Chapter 202

Yun Wu was also annoyed.

Because Jin Chengye hadn't shown up since she brought people to Lu's courtyard.No matter what, as long as Jin Chengye came out to say something, Yun Wu would go back and confess to Shu Yuan: Husband and wife, of course they want to make peace.

Jin Chengye was in the back room, and he didn't come out and didn't speak, Yun Wu really got angry: If you don't care, then I will really smash it.

Regardless of whether it was brought by the Jin family or the Lu family, everyone smashed it together: She didn't believe that Jin Chengye wouldn't come out——if you don't come out, I'll smash you out; if you don't come out, I'll hit you out .

The Lu family is in her hands anyway, if Jin Chengye refuses to speak out, Yun Wu will hit the Lu family.Since Jin Chengye has such deep affection for the Lu family right now, then he is not willing to let the Lu family be beaten.

Nuannuan looked at everyone's actions, and said a little uneasy: "What if, what if the people of the Jin family get annoyed?" She knew very well that it is not her own reason to be a slave and maidservant, and Yunwu in the Jin family belongs to the Jin family. Man, isn't the master of the Jin family going to take his life if he is annoyed by that cloud?

In the palace, she was used to seeing palace servants who were beaten to death for their master's scapegoat. Seeing Yun Wu doing this now, she really didn't know what to do.

Shuyuan is just the young mistress of the Jin family. Sometimes even if she has the heart, she may not have the strength to keep her confidant.

Yun Wu didn't raise her eyelids, "You also said, Jin family members, you are not the Jin family, and whether I am the Jin family depends on our girl—my uncle and the girl are fine, of course I am the Jin family, otherwise, I don't know who I am." Who is the Dejin family?"

She gritted her teeth and her eye circles turned red: "You don't know, when our girl woke up, she forgot everything. Looking at those strangers in the Jin family, she was only afraid."

"All of us stayed with her and kept telling her that those were her family and that was her husband-in-law. My uncle really put his heart into it. Seeing him accompany and be careful, we were happy for the girl in our hearts."

"In private, we helped him say so many good things in front of the girl, and then our girl was finally moved, and finally fell in love, which was even more serious than before. But I didn't expect, I didn't expect my uncle to say that he turned his face and became ruthless .”

Yun Wu clenched her fists: "If I had known today, I should have persuaded our girl to leave."

"What nonsense are you talking about, be careful and I will send you to the Zhao family tomorrow." Jin Chengye came out.He walked out holding on to the door frame, taking a break every two or three steps.

His face looked a little red, and his feet were very flimsy, as if he was not stepping on the ground with every step, and his body would sway a few times when he landed.

His voice was also very weak.

Yun Wu was still half-dead with anger just now, when she turned her head and saw Jin Chengye like this, she immediately went to support him: "Master, what's wrong with you?" She also stopped calling him Uncle.

Jin Chengye shook his head: "It's nothing, just a little tired." After he finished speaking, he looked at Mrs. Lu: "Why did you tie up your aunt and still not let go."

Not to mention Yunwu, Nuan Nuan was anxious when she heard this: "My lord, are you really dizzy? Do you know what you are doing? Let me tell you..." She went back to the beginning At the end, she said: "She didn't have a good intention, and even put the mother-in-law down."

Jin Chengye waved his hand: "I see, my mother-in-law is fine; and I heard from you that it was not the right time for me to see my father at that time, and I happened to change my clothes to pay my respects now, so as not to embarrass each other."

Yun Wu was so angry that he was speechless, and Yin Zhen frowned, looking at Jin Chengye wondering what he was going to do.

"You still don't let go of Auntie? How can she come into my house? She is now a member of my family. It's better for everyone to be kind." Shi untied.

Yun Wu turned around and lifted a vase over her head, and threw it on the ground forcefully: "Go, let's go." She can do anything to the Lu family, but Jin Chengye is Shu Yuan's husband after all, no matter what she thinks of Jin Chengye That's not someone she can teach.

"Master, our young mistress is pregnant with Liujia, and she hasn't had a quiet time in the past two days. Whether she is tired or angry, it is enough for her." Yinzhen gritted her teeth, and took a step behind and bravely said: "Don't you think about it for the young mistress?" , and think more about the child in the womb of the young mistress."

Jin Chengye nodded: "I see. You go back first, and I will go to see your young mistress after I have greeted my father in a while."

He didn't raise his head when he was talking, and kept looking at Lu Shi. After answering the silver needle, he asked Lu Shi softly: "Does it hurt? Did it hurt anywhere?"

Lu's eyes were full of tears: "Master, you, are you not angry with me?"

"Why are you angry with you? We grew up together, so how could that relationship be erased all of a sudden. It's just that I thought it would give you a better home, so I decided to ignore you. In this way, you still become a member of the Jin family." Jin Chengye sat down: "It's just that you are too willful in some things."

"Shuyuan's temper is like that, and she is the main wife. You have to be good in the future, and make her happy. We are all fine, aren't we?"

When he said this, he shook Lu's hand again: "Fuhui, for my sake, let Shuyuan be more lenient, and don't make Shuyuan unhappy anymore."

Lu looked at Jin Chengye's face full of disbelief: "Cousin, you, are you serious? I used that medicine to immobilize you. I thought you would, you would annoy me..."

Jin Chengye laughed, and stretched out his hand to lift her chin: "One day husband and wife Bai Rien, why am I mad at you? Why are you giving me your body, silly girl."

Hearing this, Mrs. Lu finally let go of half of her thoughts, threw herself into Jin Chengye's arms and cried, "Cousin, cousin." Finally, someone could understand her grievances, and finally someone was willing to think about her.

She knew that her cousin still had her in his heart, otherwise, it would not have been possible for her cousin to change so much with just skin-to-skin contact.

Jin Chengye softly coaxed her a few words: "Okay, don't cry. You can't live here anymore, and you don't need to have someone clean up. I'll have someone take you to the guest room first, and I'll have someone clean up a yard for you in the next few days." .”

"As for Shuyuan, don't be angry with her, let her be more lenient and don't embarrass me; even if it's for my cousin, my cousin will remember the grievances you have suffered, and will love you well."

How could Mrs. Lu say no, and she collapsed into Jin Chengye's arms: "I will listen to my cousin, and I will definitely not make things difficult for my cousin."

She believes that it won't be long before she can completely pull her cousin's heart to her side, Mu Shuyuan?Let her keep the vacant room in the name of the main wife.

Jin Chengye stood up and said he was going to pay his respects to his father, and left first; not long after he left, someone came to lure Mrs. Lu to the guest room—this time it was the best guest room in the Jin Mansion, and Mrs. Lu was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

After separating from Mrs. Lu, Jin Chengye went to see the old lady first, and then went to visit his mother when he heard that his mother was ill, before going to see the third master.

The father and son did not see each other, because Mr. Jin and Mrs. Yun had already gone to bed, and they said that if they had something to say, it would not be too late tomorrow: just sent his son away.

Jin Chengye stood outside his father's study for a long while before turning around and leaving slowly; he remembered the father who loved him so much in the past, and the voice in the study was so strange that he felt that the people inside were not at all familiar to him. know.

When we returned to Shuyuan's yard, it was already very late at night, but the lights in Shuyuan's room were still on.

Jin Chengye didn't know why he stood outside the door for a long time before he coughed lightly and pushed the door open: there were only girls inside the door, and only little girls, not a single big girl.

"Master is back." Ziyou stepped forward to serve him cleverly, thinking that he could win the favor of Seventh Master, and from then on he would be able to fly on a branch and become a phoenix—not to be an aunt, but just to get a job as a servant in the house .

Jin Chengye waved his hand and entered the back room, but he didn't expect that the room was empty, and there was no one there; he turned to look at the little girls: "Where is your young mistress?"

I don't know when the mist started, not to mention the added coolness, and the dampness has increased a lot, making people walk slowly in the night, feeling a sticky feeling all over the body and heart, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Red lanterns, red characters for happiness, and flowers made of red silk: all these are no strangers to Jin Chengye, because he has worshiped twice.

The wedding hall is gone, but the new house is still there. The new house prepared for Lu Fuhui: The Jin family has too many things to do in the past two days.

On Da Hong's Xi bed, Shu Yuan was half sitting and half reclining, already fast asleep.She was covered with a thin quilt, and the windows were closed—it should have been closed by the girls, but there was no girl in the room now.

Jin Chengye walked gently in front of Shu Yuan, looking at the sleeping face, he became a little dazed: he seemed to hear joy in his ears, Shu Yuan was sitting on the bed in a big red dress.

When he picked up the hipa on Shuyuan's head that day that year, he didn't feel too excited, but felt guilty instead.

He never thought that one day Shuyuan would walk into the depths of his heart and become someone he could never let go of.

Shu Yuan subconsciously hummed a few times, as if she was not sleeping very comfortably, she turned her body and fell asleep again, not knowing that there was someone around her.

Jin Chengye bent down and gently hugged Shuyuan, and laid her body flat, just to make Shuyuan sleep more comfortably.

As soon as he hugged Shuyuan, she woke up. When she opened her eyes, she was still a little confused. When she saw the familiar face, she said inarticulately: "You are back."

Jin Chengye nodded: "I'm back, you first..." Before he finished speaking, Shuyuan's eyes widened and opened.

There was no sleepiness in her eyes anymore, only strong anger, she raised her foot and kicked Jin Chengye out of the bed: "Jin Chengye, my sister told you that if you dare to be the first day of the junior high school, I will dare to be the fifteenth! "

(End of this chapter)

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