Raising a Wise Husband: A Lovely Wife and a Husband

Chapter 224 There is only one answer

Chapter 224 There is only one answer

After Yun's finished speaking, he looked directly at Jin Chengye, without any intention of avoiding it.She is not wrong, of course she will not feel guilty in her heart, and if she is not guilty, she will not be afraid of colliding with any eyes.

She is a princess, anyone who dares to bully her will be damned!Today, she just let Jin Chengye and Mu Shuyuan know this; in the future, she will let other people know this truth, until no one dares to underestimate her.

Just because she is a princess, born to be the proud daughter of heaven, she should step on everyone's head.

Jin Chengye looked away, but not to avoid Yun's gaze, but because he felt that this woman was unreasonable, and he had already decided not to let her go, so there was really no need to say anything more to her.

His eyes fell on Lu Fuhui's head, and then he raised his hand: "Listen to me." Of course his voice was drowned out by the crowd, and few people heard him speak.

Those who saw him raise his hand naturally didn't take him seriously: people want to see more excitement now, such as dealing with the young lady of the Jin family.

"Shut up, listen to Jin Qiye, and see how the Jin family handles this matter." A voice sounded, it didn't sound loud, but every word fell clearly in people's ears.

Everyone gradually shut their mouths, not because of the clear shout, but mostly because they wanted to know how the seventh master of the Jin family would deal with his wife: punishing the young lady of the Jin family in public, such a good show doesn't happen every year .

Maybe they can only see it once in a lifetime, so they naturally don't want to miss it, so they shut their mouths one by one.

Shu Yuan looked over, she was a little familiar with that voice, but looking around it was full of people, how could she tell who was speaking just now?

Jin Chengye and Yun's also failed to find that person. Of course, it doesn't matter who that person is at this time, whether it is for Jin Chengye or Yun's.

Yun's stared at Jin Chengye: "Qi Ye, how do you deal with this matter?"

"You killed Mrs. Lu, I will definitely not let you off lightly." Jin Chengye's voice was cold and clear, but no one could hear the slightest hint of anger in his words.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the onlookers: "The affairs of the Jin family have nothing to do with you, just watch the fun, and if there are people who want to make trouble or insult my Jin family, just Don't blame me for not thinking about water and soil."

Jinfu is not an ordinary family.After being coldly swept by Jin Chengye's gaze, the people standing in front couldn't help taking a few steps back. Although there were a few shouts and curses from rogues, most of them remained silent.

After all, they are ordinary people, and no one wants to see how the catastrophe will fall after watching a scene; therefore, some of the timid ones have already left, and those who stay don't dare to yell indiscriminately.

Yun said coldly: "Master Qi, do you want to wrong someone under the watchful eyes of everyone? Everyone can see clearly who the victim is. If Master Qi wants to wrong me, he will have to go through the court—whatever it is. I am innocent, and I will give Aunt Lu justice."

After she finished speaking, she went on to bless everyone: "At that time, I will ask all the neighbors to be my witnesses." Jin Chengye threatened everyone, but she begged with soft words, and the result was needless to say.

Even though everyone thought of the growing power of the Jin family, everyone took a sigh of relief and made up their minds that if Jin Chengye dealt with it recklessly, they would have to give personal identification to the poorer aunt.

Jin Chengye didn't need to look closely to know what everyone was thinking, but he didn't want to say too much to the fools, so he just looked at Yun coldly and said, "Didn't you kill people?"

He jumped into the carriage and pointed with his hand: "The doctor has arrived long ago, but because of you, so many people gathered outside the gate, so the doctor couldn't come to practice medicine; Mrs. Lu lost his life because of the delay, isn't it exactly what you wanted?" Harmful?"

"Your plan is to let everyone hear what happened today, and you want to force me to deal with my wife, so you will come to the gate to explode-what big family has an aunt like you, and there will be troubles even if there is a family scandal. Come at the gate?"

"Is there any big family with an aunt like you who actually makes trouble in front of the gate in public?"

Jin Chengye cursed in his heart: Those who are not of my race must have different hearts!It's just that he didn't curse out these words, because he didn't want everyone to know Yun's identity now.

Just a few words can make people have doubts in their hearts. Thinking about it, it is true that people like Jinfu's face is more important than anything else, no matter what scandals there are, it is impossible to make a fuss in front of the gate.

Even if Lu's aunt was killed by the main family, she would bring people into the mansion and close the door at this time, and the Jin family will decide right or wrong by themselves; also, why did the two aunts chase them out like this, and show their faces at the gate? What about yelling?

Even my aunt is a girl from a good family, not an actor: how can this be sung?

Lu Fuhui's stomach hurt like a twist, and when she heard the doctor arrived early, she raised her head, "Hurry up, hurry up." After all, life is the most important thing.Especially now that Mu Shuyuan has no chance to stand up, she has to cherish her own life even more.

Jin Chengye sent someone to lure the doctor here, and he looked down at Lu Fuhui from the carriage: "You, you really let me down, if it wasn't for your mother's sake..."

He let out a long sigh.

Shu Yuan also sighed: "Mr. Lu, you have gone too far, and this really broke the hearts of the elders in the family."

She sighed again and shook her head, "Don't you think we don't know about your good deeds? I just think about it for the sake of growing up with you, for the sake of your deceased mother, and for the sake of growing up in the mansion. I only gave you a title for the sake of my wife, I just don't want your reputation to be ruined, I just don't want you to stand shamelessly between heaven and earth."

"But I didn't expect that you would avenge your kindness, think that we don't know anything, and want to use your unknown child in your womb to harm others! That really can't tolerate you, and you can't allow you to tarnish the reputation of our Jin family."

Shu Yuan's words really hit a thousand waves with one stone, everyone inside and outside the door were all stunned, and then most of them were more eager: today's good show is really full of twists and turns, it is more enjoyable than listening to dramas.

Jin Chengye sighed again, shook his head and put his hands behind his back, helped the man out of the carriage but still didn't say a word: his appearance naturally admitted that what Shu Yuan said was true.

Yun's face turned pale, but Lu's was filled with shock and anger: "Shut up, shut up! You're just going to hurt me, how can you insult my innocence again? Of course my child belongs to my cousin, of course it belongs to the Jin family flesh and blood."

Shu Yuan looked at her: "What's the proof?" Her question was extremely calm, without any anger, but it attracted a lot of boos.

Because the child is who needs evidence: who has heard?No matter how it sounds, it sounds like Shuyuan is making things difficult for others.

Lu Fuhui's face was livid with anger: "What other evidence can I have? Of course my cousin can prove it, and my girls can also prove it."

"I have evidence to prove that your child is not the flesh and blood of our Jin family - people are doing things and the sky is watching, there is a god above your head, don't think that what you do is secret and no one will know." Shu Yuan Her voice was still unhurried, and it was her appearance that made people believe her a little bit.

Because no matter how you look at it, Lu Fuhui is a little out of breath, but Shuyuan is confident.

Shu Yuan sighed, looked up and looked around: "This kind of thing is related to the reputation of a woman, it is nothing more than being forced to helplessness today, I really shouldn't say it at this moment. Sigh——"

When she said this, people believed it again, and some people already raised their voices: "Tell the truth, young mistress, no matter how righteous you are, they don't appreciate it and want to ruin your reputation."

Shu Yuan looked at Lu Fuhui: "You know you were wrong, if you know it now, for the sake of the old lady..."

"Bah, you think I'm afraid of you when you spout blood! You've seen so many people hurt me with your own eyes. What's the basis for your words?!" Lu Fuhui didn't expect that Mu Shuyuan would be so shameless that she would insult her name and make her have a baby. The idea that Mu Shuyuan will be killed.

Shuyuan sighed softly, but Jin Chengye said angrily: "I just for the sake of my dead aunt, for the sake of the old lady, I couldn't bear to let my aunt's only granddaughter be sunk in the pond, so I endured it... ...I promise to give you a title."

"Now you have to look forward to Shu and want to harm my wife and children, how can I tolerate you?! You had an affair with someone before you entered my golden mansion, do you really think that no one knows about it?"

He pointed at Lu Fuhui: "In order to prevent you from thinking about it, and to prevent the people in the house from seeing anything, I do often go to your room these days-but, I always live in the Westinghouse, and your girls are all concerned about this matter." can prove it.”

"You and I are innocent, and I have never touched a single hair of yours. How could I have any children with you?!" Jin Chengye's last words hit Lu Fuhui's heart, breaking her heart to the ground.

Shu Yuan pointed to Yun's: "There are things in the house these days, so I don't have time to pay attention to you, but I don't want you two to have such evil intentions, want to get rid of the baby like this, and charge me with another crime."

"You know that adulterer, Mr. Yun, the one who lured him into and out of our house; I didn't expect you to be good-looking, knowing that the matter was revealed and we were investigating, you actually took the initiative to strike."

"It's a pity that the search in the mansion has been tight these days. That treacherous lady has never left your Yun's room, has she? Come and search for me!"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Jin Chengye, no matter what, the Jin family is really exciting today.

Jin Chengye shook his head slightly, he didn't blame Shu Yuan for this matter; if he didn't make things clear about Lu Fuhui, Shu Yuan would probably bear a vicious reputation for the rest of his life.

Yun's complexion changed drastically: "I see who dares to search, it's the master, the master's yard!" After she finished speaking, she was about to put on her skirt and rush to the mansion - seeing her so panicked, everyone didn't need to see that traitor. Husband, then I know that what Shuyuan said is true.

But Lu Fuhui looked at Jin Chengye, and after looking at it for a while, she said softly, "You know everything?" In fact, she didn't need Jin Chengye to answer, she saw the answer in Jin Chengye's eyes.

Thinking of Jin Chengye's smile and tenderness when facing her these days, her tears welled up: "Cousin, no, I, I..." In the end, all her arguments were reduced to a few words: "I am really happy you."

Apart from these words, she really didn't know what else to say; no matter what she did, or how absurd her actions, there was only one answer: that is, she really loved Jin Chengye very much.

(End of this chapter)

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