This villain is so cute

Chapter 169 Young people, get to know each other 1 [then divorce] 19

Chapter 169 Young man, let's get to know each other [Then Divorce] 19
Liao Zongfu quickly replied: "Look at other people's homes, the wife of our leader is in her 40s and is already actively preparing for pregnancy.

Even if you are too old to conceive, can't you still have a test tube?Why are you also a woman, others can fight for a second child, but you can't? "

"Oh, then why are you also a man and someone else is a leader, but you are just a small employee?" Zheng Yujing blurted out angrily.

After speaking, I felt a little regretful in my heart. Her words like this would definitely hit a man's self-esteem.

But thinking of this, Zheng Yujing was very sad. Why did she think for Liao Zongfu, but Liao Zongfu didn't know how to think for her?
Do you think having a second child is just a joke? Do you know that having a child at their age is very risky, and it is difficult to recover after giving birth? Can you understand?
Unexpectedly, before Zheng Yujing could get upset and beg for comfort, Liao Zongfu lowered his head in displeasure, stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and said as if he had made up his mind:
"My parents said, if you insist on refusing to have children, we will be ready to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau together some time after the Chinese New Year!"

Hearing this, Zheng Yujing's head exploded with a bang.

Not only exploded her tears, her heartache, but also her disappointment in marriage.

She held back her tears and said in disbelief: "Don't always be your parents, are you still weaned? Liao Zongfu, what about you, do you think the same way? I don't agree to have a second child, so you just Do you really want to divorce me?"

"I don't want to, quiet." When Liao Zongfu raised his head, his eyes were flushed, "It's you who don't want this family anymore."


Shi Qing didn't know how she returned to her room after eavesdropping on her parents' dispute.

No wonder the attitude of grandparents towards Zheng Yujing suddenly changed drastically, and they told her to take care of her body because they were expecting her to have a second child.

Shi Qing felt that it was understandable for grandparents and father to want a second child.

After all, under the previous one-child policy, many families hid from family planning in order to have more boys, and many public officials would rather lose their jobs to have one more child.

However, she can understand, but does not agree.

Because Zheng Yujing is really old, there is no need to take such a big risk to have a second child.

Especially when I heard that a few months ago, there was a woman in their community who had a haemorrhage when she gave birth, and unfortunately she was not rescued.

A child who is born without a mother is very pitiful.

Married as a woman, pregnant for ten months, the mother who lost her life to give birth to a child is very pitiful.

It was even more pitiful for the old fathers and mothers who had finally raised their daughters to marry, but asked the white-haired people to send the black-haired ones.

However, the husband of the pregnant woman is not pitiful, because they are already trying to find a stepmother for the child.

Shi Qing doesn't know if Zheng Yujing will compromise to have a second child in the end, or Liao Zongfu will change his mind for his wife, or they will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to divorce after the Chinese New Year.

This is not something she should be able to manage. It can only depend on how the husband and wife communicate and negotiate.

After all, no matter what the final result is, it will not affect her, and it will only be the couple who will bear the consequences.

Shi Qing found out the silent phone from the drawer, and sent a message to Yan Yi in a very melancholy mood.

Yan Yi seemed to be busy, and he waited for more than ten minutes, but still didn't wait for him to reply.

I didn't wait any longer, put the phone back in the drawer, and when I opened the door to go out, it happened that Liao Zongfu also came out of the room.

Liao Zongfu's facial features are very literary and artistic. When he was young, he was lean and tall. Now he is a little older and lacks exercise in normal times, and his belly is starting to protrude a bit.

But this is normal, many men get fat when they get married.

When he saw it, he came out lightly, beckoned to her, and signaled her to go to the living room for a chat.

Shi Qing guessed what he might talk to her about, so she went with him.

Sitting on the sofa, Liao Zongfu's face was a little heavy: "Shi Qing, Dad knows that you have always been very sensible, and you have always been good at studying. You don't need your mother and I to worry about it."

What Liao Zongfu said was the truth, Shi Qing nodded without denying it.

She is very sensible, so what?

Shi Qing didn't ask, just waited for Liao Zongfu to say it himself.

"If Mom and Dad decide to have another sibling, what do you think? You can have another relative." Liao Zongfu continued, not in a discussion tone.

Rather, it is seeking approval.

"Well, Dad, I think it's useless." Shi Qing's voice was gentle and soft, and he also wanted to help his mother convince his father, "Whoever is born is the one who decides, so we should respect mother's decision, right?"

Hearing what he didn't want to hear, Liao Zongfu frowned: "Forget it, you are still a child, you don't know anything about adults. Go back to your room and read a book for a while, school will start soon, don't worry about your homework." fall."

"Okay, Dad." Shi Qing didn't say much to him, and went back to the room obediently.

So, she can't control this kind of matter that only the couple can decide.

Lying dead on the bed for a long time, Shi Qing remembered to see if Yan Yi had replied to her message.


City A.

Yan Yi was playing basketball with a group of boys of similar age on the basketball court in the community.

The youthful and energetic boys chased and passed each other, their postures were handsome, and their shots were accurate, attracting many people to watch.

Yan Yi unintentionally glanced at the crowd of onlookers, and saw a haunted face.

He felt unlucky in his heart, and instantly lost the joy of playing.

"Stop fighting, go home."

Leaving this sentence behind, Yan Yi swiftly picked up the thick coat hanging on the railing and put it on, and took out the cell phone from the inside pocket.

When he opened the lock, his face changed drastically in an instant, and he stared at the phone screen tightly, his eyes darkened.

On the chat page of the mobile phone, there was a sentence sent to him by Shi Qing:

[Yan Yi, I no longer believe in love. ]
Also with a sad and tearful expression.

Like a lovelorn.

Lovelorn? !
Who is she in love with?Who made her lovelorn?
Yan Yi tightened his fingertips so hard that he almost burst the phone.

[Why? ] He tried to return three words.

After he left the basketball court, he didn't go home directly, but planned to find a remote and quiet place in the community, and have a good chat with Shi Qing about why he doesn't believe in love.

However, after walking for a short distance, Yan Yi noticed someone following behind him.

Turning around, I saw the lingering man, right now not far away from him.

Seeing him stop, she stopped too, curling the corners of her lips with disdain.

It's Li Ruoyin.

She was wearing a short maroon padded jacket, with her hands in the pockets of the padded jacket, and she raised her white chin haughtily, staring fixedly at the handsome young man who stopped not far away.

 The update is completed today, and we will wear each other tomorrow~
  PS: In reality, there are couples who divorce after refusing to have a second child. It is hard to say who is right and who is wrong in this kind of thing, but in fact, both parties have elements of selfishness in it.

(End of this chapter)

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