This villain is so cute

Chapter 178 Teenager, get to know each other 1 [turning diary] 28

Chapter 178 Young man, learn about interpenetration [turning the diary] 28
In this plane, like most ordinary people.

Time to go to school, graduate, work step by step.

Later, it was logical to marry Yan Yi.

The simple, happy and smooth life made Shi Qing forget that she came to do the mission for a long, long time.

Ji Qiuxue and An Rongxin also achieved a positive result, and they couldn't wait to get married as soon as they graduated from university.

An Rongxin has completely changed since entering high school. In order to keep up with Ji Qiuxue's footsteps, he turned from a scumbag who was at the bottom of the grades to a top student praised by his teachers.

And in the college entrance examination, he got a slightly higher score than Ji Qiuxue.

At that time, Ji Qiuxue was suspicious of life, and she really realized that people are really incomparable. Her hard work since she was a child is not as good as An Rongxin's hard work in just a few years.

But thinking that that person was her boyfriend, Ji Qiuxue felt relieved, she was very proud to have such a powerful boyfriend!


At the age of 55, Yan Yi passed away.

Instead of dying, he died of acute pneumonia.

From infection to death, less than a week.

In the global infection, everyone on the road wears a mask on their face, but the vast majority of people dare not go out, fearing death.

Nowadays, City A has a tendency to become a heavily infected area. After Shi Qing buried Yan Yi's ashes in the cemetery he bought in City A, he returned to Weishui Town, her and Yan Yi's hometown, before the city was closed.

There is no foreign population in Xishui Town, so it is relatively safe.

But at this time, not many people he knew were left in the town.

Ji Qiuxue and An Rongxin settled down together in Yingzhou City.

Shi Qing's parents are no longer alive, and his younger brother and younger siblings have gone to a far northern city to develop.

When Shi Qing returned to her original home, she was the only one there.

She locked herself in the room, took out ten thick notebooks from her bag, and flipped through them from old to new.

This is the notebook that Shi Qing found when dealing with Yan Yi's belongings, and it was only then that she knew that Yan Yi had always had the habit of secretly writing a diary.

Although, most of the time only a few simple lines are recorded.

Now that Yan Yi is gone, Shi Qing flipped through his diary openly, wanting to see what men usually write down——

One: On the first day I came to City A with my parents, I regretted it. I won’t be able to see Sister Shiqing every day in the future. I miss her!

Two: Maybe God is pitying me, so I let sister Shiqing come to my dream every night, but I don’t know if there is me in sister Shiqing’s dream...

Three: In the new school, there is actually a group of classmates who are more hateful than An Rongxin!I really want to give them some color!But my mother said, I have to study hard so that I can be with Sister Shiqing in the future, I can't fight with my classmates, otherwise those nasty classmates will let the school expel me!

Four: Sister Shiqing even made a video call today, asking me if I know a girl?I'm sorry, I only know sister Shi Qing, a girl~ So, I'm a man, I can't let girls know that I was bullied at school, it's embarrassing!
Five: Heh, those students are really going too far!I can't bear it anymore, I happened to meet them outside the school today, I beat them all to the ground, so I can relieve my anger!Let the school expel me if you have the ability. I can just go back to the town and go to school with my sister Shiqing.

Six: I'm so disappointed and sad, it's already winter vacation, my parents said they are busy with business, they won't be going back to town this year, and they even helped me transfer to another school to continue my studies.I can't go back to the town, I can't see Sister Shiqing T_T

These seem to be the diaries written by Yan Yi after he transferred to another school in the fourth grade. Judging from the words and sentences, they are still a bit childish.

Shi Qing couldn't help recalling the scene when Yan Yi followed her and called her Shi Qing's sister in those years when she was a child.

What a miserable villain, who never did anything related to the original plot since she was a child, and was placed in her hands when she was born, so that her task was completed without any difficulty.

Shi Qing flipped through the other two diaries, one was dated when he was in junior high school, and the other was when he was in high school.

The style of the two books is quite different.

Most of the writing in junior high school is about Shi Qing and his soul interpenetration. In the writing, she no longer calls her sister, but directly writes her name, and records the things and feelings that happened after the two of them interpenetrated.

Shi Qing saw him from the beginning to the end, seeing that he kept calling himself a tool man in the diary, she couldn't help laughing, and recalled that period of time.

At that time, Yan Yi was still very simple and sensible, even if the two of them were alone together, they would never do anything that was not in line with their age.

After entering high school, Yan Yi didn't know what happened, but suddenly he changed.

Two days before the start of the first year of high school, he was not at home to make good preparations for the start of school, but went back to the town by car alone.

The whole person was in a hurry, as if rushing back without hesitation, Shi Qing's family was so scared that something happened.

"It's okay, I just dropped something, come back and get it." Yan Yi said so to Shi Qing's family at the time, because he came back for a month during the summer vacation.

But at that time, Qing followed him into his house and planned to help him find the fallen things together, but he pushed him against the wall.

"Shi Qing, I actually just miss you." The young man lowered his head, unable to hide his affection.

"..." Shi Qingwen was very surprised, and raised her eyes to meet him.

I wonder if this guy is insane, school is about to start, and he ran back because he missed her?

It's too exaggerated, it's not like they haven't seen each other for a long time!
Shi Qing stretched out her hand and poked him: "Fool, don't you think I can open a video to chat with me, why do I need to come back specially?"

After graduating from junior high school, their parents have allowed them to bring mobile phones, because it is inconvenient to contact without a mobile phone.

The young man hooked his lips into a smile: "Can you play the video the same as face-to-face? What's the point if you can see but not touch."

Before Shi Qing could think of how to answer his words, he suddenly raised his chin and kissed her tenderly.

The soft touch feels like an electric shock when it is pressed down. A tiny electric current rushes from the head to the toes, and the hands subconsciously grasp the hem of the boy's clothes as a support point.

Not counting the fact that Yan Yi kissed her face as soon as they met when they were young, this is their first real kiss.

Thinking that everyone was still a middle school student, Shi Qing was saddened by the hurdle in his heart, and finally pushed him away.

"We can't do this, Yan Yi, we can wait."

She doesn't want to abduct underage boys, hey!

"Why not?" Yan Yi looked into her eyes seriously, and the words he said were enough to make people blush and heartbeat: "We have already helped each other take a bath, such an intimate relationship, let me satisfy my greed with a kiss, and also What can't it be?"

Shi Qing: "..." Aww, she was speechless!

(End of this chapter)

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