This villain is so cute

Chapter 186 Like You, Together 1 [Chapter to Reality] 5

Chapter 186 Like You, Together [Back to Reality] 5

The morning light came into the room.

Youthful pink adorns the whole room.

Shi Qing opened her eyes and stared at the very girlish room in front of her in a daze, only to realize that she was dreaming again.

It was a long, long dream, and she actually dreamed that she was still doing the task.

But in fact, after mission 6 was over, she voluntarily gave up the fast travel mission and returned to the real world.

Yan Yi wants her to succeed, so why doesn't she want Yan Yi to succeed.

Since the missions of the two are in conflict, it's fine for her to quit. Anyway, she doesn't have to find the lost kitten.

As long as she quits, Yan Yi will definitely succeed in the mission.

When she went downstairs, Shi Qing saw Yuan Kui, the nanny at home, hurrying back from the outside, holding a green bag in her hand, which should contain the vegetables she just went out to buy.

"Morning, Aunt Yuan." Shi Qing took the initiative to greet her, her voice sounded brisk.

She was wearing a simple shirt and jeans, fair complexion, collagen all over her face, long and straight legs, exuding the atmosphere of a young girl.

Yuan Kui hurriedly nodded in response, and after putting the recycle bag into the kitchen, she came out to apologize with a guilty face:

"Shi Qing, I'm sorry, it's all my negligence. I don't know when the cat ran away. Alas, I can't find where the cat went when I searched everywhere... How about I cook breakfast for you? Go out and look for it again?"

Just two days after returning to the real world, Shi Qing hadn't been out yet, so she originally planned to go out for a walk.

After hearing Yuan Kui's apology that was almost choked with guilt, Shi Qing looked seriously at Yuan Kui, who was half a head shorter than herself, and said to her, "Aunt Yuan, it's not your fault, and I don't need to look for it anymore, but It's just a cat."

Yuan Kui was introduced as a nanny by an acquaintance three years ago, because Shi Qing's parents were going to transfer their work abroad and needed a nanny to take care of Shi Qing, who was just a freshman in high school.

Yuan Kui came to work in Qingcheng from other places. She looks honest, is very hardworking, cooks delicious food, and is not too old. She is only about 40 years old. Shiqing's mother tried her out for a few days and thought she was good, so she left her behind. up.

Stay for three years.

Shi Qing has now graduated from high school and is an adult. At this moment, she suddenly felt that she no longer needed a nanny to take care of her, and she could take care of herself.

Just when she was thinking about how to tactfully say that Yuan Kui was dismissed as a nanny.

Yuan Kui stretched out her hand excitedly, took Shiqing's hand and patted it.

"Shi Qing, it's good if you can see it like this. In fact, don't worry too much. When the male cat grows up, he will leave his original home and run home with other female cats. I think, cats now It must be at the house of some female cat nearby, and it must be living well!"

Shi Qingting nodded, this is why she felt that the cat she raised was a male cat.

When the male cat grows up, he will abandon his owner without any regrets, and run away with other female cats without saying a word.

Just five days ago, she could no longer find her clingy tomcat.

Shi Qing thought of this, and was about to say something, when suddenly a pure white dazzling white light appeared in front of her eyes.

In the blink of an eye, she found that her body was transparent and floating, and the scene was the home where she had lived for 18 years.

In the kitchen, dishes were spilled on the floor. Yuan Kui threw a spatula at a yellow and white cat: "Ah! You dead cat, go away!"

The cat deftly avoided the spatula thrown by Yuan Kui, ran up to the pink room on the second floor, and got under the girl's bed.

Yuan Kui had no choice but to make another dish angrily.

Shi Qing finds out that the girl in the room is herself, and the cat is the one she lost.

Here, she is like a transparent bystander, Yuan Kui cannot see her, the cat cannot see her, and she herself in the room cannot see her.

After Yuan Kui finished frying a dish with meat and vegetables, she turned her head and glanced at the stairwell, and found that no one came downstairs, then quickly took out a package from her pocket, sprinkled a little powder into the dish.

Shi Qing floated over, trying to get closer to see what it was, but Yuan Kui had already put the package back into his pocket.

Then, seeing Yuan Kui frying two other vegetarian dishes, she went upstairs to call the girl to eat.

The girl then went downstairs with the cat in her arms. The cat, which had been docile in the girl's arms, suddenly jumped onto the table and sniffed at the three dishes Yuan Kui had cooked. Powdered Vegetables.

As a bystander, Shi Qing applauded and gave the cat a thumbs up.

But she herself, who was sitting at the dining table, didn't know the reason. Seeing the cat overturning the dishes, and seeing Yuan Kui looking sad that her hard work was wasted, the girl just felt that her cat was getting worse and worse. Be good.

Although the girl thought so in her heart, her body was very honest. She gently combed the cat over and over again, and said in a soft voice: "Maomao, don't be so naughty in the future, you know? You overturned the dishes, we What are you eating?"

The cat became obedient after being stroked, nestled in the girl's arms, and narrowed its eyes comfortably.

Shi Qing remembered this scene, it was what really happened last month.

At that time, the cat overturned the dishes, but she didn't feel any disturbance in her heart, because she was serious about petting cats, and a dish was not worth a lot of money, so Fan didn't blame her little cat for ordering the dishes.

Just to make Yuan Kui feel better, she pretended to say something about the little cat.

Now from the perspective of a bystander, Shi Qing can tell that the little cat smelled something in the dish, and was worried that she would eat it, so he deliberately overturned the dish.

So here comes the question, Aunt Yuan Kuiyuan, who has been a nanny in her family for three years, what exactly did she give her?
Before waiting, Qing thought about it, and the scene switched immediately.

This time in a hotel room, Yuan Kui lit an afterthought cigarette and listened to a man who was a little younger than her next to her.

The two were covered with quilts, with only their arms exposed.

"Kuikui, now I am being chased everywhere for debts, I have nowhere to go, and I dare not go home, only you can save me, woo woo~"

The man said, pretending to keep wiping away his tears, but the calculation in his eyes was obvious.

Soft rice man.

Shi Qing complained at the first sight.

She was quite shocked in her heart, she never thought that Aunt Yuan usually looked at such an honest person, but she actually had a man outside...

Not only that, Yuan Kui will also act as the domineering president, and with a wave of his hand, he promised the man in a very grand manner: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you. Every time you owe those debts, I have never helped you, right?" Bar."

The man began to feel guilty: "Kui Kui, I owe a little more this time..."

(End of this chapter)

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