Chapter 256 The Big Sister

How could the son be willing to stop there, struggling desperately: "I will kill her, father, the child will kill her; if she killed the child, or if her husband killed Mi Shi, the child must kill her!" them."

"Mother Concubine, as long as you promise the child to kill them, you will agree to whatever you ask the child to do in the future." He looked at the princess again and asked.

He knew that it was impossible to kill Shuyuan and his wife without the consent of his parents; however, there were too many similar things since he was a child, but he just begged his parents well.

The old prince's face turned dark: "Shut up." He really didn't expect his son to embarrass him so much, and open his mouth to mention Mie in front of him.You must know that Mi Shi is his concubine, and the son's palm hitting him in the face is really too loud.

Shu Yuan looked at the princess: "What do you say?" She and Jin Chengye were first assassinated by the crown prince, and now the crown prince did it himself, and all of this had nothing to do with her.

The princess sighed: "It's not easy to raise a child..." What can she do? She gave birth to such a son after all her efforts, no matter how good he is, he is also her heart; fortunately, her grandson is very up-to-date, otherwise she will be worried. I'm so sad.

"My son, I know why you hate our husband and wife;" Shu Yuan looked at Shizi: "But because Mrs. Mie said something bad about our husband and wife to you? No matter what she said, I just want to say one thing. Right and wrong are things in the past.”

The prince's eyes widened: "Listen to Mi's words? Are you stupid for thinking of me as my son? Of course I have someone check it out. You, Mu Shuyuan, should be the most damned about what happened in the Zhao family. As for Jin Chengye, hmph, this son of mine He dares to think about a woman like him?"

He said "my woman" very loudly, for fear that people would not know that the Mi family is his own now; however, the Mi family used to belong to his father, but now it belongs to Jin Chengye. There is no relationship between money and money.

The old prince couldn't listen anymore, he slapped his son's face with a palm: "Shut up." The person he was looking at was not Shu Yuan but Shi Shi.

In the final analysis, although killing Shuyuan and Jin Chengye is also a crime, it is much less of a crime than assassinating Eleven: he can settle the former one, but he can't think about the latter one at all.

No matter how unworthy his son is, he is still his son.

"My son, you are wrong." Shuyuan ignored the old prince and said directly: "What you hate the most is that Mrs. Mi was sent to the Jin family, right? Don't say anything else, you think I will be happy that Mrs. Mi became a member of the Jin family ?"

"Our husband and wife are also forced to be helpless. The princess knows best about the Mi family. As for the person who sent the Mi family here, it is your father and king. What does it have to do with our husband and wife?" Shu Yuan spread her hands and looked at the old prince and princess: "Is there not a single word of falsehood in what I said?"

The old prince snorted and turned his head away, he knew best about his concubine's means; Mrs. Mi would be sent out of the mansion by him, it can be said that his wife made great contributions.However, he has nothing to criticize the princess, after all, Mi Shi is too greedy and stupid.

Self-inflicted evil, can not live.Michaelis is the portrayal.

The concubine sighed a long time: "You really don't want to suffer even the slightest loss." She looked at her son: "Mie is just using you, my son."

The crown prince was already quite quiet, but when he heard the words, he broke free from the guards all of a sudden, rushed to the princess and shouted: "No, no! She is sincere for me, only she is sincere for me, only she is sincere for me. "

Eleven rolled his eyes again when he heard that, and turned his head away not wanting to see Shizi's appearance.

Shu Yuan was more straightforward: "My lord, look at today's events—" Of course, how to deal with it depends on the lord, at least to listen to the plan of the lord.

The old prince's face was gloomy, as if everyone owed him money and refused to pay back: "The wicked son is so bold, even though he didn't intend to harm the princess, this matter is still unforgivable, so he will be tied up and sent to Beijing to ask the emperor to forgive him."

It is enough to have him say that, and whether the son will live or die in the capital depends entirely on the mood of Shuyuan and Shiyi.

"Also," the old prince rolled his triangular eyes, "These slaves are all tied up and pushed out, behead!" The slaves refer to Nuan Nuan and the others.

Eleven's eyes widened: "Uncle Huang, you..."

The old prince flicked his sleeves: "These people can't stay. Although the crown prince committed a serious crime but he was not questioned by the emperor, he is still the crown prince and a member of the royal family. These servants dare to disrespect him, so naturally they deserve to die."

"I didn't bring their family members into question. I've already forgiven you. The servants dare not listen to what the prince has to say. That's disrespect to him and the royal family. This matter must not be forgiven."

Eleven was in a hurry, and turned to look at Wang Hao with red eye circles: "The emperor's uncle is bullying people." Tears flowed down after saying a word, but today Wang Hao did not come over to make Eleven happy as usual.

Shu Yuan pulled Shi Shi, took a step forward and looked at the prince and said: "Why is this so? If Shi Shi is so unhappy, maybe she really takes it seriously, and you will not be the one who is riding a tiger?"

"Nuan Nuan and the girls are Eleven's darlings. If they really die, Eleven will be very sad. You are betting on the life of your son, my lord. Do you really have a chance of winning?"

"You might as well open the window and speak honestly. You and the concubine just want to save your son's life. If you have anything to say, it's easy to talk and discuss. Don't make it so tense."

The old prince turned to look at Shu Yuan, waved his hands to make the idlers retreat, and at the same time, he also asked people to take the son to a distance - with his good son around, any schemes could be destroyed by him.

The princess sighed and sat down. She reached out to pull Eleven but was avoided by Eleven. She had to sigh again: "As a parent, what can you do? You know about Eleven, son. Do you believe that he really wants to kill you?"

The expression of the old prince also eased: "Eleven, death and life depend on your words." He spoke pitifully, but he didn't say who died or lived.

It sounds like it refers to the life of the son, but why is it not the life of Nuan Nuan and others?The old prince's most trustworthy method is his own.

Eleven frowned and said nothing.If it was in the capital, even if the old prince had the courage again, he would not dare to treat her like this; moreover, she doesn't need to worry about how to deal with such a matter, as her father would express his anger for her.

Now, she really doesn't want to say that she spared the son, because she doesn't like to be coerced.If you insist on asking the sinful son, what will happen to the lives of Nuan Nuan and others is known without even thinking about it.

The old prince killed Nuannuan and others before writing a letter to plead guilty, the emperor will not blame him: the sons have been handed over, so killing a few maids is a big deal?At that time, the emperor will only comfort Shi Yi with a few words, and then give her a few maids to settle the matter.

"My lord and my concubine, you are quite old. Doesn't it make Eleven feel helpless when you talk and do things like this?" Shu Yuan also imitated the princess and sighed a long time: "Is it true that the prince's assassination is true, and the princess is really frightened." Well, it's true that our Jin family died protecting the princess during the assassination, right?"

"For such a thing, as soon as you touch your lips, you want to say it to Eleven, alas, isn't our princess, isn't she..." She shook her head: "Isn't it not taken seriously. "

The old prince hummed: "You give me..."

"Let her talk." The princess stopped the old prince from talking, looked at Shu Yuan and smiled: "Go on and say, what should we do to be right?"

Shuyuan sighed again: "Princess, how can you not know that you are Chang Linglong's heart? Even if there is nothing wrong, you just walk around, and the two families still have to give and return gifts. You want Eleven to spare her and assassinate her." Your son, just open your mouth and say a word, isn't that too wronged Eleven?"

Eleven immediately pursed his mouth: "That's right, that's right. You bullied me, I will definitely tell my father. The emperor's uncle doesn't hurt Eleven anymore, so I want to tell the Queen Mother."

The concubine understood, it turned out to be a scam, so she was really not afraid: "Well, I will definitely prepare a generous gift for Eleven, and the gift must make Eleven happy."

Shu Yuan shook her head and sighed again: "If it's two children fighting and fighting, bumping into each other and offering a generous gift will be considered as an confession; but, assassination, there is still a life, Wangfei."

The old prince's voice sank: "What do you mean, do you want us to pay for it?"

"Compensation is not something that should be done, but it is the son who did something wrong. It is a matter of life and death, so we can't just let it go like this?" Shu Yuan said bluntly, meeting the prince's gaze.

The old prince chuckled twice: "You mean, the death penalty can be forgiven but the life penalty cannot be forgiven? According to you, how to give the world a life penalty?" No one else needs to explain the pain of flesh and blood, he has long thought about it. A lesson for the world.

But he thought it was the same thing, and when others thought about it, he was annoyed: He is Jun Shuyuan and a minister, and it would be a great disrespect for Shuyuan to think so.

"The son is the son of heaven, who dares to touch half of his hair?" Shu Yuan stared into the eyes of the old prince: "Even if you open your mouth to plead for the son on eleventh, don't you have to explain to the emperor?" She said again and again. Do you understand, don't give the old prince any room for confusion.

Even if the son can survive, the old prince still has to give the emperor an explanation: if Shuyuan doesn't make it clear, then the old prince and his wife will ask Shi Yi to excuse them from the emperor.

Cheng Shiyi called her sister, and Shuyuan would never watch Shiyi being bullied.

The old prince looked at Shuyuan coldly for a long time before he looked away: "I have no way to teach my son, so I will ask you to cut the noble." If he is a prince, he will be the king.

It sounds like the difference is not big, but the difference is big: the son inherits his father's title, but he has to be reduced. If he is a king, his son can only be a prince, and his grandson can only be a marquis. .

Not to mention anything else, from now on, the inside and outside of the city will no longer belong to him.

(End of this chapter)

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