Raising a Wise Husband: A Lovely Wife and a Husband

Chapter 204 Shading and Drawing Shapes

Chapter 204 Shading and Drawing Shapes
Eleven left the capital, the palace, and the father who made her fearful, and her childish side showed more and more.

When encountering things, when Eleven took out her princess status, she really had a royal demeanor, and she didn't speak or act like an ordinary half-grown child at all.

But by Shuyuan's side, she is now more and more a child instead of a princess, so Shuyuan has more and more headaches: in some things, eleven is far worse than ordinary children.

Hearing Shuyuan's words on Eleventh, his eyes widened: "Why are there so many things that good girls shouldn't say? The emperor doesn't like any concubine and ignores her. Sometimes he will send people to the cold palace when he is angry; my The imperial sister doesn't like to be with the son-in-law, so she will recruit more customers..."

Shu Yuan coughed a few times: "Anyway, Eleven, those words shouldn't be said, and you shouldn't do that; it's not all wrong, you don't like the son-in-law, you can separate and stop being a husband and wife, you can find another It’s okay for someone you like to be a consort.”

Eleven half understands: "Really, what's the difference? Forget it, let's not talk about it. Sister, you can't think about it, even if you think about it, you can't go to see the ancestors of the Jin family. They are surnamed Jin. speaking to you."

Shuyuan was dumbfounded by what she said, but her mood relaxed inexplicably. Even Fang Sheng looked at it as no big deal: as Eleven said, if Jin Chengye is really not a good man, then she can leave Well.

If someone in the Jin family wants to harm her again, what can she do if she leaves?If she wanted to find that person, she would look for it, and if she didn't want to, she didn't have to stay in the Jin Mansion and wait for that person to harm her.

She can advance, attack, retreat, or defend, what should she worry about?Shuyuan stretched out her hand to pinch Eleven's nose: "Are you trying to make me happy?" Eleven also has all the shortcomings of a princess, but she is a good child with a pure and kind heart.

Eleven took Shuyuan's hand: "I don't like my sister's appearance just now, and it's not good for the baby. I'm the baby's aunt—" She paused at this point, and then looked at Shuyuan: "Auntie is farther away, isn't she?"

"You said, can I be your baby's godmother?" She was very serious, and she was definitely not joking this time.

Shuyuan looked at Eleven and couldn't laugh or cry again: "Auntie is very close, absolutely close, isn't the name godmother unpleasant?" She doesn't mind that the child has a princess as a godmother, but the age of Eleven is too old. She's a little younger, but to be honest, it's almost the same as being an older sister.

Eleven seriously thought about it before nodding: "Girl is really not nice, aunt is just aunt." She put the matter aside and thought of Fang Sheng: "My sister is going to see the ancestors of the Jin family, is it related to Fang Sheng?" ?”

Shu Yuan pursed her lips and smiled: "Tell me, is there any place in the Jin Mansion where such a yellow paper is placed, and it won't be surprising if people see it?"

Yinzhen's eyes lit up: "It is dedicated to the ancestors..."

"Slap your mouth, you." Eleven went over and pinched Yinzhen's face lightly: "If you dare to compete with the princess for the limelight, you have to be careful with your head." She has often threatened girls like this recently, so Yinzhen won't really win Scared, just giggling and coaxing Eleven.

Shu Yuan and others walked all the way to the gate of the courtyard, and Qian Shi was coming out of the upper room. When she saw Shu Yuan, she felt a little at a loss.

Eleven didn't know Qian Shi, she was still joking with Yinzhen, and they walked slowly along the way because they had played along the way.

"Young Mistress." Qian came up to greet her and said, "You should go back, don't make things difficult for the servant, if the old lady or the master find out, the servant may have her legs broken."

After she finished speaking, she knelt down on the ground and kowtowed vigorously, making a "dong dong" sound when her forehead touched the ground; even if the place where she knelt was not green bricks but loess, but the rammed loess kowtowed so hard, it would still hurt.

Shu Yuan was really surprised: "How do you say that? I'm just here to offer incense sticks, what's there to embarrass you?"

Qian didn't answer and just kowtowed, all she wanted was for Shuyuan to leave as soon as possible.

On Eleventh, Mrs. Qian pushed open the door and went into the upper room. After a while, she came out and looked around all the houses in the courtyard. When she came back, she saw that Mrs. Qian was still kowtowing, her forehead was already red and swollen.

"Why are you bothering, it's like your young mistress can't come to this place? There's some secret here - tell me, we'll leave right away." She didn't find the yellow paper.

The paper money enshrined to the ancestors of the Jin family is all cut. Although it is also Huang's, it is different from Fang Sheng's paper: the paper money is very new.

I also found the Paper Eleven that made paper money, and there were many in a wing room, with scissors and baskets beside it, as well as some paper money that had been cut: it should have been cut by Qian.

If you can't find any living people, just ask.Eleven asked directly, which really made Qian Shi stop kowtowing.

Mrs. Qian raised her head to look at Eleven, a trace of panic flashed across her face, and then hurriedly lowered her head: "Where is there any secret? You can see the bottom at a glance in this yard. The inside and outside of the house are very simple. What can be hidden?" secret?"

Shu Yuan nodded: "She was just joking with you. Since the old lady has spoken, I will go back first. If I get the old lady some other day, you won't stop me from offering incense, right?"

Eleven didn't find it, and she couldn't find anything if she looked again; maybe she was wrong—but the panic that flashed across Qian's face showed that there was something else that was hidden from her.

Hearing Shuyuan's words, Qian breathed a sigh of relief, kowtowed again to thank Shuyuan, sent Shuyuan out of the courtyard respectfully, and bowed until she could not see Shuyuan before turning back.

I thought that Fang Sheng's paper came from Qian's place, but I didn't find the same paper in the yard, and Qian's will not leave the yard-Shu Yuan knew that she was wrong, but she felt sorry for Qian's birth. interested.

Because when Eleven talked about secrets, Qian's actually panicked: what secret does a servant have that is afraid of being known by the master?

Yinzhen stepped forward a few times as if to say something, but several times she closed her mouth and took a step back when she spoke, even Eleven couldn't help but look at her: "What's wrong with you, I don't really want you Head—your head is cute when it grows, but it’s only cute when it grows on you, and it’s just scary when it falls off.”

"It's nothing." Yinzhen opened her mouth, watching Shuyuan's words and swallowing them back.

Shuyuan looked at her with a smile: "I don't think Yinzhen is really timid. Now it seems that I was wrong."

Yinzhen pursed her lips: "Young Mistress, I know there is another place that should have that kind of paper, but, just..." Shocked by Shu Yuan, she opened her mouth, and swallowed the rest of the sentence halfway through the sentence .

Shu Yuan raised an eyebrow: "Where?"

"It's from the second and second madam. Although the old lady doesn't believe in gods and Buddhas, the eldest madam and the third madam don't worship Bodhisattvas, but the second madam has been offering bodhisattvas since the second master's accident happened." Yinzhen still said come out.

As soon as the words were out of the mouth, they were going all out, so the more they spoke, the more slippery Yinzhen finished speaking: "Young Mistress, you forgot a lot of things, so you didn't think about it."

Shu Yuan blinked when she heard it: "I know, it's just that the second aunt is just three sticks of incense in the morning and evening. How can I use yellow paper? It's not a practice."

Yinzhen took a few steps forward: "It turns out that the second lady did rituals, in her yard and in the study of the second master. Recently, the maidservant didn't know when it started. I heard that it seemed to be when the young lady woke up. It won't be long, the second wife has also done a ritual."

"Recently, the second wife has to do rituals in the first and fifth grades of the first and fifth grades of the lunar new year—it can't be said to be religious rituals. Anyway, I have to prepare a lot of things, burn talismans and set up altars. I just hide it from the old lady."

Shu Yuan stopped walking when she heard the words: "Although older people will give alms to temples and Taoist temples, but they don't like to get these things - no one in the family persuades them?"

She has some complaints about Mrs. Wang, because Mrs. Wang is now devoted to protecting Mrs. Lu, so Shuyuan doesn't know how to face her, so she hasn't been to Mrs. Wang recently.

And Mrs. Wang also knew that what she had done was wrong to Shuyuan, and she also knew that Shuyuan inevitably had resentment in her heart. She had not come to Shuyuan's side in recent days, not even the tonics she often prepared for Shuyuan in the past. Send it again.

Yinzhen sighed: "The eldest lady and the third lady have persuaded her, but the second lady and the two ladies are annoyed, saying that they are because their husbands are not around, and they don't want her to find him back. Be cruel."

"The two wives stopped persuading her. Anyway, the second wives didn't do anything else. The maid listened to the people on the side of the big lady - the big lady said that the second lady was just thinking about it, so I let it go." Let her go, it's poor."

Shu Yuan shook her head when she heard this: "Let's go and see the Second Madam. Speaking of which, I haven't been to the Second Aunt's side for some days. It's reasonable to have time to ask for Ann today."

She also wanted to take a look at things that weren't for yellow paper, and she couldn't just watch Wang get stuck in them; sometimes ghosts and ghosts are really harmful.

Eleven heard the words and interjected: "Your second wife, when I saw her that day, I wanted to ask, a general of your Jin family died in battle..."

"It's the second wife's husband-in-law." Shu Yuan sighed: "But my aunt never thinks that her husband-in-law has..., alas."

Eleven said "Oh": "A few days ago, someone asked someone to draw a portrait of the great general in the capital. I heard that it was the people who were saved by him. The Jin family still has good people, and he is still a good man with iron blood."

She was ordered to train soldiers. Although she didn't really put her heart into training soldiers, she had an inexplicable fondness for generals, and she always felt that they were too unlike men for civil servants.

Before stepping into the gate of Wang's courtyard, Shu Yuan already smelled the smell of incense candles, which was three points stronger than the courtyard where the ancestors of the Jin family were worshiped: Wang's is really too serious, if you Letting her go down is not sympathizing with her but hurting her.

(End of this chapter)

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