This villain is so cute

Chapter 171 Teenager, learn about interpenetration 1 [Start interpenetration] 21

Chapter 171 Young man, learn about interpenetration [start interpenetration] 21
Shi Qing thought that Li Ruoyin was a female supporting role who came out of nowhere and was deeply in love with the villain.

But now it seems that it doesn't look like it!
Since she doesn't like Yan Yi and wants to pursue him, Shi Qing doesn't want to pay any attention to it.

Yan Yi will not be black now, he has been a good boy with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, so why is he a waste?Where do I need her help from Li Shuangyin?
Shi Qing didn't want to waste his words, so he turned around and walked elsewhere.

In the future, she has to remind Yan Yi well not to have any contact with this inexplicable girl.

At this time, Shi Qing received a call from himself in surprise.

Caller name: ai Shiqing.

Shi Qing smiled knowingly, because this is the name Yan Yi saved for her in his own mobile phone.

Under the name, is her mobile phone number, the one that Yan Yi gave her.

So when Shi Qing saw a call coming in from this number, she immediately left after answering the call. She didn't even bother to care about what would happen to Li Shuangyin, since it would be no good to deal with her anyway.

Shi Qing is now only worried that after Yan Yi learns that he has suddenly turned into a girl, he will be overwhelmed.

Especially now that she is in a very embarrassing menstrual period.

Originally, when she was lying dead on the bed, she remembered to get her cell phone from the closet to see if Yan Yi had replied to her message.

As a result, as soon as he got up from the bed, Shi Qing felt that something was wrong in his pants, and there was still a slight pain in his lower abdomen.

Thinking of her current age, it is time for menstruation, Shi Qing hurriedly went to the toilet to have a look.

Oh, really.

Generally, under such circumstances, girls would panic and go to their mother for help, and even girls who didn't understand anything would cry and wonder if they were seriously ill.

Shi Qingbian also put on the expression that an ordinary girl should have, panicked, and knocked on Zheng Yujing's door pitifully.

Zheng Yujing opened the door, it was the first time she saw her daughter showing such an expression, she turned pale with fright.

"Shiqing, what's wrong with you? Don't scare mom!"

In the living room, Liao Zongfu heard the voice and walked over quickly. Seeing Shi Qing like this, he also asked in shock: "What happened? Shi Qing, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Shi Qing nodded to Liao Zongfu, but looked at Zheng Yujing, a little embarrassed: "Mom, I..."

After all, Dad is a man, so it would be embarrassing to say it!

"It's okay, just tell me what's uncomfortable, Mom and Dad will always help you!" Liao Zongfu felt a little uncomfortable, and deliberately emphasized the word "father".

Zheng Yujing said that he had never brought his daughter with him, and he felt guilty after thinking about it carefully, and now he hopes to make up for it.

"Yes, there is nothing that cannot be said in front of parents." Zheng Yujing echoed, caring and encouraging.

This is probably the love of parents for their children!
Even if there was a conflict not long ago, and the topic of divorce, which hurts the couple's relationship, was mentioned, in front of the children, they will unanimously care about and help the children.

Shi Qing felt that she felt the love of her parents very strongly at this time.

She had nothing to worry about, she lowered her head and whispered, "I just went to the bathroom and found blood in my pants..."

Liao Zongfu hadn't reacted yet, and seemed to be thinking about why there was blood.

Zheng Yujing had already relaxed with a smile: "Silly boy, I thought something serious happened. I really scared my mother. You come with my mother, and my mother will give you a few packs of sanitary napkins and teach you how to use them..."

Hearing the three words sanitary napkin, Liao Zongfu obviously came to his senses.

Oh, it's a girl's exclusive problem, so it's nothing to do with him being a father, and a mother will take care of it.

Liao Zongfu turned around and walked back to the living room.

Shi Qing put a sanitary napkin on her trousers, but she still felt uncomfortable in her stomach, so Zheng Yujing told her to lie down on the bed, and she went to boil some brown sugar water.

"Mom sometimes feels sick to her stomach when she comes here. Lying down can relieve the pain. You have to keep warm and don't get cold, otherwise it will hurt even more."

When her daughter's first menstrual period came, Zheng Yujing suddenly felt the great responsibility of being a mother.

She felt that it was time to educate her daughter on the differences between men and women.

Raising a girl is more worrying than raising a boy, because girls are more vulnerable outside.

Girls and boys fall in love early, if they taste the forbidden fruit and accidentally become pregnant, the girl will suffer the most.

Boys can leave by lifting their pants, but girls have to face the huge harm of dropping out of school or abortion, which affects their lives.

Zheng Yujing only needs to think that if her daughter will experience these injuries in the future, she will cry her tears and go crazy!
Therefore, she decided to educate her daughter in advance and get a vaccination to prevent her daughter from being hurt due to ignorance!
With this idea in mind, Zheng Yujing went to the kitchen to chop ginger and boil brown sugar water.

Shi Qing lay under the quilt, turned on the phone and saw that Yan Yi had messaged her back, he asked why.

Why don't you believe in love?

After Shi Qing thought about how to reply him in her heart, she was about to type.

However, in the blink of an eye, she appeared on the garden road of a community.

That's how it is now, she became Yan Yi, Yan Yi became her, and the two of them switched bodies!
Shi Qing suddenly wanted to feel sorry for Yan Yi for two seconds.

As a boy, Yan Yi has to go through a girl's menstrual period, which is not in line with his gender. I guess it will have some psychological shadows on him, right?

So next, Shi Qing felt that she had to enlighten him, comfort him, encourage him, and let him have the confidence to face it positively!
As soon as the phone was connected, Shi Qing heard her original voice: "Shi Qing, is that you? I'm Yan Yi! What should I do, I, I have become you!"

Very clear and pleasant girlish voice, even if there is a little horror in the tone, it does not affect Shiqing's subdued voice at all.

"It's me, Yan Yi, don't panic, I believe we can get back soon. Remember not to show your secrets in front of my parents, I'm afraid they won't be able to accept this kind of thing when they are old."

The more Shi Qing said, the more embarrassing his face became.

Thinking about her now, talking to Yan Yi with Yan Yi's voice, she is really embarrassed, ha ha!
"...Well, I didn't reveal my secrets. Shi Qing, before I became you, Li Shuangyin followed me, and she was in our community."

Yan Yi felt that it was necessary to explain. He was afraid that after Shi Qing became him, he would misunderstand when he saw Li Shuangyin right in front of him.

"I saw her, Yan Yi." Shi Qing thoughtfully concealed Li Shuangyin's words that he was a waste.

As a person with self-respect, he would not wish to be called trash by others, and Shi Qing did not want Yan Yi to be troubled by this aspect.

When Yan Yi heard this, he felt a little nervous: "I plan to call the police if she follows me again. If it's your case now, just ignore her and go home quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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