Chapter 101
Shuyuan didn't regret giving Lu Fuhui a way out, but seeing Lu Fuhui guarding the gate of Jin's house, she felt really unhappy.

She didn't expect Lu Fuhui to think of her well, she just wanted Lu Fuhui not to disturb her.She also knew that it was impossible for Lu Fuhui to not be delusional, so she sent Lu Fuhui to the nunnery.

At this moment, she remembered Jin Chengye's words about sending Lu Fuhui far away, it seemed that Jin Chengye knew Lu Fuhui better.

However, it is not useless for Shuyuan to send Lu Fuhui to the nunnery, just like now although Lu Fuhui can leave the nunnery, it is impossible to enter the Jinfu.

The concierge was polite to Lu Fuhui, but he refused to let her enter the mansion, and did not report to her, and let her talk nonsense. The concierge only replied with a smile: Miss, it's really hard to be considerate of the little one.

Jin Chengye also saw Lu Fuhui, and frowned slightly: "Shuyuan, you go into the mansion, I will send her away." He couldn't wait any longer, and he was going to send Lu Fuhui out in two days.

Keeping her in town was always a problem.

Shu Yuan nodded. At this time, her mother's departure made her feel very bad, and she really didn't have the heart to entangle with Lu Fuhui anymore.

Also, she could trust Jin Chengye.

Whether it was about Lu Fuhui's affairs or the Mi's girl's affairs, Jin Chengye really made her unable to pick anything out.

The carriage drove towards the mansion, Lu Fuhui saw Jin Chengye's eyes lit up when he got off the carriage, but she still rushed over to stop the carriage.

Today, the person she wants to see is not her cousin, although the person she most wants to see is her cousin.

Without waiting for Jin Chengye to speak, Lu Fuhui handed a letter to the servant in the carriage: "Please give it to Young Mistress."

After she finished speaking, she gave a salute to the carriage: "People are not grass and trees. I will always remember my sister-in-law's great kindness to me. If there were no such things, I would not have come here."

"I don't have the face to come here either." After she finished speaking, she bowed and turned around, trying not to let herself look at her cousin's face, silently saluted her cousin, then lifted her foot and left.

Jin Chengye was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect that the meaning of Lu Fuhui's coming was far from what he thought. Seeing the back of Lu Fuhui leaving, he pursed his lips, turned around and got on the carriage to look at Shuyuan:
"What did she say in the letter?" He was still worried about Lu Fuhui.

Shu Yuan handed the letter to Jin Chengye: "Look for yourself." Her heart was still with her mother, and she still didn't believe what the letter said.

Jin Chengye took the letter without reading it, and patted Shu Yuan's hand lightly: "Mother-in-law will be back soon."

Shu Yuan forced herself to smile: "If what she said is true, how does the girl from the Lu family know this?"

Only then did Jin Chengye look at the letter, and he had already reached the second gate after reading it. He put away the letter and helped Shuyuan get off the carriage.

The women on the second door came and waited on them, and one woman smiled and said: "The old lady sent someone to leave a message, and asked the master and the young lady to go directly to the old lady's place when they come back."

Shu Yuan took a look at Jin Chengye before asking the old lady, "What's the matter, old lady?"

"That servant doesn't know. There is nothing going on in the mansion today, but the old lady from the Nan mansion brought the lady from the other side and they are talking with the old lady."

The old lady's words made Jin Chengye and Shuyuan look at each other again, and neither of them said anything and went straight to the old lady's yard.

What surprised the couple was that what Lu Fuhui said in the letter was at least not nonsense, and it might really be true.

The old lady's room was different from usual today, all the windows were opened, and the people in the room could be seen through the veil like a faint cloud.

But there was no noisy sound, nor laughter, but it was very quiet.

Entering the house, Shuyuan saw two old ladies sitting on the cloud bed, one on the left and one on the right, one was smoking and the other was drinking tea: neither of them spoke, and of course the juniors had no room to speak.

Shuyuan and Jin Chengye came forward to pay respects, and Haishi looked at his grandson: "You have to keep an eye on your mother-in-law's house. First, you can't let those people delay the construction period, and second, you can't let them mess around."

"Your father-in-law and mother-in-law will come back in a few days. If there is any dissatisfaction at that time, it will be because of you, the son-in-law."

Jin Chengye hastily agreed, and then greeted Mrs. Wei.

Shu Yuan on the side was a little bored, even if the old lady really cared about her parents, she didn't have to mention it in front of the old lady Wei, right?

Thinking of what Lu Fuhui said in the letter, her eyes swept to a lady on the left.

Now Shuyuan has almost remembered people, so naturally they all know each other: there are two wives in Nanfu: the eldest wife Zhang, and the second wife Fan.

The person who followed Wei's here today is the second wife, Fan.Sitting there, Fan only focused on talking to the child in her arms, and when she saw Shu Yuan and Jin Chengye coming in, she just raised her head and smiled at them.

The child in Fan's arms was about four or five years old, and he was fairly tall, but the little man was huddled in Fan's arms, and his eyes were secretly looking at people.

Shuyuan really didn't know the child in Fan's arms, but Jin Chengye's brothers in Nanfu had already married and had sons.

The person who came into Fan's arms should be her grandson, the great-grandson of the old lady Wei.

Seeing Shuyuan, Wei smiled: "It's great now, have you remembered everything and understood everything?"

Shuyuan raised her head to meet Wei Shi's eyes: "It's healed, thanks to Uncle and Grandma's concern." She ignored what Wei Shi said later.

Haishi said indifferently: "You can go back. It's not convenient for me to keep guests here because of the simple food, and I don't have any food that you like to eat, sister-in-law. I won't keep you."

Wei Shi laughed and said: "Your temper is too old to change, you have to give me some face in front of the children, right?"

"You didn't come here to eat, and I answered what you wanted to say. Why don't you go and stay?" Haishi put down his long cigarette pouch: "You're getting old, don't think too much about things. so as not to sleep at night."

The smell of gunpowder inside and outside the words of the two old ladies is really strong.

The Wei family didn't feel annoyed: "Sisters and sisters, you have given the answer to the matter, but you have no control over this matter, right? The second bedroom family is the court's orderly wife, and my niece and daughter-in-law always have room to speak, don't they?"

"Besides, I heard about the grandchildren, and now Shuyuan has a lot to say - I haven't asked either of them, and you are so anxious to drive me away, do you know what you have done? Not quite right?"

When Wei said this, he looked at Shuyuan: "Your child is probably confused, right? Aunt and grandma will explain it clearly to you."

At this point, she beckoned and called the child in Fan's arms to her: "Chengyun, send your brother and sister-in-law hello."

Shu Yuan's eyes froze slightly, but it wasn't very strange: in families like them, there are brothers who are two or thirty years behind, and this four or five-year-old baby is nothing like Jin Chengye's peers.

Chengyun cupped his fists timidly to salute, although he looked good, he just didn't have the vigor raised by a big family.

"As for me, I know that your family has been arguing about whether to have another wife, and even a lot of troubles happened one after another, and the two girls' families were involved." Wei Shi spoke again and mentioned the Lu family and Mi home girl.

"Although we don't blame our family, if there are more such things, it's really hard to say what the world will think. The reputation of the Jin family can't be ruined by our hands. Do you think it is a business?"

Jin Chengye bowed his body: "The grandson has written down what the uncle and grandmother said."

Wei said with a smile: "brother and sister, you don't have to be angry, and you don't have to show me face. I don't want to take care of your Beifu's affairs, and it's not my turn to take care of it, right?"

"Of course I came to inform the clan, and I also said hello to the long house. Everyone thinks that the matter of the second house in your mansion can't be delayed any longer."

"Let's not talk about the imperial court, just hanging around like this has caused so many things, and we should draw a conclusion early. It's not good to have a concubine."

Hai Shi waited for her long speech to reach this point and laughed: "Jianxie, hey, Jianxie, our sister-in-law is Jianxie, sister-in-law, don't you forget?"

"Where can we forget?" Wei Shi looked at Hai Shi, the smile on his face disappeared: "Just because the two of us are sisters, and only we know the pain, why push the child into the kang? "

"We have suffered, don't let the children suffer anymore, my siblings." She said with a long sigh.

Shu Yuan blinked her eyes and looked at Hai Shi, but didn't take Wei Shi's words to heart.No matter how sweet and emotional some words are, as long as the person is wrong, those words cannot be taken seriously.

The Wei family would not think so much about their Beifu.

Hai's smile became a little weird: "Sister-in-law, you ate out of a bar today, so what should you do if people listen to such nonsense? Suffering, I don't know what suffering sister-in-law is referring to."

"I think back then, our sister-in-law was awarded by the chief secretary, and we were the ones who wrote the "virtuous woman" written by the chief envoy himself-I would like to ask my sister-in-law, what kind of suffering are you talking about? What can the chief envoy say?"

Haishi sat up straight when he said this: "If my sister-in-law forgets that you let our sister-in-law show her face like this back then, I can take out the words of the chief minister and show it to my sister-in-law, and she may remember it. "

"Bitterness, hey, have you forgotten how my sister-in-law said it in front of the chief executive back then. I still remember how virtuous and virtuous your words are, sister-in-law. You can really be a model for all women in the world."

"I heard sister-in-law say you are suffering today, and my siblings are really confused." Haishi's hand suddenly hit the table: "Sister-in-law, you were not suffering back then, so why is it suffering now?"

"But someone in the Jin family deceived my sister-in-law and you are a widow. I will definitely stand up for you and make a big mess of him in the clan. Let the whole clan know that our widows are not to be bullied."

(End of this chapter)

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