Chapter 103
Shuyuan didn't want to go to the theater anymore, and she was in a bad mood, so she was very disappointed with most of the Jin family in the room, and just wanted to leave and go back to the room to have a good rest.

Haishi didn't stop Shuyuan: "Go, let's rest. I didn't want to ask you to come here. Your aunt and grandma always miss you. If you don't ask you to come here to see a gift, your aunt and grandma will be angry with us. Know the rules."

It turned out that it was Wei Shi who insisted on calling her over.It was only in this way that Shu Yuan fully understood.

Although the matter is similar to what Lu Fuhui said in the letter, it has little to do with Shuyuan: anyway, neither the old lady nor the second aunt Wang will agree to the adoption.

As for her, it doesn't matter about adopting, because it has nothing to do with her; now that Mrs. Wang objects, she also thinks that adopting should not be taken for granted.

Whether or not the person who came had another thought, as long as Mrs. Wang objects, it doesn't matter.

Although there are two parties who expressly disagree with the matter of concubine today, Shuyuan has not said anything; as long as she doesn't want to sell herself, she will naturally ignore what Wei and Huangfu said.

At this time, thinking of Huangfu's actions when she was in the Zhao Mansion, Shuyuan looked down on her more and more: it has nothing to do with Huangfu's natal family's family fortune, but the fact that this person's behavior is a bit disgusting.

With the consent of the old lady, Shuyuan saluted everyone in the room and then turned and left; even if someone in the room didn't want her to leave, they couldn't stop her from going back to take the medicine.

Shuyuan walked in an aboveboard manner.

Jin Chengye is suffering, and he doesn't want to stay anymore, but if he wants to leave, he needs a reason, and a reason that can be given.

At this time, it seemed a little inappropriate to accompany Shuyuan, but he couldn't care less after thinking about it. Now he also proposed to leave on the grounds of sending Shuyuan back to the room.

Wei Shi was a little unhappy: "Chengye, it's right to love your wife and children, but you can't spoil your wife too much. Didn't your grandmother and mother teach you this?"

Before she finished speaking, she heard exclamations from outside the door, the same kind of noisy exclamations: it was obviously not a person screaming.

Everyone in the house is the master, so of course they won't panic because of this, the people around the two old ladies will go to see what's going on and deal with it.

But as soon as Amber stepped out of the door, she turned around: "Old lady, young mistress was knocked down..."

Before he finished speaking, Jin Chengye had already rushed out from her side: He really didn't expect that Shu Yuan would have an accident just after stepping out of the room.

A lot of people surrounded the gate of the courtyard, some belonged to Shuyuan, some belonged to the old lady Haishi, and some belonged to Sanfang Pingshi.

The old lady mentioned this person just now, and those who didn't want her were already standing at the gate of the yard; but her people were all outside the gate of the yard. Although they were all shocked, no one panicked.

The first person to call for a doctor was Yun Wu, but the first person to call for a doctor was a member of the Ping family, and the next person to report to the old lady was also a member of the Ping family.

Jin Chengye separated from the crowd and saw Shuyuan. She was about to get up at this time, but it was not Ping who bumped into her.

It was someone Jin Chengye didn't know.

This is a bit strange.In the Jin family, there were really few people that Jin Chengye didn't know, even if they couldn't pronounce their names, they looked familiar to some extent.

But the person who fell beside Shuyuan was a complete stranger.In the golden mansion, no one came to the old lady's place with a report - how could outsiders do it?
Jin Chengye bent down to hug Shuyuan, but Shuyuan pushed him away, and gave him a big white eyeball: "I'm fine, just give me a hand."

She got up while talking, and she felt for a while to make sure that she was fine and that the child was fine, so she comforted the pale-faced Jin Chengye: "I'm not so delicate, it will break if you drop it, it's made of porcelain."

Jin Chengye was still worried, and ordered someone to take care of him and invite the doctor to come over, and also ordered someone to bring a small sedan chair over, worrying about letting Shuyuan walk back.

Seeing that her master was fine, Yunwu and other girls couldn't hold back the anger in their hearts: You must know that the person who bumped into their girls almost killed them.

If their girls have an emergency, the lives of the mother and child are hard to say, and the girls like them will definitely not be well.

The person who fell on the ground hasn't got up yet, because her head hit the ground too hard, so she hasn't recovered yet.

And the little girl beside her had been pushed aside long ago, but she was just screaming anxiously, but no one paid any attention.Now that no one is being polite to her, Yun Wu waited for the girl to pull her up and then pushed her to the ground: "Who are you?!"

No calamity.

Shu Yuan led the girls back, who knows where this person came from, and rushed straight into Shu Yuan's arms, if Yun Wu and others hadn't reacted so quickly, she might have fallen on Shu Yuan's shoulders. Yuan's body.

Shu Yuan saw that the man's hair was also disheveled, but the clothes on his body were of very good material. Such a person walking around in the Jin mansion should be a guest of the Jin family.

"I'm fine, don't scare her. Who are you?" She still wanted to understand.No matter who it is, it is impossible to run around for no reason, and it is still so flustered.

The woman struggled to stand up, and then saluted Shu Yuan and Jin Chengye: "Where is the second master, please go and invite the second master to come over, and then everything will be decided by the second master."

The members of the Ping clan had already knelt down, and they all showed disdain when they heard the woman's words, but because Jin Chengye and Shuyuan didn't ask them, no one opened their mouths.

Shu Yuan glanced at the maids and women kneeling on the ground, she didn't expect that the people around the dignified county king's daughter were so well-behaved.

"You guys get up first. What's going on here, who will explain to Master Qi?" She ignored the words of the woman who knocked her down, and instead asked the people from the Ping family.

A girl came out and kowtowed first before saying: "It's the slaves' fault, which caused young mistress to fall, please young mistress and Qiye to punish."

"The maidservant's name is Ping'er. The person who bumped into Young Mistress," Ping'er's voice paused, "Her surname is Yang. Please Qiye and Young Mistress hand him over to the maidservants to take him back. Our wife will come back and make amends. "

She asked Ping to make an apology, but Jin Chengye and Shuyuan were taken aback.

At this moment, Haishi and the others also rushed out, seeing that Shuyuan had nothing to do, they turned back, but they had to ask someone to come over and ask for clarification.

The maids around Shuyuan were dealing with Haishi, Weishi and other people around her. Yang rolled her eyes, and suddenly pushed the silver needle, knocked a little girl away, turned around and rushed out of the door.

Shuyuan and Jin Chengye were looking at Ping'er and didn't know what to say: Ping'er didn't say what happened, and the couple guessed that there must be something hidden in it.

The husband and wife are not interested in other people's secrets, they just think about how to get rid of them, without making Hai Shi, Wei Shi and others in the house raise any doubts.

They don't even want Ping to come back to make amends: they think it's better to stay away from this matter and not get involved.

But she didn't expect that at this time, Mrs. Yang actually wanted to escape, and even pushed the silver needle down; and the little girl she knocked down stepped on Yulu's foot, and when Yulu cried out in pain and wanted to stabilize her body, she hit her The eyes of the girl next to her.

The girl was in pain and wanted to escape and bumped into the people around her. If Jin Chengye hadn't protected Shuyuan in time, she might have been knocked down again.

It’s okay to fall just now, but it’s hard to say if you fall again: it’s hard for pregnant women to say, maybe it’s okay to fall hard once, but it’s also possible that you won’t have a miscarriage even if you don’t fall.

Jin Chengye's expression changed: "Catch her!"

Jin Chengye and Shuyuan didn't want to ask why Ping wanted to arrest Yang, and they didn't want to know at all; therefore, they didn't want to ask Yang again, even if they were knocked to the ground by her.

But I didn't expect that Yang would be so ignorant, thinking of running away at this moment, and didn't care that Shu Yuan was pregnant.

In a fit of anger, Jin Chengye directly ordered Yang to be arrested. In addition, there were people from Ping outside the gate, and there were already many people around, so Yang was arrested without even stepping out of the courtyard.

Pushing Mrs. Yang to Jin Chengye, but this time all the servants and women were far away from Shuyuan, for fear of any accidents: they almost turned Shuyuan just now, and their faces turned pale with fright.

Even if Shuyuan and Jin Chengye didn't say they would punish them, they still avoided it carefully, so as not to be framed by Yang again.

Yun Wu also didn't let Yang Shi come to Shu Yuan, and looked at her coldly: "You still don't want to compensate our young mistress, do you?"

If it wasn't for the presence of Ping's people, Yun Wu might have slapped Yang's face with a single palm.

Yang looked at Yunwu: "Why are you yelling, don't think that I am a person who can be scolded by a girl like you."

She glanced at Shuyuan and Jin Chengye: "I was also careless. I never thought of harming anyone. What are you doing with your eyes so wide? As I said, you just need to find the second master."

"Does your second master know that he is a high-ranking official in the capital, and he will be promoted to the third rank soon—won't you go find him?"

Jin Chengye was stunned, and Shu Yuan was also stunned.

Except for Ping's people, everyone looked at Yang in a daze: Who is this person?

Shuyuan glanced at Jin Chengye and gave him a wink. Although Yang's behavior made people angry, but this matter was weird, one thing more is worse than one thing less: let's go quickly.

She didn't want to see the second master who was an official in Beijing at this time, and she didn't want to know why Yang kept asking for the second master.

Jin Chengye glanced at the people in the Ping family, and seeing that they all looked at their noses and their hearts, he waved his hand: "I'll leave it to you guys."

"Tell my aunt that this man almost got into a catastrophe, and please ask my aunt to put some thought into disciplining her." Although he was able to let Yang go, he didn't want Yang to take any pain.

The person who didn't want Ping hadn't answered yet, but that Yang rushed up to Jin Chengye, stretched out his hands and hugged Jin Chengye's arm: "You can't let them take me away, the second master will definitely blame you if he knows."

Her body snuggled up to Jin Chengye's body, of course it couldn't be intentional in full view, and there couldn't be any intention of seduction.

But seeing Shuyuan's eyebrows still frowned: Does this count as throwing yourself into your arms?
(End of this chapter)

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