Chapter 233
After the third master finished speaking, Yun's expression was extremely embarrassing. She wanted to say something but her neck was pinched and she couldn't speak. No one understood what she was saying after sobbing for a long time.

Nuannuan glanced at Yun's, but didn't move a finger of her, she was a pregnant woman after all.

"Third Master," the person she wants to teach is the Third Master. As for the Yun family, of course he will be handed over to the Third Master: "You..." She raised her head at this point: "The old lady is here, and it is really enough slow."

She threw Yun Shi on the ground casually, as if she was throwing a discarded tablecloth, clapped her hands and watched the old lady walk over supported by Zhao Shi and Sun Shi.

Before Nuan Nuan didn't know what the old lady wanted, she didn't intend to give the old lady a good face: the members of the Jin family, she thinks it's better not to look too high, so as not to embarrass herself sometimes.

The old lady walked closer, but she didn't look at her son or Yun's, although she saw Yun's bloody clothes and her son's distress as soon as she entered the door.

But she could hear her grandson's crying more clearly as she got closer, and the old man's face became more embarrassing: she didn't know how things had gone, if there was something wrong with Shuyuan, she thought their Jin family would It is really doomed.

The good old lady that Her Royal Highness treats Shuyuan can see in her eyes, there is no half of hypocrisy; the most terrible thing is that Her Royal Highness is not very old, if she is sad and angry, it will not be uncommon to destroy the entire Jin family.

Well, presumably the lord won't say much good things for their Jin family. If His Royal Highness really gets into trouble, the lord can't help it. I'm afraid the Jin family will not be able to escape alone.

So where does the old lady have the heart to care about her son and Yun's?The son is well-behaved, and there is no one missing arms or legs, as for Yun's?In the eyes of the old lady, they were not members of the Jin family at all, and she didn't care about life or death at all.

"Mother, mother," the third master refused to let the old lady go, and went to hug the old lady's leg: "Your grandson is now uncertain of life and death, and my son was given to me by a little beast..."

The old lady raised her hand and slapped him: "Go away."

Since the sons grew up, the old lady no longer punished her son in front of others, let alone slapped him in the face; it can be seen how annoyed she is today.

The third master couldn't understand the old lady's heart—is it for the son's good to beat the son?He still hugged his mother tightly: "The doctor hasn't come yet, mother, hurry up and save your grandson."

The old lady paused on her crutches: "Hit me!"

She didn't expect her son to be so indifferent, and now he only cares about that Yun family: the old lady is getting more and more tired of Yun family.

Nuannuan was very happy to help when she heard the old lady's order, and slapped the third master a few times without the need for others to step forward to pros and cons.

"Pull it aside." The old lady ordered angrily. When she looked at Nuan Nuan, she was very kind, but her voice was very anxious: "The doctor hasn't come yet? What are they eating? Who invited the doctor? Turn around and break his legs—long legs are no use anyway."

In a few words, the old lady had already walked to the door of the hall, and stretched out her hand to support Yunwu's shoulder: "You young mistress, what's the matter?" As she asked, she didn't stop at all, leading the three daughters-in-law of the Zhao family I went into the back room.

In the room, Shu Yuan's face was as white as paper, while Jin Chengye was kneeling in front of the bed and holding his wife's hand, crying with a hoarse voice; when he heard the sound, he turned his head: "The doctor is here? Grandma, who alarmed grandma? !"

He struggled to salute the old lady, but he swayed and fell back to the ground: "Old lady, Shuyuan, Shuyuan is probably..."

Before he finished speaking, the old lady interrupted him: "What nonsense! Shuyuan, Shuyuan will get better." She went to the bed and touched Shuyuan's hand, feeling the hand The coolness made the old lady flustered.

Seeing that the old lady's complexion was not right, the three of Mrs. Zhao turned pale after they went up to visit Shu Yuan; Mrs. Sun looked at the old lady and said, "It's better to send someone to invite my wife to come over, so we can discuss anything."

The old lady really didn't want to invite Mrs. Mu, but she was afraid that if something happened to Shu Yuan, she would not be able to explain to the Mu family, so she nodded.

"No, there's no need to invite my mother." Shu Yuan's forehead was covered with sweat: "I'm afraid there will be a misunderstanding if I come here at this time..."

Jin Chengye rushed over: "You're awake, Shuyuan, you're awake!"

Shuyuan's eyes opened for a moment: "It hurts, I woke up from the pain." She put her hand on her swollen belly: "Just now two wicked people came to snatch our child, and they fought with them with their lives. Waking up with backache."

"There are no villains. With me, no one can take away our children." Jin Chengye held Shuyuan's hand, turned around and shouted: "Doctor, where is the doctor?!"

Biluo raised the curtain, her face was full of tears: "Sister Yunwu was beaten—the doctor is here, we asked the doctor to come in quickly to check the young lady's pulse, but the third master didn't allow it, and left the doctor outside..."

Sun heard a "buzz" in her head, looked at Shuyuan on the bed and then at her mother-in-law, but could only cry: "My poor son."

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Wang stamped their feet: "Third brother is really, really..." It's not easy for them to denounce him directly in front of the old lady.

The old lady's face stretched as long as she wanted: "Come here, go get the doctor." She hated the Yun family very much at this time, and felt that if there was any misfortune in the Jin family, it would be the Yun family's fault.

For a mother, no matter how incompetent her son is, she is still her son, so when something is wrong, apart from admitting helplessly that her son is wrong, it is more about finding a scapegoat for her son.

It's not that the old lady did it deliberately, it can be said that it is almost every mother's natural instinct: if a son is not good, he is taught to be bad.

But in front of him, the person who taught the third master of the Beifu to be ruined was of course the Yun family.How could the old lady not hate her?To the old lady, the Yun family was simply a disaster.

Mrs. Wu next to the old lady took amber and pearls and went out to ask for a doctor: I just don't want to let the third master go wrong again. When the time comes, there will be something wrong with Shuyuan mother and son. How can the princess forgive the third master when she finds out?

However, the old lady's good intentions are nothing in the eyes of the third master: he actually beat Mrs. Wu and Hu Po!
Yun's place is really bad, the painful person has died several times, and the blood seems to be dripping endlessly, but the child just doesn't move at all.

Both the doctor and Mrs. Wen asserted that if this continues, the lives of Yun's mother and son will hang in the balance.That's why the third master will not let the doctor go - whoever dares to let the doctor leave, the third master will kill him.

He couldn't enter the wing room with Yun Shi in his arms, so he could only put Yun Shi down beside the courtyard door, there was no one to boil hot water; let the doctor leave at this time, in the eyes of the third master, he came to invite the doctor The person who wants to kill Yun's mother and son.

The old lady didn't expect that her own people not only failed to bring the doctor, but were also beaten by her son: that wasn't beating Wu Shi and Hu Po, it was beating her as a mother.

"Sit down, old lady, maybe they didn't speak clearly, let's go and have a look." Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Wang stepped forward—it was Mrs. Wang who spoke.

Mrs. Wang is a bit embarrassed in the mansion now, the old lady treats her no more than before: it's not that there is any deduction, and she is the first to have any among the three wives, but she feels that the old lady has a lot of dissatisfaction with her .

For example, the old lady doesn't need her to help her wherever she goes, she can only follow behind.

Of course, the old lady had nothing to say, and Shuyuan's pained face became more and more ugly, she just said to tell the daughter-in-laws to hurry up: Shuyuan can't wait for too long.

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Wang came back soon after they left. There was no doctor behind them, but each of them had a clear, red and swollen palm print on their faces.

The two of them didn't cry about anything, they just knelt down to the old lady, what else didn't the old lady understand?That Xiaozi of hers even beat her eldest sister-in-law, and even beat her two sister-in-laws in one beat!

Immediately, she couldn't sit still any longer, so she could only get up and go there in person—Mr. Wu is the first-class and capable person around her. In the past, no one outside could have a solution against the third master.

Whether the third master is right or not, where is his identity, how many people can only bow their heads in front of the third master.

As for Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Wang, the third master is going crazy and they can't accompany him to go crazy. If they also fight back, I'm afraid they will not save people but add to the chaos; therefore, they can only come back with grievances and anger.

Of course, there must be an explanation for this matter, and they will not let it go.

The old lady's head hurts one after another, and after much deliberation, she still doesn't understand how she raised such a son: Think about it before her son went to sea, although he was not as good as the eldest son and second son, but he was extremely filial and caring for his family.

What a hit.

As soon as these words came out, the old lady couldn't help but think of what Mrs. Wang had done, and she felt bored again: Think about it, it's all the ghost made by Mrs. Lu, otherwise, the second daughter-in-law wouldn't be the one she is now. look.

She put aside the idea of ​​rebelling against evil, anyway, she is not a person who believes in any gods and Buddhas.

There was only the roar of the third master in the ear room. Besides roaring, he also grabbed and kicked and beat people, looking completely crazy.

"Water, hot water, I repeat if there is no more hot water, I will sell you to a brothel!" He threatened the amber in his hand with his teeth and claws.

"Are you a doctor, right? Unfortunately, the family has made you laugh. This way please." The old lady didn't bother with her son.

It's one thing to teach a son a lesson in front of people in the house, but it's another thing to teach a son a lesson in front of people outside the house.

The son always has to go out to be a human being, and as a mother, she has to save some face for her son; besides, the most important thing right now is to treat Shuyuan: as long as Shuyuan and the child in her womb are fine, nothing will happen Big deal.

Thinking of the past, she was very important to Shuyuan's child, because it was the flesh and blood of the Jin family, and she was the great-grandson of her direct relatives; but now she is important to Shuyuan's mother and child, not just because of those, but more. less stuff.

It's all because Shuyuan's current handkerchief is Her Royal Highness the Princess, if something happens to Shuyuan, hey!

Let's put it this way, if the Jin family needs to make a choice when giving birth, whether to protect Shuyuan or protect the child, in the past, the Jin family would probably have a child; but now it must protect Shuyuan, must protect Shuyuan.

"Which lowly servant girl is here to ask for a doctor again!" The third master's roar made the old lady's ears buzzing: "If you don't kill one or two of you, lowly servant girl, you won't know which one is your master!"

(End of this chapter)

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