Chapter 209 Another One

Shu Yuan frowned: "It seems wrong, this is not what we are looking for. Although the box is similar, it is not my one."

Eleven Wenyan took two steps forward and took a closer look: "I don't remember, I look about the same—by the way, what's in your box, take it out and have a look." She didn't touch the little one. Box.

After hearing Shuyuan's words, the third master looked at Shuyuan carefully. He couldn't see that Shufa was lying, so he put his heart back slightly: "In the box, in the box..."

He said that he didn't know the things in his room, which made people even more suspicious. Besides, Shu Yuan said that the box was wrong, and he felt more confident in his heart: "I bought it for the princess. It's not worth anything."

Having said that, he has made up his mind, whether he really needs to buy gold jewelry, the box is still a gift from the store, if not, let the store come to confront him.

Eleven pointed to her nose: "Give it to me, hehe, I'm really sorry to cost you money, Third Master." She smiled and pointed to the small box: "Then present it." She didn't have any You're being polite, she accepts everything no matter if it's good or bad.

In the future, if she wants to marry far away, there is no harm in bringing more gold and silver things with her, so she has always accepted gifts.

Even if she knew that the princess in the words of the third master was not referring to her, but if the matter was serious, the third master would only feel more distressed: Yun Shi is not a princess now, but just a girl.

Calling the girl in your house a princess, do you mean to insult Her Royal Highness, or do you have a heart of disobedience?In short, neither of them is a crime that the third master can bear, so Jin Chengye and Shuyuan's face for Jin Chengye and Shuyuan's face made Jin Chengye accept it.

The third master's heart trembled when he heard the words, but at this moment he knew that he had said something wrong, how could he dare to distinguish a word?He could only obediently stepped forward to take the small box, and presented it to the people around Eleven with both hands.

The palace man stared at the third master: "Do you really not understand or do you have some ideas? How can you not open the things presented to the princess? Who knows that you have gold ornaments inside, or hide some shady things?"

The third master opened the box helplessly, but the moment he opened it, his hand trembled and he almost dropped the box on the ground: what was inside was not the gold jewelry he gave to Yun, but a seal.

It wasn't the seal of his Jin family, but he knew it was the seal of the official family at a glance. There are only three people in Jin's mansion who have the seal of the official family: one is Shuyuan, one is Shishi, and the third is Yun's.However, Yun's seal is something from the island country, so it is natural that such a thing is not recognized in the upper kingdom of the Celestial Dynasty.

Shu Yuan let out a "huh" in surprise: "Obviously the box is not my box, but the things are inside."

Eleven's voice became a bit cold: "You are so courageous. You dare to steal even the seals of the high officials in the court. Now that the stolen goods are all there, what else do you have to say?"

The third master's knees softened and he knelt on the ground: "Your Highness, the grass people don't know, the grass people really don't know." He looked at the seal in the box: "It was originally a gold jewelry, why, how..." Of course he knew the seriousness.

Even if it is a family, Shuyuan's seal is not something he can get, it is not only Shuyuan's property, not to mention that he will confront Shuyuan when he comes back.

"It's not you—" Eleven's voice dragged on for a long, long time: "Steal?" Seeing the third master nodding and kowtowing, she slapped her hands together: "Bring Mrs. Yun here. Also, search for me, Lili Search outside and outside carefully to see if there is anything shady about it?"

Now it's really justified, no matter how awkward the third master is, he doesn't dare to stop people in the palace from searching his study.

Yun Shi was quickly brought here, but her face was extremely embarrassed. Obviously, the body search just now made her extremely ashamed, and now her cannibalism was born.

"Master said he didn't know what was going on, so come and explain to me." Shu Yuan pointed to the small box in the hands of the third master: "I want to know how my seal got to you."

Yun's face also changed after seeing the seal clearly, she knew that this matter was troublesome.Looking up at Shuyuan, her voice was quite calm: "I said I don't know, and the young mistress doesn't believe it either, does she?"

She finally understood the truth of being under the eaves, and called Shuyuan the young mistress: "But in fact, I really don't know, this matter has nothing to do with me or the master."

"I don't think Her Royal Highness and the General will come to copy the study when they are bored. Why don't you just tell me what you want, young mistress. As long as it is what I have or what I can do, there will never be any." Half a word."

She was really straightforward, and she pointed out the key points when she opened her mouth, without begging for mercy or making too many arguments: she knew that it would not work if she said it, so she might as well save that effort.

Shu Yuan sat down with a smile: "He is really a smart person." After she finished speaking, she didn't make another sound, but just picked up the cup and took a sip of tea.

Nuan Nuan came over suddenly, and presented to Eleven a Fang Sheng, a yellow Fang Sheng that was folded neatly.

Eleven picked it up to have a look, and handed Fang Sheng to Shuyuan; after Shuyuan took it, she didn't open it, but put Fang Sheng gently on the small table.

Yun's complexion changed slightly: "You, you did it for..." Thinking of the places I've been to today, I finally understood everything.What kind of letter, it was just to frame her up, just to have an excuse to get rid of her.

What Shuyuan is really looking for is not the seal, but the Fang Sheng.Yun Shigui's intestines were turning green, it would have been better if she had burned it earlier, but before she figured it out, Fang Sheng really couldn't be destroyed.

"I just said, you are a smart person." Shufa put down the cup, picked up Fang Sheng to play with, stared at Yun with a half-smile, but stopped talking.

The third master naturally understood now when he heard it: "You, you actually used such a method, you, you, actually framed us." He didn't dare to criticize Eleven, so after uttering the word "you", And abruptly changed to "you".

Shuyuan glanced at the third master but didn't speak, allowing the third master to tremble with anger.

Yun bit her lips: "If I can't satisfy you, General, then I will definitely be a thief, and I will be sent to the Ming Dynasty for punishment. If I don't die, I will die, right?"

Eleven laughed when she heard it: "Sure enough, my sister is right. You are really smart. So, what do you have to say now?"

Yun's face was tense, she really wanted to scratch Shu Yuan's face, to see if Shu Yuan could still laugh, and if she could still smile so freely!
But she clenched her hands and asked only one sentence: "What do you want me to do?" She has no room to resist, this is not her homeland, here only Eleven is Her Royal Highness Princess, if she does not bow her head, she will only die.

Only by surviving will there be a chance for revenge.She said it to herself again, suppressing the hatred that was churning in her heart.

Shu Yuan looked at Yun Shi: "You are a smart person, how could you ask such stupid words?" She flicked the teacup lightly with her finger: "I think, you know very well what will happen if you give up halfway or if you give up halfway Is it the end?"

When she said this, she sighed: "It's a family, and the master is my elder. He should be kind and trust you the most. But, I really can't trust you, so we still settle one thing and talk about another. "

"Come here, and I will serve you with pen and ink." She ordered the girls to look at Yun: "You are familiar with writing documents, so write another one. I don't need to remind you about the confession. I believe you don't want to." Write one and write another, delaying the work of all of us."

Yun's face turned livid again, and she couldn't suppress the anger in her chest even after taking several deep breaths: "You——!"

Shu Yuan looked away: "It seems that you don't want to bow your head, that's easy. Come and tie up the prisoner, prepare the carriage and let's go to the government."

The third master suddenly interrupted her in a sinister way: "If you dare to report to the officials, it is still wrong for you to lose the seal. Even if you find it, it is still wrong and you will be questioned."

Eleven smiled and pointed to her nose: "I lost it, it was Bengong who lost it." Who can do anything to Eleven, even if she was wrong, no official would dare to accuse her.

Yun knows that there is no benefit in confronting Shuyuan head-on, because there is nothing Shuyuan can't do, even if it hurts both of them - as long as she can be hurt, Shuyuan doesn't care whether she is hurt or not.

So this made Yun very afraid, and she had to bow her head and submissively: "I will write it. But there is one condition..." It doesn't matter if she writes, but after finishing what Shu Yuan confessed, she will take back the confession.

Eleven had already learned it, and before Shuyuan could speak, she raised her hand: "Come here, tie up and drag you out, drive away—" She would not negotiate any conditions with Yun.

Why didn't the Yun family understand that there was no room for bargaining in front of her and her sister, so she could only be obedient.

"Your Highness, the servant girl didn't ask for anything, and I dare not ask for anything." Yun's tooth and blood swallowed again, and he could only swallow how much suffering he had, and dared not spit it out.

Shu Yuan pointed to the pen and paper: "Let's write, you can save some time by writing together, because we still have something to do after finishing writing - if you want to, if you don't want to go directly to the government, it won't be so troublesome."

The roots of Yun's and the third master's teeth were really itchy. They gritted their teeth tightly so as not to look at Shuyuan, lest they would vomit blood out of anger after another look.

Needless to say, the two suffered when they wrote the confession. They were somewhat wrong when they wrote the confession last time, but this time they were clearly framed, but they couldn't explain it clearly.

The third master couldn't figure out why the key was on his body, but the things in the secret compartment belonged to Shuyuan?
After Shuyuan got the two confessions, she asked the third master and Yun's to sign and put their fingerprints on it, and then asked Nuannuan to show the things to the maids and women in the yard: If those people are useful in the future, they will all be human beings. certificate.

Yun suppressed her anger again: "That Fang Sheng, what's going on?" She now pays more attention to Fang Sheng, because Shu Yuan would go to war for it, she would be a fool if she didn't take it to heart Woolen cloth.

(End of this chapter)

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