "Shi Qing, can I go in and visit your home?"

Shi Qing thought for a while, then nodded with a smile: "Yes, come in and have breakfast together."

Then, the two got into the car and entered the two-story villa in the manor together.

As for Ye Rongxin, Shi Qing thought, as the hero, he has a shining halo on his head, so there is no need to worry about him.

Breakfast prepared by the nanny at home.

The nanny saw that the host's house had guests, and she seemed to have an unusual relationship, so she prepared a hearty breakfast.

Shen Yongxu was not actually hungry, but he also sat down and ate with Shi Qing.

At the dining table, the two ate quietly without speaking, but without any sense of restraint.

Until, Shen Yongxu suddenly stretched out his hand, took away the corn kernels sticking to the corner of Shiqing's mouth, and naturally put them into his own mouth, chewed and swallowed.

Shi Qing was stunned, looking at him incredulously, there was still the feeling of his fingertips touching her lips.

The numb feeling made her face feel a little hot.

"Shen Yongxu, did the two of us... know each other before?" She couldn't help asking.

Shen Yongxu was silent for a long while, then shook his head: "Didn't we just meet yesterday?"

Shi Qing had obvious disbelief on his face, and asked him: "Then why were you silent just now?"

"...Uh, I was wondering if we really knew each other before, but it turned out that we didn't."


Shi Qing looked back and continued to eat breakfast.

It seems that he accepted his statement, but in his heart...

Hehe, I think Shen Yongxu's acting skills are really bad.

 In order to make it easier for the babies to follow up on updates, I decided to set an update time, and I will update on time at 8 o'clock every night in the future, with a guarantee of two chapters and one update at a time.

  If the inspiration is good and the writing is smooth, there will be more updates.

  ps: With your encouragement, my inspiration will be better, hehe.

  I love you guys~
(End of this chapter)

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