This villain is so cute

Chapter 175 Young people, interpenetrating understanding 1 [Memory Chapter Return] 25

Chapter 175 Young man, learn about interpenetration [Memory Return] 25
After changing their identities, neither Yan Yi nor Shi Qing felt any discomfort, and they quickly accepted the reality and continued their original lives.

As for the interpenetration of souls between the two, it feels like a dream. If it weren't for the chat records on the mobile phone, it really recorded that the two of them had indeed had this experience.

Shi Qing didn't take this experience too much into her heart. After wearing it back into her body, she quickly devoted herself to her busy study life.

Yan Yi always felt that things were not that simple, it seemed that something was weird, but he couldn't tell.

Until one day in the second month——

The last class in the morning is physical education class, and the sun is just right.

Class 6 and Class 2 happened to be in physical education class together, and the boys in the two classes made an appointment to play basketball together.

On the large basketball court of the school, the basketball match between the two classes had just started. Before Yan Yi could touch the basketball, his mind suddenly went into a trance, and his vision became blurred.

When this familiar feeling struck, Yan Yi's immediate thought was: Sure enough.

Sure enough, things are not that simple!
Shi Qing was also surprised. She was sitting in the classroom and listening to the math class carefully, but she blinked her eyes and found that she was suddenly on the basketball court, and there were cheering voices from boys and girls in her ears.

She reacted quickly, knowing that she must be dressed as Yanyi again, so she immediately threw herself into playing basketball.

Shi Qing played very fiercely. After half a class, she scored the most goals. Together with her teammates, she abused the boys in class 2 with a look of lovelessness, and ended the game without tears.

Shi Qing walked under the tree with his teammates to rest in the shade, and immediately there were three or two girls holding a bottle of mineral water in their hands, adoring them and mustering up their courage to come forward.

"Student Yanyi, you played really well just now! You must be thirsty, here is a bottle of water for you!"

The girl standing in front of Shiqing and talking is petite and cute.

All her hair was combed behind her head and tied into a beautiful bun. There were no bangs on her forehead, and her rounded hairline made her look cute and sweet.

Especially when she was obviously shy but summoned up courage and full of expectation, it should be difficult for a boy to reject her.

But Shi Qing is not a boy, she has to refuse, how can Yan Yi accept water from other girls, right?
Seeing the girl leave aggrieved and holding a bottle of water, and every few steps she would secretly look back at her figure, Shi Qing wanted to do something wrong.

If she is not Yan Yi's identity, but she is here in person, she will definitely not be willing to hurt the heart of other girls like this.

But no if.

After all, she is a girl, even if she played very well just now, no cute girl would come to bring her water like this.


On the other hand, Yan Yi finished math class instead of Shi Qing.

After the get out of class bell rang, the teacher announced that school was over after assigning homework.

Some students who are keen on cooking have already flown out of the classroom and rushed to the cafeteria, scrambling to line up in front of the window for cooking.

Students who don’t want to waste time queuing can continue to stay in the classroom and finish their homework first. When the time is almost up, they can go to the cafeteria to eat directly without queuing.

Of course, day students can also choose to go home for dinner and return to school before classes in the afternoon.

Usually at noon, Shi Qing takes care of it in the school cafeteria, because Zheng Yujing also stays at the school where she teaches at noon and does not come back.

The school provided dormitories for teachers, and Zheng Yujing rested there at noon.

Yan Yi urgently needs to go back to the rented house to get his mobile phone to contact Shi Qing, and he doesn't even care about eating, so he takes his homework and prepares to leave the classroom.

As a result, he stood up and took only two steps when a sharp female voice stopped him.

"Ah! Shi Qing! Don't go!"

Yan Yi stopped walking when he heard the sound, and looked back at Shi Qing's deskmate in bewilderment.

Shi Qing's deskmate Wen Yuanqing is a hot-tempered girl, at this moment she is looking at Yan Yi with wide-eyed and exaggerated expression.

"Shi Qing, your pants!"

While speaking, Wen Yuanqing took off her school uniform jacket and handed it over anxiously: "Quick, wrap up, don't let the boys see it!"

Yan Yi didn't take it, and secretly thought it was bad.

He faintly knew why Wen Yuanqing called him back.

Standing where he was, he turned his head and looked, sure enough, the school uniform trousers he was wearing had already been stained a large area of ​​dark red.

Look at the stool he sat on for a class just now, and there is a small circle of wet blood dripping from it.

Yan Yi: "..."

Obviously, Shiqing didn't know that his menstrual period had arrived before he was dressed in Shiqing.

At this moment, Yan Yi feels that he is just a tool man.

He interspersed with Shiqing just to help her endure various discomforts during her menstrual period, right?

Shi Qing, like Yan Yi, ran home right after school at noon, and didn't have time to eat, so he found his phone and contacted him first.

When Yan Yi complained and suspected that he was a tool man, Shi Qing laughed unabashedly.

"Yan Yi, thank you for your hard work, I will definitely make it up to you if I have the chance."

On the phone, Shi Qing smiled and promised.

Hearing this, Yan Yi gritted his teeth secretly: "It must!"

The following facts proved that Yan Yi was indeed a tool man.

Seven days later, the menstrual period was over, he washed his long hair, and after waking up, he became himself again.

Therefore, Yan Yi has been depressed for two full days, why he is obviously a big boy, but he has to endure what his gender shouldn't bear... a girl's menstrual period?

The answer is no solution.

Shi Qing himself didn't know why.

She suspected that something went wrong in this plane world.

In fact, she quite likes this mistake. She doesn't have to endure the extremely uncomfortable menstrual period, and she can still experience the fun of being a boy, which is very good.


A semester is coming to an end soon.

On the second day of the summer vacation, Yan Yi decided to go back to town to spend the summer vacation by himself.

Xu Huiling had expected such a day long ago, so he went back by himself. She wanted to stay in City A to take care of her youngest son and his father.

After sending Yanyi on the bus back to town, Xu Huiling just thought: Look, her eldest son really wants to be his future wife, and he finally couldn't hold back anymore, hehehe.

Knowing that Yan Yi came back alone, Zheng Yujing could probably think of why he came back, so she took the initiative to ask him to contract three meals a day for him this summer vacation.

So, whenever Shi Qing's family had dinner, they would ask Yan Yi to come over and eat together.

Regarding the relationship between Shi Qing and Yan Yi, it seems that they are a little closer than ordinary boys and girls, Zheng Yujing also turns a blind eye.

After all, she watched the two children grow up. They are childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts, which is really enviable.

Zheng Yujing is also envious in her heart, but she doesn't have time now to take care of the two of them too much.

Because Zheng Yujing has discussed with Liao Zongfu and decided that in order to keep her marriage and this family, she will start to recuperate her body and prepare for a second child!

 Ah, the estimate is wrong, I haven't written about memory regression...

(End of this chapter)

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