Chapter 206 Yefeiye

Seeing the silver needle go far away, Eleven said softly: "Sister, is the silver needle reliable? How did I hear that she is from the Jin family? Who owns the body?" Born in the court and grown up in the court , Her Royal Highness is still a little suspicious.

Shuyuan glanced at the girls and women behind her, and took Eleven a few steps before answering: "Reliable or unreliable depends not only on the girls, but also on ourselves. Unreliable people can also become reliable , Reliable people will become unreliable, and people and things in the world are not static."

"It's still the same sentence, it depends on us, how we employ people and how we treat people." She didn't want to become an extremely suspicious person after Eleven, and she didn't want Eleven to become a pure and stupid person.

Eleven blinked: "Brother-in-law, are you really angry?"

Shu Yuan pointed her finger on her head: "Children, don't ask about adults." She suddenly remembered something, turned around and stood still to look at the people behind her.

Yunwu and Nuannuan went to interrogate the people in the courtyard of the new house, Yinzhen went to inquire about things, and Biluo went back to guard Shuyuan's room: now there is no big girl by her side.

The girl behind her was either from Shuyuan Court, or the palace servant next to Shiyi, looking at the two masters in unison, not knowing what they wanted to do.

Shu Yuan casually pointed to the past: "Come here, someone."

The most elf among the maids was Nai Dong, who immediately walked over a few steps and said, "Young Mistress." She didn't say much and stood there quietly after seeing the ceremony.

She knew that there must be something wrong with Shuyuan calling someone, what kind of thing Shuyuan said, she would listen, if Shuyuan didn't say anything, she wouldn't ask more: what should she do? She just needs to do things well, she should know She believed that Shuyuan would let her know.

If the master didn't say it, then she shouldn't know, so naturally she can't ask, and she shouldn't mention it to others in the future.

Shuyuan knew Naidong's temperament, and seeing her come over was kind to her: "You find a place to wait, and when you see Yun's leaving, go back and have a look."

She wanted to know why Yun Shi came to find Wang Shi.There's no need to hide it, it's better to ask people from the Wang family directly, otherwise it may cause some misunderstandings.

Naidong immediately understood, agreed and walked forward—it was clever that she didn't turn around and go back the same way, because Shuyuan ordered her alone, presumably she didn't want everyone to know.

She kept walking forward, walking fast, everyone naturally had various guesses, but they never thought that she would take a detour and return to Wang's place.

Shuyuan and Shishi didn't have much to do next, because they had to wait for Yinzhen and Naidong to reply, so they wandered around the garden without mentioning Fang Sheng, just gossip.

Eleven couldn't let go of Jin Chengye's affairs, and would ask Jin Chengye a few words, but Shuyuan didn't answer her; when she asked urgently, Shuyuan just squeezed Eleven's face, or patted her. He just refused to answer eleven directly.

The one who came back first was Silver Needle.Shuyuan and Shiyi were a little surprised, because it was not difficult for Yinzhen to inquire about, but there must be many people and places to ask. I thought she would come back later than Naidong.

In this way, there is only one possibility, that is, Mrs. Yun has not left Mrs. Wang's yard, so Naidong could not come back to answer.

Yinzhen asked Yuming to take the maids and women to disperse. She spread the cushions and asked Eleven and Shuyuan to sit down: "That Mr. Yun should have been to Mrs. Qian - I didn't ask Mrs. Qian, but a few The women tidying up the flowers and plants in the garden saw with their own eyes that Mrs. Yun came out from that direction."

"Then I asked other people who were sweeping and tidying up the flowers and plants in the garden. According to what they saw, the servant girl thought that Mrs. Yun had left Mrs. Qian's place, so she rushed directly to Mrs. Second's place; and us, it was a matter of front and back."

Shu Yuan nodded after listening: "How did you ask, you won't let people..." She didn't want to startle the snake.

Yinzhen laughed: "I didn't ask directly, I talked a lot about other things in the mansion, because Mrs. Yun is a newcomer, she thinks she is a princess but she is just a girl, everyone treats her But she is very interested, and people's eyes will follow her wherever she goes."

"You don't need to ask. People can't help but tell me that they saw Yun's after a few words. If I say a few more words about Yun's arrogance, of course everyone can talk about it, and they will naturally find out everything. "

Shuyuan didn't expect Yun to be so famous in Jin's family, but she felt relieved after thinking about it: a girl who bears the name of a common house girl insists on acting like a master, if she doesn't dislike the Jin family's servants That's really weird.

Eleven frowned: "What did she go to Qian's? Besides, I heard that the third master of your house took her there, and offered incense to the ancestors of the Jin family——Go again, or She went alone, why?"

"I don't like that Mrs. Qian very much. She must have a secret, sister." She shook her head when she said this: "Mr. Yun just arrived in the mansion, even if Mrs. Qian has no matter how big or many secrets she has. May know by now."

Shu Yuan narrowed her eyes, and said softly: "What if a piece of Fang Sheng also appeared in that Yun's room? Yellow paper, how many places can you find that kind of paper in this mansion? It's not surprising that Shi went there."

She finished speaking and looked in the direction of Wang's courtyard: "If that's the case, then her purpose of going to Auntie is the same as ours; well, Auntie is not here, so she must not be able to see the Buddha."

Even if Mrs. Wang is here, it is impossible to take Mrs. Yun to worship the gods and Buddhas, because Mrs. Yun is not a good person to Mrs. Wang: he is a foreigner who is pregnant and wants to force Mrs. Sun out of the Jin family. It's no wonder Shi was polite to her.

Shuyuan glanced at Eleven, the unburned piece of Mingbi was still on Eleven's body, of course it was inconvenient to take it out outside; she couldn't wait now, and wanted to go back and take it out for comparison.

She didn't want to compare: she didn't want the person who wanted to kill her to be Wang Shi, she really didn't want it, so when the answer was almost ready, she felt a little nervous, and even wanted to go back to her parents to live for a few days .

Why Wang?It shouldn't be the Wang family, right?
She remembered what Mrs. Wang did. Although she couldn't remember what happened in the past, she remembered every bit of what Mrs. Wang had done for her since she woke up.

Is Mrs. Wang really a person who is as big a villain as a fool and as evil as a good person?Treating her well is just to cover up her intention to harm others?Shuyuan thought and thought, and always felt that Wang's concern for her was not fake.

Seeing Shuyuan's uncertain face, Yinzhen hurriedly persuaded her: "That Yun family can't make any troubles, even if there is such a villain, they will not succeed. The young lady is blessed by God, They end up only hurting themselves."

Eleven laughed: "Are you trying to lie to yourself by saying this? Wicked people, even if we don't teach her a lesson, let her know that we know she is a wicked person, and make her dare not act rashly to harm others. "

"Also, if they really have done evil things, they must be taught a lesson, otherwise, other people will follow suit; there will always be people who want to take shortcuts, and there will always be people who want to plot things that are not their own. thing."

"The government is not just for collecting taxes." After she finished speaking, she looked at Shuyuan: "It's too early to say, but my sister should also have an idea in mind."

Shu Yuan waved her hand: "Let's go back to the room. Just let people wait here, don't let Naidong get caught up in nothing." If it's true, it can't be fake. She doesn't want to face it and can't change anything. You can't let your temper come.

She thought it was better to go back to her room and compare them carefully - even if the papers were similar, it could not prove that Mrs. Wang was the one who murdered her.

It is also possible that someone close to Wang took the paper from Wang's room, or someone else stole the paper from Wang's room, or someone in the house had ulterior motives and bought the same kind of paper as Wang's.

All of a sudden, Shuyuan made three excuses for Wang Shi in her heart, but she also knew very well that besides these three possibilities, there was another possibility that the Jin family who wanted to kill her was Wang Shi.

Yinzhen didn't ask too many questions, she never talked much when she was around Shuyuan, compared with Yunwu, she was not talkative but cautious, because she was a member of the Jin family, so long as Shuyuan didn't talk about many things, she wouldn't ask too much one word.

Even if sometimes Shuyuan would say something, she would hide away a little bit, and it might not be a good thing to know less about things: in case the masters of the Jin family asked her something, would she say what she knew or not?
It's better not to know anything, no one has to be embarrassed if anyone asks her: I won't be sorry to Shuyuan, and I won't be sorry to the masters of the Jin family.

As soon as he stood up and stepped down the steps, Naidong ran over panting, and didn't wait to catch his breath when he saw Shuyuan: "Young Mistress, Mrs. Yun still stays there and refuses to leave, which made the sisters at the Second Madam's place very upset. Annoyed."

"The servant girl saw that she had been waiting for a long time, so she turned to the back door and sure enough, she waited for a few people, so she asked directly according to the young lady's wishes——Since Yun has been sitting up to now, she always asks the second lady about worshiping God, inside and outside the words."

"The people in the second lady's courtyard are already on guard. They think that the Yun family will use the second lady to gain power, and maybe let the third master come forward and tell the old lady about it."

After she finished speaking, she took a few breaths: "Young Mistress, I will go back, the weather is already hot, and it is almost noon, you should go back to your room first; if you have any news, I will..." She said careful.

Shu Yuan stopped her: "You don't need to go anymore, the questions you asked are enough."

When Mr. Yun goes to Mrs. Qian again, it cannot be said that she also has Fang Sheng. It may be other things, just a coincidence; but she came directly to Mrs. Wang's residence from Mrs. Qian, and kept asking Mrs. Wang to worship God. Things that can no longer be explained by coincidence.

Shuyuan thinks that Yun's hand probably also has Mei Fang victorious.

(End of this chapter)

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