Chapter 254

The rockery is not too big, but it is difficult to see the situation on the other side of the rockery at the corner.

When Shuyuan and Shiyi turned around the rockery, when they saw a man wearing a moon-white robe and holding a long sword in his hand, they were frightened to be honest: they saw a big man in the inner house of the Jin family. Man, it is truly amazing.

Now there are only two men in the Beifu, one is Jin Chengye who is still lying on the bed, and the other is General Jin who has just returned, but he is now with Wang Shi, so it is impossible for him to appear in the garden.

Another point is that Shuyuan could tell at a glance that the man in front of her was not from the Jin family, so she was extremely surprised.However, she didn't scream, and neither did Eleven.

As for what she blurted out, it was just that Shuyuan wanted the other party to think that she was frightened: Nuan Nuan and the others were still far behind her. It is impossible to kill her and Shi Yi.

Eleven didn't scream, but seeing the man's reaction was very strange, she immediately hid behind Shu Yuan.Although Eleven is still a child, she is not timid, and she has no habit of hiding behind others when she encounters danger.

Shuyuan was able to call out her identity because Eleven took her hand and wrote in the palm of her hand; it was also because she was so surprised that she opened her mouth and took the words written by Eleven. called out.

You can't blame Shuyuan, even if the man in front of you is a gangster, or an assassin from an enemy country, etc., she won't lose her mind.The eldest son of the palace, just now someone said that he escaped from the palace, and then he appeared in front of his eyes.

Even if it was a dream, Shu Yuan could swear that she would never dream of such a thing.

The prince heard Shuyuan's first sentence "Who are you?" before he realized that there was someone behind him. He turned around and looked at Shuyuan. Although he saw someone behind Shuyuan, he didn't care, nor did he feel nervous.

He first smiled at Shuyuan.I have to say that although this uncle is a bit stupid, he looks really good, and his smile really makes people look very comfortable.

Not only is it comfortable, um, but also, charming.

Shuyuan didn't know how the word charming appeared in her mind, but when she saw the prince smiling, she naturally remembered these two words.

Shizi’s first sentence and Shu Yuan’s second sentence were spoken at the same time, but unlike Shu Yuan’s shocked tone, he spoke very gentle—that is, gentle, so that people would not think of other things when they heard him speak. Describable words.

"Hello." The son's words were as if he was in the garden of their palace and saw two female guests greeting them kindly.

After Shuyuan blurted out "Shizi", she also heard Shizi's greeting. She felt a little tongue-tied for a moment, and looked at Shizi blankly, not knowing what to say next?
Sneak into someone's mansion, and when you see someone, you don't want to kill someone or run away quickly, but greet you instead?Shuyuan thinks that she just made a wrong evaluation of the son, the son is not stupid, he is stupid, right?
"Are you talking about the prince or the persimmon?" The prince touched his face when he heard Shu Yuan's words, thinking that he didn't know the woman in front of him, so she probably wouldn't know his identity; Home, even the brothers and sisters who let him go don't know.

The woman in front of me shouldn't even know.After pondering in this way, he smiled at Shuyuan again, the smile still made people feel like a spring breeze: "There are no persimmons at this time, it has not been long since summer, you have to wait if you want to eat."

He spoke in a leisurely and unhurried manner, and he didn't look in a hurry—but, he sneaked into Jin's house!There is still the thought of chatting with people.

"I've heard people say that it's unreasonable for pregnant women to be greedy. They may want to eat sour plum soup in mid-winter, or they may want to eat plums in mid-summer. No matter how loud you want to eat persimmons now, your female companion There is no other way, just bear with it." He even tried to persuade Shu Yuan a few words, and then he answered his own words as a matter of course.

What he asked Shuyuan didn't need Shuyuan to answer at all, because he had his own answer.

Eleven rolled her eyes, but didn't speak, but put her face on Shuyuan's back: Although her general sister yelled loudly enough, it was true that the accent of the words was different due to the raised voice, but such self-questioning and self-answering still made her uncomfortable. She admired it immensely.

Shu Yuan coughed: "Sir, that's what you said." She didn't know what else to say besides this sentence.

The prince nodded: "It's nothing." After he finished speaking, he changed the sword to the other hand, and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm really tired after holding this sword for a long time, it's too heavy."

Hearing this, Shu Yuan also wanted to roll her big white eyes to him: Dare I love that the sword in your hand is just a decoration, and it doesn't matter if it's a decoration, you don't have to just say it so openly, do you?

"I finally met someone, God still bless me." Shizi continued his self-talk, and at the same time, he did not forget to throw Shu Yuan a charming smile - at this time, his smile is no longer lethal. After seeing Shizi's ability to talk to himself, Shuyuan would never put the word charming on Shizi again.

"Your mansion is not big, but the road is twisted and turned. I am a little dizzy now;" Shi Zi looked at Shu Yuan seriously and complained, it seems that it is great that no one who sneaked into Jin's mansion knows the way. Wrong thing: "I have something to trouble the two girls."

The meaning of grievance appeared in his tone, yes, Shu Yuan dared to swear to the sky that she had never heard it wrong, the prince did say the following words in a grievance tone:

"Where is the firewood house in the mansion? I searched and searched, but I didn't get out of this garden. The Jin family is also a big family. It's been a long time since I met you two. I didn't see any of you before. I was tired. Round and round, my feet started to hurt."

A big man who can be Shuyuan's father said these words very naturally, and Shuyuan's whole body was covered with goosebumps.

"You, you want to find the firewood room?" Shuyuan was even more surprised that Shi Zi directly stated his purpose of coming.You don't need to ask, you don't need to be asked at all, Master Shizi will tell the purpose of his trip when he sees someone open his mouth - where is your firewood house?
This man is not only sick.

Shu Yuan could only sigh in her heart, it was the first time she met such a person in her life, and she thought that even if she could live to be a hundred years old, she would never meet another such and such person again.

The prince nodded, and this time he simply used the sword on the ground as a crutch: "Yes, Chai Fang. I don't know the way, and I can't find it after looking around. You know..." He rubbed his hands at this point He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Shu Yuan answered in her heart: I really don't know, I absolutely didn't know before I met you.

"You know," Shizi repeated, "I have to hurry. I'm very busy. If I'm late, it's God's fault." He wanted to run, but before he ran, he had to save someone .

Well, you really don't need to ask half a word, he will tell you without hiding a single word.

"So we can't waste any more time looking for the firewood room. How about asking the two girls to tell me where the firewood room is? Well, it would be best if you can lead me to the firewood room." The prince smiled at Shuyuan again when he said this: "No It doesn't matter if you lead the way, as long as you tell me clearly, I will find it."

Eleven was pulling and grabbing behind Shuyuan's back, looking very anxious; Shuyuan couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, but she could know that she wanted to send the prince away as soon as possible.

Shuyuan nodded to Shizi, her movements were a little stiff: "It's over there. We still have something to do, so we can't lead the way for you." The direction she pointed was really the firewood room: "The door is at the end of the road, turn to the left, You can see it after passing through a wisteria pavilion and turning around a courtyard."

"There are seven or eight rooms there, but only the firewood room has firewood, which is easy to find." She added another sentence to show that she was not too clear.

Shizi frowned slightly, muttered something, then looked at Shuyuan and repeated the words: "Is there something wrong in my memory?"

Shu Yuan shook her head: "No." She thought again, and after a while she and Eleven told the prince and princess that their precious eldest son was in the Jin Mansion, and they didn't know what kind of look they would have on their faces.

"Thank you for your kindness, Miss." The prince actually gave a salute. It can be seen that the prince and princess are not useless in teaching children, at least the prince is extremely polite.

Shu Yuan returned the half-courtesy: "Sir, you don't need to be too polite, it's just a little effort." She looked at the prince with annoyance and hatred in her heart, but she didn't have the urge to be excited; although she knew very well that the person who wanted to kill her and Jin Chengye was he.

How many people can feel excited about a fool?You are so angry that you are half dead, but the fool has no idea what you are doing, maybe he thinks you are playing a joke to amuse him.

Even if the son cannot escape now, Shu Yuan has already captured the son, but facing such a person, Shu Yuan really has no major revenge to avenge.

I really didn't expect that the person who wanted to kill their husband and wife was actually a fool.Of course, Shizi is not really stupid, but how different is he from being stupid?No wonder the old prince didn't have a smile on his face.

Anyone who has such a son will die of sorrow, how can he laugh.

"Thank you, I must thank you." The prince still smiled nicely: "I don't want to thank you for your kindness. In view of your kindness for showing me the way, I will let you choose how to die."

"Do you want to be stabbed to death by me one by one, or jump into the lake and be a drowned ghost yourself? I think the latter is better, because I don't like blood, especially since I have to travel soon, so I can't get dirty. clothes."

His smile is the same as when we first met, and his tone is also the same as when he first spoke, but the words have changed too much.

"Ah?" Shu Yuan didn't react for a while, looking at Shizi's smiling face, she subconsciously answered a meaningless word.

Eleven poked his head out: "You are a bastard, a pure bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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