Chapter 264 Two Questions
The general frowned after hearing Jin Chengye and Shuyuan's words: "What nonsense, there is nothing more important than the old lady's affairs now. You two, I will settle accounts with you later." This is also in line with his status. The identity of the elders.

Jin Chengye snorted: "Shuyuan is right, you can fool anyone but the old lady; the old lady called us here before she died, in order to confess your affairs. If you are fake, you can't become real , if you are willing to bow your head and plead guilty now, we still have room to discuss this matter."

The meaning in his words revealed that he would let the general go.Only Jin Chengye knew if he was defrauding the general, but there was some truth in what he said—it would be of great importance to the reputation of the Jin family, especially to the innocence of the Wang family, if someone found out that the Jin family had been cheated by others. blow.

The general frowned and slapped the table lightly: "The old lady just passed away, and the mother's body should not have passed away; as a grandson, I can understand that you are saddened by the grandmother's departure, but If you talk nonsense like this again, don't blame me, Uncle."

"No matter how many things are unresolved in the family, now I think it is better to prepare for my mother's funeral first, and at the same time find out the reason for the old lady's sudden departure. The rest is the last step."

He could really hold his own when he mentioned filial piety, but Jin Chengye and Shuyuan would never accept the last word.

Whether the general is true or false is definitely not the last word. If he is not handled properly, he will not only be ridiculed by others, but also bring disaster.

Shu Yuan glanced at Wang Shi before saying: "You are too understating the last sentence, right? Do you think that what you have done is flawless? In fact, since you proposed to keep people from knowing that you came back, it has already been revealed..."

"Enough!" Wang couldn't bear it anymore and stood up: "Chengye, Shuyuan, what do you two really want? Not to mention that the old lady just passed away, just because of your uncle's love for you, you just repay it like this? "

She looked at Shuyuan: "Mother can recognize the true and false of her son, so do you think that I, as a wife, will recognize my husband by mistake?"

Looking at Jin Chengye again, her tone became more and more severe: "I get along with your second uncle day and night, is it necessary for you to talk about whether it is true or not? If he is false, then I am not true. I am going to be sent to the official, right? All right, send it with me."

The general supported Wang Shi and whispered softly: "You are angry again, your body is important. Come on, sit down and have a sip of tea first. Actually, it's nothing. Since someone asked about it today, it's good to make it clear. I I think, my return this time is beyond everyone's expectations, no matter what the reason is, there will always be people who will question it."

Mrs. Wang was furious: "Where did they suspect you, they clearly doubted me! I really don't understand why the family has become like this, what is true and false, what is the truth in the picture? We don't know if we are wooden people. ?"

The general patted Wang's hand again: "Okay, okay, don't be angry. I am really not afraid of being questioned, am I? I have a clear conscience, and of course I am not afraid of being asked."

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Jin Chengye: "At this time, I shouldn't have the same knowledge as you, but if I don't explain it clearly to you, it will make people doubt. Besides, you should never, never should, and the last thing you should be is Make your aunt angry and annoyed."

"She has suffered so much all these years." He sighed a long time, turned his head and met Wang's eyes, what kind of tenderness it was!
Jin Chengye felt disgusted watching it, and Shu Yuan felt chills in his heart: This person is really a fake, and the play was too good.

It wasn't that she didn't believe in Jin Chengye, and it wasn't that she didn't believe in the old lady, but before she saw the proof, she couldn't fully believe that this person was a fake.

At the same time, she also had doubts about Jin Chengye's certainty that the general was a fake: Why, he didn't have the slightest hesitation on such a major matter?Even with the old lady's words, Yijin Chengye would never say that.

Does Jin Chengye know something?However, he has been in a coma on the bed, and after the poison is removed, he can still tell him everything.

"So, as an elder, I don't have to care about how you treat me, but you make my aunt sad, so as an elder, I have to teach you what filial piety is." After the general finished speaking, he patted Wang Shi's hand, and then slowly sat back.

He is an elder, so of course he can't lose his status and stand and talk to the two sitting juniors.

"Punishment without teaching is not what I did. Since I want to teach you, I have to let you know that I was really wrong. Now let me talk about what you just said. I have a few words to listen to your explanation."

He slapped his palms lightly: "You keep saying that the old lady knows that I am a fake, so what is the proof? My mother has passed away now, and the purpose of your saying and doing this is really abominable, but you must know that it is yours. grandma!"

"There is no proof of death, hum." He glared at Jin Chengye: "However, you are really too young to think that such a few words can make people suspect me, right? Let me ask you two, when the old lady speaks, you will be excluded." Who else heard it?!"

"Could it be just the two of you hearing it?" He sneered twice: "Does it mean that you are naive, or is it that you are stupid? It's really nonsense." He still talked about Jin Chengye and Shu Yuan regards him as his junior, even if he is angry, he still loves him.

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Sun looked at each other, and they lost their minds: Of course Mrs. Sun would rather believe in her son, but as Mrs. Wang said, who can mistake their husband?

After listening to the general's words, Mrs. Zhao believed in the general's three points; if it was not true, how could she say such a thing.

"Chengye and Shuyuan are both good boys, there may be some misunderstanding..." She smoothed things over, not wanting the General and Wang Shi to really turn against the juniors.

Jin Chengye directly shook his head: "Auntie, everything I say is true, this person is definitely not my second uncle."

Mrs. Sun looked at Mrs. Wang and sighed: "You child is so sad and stupid, how can you talk to the elders?" Although she blamed her, she did not stop her son and daughter-in-law from talking again.

Mrs. Wang is a smart person. Seeing this, she sighed and looked at the general: "You are right, if you don't clarify the matter today, one or two people will really doubt you in the future."

She looked at Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Sun: "It's just, is this still Beifu or our home? The old lady, the old lady just left." What made her even more sad was the attitude of these family members towards her and the general.

Other outsiders who questioned the general, even if it was questioned by other members of the Jin family, would not make Wang's sad.

After hearing the words, Mrs. Zhao looked at Mrs. Sun, all she could do was to persuade her to make peace, because she was not Jin Chengye's mother; Mrs. Sun sighed in her heart when she saw Mrs. Zhao look over: "Second sister-in-law, don't be as knowledgeable as Chengye Shuyuan. I will teach them a good lesson and give my second sister-in-law an explanation."

What she said was okay, but she didn't mention the general from the beginning to the end: she only said an explanation to Mrs. Wang, and she had already stood by her son's side in this matter.

The general didn't let Wang Shi speak again, and looked at Jin Chengye and asked, "Why don't you answer, do you have nothing to answer?"

Dead without proof.

It's not just that Jin Chengye and the others have no one to corroborate their words, the general can also: his question is nothing if the old lady is still there, but who can answer him now?He can argue no matter what the answer is, because the old lady has already gone.

"I, I heard." Wei raised the curtain and came out: "Don't worry, those girls are here." She heard what the girls said in the inner room, so she had to come out and say a few words: "You guys The old lady said in person that he is not a descendant of our Jin family."

The general looked at Wei and shook his head, then picked up the teacup and wanted to drink it but put it back without drinking it, then shook his head again: "I said why Chengye and Shuyuan are so abnormal today, so it turns out that .”

"Auntie, I still have to call you auntie now. I don't understand why you do this. You really sleep soundly at night by provoking our own flesh and blood? It seems that you killed our old lady and then used Chengye's young couple to slander For me, the ultimate benefits will all belong to your Nanfu, right?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Jin Chengye and Shuyuan: "Your witness is her, alas, are you two children really stupid?"

Both Jin Chengye and Shuyuan were about to speak, but he waved his hand: "You don't need to say it. Even if I approve your testimony, then you can explain to me——since my mother thinks I'm pretending, why did I only tell you Two juniors?"

"And why didn't someone just tie me up and send me to the official, instead of telling you this sentence when I was dying?"

When he said this, he looked at Zhao and Sun: "Don't tell me that the old lady not only thinks I'm fake, but also doesn't trust her elder daughter-in-law and younger daughter-in-law? Otherwise, why didn't you tell them——Mother's body Not good, but you can completely leave things to them, and I don’t have to confront you here at this time.”

"I think," he picked up the tea and blew on it, "in that case, I'm already in the prison of the government."

The general let out a long sigh: "Chengye, Shuyuan, why don't you think about it carefully? Grandma loves you very much. What she left to you when she was dying was not her old man's things, but this sentence? Reasonable ?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Sun again: "Sister and brother, do you think this makes sense?"

No one could say as much as Sun's biological mother said: As long as she doesn't believe her son's words, then Jin Chengye's eloquence is useless.

Shuyuan's heart tightened when she heard it, because she was speechless at what the general said: it just happened to be her doubts.However, if she doesn't explain clearly, she and Jin Chengye are slandering the elders today; the most important thing is that the old lady said that he is a fake, and let him prove that she is true today, how can the old lady under the nine springs rest in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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