Raising a Wise Husband: A Lovely Wife and a Husband

Chapter 250 Unworthy of an Assassin

Chapter 250 Unworthy of an Assassin

Shuyuan stood up abruptly, almost knocked Mrs. Sun down because of too much force, which attracted Haishi and Weishi to look over.

A cup of tea was poured on Shu Yuan and Sun Shi, both of them looked a bit embarrassed.

Haishi looked at the door, and the curtain had already fallen, she looked back at Shuyuan again: "What's the matter, what happened? Who gave you a message at the door just now?"

Although the curtain fell, the fluctuation of the curtain made Haishi see the clue: "Shuyuan, I know you are a good boy. Too many things have happened in our mansion today. But you are pregnant. If you are alive, don’t take care of yourself, we elders will make decisions for you.”

She is kind.But Shuyuan couldn't say it, really couldn't say it: Let the old lady know that Jin Chengye's life and death are unknown now, for fear that the old lady won't wake up if she faints again.

"I asked the girls to investigate the matter left by the Yun family—there were other aunts involved in it. I thought the girls came here and wanted to let me know when they found something. But they didn't want to disturb the old lady. Just speak up." Shu Yuan still swallowed all her worries, and calmly replied to the old lady's words.

Jin Chengye is now comatose, and is very likely to be poisoned to death; what Shuyuan can do for Jin Chengye is to guard the Jin family on his behalf and fulfill his filial piety in front of the elders on his behalf.

Therefore, Shuyuan could no longer surprise the old lady, she swallowed all the suffering by herself.

But she really couldn't stay any longer, and now she just wanted to fly back to Jin Chengye's side: "Old lady, it's not a big deal, I'll just go and have a look and get rid of it."

The old lady nodded: "You don't need to ask so detailedly, what is wronged or not, the mansion will naturally be quiet after sending the concubines away. Go, no matter what happens, auntie, if you want to send them away, just say yes I mean."

Shu Yuan agreed, exchanged glances with Wei Shi after giving a salute, and left.

Mrs. Sun also bowed: "Daughter-in-law go down and change clothes." Her dress was wet by water, so it is normal to change clothes.

Haishi and Weishi didn't stop them, they said a few more words and Weishi also left, now she is indispensable in the mansion: there are too many and complicated things to be arranged in the Beifu, many people are waiting for her.

Seeing Sun coming in, Haishi beckoned her to come closer: "Did you send someone to see it? Remember to tell me after asking clearly, I think that child Shuyuan might be hiding something from us, it's not bad, but she With filial piety, how can we let her suffer alone as elders?"

Mrs. Sun pursed her lips: "You can't hide anything from the old lady. I just saw that the child Shuyuan was a little too fussy, but what my aunt said would never surprise her like that, so I felt a little uneasy before letting people go. Look."

"I also don't want Shuyuan's child to be exhausted. If there is any matter, we should discuss it together. It's a big deal. As long as our family is together, there is nothing we can't get through."

Haishi nodded and did not make another sound.It's just that she and Mrs. Sun would never have thought that the things Shu Yuan kept from them would be related to Jin Chengye's life and death.

At this time, Shu Yuan had already left the old lady's yard, so she didn't need to speak warmly and said: "Master Qi is fine. The princess is back, but there is also the prince who came with him, and he is waiting in the hall at this time."

"His Royal Highness said that she wanted to invite you to go, so she didn't disturb other people." Nuan Nuan's little face was tense, her heart was already in a state of panic, but she still tried to stabilize herself, not wanting to let Shu Yuan What to see.

But Shuyuan ignored the princes and princesses, and asked directly: "What about the antidote?" Eleven has already returned, no matter who she came with, if the antidote is available at this time, it should save people first.

Jin Chengye couldn't wait for long.

Nuannuan gritted her teeth: "The princess just sent my sister to ask you to come over. The sister didn't say anything about the medicine, and I don't know. Or, the princess has sent someone else to save Qiye. Her Royal Highness knows that Qiye can't wait too long." old."

She can only comfort Shu Yuan in this way.She had already asked, the princess didn't send anyone to Qi Ye's place, and the prince came with him, maybe it caused disaster if there was no antidote?
But today Shuyuan has endured too much, and she is pregnant again, how can Nuannuan say that there is no antidote?She knew very well that Shuyuan was holding on with one breath now - that breath meant that Jin Chengye could be saved.

If she told Shuyuan that Jin Chengye was hopeless at this time, she was afraid that Shuyuan would not be able to hold on any longer.Of course, this matter will not be hidden for a long time, but Nuan Nuan has no other way at the moment, and can only hope that it will be delayed for a while.

Maybe, what can the princess and Shuyuan do after they get to the hall, or the antidote is just to arrive at the mansion later than the princess and prince?

Nuan Nuan also knows that some ideas are too ridiculous, but she would rather think about the good, and she is willing to believe that those ideas are true.In this way, the seventh master of the Jin family can be saved, and Shu Yuan can survive today safely.

Shu Yuan nodded when she heard the words: "What is the lord here for?" The Jin family is dead today, so it stands to reason that the lord would avoid taboos, how could he still step into the gate of the Jin family.

Nuan Nuan shook her head, afraid that if she said one more word, Shu Yuan would see through her lie, so she simply asked a question.

Shuyuan walked to the porch of the living room and helped her waist: "I'm really tired." No matter how tired she was, no one could take care of her today.In the past, Jin Chengye would be by her side nine out of ten times, even if Jin Chengye didn't say anything, she felt very at ease in her heart.

But today, things in the mansion happened one after another, none of them were trivial, but she was the only one there, facing and solving them alone.

Without those big hands, Shuyuan's fatigue came early and quickly, but she had to drag her body up the steps.

There was no sound in the room, if she hadn't raised her eyes to see the prince sitting high and high, Shu Yuan would have suspected that she had gone to the wrong place.

Eleven sat on the side, when she saw Shu Yuan, she came up to meet her, stretched out her hand to hold Shu Yuan's hand, and the circles of her eyes turned red: "Sister..."

"Mu Shuyuan, you are so courageous!" The prince interrupted Eleven's words with a yell: "Is it because my king cares about benevolence, which makes you think that this king can play tricks? How dare you say that this king's people came to your gold?" The king came to assassinate, and this king came to ask you, if this king wants the life of your Jin family, do you still need an assassin?!"

"You dare to slander me, but have you thought about how to bear my anger?" The prince said this very lightly, as if he was chatting with his friends in a good mood.

Shuyuan raised her heart immediately when she heard the words, ignored the prince and stared at Eleven: "Where is the antidote? Where is the antidote?" She asked twice because she already had the answer in her heart, but she hoped that ten One could give her a different answer.

Tears rolled down Eleven's eyes: "I'm sorry, sister." She didn't get the antidote.

Most people would not be aware of the strange poison in Jin Chengye's body, but Eleven was very familiar with it: it was one of the royal family's several secret medicines, and everyone in the royal family knew about it.

Besides the eleventh, the only royal family here is the prince.And Eleven is a woman who knows the properties of the medicines but not the formula, but the old prince knows.

Eleven thought that those assassins had something to do with the palace, and hurriedly took people to the palace to find the antidote: they didn’t even know the formula, let alone the formula for the antidote, and only the palace could find a way to save Jin Chengye.

But after arriving at the palace, no matter what she said, she was blocked by the prince's reply. The prince never admitted that someone had been assassinated—Eleven also had to admit that what the old prince said was reasonable. He really wanted to let the Jin family Death, why use an assassin?
It's not that the old prince can kill the Jin family with a single order, but there are ways to kill the Jin family, and the Jin family doesn't have the ability to force the old prince to use such a dirty trick as an assassin.

In a word, it's not that the old prince doesn't know how to use assassins, it's just that the Jin family doesn't deserve him to use assassins.

If he refused to admit that he had sent an assassin, the old prince would certainly not give the antidote to Shi Yi, but he was furious because of this incident and insisted on making the Jin family look good: How could his majestic prince be plotted by someone casually?
Shuyuan's heart went cold all of a sudden, and it felt like the room was suddenly completely dark, and she couldn't see anything in front of her eyes: there was no light, and there was no future.

Jin Chengye is going to die.

This was the only thought in Shu Yuan's mind.

Seeing that Shuyuan didn't answer his words, the old prince snorted coldly: "Mu Shuyuan, don't think that you are a general personally appointed by the emperor. This king has nothing to do with you. Let me ask you, where is that Yun family, such a traitor? This king will let her be escorted to the capital."

"You said that I want the lives of your Jin family? Hey, I will let you see my methods. Now, I won't talk to you any more. I will hand over the Yun family to this king, and I will leave now. "

Eleven stomped anxiously: "Why don't you believe it, then Jin Chengye was really poisoned, the assassin I saw with my own eyes..."

"You are confused!" The prince slapped the table angrily: "Say it yourself on Eleventh, will I let an assassin come to assassinate you? Will the emperor's uncle let someone come and take your life?"

"These people actually set up such a situation to make the emperor think that someone assassinated you, and the person who did the assassination has nothing to do with this king. You know, this king has never been interested in the affairs of the court, and even if this king really has that Such a thought, how can you use the medicine that the fairy sleeps to poison?"

"Are you afraid that others will not be able to find out about this king?" The old prince's beard was about to rise in anger: "What they want to charge this king with is not killing the Jin family, but killing you. This princess."

He slapped the table with his palm: "Is it an assassin? Okay, then I will tell you something about the assassin—the princess was assassinated in your house, and no assassin was caught. This king asks you The Jin family did not wrong the Jin family in the slightest because of their schemes."

(End of this chapter)

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