This villain is so cute

Chapter 167 Young people, get to know each other 1

Chapter 167 Young man, let's get to know each other
"Okay." Shi lightly turned on the phone.

While waiting for the boot process, the two found a seat and sat down together.

Yan Yi has an extra black mobile phone in his hand, which is exactly the same as the one in Shi Qing's hand, but the color is different, and it also looks like a new one.

Seeing this, Shi Qing felt that she seemed to have discovered this guy's little thoughts.

After turning on the phone, Shi Qing also found that her phone already had a SIM card in it, and the popular and frequently used software had already been downloaded, which made her feel that boys can be caring.

Next, under Yan Yi's guidance, she discovered that boys can be more caring.

Yan Yi's family's number was saved in the phone's address book, and he added a capital A to his own name, making it the first in the address book.

He said: "This is my private number. If you want me, call this number. If you can't find me, call my mother or my father."

Yan Yi has already applied for a new account for her to log in to several commonly used social software, all of which were only added by him.

Yan Yi's guilty conscience just now is here.

"Shi Qing, do you mind if I make such an assertion and help you register an account?"

Facing the young man's slightly cautious question, Shi Qing returned him with a bright smile: "I don't mind at all, I just think you are so caring!"

As for the account, as long as you can chat anyway, it doesn't matter, she doesn't care about those details, just change her nickname and profile picture.

The stone in Yan Yi's heart fell.

In the end, he said: "Then we've made an agreement and keep in touch every day."

Shi lightly nodded: "Well, it should be fine."

"Shi Qing, I shouldn't."

"As you said, if you can't contact me, you can also contact my parents."

"..." Yan Yi choked, he couldn't refute what he said.


The next morning, the opposite door was completely locked again.

People go to the empty room, leaving only a bunch of indelible memories.

Shi Qing squatted on the threshold of his home, looked at the cold stainless steel anti-theft door opposite, and wished Yan Yi and his family a smooth journey and arrived in City A safely in his heart.

In a few days, Shi Qing also needs to leave home and go to the experimental middle school in the city to study.

From their small town to Yingzhou City, it takes two hours to go back and forth by car, so after studying in the city, it is impossible to return to the town every day.

When Shi Qing was packing her luggage, she was thinking that the graduates of the Experimental Primary School can directly enter the Experimental Middle School, so in the middle school, will she meet Li Yuyin again?
After arriving at school, Shi Qing soon had an answer: no.

Not only was there no girl Li Ruyin in the first grade of junior high school, Shi Qing asked many classmates who had been promoted from the original experimental primary school, and they either said they didn't know Li Ruyin, or that Li Ruyin hadn't seen her since she transferred to another school in the fourth grade.

Shi Qing really didn't expect it to be like this.

She thought that she would be able to meet Li Muyin here, and then ask what Li Muyin meant when she said she was mediocre.

It's a pity in Shi Qing's heart, she has no acquaintances here.

Because in the elementary school she graduated from, she was admitted to this experimental middle school like her, and her parents were willing to pay to sign up. In addition, there were only three of her, and the other two were boys, so it was basically impossible to get along with a girl like her. of.

But having said that, the registration fee for Experimental Middle School is really expensive for this not-so-rich area.

Since the school is private and does not participate in the nine-year compulsory education, the optical fee for one semester is more than 1.

It is estimated that it will cost more than [-] yuan a semester to pay for other expenses. Ordinary families with many children are not willing to pay this wronged money.

After all, studying in a public middle school in the town not only allows you to waive tuition and miscellaneous fees, but also allows you to go home every day, and even the accommodation and food expenses are waived. After three years of junior high school, it is estimated that a child will spend less than 2 yuan in school. .

How cost-effective, a comparison will know.

Fortunately, Shiqing is an only child. If she had more siblings, with her parents' salary of less than 1 yuan a month, she might not be willing to send her to read this expensive book.


After school started on September [-]st, due to the school's reasons, the first-year junior high school students canceled their military training and directly distributed their textbooks.

Do a good job in class and school hygiene on the first day, familiarize yourself with teachers, classmates and school rules, choose a good class committee, and start the formal class on the second day.

However, just before going to bed at night on the third day of school, Shi Qing received a call from Yan Yi.

The two of them are currently chatting quietly in text on social software, and at this moment Yan Yi suddenly called, Shi Qing felt that something serious must have happened.

When I get up and answer the call, I feel lighter and more energetic, and I don’t feel drowsy at all.

Only Yan Yi said in confusion: "Shi Qing, I found out today that there is a girl in our class, her name is Li Ruoyin."

It was already 10:30 in the evening, Yan Yi was very quiet, and he could hear from the receiver that he was not in a good mood.

Shi Qing hurriedly asked him: "Huh? It's such a coincidence, it can't be the Li Shuangyin I know, can you describe what she looks like?"

Yan Yi's answer at the beginning was very straight: "It's just a girl, I didn't pay much attention to it, I think she looks similar to other girls."

Then, he changed the topic: "However, Shi Qing, I noticed the way she looked at me."

"Excited? Adored? Can't help but want to confess?" Shi Qing subconsciously guessed.

If that girl was really the Li Ruyin she knew, after all these years she had finally found the boy she was looking for, she would definitely be unable to resist wanting to express her love!
Shi Qing now feels that it is probably because of love that Li Ruyin deliberately transferred to another school to find a boy.

Afraid that Shiqing might misunderstand, Yan Yi hastily explained: "No, Shiqing, you are overthinking. Just like what you said, this Li Ruyin also looked at me with a haughty and contemptuous look. Didn't come to speak to me."

"Uh, is it like this?" Shi Qing really didn't expect it, "Then have you ever noticed that she will look at others with the same eyes?"

"...I didn't pay attention."

"Yanyi, start paying attention tomorrow. If she doesn't want to give others a look, but looks down on you, then it must be the Li Ruyin I know!"

Sensing Shi Qing's very determined look, Yan Yi complied.

Two nights later, Yan Yi did not call, but directly texted Shi Qing.

He said that he had already observed and determined that Li Ruoyin in his class looked down on not only him, but every student in the class.

It's only been a few days since school started, and all the classmates in the class have already isolated her, and they don't want to get close to a proud girl like her.

In this regard, Shi Qing replied to him: "Oh, this sounds quite similar to the Li Yuyin I know."

Yan Yi: "..." He thought it was not!

 The update is finished today, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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