Tiandao's little fool has fangs

Chapter 804 Cause and Effect Are Complicated

Chapter 804 Cause and Effect Are Complicated

Outside the ancient land.

Mo Zhichu's power of creation surrounded Tu Shanmei's tail.

Tu Shanmei remembered something, and couldn't help asking: "Master Mo, I have the tail you made, will I fall in love with you?"

Mo Zhichu's face turned pale... It hurt to poke him, "You don't want the tail?" His voice was cold.Xiao Xu likes him... definitely not because his body and mind were made by him, absolutely not.

Tu Shanmei smiled coquettishly, "Ghost Ancestor said to ask you to fix my tail." A little hurt, she took a deep breath, "I like Si Nuan very much, and I want her to be my daughter-in-law. Head Mo, I still need a son, you Would you like to help with this?"

Mo Zhichu had a headache, his face didn't show, he raised his chin, "I have two sons, one is inside and the other is here."

Tu Shanmei knew who he was talking about, but Tianyin was an evil god, and Xiao Nuan was a zombie... It wasn't suitable, any living beings were used to being attracted to beings that were completely different from themselves.

According to her opinion, Xiao Nuan would probably fall in love with a vibrant existence.

Vibrant?Where can I find it... The one she liked before has been completely excluded from the choice.

Now her criterion for choosing a husband is vitality, Hua Ruoyan's plant world is definitely not good, it's too fragile...

Mo Zhichu withdrew his hand and blocked the mind reading power by the way.

Tu Shanmei told them about the situation in the ancient land.

Then he turned around, looked at his big tail, and instantly revived with full blood, "Thank you, Master Mo, please send me in."

Mo Zhichu raised his hand, and Tu Shanmei flew in.

Tu Shanmei flew directly over Hua Ruoyan's head, heading straight for Qiu Xiaoya's breath.

The group outside gathered together, anxious but helpless.

The few of them, as long as they go in and stay for a while, the world will collapse.

Although Qiu Xiaoya is powerful, her level of spiritual power is not high.

She can even lower the level to the level of ordinary people.

But Mo Zhichu and Si Rong are different, no matter how they suppress, the space will still be easily recognized.

The ancient land mainly recognizes the level of spiritual root cultivation, so it seems that physical cultivation is fine.

Most of the spiritual power level of physical cultivation is not high... This does not include Li Yuehua, the master of both spiritual and physical cultivation, who has reached the verge of ascension.

It's just that the opportunity to ascend was taken up by the zombies, so she hasn't ascended yet.

In the ancient land.

Qiu Xiaoya and the others stood outside a barrier, through which they saw zombies all over the mountains.

The zombies trampled on each other, rushing towards the monks outside the barrier one after another.

Many zombies were knocked down and crushed by their companions.

Si Feng looked terrified, "Why don't we wait a little longer?" If you step on it like this, the number of zombies will be reduced by at least half.

Qiu Xiaoya held out the sky-opening axe, "It's broken."

Cracks have appeared in the enchantment in front of me, through the cracks there are babbling sounds, and there is also a rancid smell...

Si Feng immediately calmed down, the wind passed by, and there was a large area around him, and the zombies rushed up again in an instant.

Qiu Xiaoya's ax swept across.

Another one-sided massacre.

There was no reincarnation in this world before, could it be that all creatures capable of creating reincarnation have become zombies?

It's time for this to end!
There will be a future in this world.

She was thinking that after she went to the end of the world last time, she came back and started again, did everything change?

Cause and effect...is a complicated question.

Remnants all over the place...Si Hua was not there, only the burning red lotus Karma was being destroyed, and the progress was obviously slower.

Moreover, her body is still in the netherworld, and she only uses part of the power of karmic fire.

Countless zombies wailed and rushed forward, wave after wave.

The spiritual power of the monks is almost exhausted.

Qiu Xiaoya threw Gao Yangjin out, "Go and recover!"

(End of this chapter)

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