Chapter 229
Thinking of Shuyuan's disrespect towards him, the third master felt happy instead of angry: Retribution, this is retribution; a junior actually wanted to overwhelm him, and even said loudly that he should go to the old age and don't bother with the people in the mansion. matter.

Could it be that everything she did was treasonous, even if there were some things that could not be said because of the Yun family, what could be said was enough to make this wicked woman, Mu Shuyuan, get out of the Jin family.

"Evil woman, your deeds are obvious to all, everyone has seen it from top to bottom, even if you want to hide it, you can't do it. If I were you, I would tell the truth—I don't think there will be today, right?"

Shuyuan kowtowed again without raising her head, and touched her head to the ground: "Yes, the daughter-in-law is not filial, and the daughter-in-law is wrong; the master is unhappy, and the master is unhappy, it is because the daughter-in-law does not respect the good master, and the daughter-in-law dare not make excuses. Please patriarch and elders punishment."

Not only did she not argue, but she admitted her mistake and asked for punishment. Although the third master was a little strange, she was very happy to see that Shuyuan did not deny him.

The third master answered immediately: "Have you heard, she has admitted it herself; if the elders don't believe this, you can ask the people in the mansion, everyone knows."

He knew that he could keep Yun's family only if he grasped the truth.

"Shut up. You, you really want to piss me off. The unworthy descendants will be annoyed if the ancestors hear it, but that is my unfilial piety! Is that an admission? Is that an admission?! "The patriarch paused his crutches angrily, and knocked on the ground with a thumping sound.

The third master frowned when he heard the words: "Uncle, why didn't you admit it? If you don't believe it, you can send someone to ask. There are people from Nanfu who live next to us, and they know about it."

All the men in the Nanfu frowned, and looked at the third master in a bit of embarrassment. They scolded the third master in their stomachs: Why did you drag our Nanfu into trouble with the affairs of your Beifu?
But the patriarch had already looked over, and the elder of the Nanfu could only step forward and give a deep salute: "Uncle, we really have never heard of anything unfilial to our niece and daughter-in-law, the Mu family. Since the Mu family married into our Jin family, we have gone up and down. All compliments, uncle, you know."

What Shuyuan did, people in Nanfu really had some rumors, but they couldn't say it; the reason is self-evident, because Beifu will definitely protect the Mu family.

If it wasn't for Beifu to protect the Mu family, how could the old lady of Beifu let the Mu family and his wife come to the ancestral hall?The third master in Beifu has always been incompetent, and he never thought that he would still be incompetent after going to sea, and he couldn't even see such a thing.

The third master was speechless, and seeing the patriarch's fire-breathing eyes turned, he immediately yelled: "They, they don't know, people in our family can prove Mu's unfilial piety, uncle can send someone to ask. "

"You don't need to invite me." Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Sun came in together, and after saluting to the elders, they looked at the third master and said, "The old lady already knows, you, you really let the old lady down .”

The third master was at a loss when he heard it, what does it mean that the old lady knows, the old lady knows at all, okay?But before he could speak, the Zhao family had already looked at the patriarch: "The old lady has an old illness of anger, and she can't come to the ancestral hall, so she sent us here to make it clear."

"Third brother, alas, I have been deluded by others. Good people are confused now. The old lady was afraid that he would wrong Chengye and Shuyuan again, so she asked the three of us to come and have a look."

The patriarch nodded, first asked the old lady if her illness was okay, and then repeated what the third master said: "Is there such a thing?"

Mrs. Zhao sighed and shook her head: "There is no such thing. It's just Mrs. Yun's instigation, and the third brother is too confused. Shuyuan is good, but we are not boasting. The elders and sisters-in-law in the clan don't say she is good. Words? Why not say it filially."

Mrs. Wang looked at the third master and said, "Third brother, you are really wrong. For a woman who treats her own children like this, spread the word, alas—"

Sun's eyes turned red without saying a word: "You want to divorce your wife because of that woman, and I don't care about you. I know you are confused, and you will understand sooner or later; but you, how can you embarrass the two children? Chengye, Chengye is our only child."

"Even if the Yun family is going to give birth, don't say that men and women don't know it yet, even if they give birth to a son, it will be a concubine; tigers don't eat their sons, you, you..." She choked up and couldn't go on speaking with a handkerchief. The son covered his face and turned aside.

Needless to say, now that the third master is full of mouths, he can't speak clearly.

But Shuyuan kowtowed to the patriarch at this time: "Elders, don't be angry, it's all our fault, it's because we didn't show filial piety, it's because we didn't do well..."

"It has nothing to do with you." The patriarch interrupted Shu Yuan, looked at the third master and paused his crutch again: "What else can you say?"

The face of the third master turned pale with anger. He didn't understand why his mother sent the three of the Zhao family to come, let alone why the three of the Zhao family protected Mu Shuyuan so much.

Jin Chengye and Shuyuan Qichang couldn't afford to kneel, and they kowtowed one after another: "Patriarch, calm down, patriarch, please don't punish the master, it's all our fault."

It's fine if they don't beg, but when they beg, the elders of the Jin family are even more dissatisfied with the third master: Isn't such a child filial?
In addition, there was a Mrs. Sun wiping tears beside him, and the aggrieved one was pleading for the third master; but the third master refused to admit his mistake, and kept talking about Shuyuan's actions, insisting that the ancestors and ancestors should show their spirits Do justice to him.

Because he turned black and white for Yun's sake before, and Zhao and others testified for Shuyuan, no matter what the third master said now, no one believed it, but made everyone believe in Sun's words: they were all confused by women up.

If the Jin family's ancestral hall is right or wrong, of course it is not the Jin family's fault: even if the third master is annoying, but with the same surname as Jin, everyone in the Jin family believes that the third master is so because of the woman Yun.

It was the Yun family who was too bad, it was the Yun family's big mistake, and it wouldn't be like this without the third master of the Yun family.

"That Yun family, expel me immediately!" The patriarch stared at the third master: "We can't stay for a moment longer." It is our own business to send the third master away, but the culprit, Yun family, cannot be delayed.

The third master heard the words and went over on his knees: "Uncle, uncle is so kind, it really has nothing to do with Yun's business, and besides, she is going to give birth, that is also the flesh and blood of our Jin family..."

"I'm going to give birth soon, let people look at it. No matter the gender of the child is born, it's okay to take it back. Are we going to let the flesh and blood of our Jin family wander outside? The Yun family can't keep it. The child is sent out as soon as it is born. The farther the better, the better." "The patriarch hated the Yun family so much that he taught their Jin family's nephew badly.

The third master kowtowed: "Patriarch, patriarch, Man said that the Yun family did nothing wrong. Even if she did something wrong, she is also credited with giving birth to our Jin family. How can she be kicked out of the house?"

The patriarch was furious: "If it weren't for the fact that she gave birth to our Jin family, do you think I would let her die?! Such a woman deserves to die."

The third master heard the words and looked up and saw the coldness in the patriarch's eyes, so he knew that the patriarch was not talking out of anger. If he pleaded for Yun's again, the patriarch would really kill Yun after Yun's childbirth.

He lowered his head and stopped talking, but he hated Shu Yuan so much that he couldn't tolerate Shu Yuan more and more.In fact, if he hadn't pleaded for Yun's time and again, the patriarch would not be so angry with Yun. If it's really true, Shu Yuan can't be blamed, but he can only blame himself.

The patriarch gave the third master a good reprimand, and then ordered him not to leave the house for a year, and to cultivate his self-cultivation at home: it was similar to Shuyuan's original arrangement.

Therefore, the third master couldn't help but stare at Shu Yuan bitterly, but what he got in return was that Shu Yuan came over to kneel down and kowtow to him, and together with Jin Chengye wanted to help him up: Of course the third master would not accept Shu Yuan's hypocrisy. Righteousness, stretched out his hand and pushed Shu Yuan down.

If Jin Chengye was not by Shuyuan's side, Shuyuan would have fallen to the ground.Looking at Shuyuan's belly, the Jin family members broke into a cold sweat: If it happened, it would really kill two people.

The patriarch was so annoyed that he picked up a cane to beat the third master, and ordered the third master not to leave the house for three years: except for the days of worshiping the ancestors, he could only cultivate himself in the mansion.

The patriarch's crutches are different from the old lady's. No matter how hard the old lady uses force, she is still her own mother, so her strength is really limited; One piece of green and one piece of purple.

Shuyuan watched the third master kneeling at the feet of the third master again after being beaten, she was really extremely guilty: In fact, she wanted to tell the third master a word-I am a junior and cannot beat you, but the Jin family There are plenty of people out there who can beat you.

I can't fight, but there are many people who can fight for me.

The third master understands, so he is angry but has nothing to do with Shuyuan, because Shuyuan has no prestige today, except to kneel or cry to admit her mistakes, and she must be unfilial when she speaks——No one believes her, everyone treats him This elder glared at him.

"I, I'm really..." In his heart, he felt injustice and bitterness.

The patriarch's big eyes stared over again, causing the third master to tremble. He swallowed the words and changed it to: "Let's go back, let's go back." He didn't want to stay any longer, maybe when the Mu family would be bad again Let the patriarch beat him again.

Shu Yuan knelt on the ground: "My son is a respectful send-off to the master, I can't be filial these days, my son will think about it."

When the third master heard Shu Yuan's words, he couldn't get angry at all: "What are you thinking about, now I am going to think about it."

"The master told the child to go away, so the child can only go away. Now the child has to think about it, so as not to annoy the master in the future..." Shu Yuan's voice was low, but every word was hit hard. In the ears of the third master.

If you say get out, get out, if you say back, come back?There is nothing so cheap in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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