Chapter 236

Wen Po is a person who goes in and out of the east house and the west house. It can be said that she has seen more people and things than ordinary people have eaten, so she knows exactly what she should do here and now.

Otherwise, why did the young mistress of the Jin family protect her?So after she made up her mind, everything she said hit Yun's vitals. If Yun didn't hurt her, it would be very difficult for her, a little stable woman, to leave the Jin family safely today.

Shuyuan didn't expect Wen Po to defect, but it's a good thing.It's just that she is a little weak now, looking at the old doctor in front of her and wanting to smile, she has to use a lot of strength: Only now does Shuyuan know that it takes strength to smile.

As long as the old doctor takes the pulse of the patient, he only has the patient in his eyes, and nothing else will enter his eyes or heart.

"Young mistress is very tired recently, right?" He shook his head: "I'll use one injection and then prescribe two medicines. Young mistress will take it first, and then we'll see how it goes." After he finished speaking, he looked into Shuyuan's eyes again: "How much more?" Rest, remember to take a good rest."

Jin Chengye's face turned pale: "Old man, you mean..."

"It's too early to say." The old doctor stood up, "But the worst thing is to be born a few days earlier, and there won't be a big problem."

Jin Chengye still wanted to ask a few more questions, but his father and Yun Shi didn't give him this chance: Yun Shi actually rushed forward to catch Wen Po, and Wen Po was beside Shu Yuan, who would dare to let Yun Shi come over?
Yunwu and other girls naturally went to stop her, and the third master was really angry when he saw her, "You guys are really rebelling, you are rebelling!"

No matter what, the third master is the master of the Jin family, so Yun Wu and others dare to attack Yun, but they can only dodge when facing the big hand of the third master—but they can't completely avoid it. In order to stop Yun and the third master, The slaps that the girls avoided were really not as many as they received.

Jin Chengye's big hands tightened, and he gave Shuyuan a reassuring look: "The old man has come over, you also need to rest, you should go to the house first..."

But Shuyuan said urgently: "It's important to save people." The old doctor was using the needle, and she felt no pain in her abdomen as soon as the needle came down; She was really in no hurry to get into the house.

"Come here, clear out all the things in the anteroom." Jin Chengye knew that the way to make Shu Yuan feel at ease was to do what she said, so he swept his father and Yun's away and spoke.

He didn't question Yun Shi, nor did he ask Wenpo another word, and he didn't ask anyone to stop Yun Shi and the third master; but before he finished speaking, Yun Shi took two steps back and looked at him not far behind. In the ear room, look at the third master again.

Seeing Yun's like this, Jin Chengye knew that what Wen Po said was true, at least it was not groundless, so he added another sentence: "Please carefully distinguish for me which things belong to this yard and which ones are not."

When he said this, he looked at Yun's: "It's not something in our yard, naturally it belongs to the owner."

Yun's face changed a few times, and then she looked at the third master: "Master, I have no choice but to do this, and you understand and understand; I thought that after passing this test, it will be a long time in the future. We have plenty of time, and when the time comes Children will naturally not want today's children."

Yunshi stepped back. The third master also took a step back when he heard Yunshi's words. He raised his hand and pointed at Yunshi: "You, you are all lying to me?!"

Jin Chengye thought, there's no need for him to say or do anything else. Yun's family is not pregnant with the Jin family's flesh and blood, so it is impossible for her to stay.

At this time, the person who hated Yun Shi the most was his father, and the person who wanted to send Yun Shi down would of course be his father, which was originally the meaning of the clan.

So he turned around and looked at Shuyuan: "Let's go into the house. The old man is also implicated, so please come to the house to serve tea and have a good rest."

Shu Yuan nodded, Yun and the third master were no longer a problem, and they had a lot to say, but Shu Yuan didn't want to listen: "But, the matter of Yin Zhen and others can't be left alone. That Yun's I'll bring it in later."

"Also, I want to know who succeeded in killing Yinzhen and others. It cannot be done by Yun alone. As long as anyone has hurt Yinzhen and others, no one will be spared."

"Of course." Jin Chengye agreed without hesitation, and turned around to bow deeply to the old doctor and his son: "I have to trouble you two, some family members have been injured, I'm afraid I can't wait any longer, so I can only work."

Of course the old doctor would not refuse, someone took them father and son to show the wounds to Yin Zhen and others, and Shu Yuan was also lifted up and turned to enter the house.

Yun Shi and the third master stared at each other like two wooden figures in the courtyard without making a sound, but at this moment the third master said: "If it must be a son, it must be a son."

This didn't sound right, Shu Yuan motioned for people to stop, and Jin Chengye turned to look over, wondering whether it was because his father couldn't bear such a big blow, or was it because of stupidity or madness?

Yun looked at the third master and nodded slightly. At the same time, she began to straighten her dress and her hair. There was no trace of guilt on her face: "It's a son, it can't be a daughter."

The third master stared at Yun's face, took a few breaths and suddenly turned to look at Mrs. Wen: "You, give back my son! Otherwise, we'll go see the official."

Wen Po looked at him as if she was looking at a fool: "Your aunt just said so clearly, do you think you are the only one who saw it, or did you understand it? She is not pregnant at all, son? Even a fart is born If there is not one, do you care if I want my son?"

"Qi Ye, young mistress, everyone knows my reputation, no matter how strict my mouth is, I will never talk nonsense; also, after this incident, I also want to understand, I am not young anymore, I don’t want to do this anymore.”

"I will leave and go far away to find a place with beautiful mountains and green waters to buy a few acres of land and a house to raise my children; when I grow old, I can also rely on myself."

She wanted to leave.

Yun shrieked: "You want to leave?! Do you think you can win people's trust just by yourself? If you don't give me my son, you will know the feeling of being in prison right away. "

Shuyuan raised her brows when she heard the words, and opened her mouth to answer Yun, but was preempted by Wen Po, so she closed her mouth and let Wen Po and Yun continue: It's not that there is no one outside the courtyard. From time to time, it is better to let Yun and Wen Po talk more without meddling.

"I really don't know where you are from, sue the officer? All right, we can go to the officer now." Wen Po showed no fear: "Although you didn't give birth to a son and a half, you are not a big girl either. Don't you know that the yamen has its own way to check whether you have just given birth?"

"Also, I'm not afraid to tell you that I happen to be working in the government office. The general female prisoners or whoever is female are inspected by me and my old sister."

Wenpo lowered her head to look at the child in her arms, shaking her arms gently, just not wanting the child to be woken up: "As for the blood on your body, I have already said that it is probably not human blood. If it is human blood, then It's a big deal for you."

"If you are an old man in our line of work, human blood can really be separated from other blood; you don't have to stare at your eyes, and you don't have to be unconvinced. The blood test is not my specialty, nor is it in the government office. For errands, there will be a disobedient inspection."

Speaking of this, she raised her head and looked at Yun Shi: "I am very experienced in disobedience, and what they say is the proof. See the officer, let's go now, or you have to pack up and leave, I will accompany you to the end." .”

She is not a man and does not have much money, so Wen Po is a well-to-do family, but not all ordinary people are afraid of trouble, not all ordinary people are afraid of famous families, and not all ordinary people are afraid of seeing officials.

Wen Po is not afraid.

The anger on Yun's face had dissipated quite a bit, and she looked at Mrs. Wen as if looking at a monster: "I, I have money, and I, we are still officials!"

Wen Po smiled: "Really? Then do you dare to say this in class? Let's see if your money and your so-called official status are useful?" After she finished speaking, she looked at the third master: "The Jin family is not an ordinary family. Your Jin family has been around for nearly 300 years, right?"

"If your Jin family is not considered a wealthy family, there are not many families in this city who dare to call themselves a famous family; I really don't understand how a person like you would accept such an aunt."

Shu Yuan coughed: "She's not my aunt, she's just a girl. The phrase "auntie" is just a nice way to say it, I think it's the three points of face the master gave her."

Wen Po let out a long "oh" when she heard the words: "No wonder, I just said that no matter what the Jin family is, they can't accept such an aunt." She looked at Yun's again: "Let's go?"

The Yun family heard the words and looked at the third master: "It must be possible, isn't it? The Jin family is a century-old family, and there are people who are officials in the court. How can a little stable woman be bullied?"

The third master looked at her and shook his head, then shook his head again with a long sigh: Don't talk about the Jin family's family motto, it's because there is still a prince in the city, a princess living in this mansion, and a The daughter-in-law who has trouble with him is—— breaking the law?
Even if he had the heart, he didn't have the guts, because the person who is an official in the North Mansion of the Jin family is his daughter-in-law!
"You don't need to see the official. I just want to get my son back. As long as you give me your son, not only will I not hold you accountable for today's matter, but I will also reward you heavily." He looked at Wenpo and said in a serious tone Sincerely three points.

If coercion fails, then there is only temptation.

Jin Chengye shouted angrily: "Father!"

"Shut up, you rebellious and unfilial thing, there is no room for you to speak here." The third master looked at his son viciously.

"You just shut up, you rebellious and unfilial thing!" The old lady's voice came from behind the third master.

(End of this chapter)

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