Chapter 266 Longtan Tiger Den
Seeing Jin Chengye's steadfastness, the general was a little murmured in his heart, and seeing him dismiss Wang, he decided that Jin Chengye was going to use a "big move"; however, he was not afraid, because Wang just went to the back room.

With Wang's presence and Wang's trust, no matter how many people think about it, he doesn't take it seriously.

It wasn't until Jin Chengye uttered the words "true evidence" that his heart relaxed even more. Now he guessed that Jin Chengye was just defrauding him: where is there any real evidence? !

Mrs. Zhao coughed several times at this time, and when everyone looked at her, she waved her hands again and again: "It's nothing, Chengye, you go on; I just choked on the water." She was startled by Jin Chengye's nonsense.

As the eldest daughter-in-law of Beifu, what else does she not know?What's more, the general's death in battle is not a secret, she knows better than anyone that there is no so-called real evidence at all.

When a person dies, he is dead, and when he lives, he is alive. What evidence can there be for this?If it wasn't for the fact that the general refused to go to the army to report and didn't want the court to know that he was still alive, the Zhao family really wouldn't have any doubts.

Because Mrs. Wang said that he is the second master of Beifu, then he must be the second master of Beifu.

As she spoke, she gave Jin Chengye a wink, signaling him to accept it as soon as it was good, and stop making trouble, otherwise how would it end in the end?What's more, there is no need for a family. If you get a blushing and thick neck, wouldn't it be a joke.

Because the things said in the room could not be known by more people, so no one was left to wait on her; Zhao Shi choked, Shu Yuan could only go up to pat her on the back, and at the same time whispered softly in her ear: " Chengye, you watched him grow up, so don't worry."

No one knows what kind of person Jin Chengye is like than the few female elders in Beifu.Therefore, Shuyuan's words made Zhao more doubtful: Yes, if Chengye was not really sure, how could he treat his uncle like this?

Mrs. Zhao really couldn't believe that Jin Chengye was for the belongings of the second room.

Seeing that Jin Chengye lowered his head and didn't immediately respond to his words, the general felt more at ease; he also didn't want to seriously turn against Jin Chengye, because the days to come would be long and they would all live in the same mansion, not to mention that he was an elder.

"Chengye, is there any real evidence for what you said? If you have it, you can show it. If you don't, you can be honest. What can you do if you are a family?"

His words made Zhao's doubts less by three points, but made Sun's frown even tighter.

"Are you too talkative?" Shu Yuan looked at the general: "According to our second uncle's temper, if we dare to commit crimes like this, he would have to be whipped a few times. True gold is not afraid of fire, you are like this." It must be a big conspiracy."

Mrs. Sun nodded immediately: "Even if you don't have the temper of the second brother, as an elder, if you are really slandered by the younger generation, why don't you pursue one or two? What's the morality of Gangchang! You, you really have a good temper, are you afraid that after falling out with Chengye, you will be in the future?" Is it inconvenient for the government to do things?"

"I'm really not afraid to teach my nephew and nephew a lesson. The fake ones want to be harmonious, at least for now, so that I can do things conveniently. Am I right?"

The general originally wanted to reprimand Shuyuan, but when Sun said that he frowned slightly: "It turns out that I am quite angry, but what kind of life have I been living outside in the past few years? Even my big temper has been worn down." there is none left."

"Let's not talk about this anymore, no matter how much you say, you won't believe it, so let's talk about it with real evidence." He didn't want to be entangled, because he alone was no match for two women.

Of course, the most sensible thing to do is to get the result. Anyway, Jin Chengye won't be able to get it out, and everything will be self-evident when the time comes, and he doesn't need to say a word, just wait for someone to make amends.

Mrs. Zhao patted Shuyuan's hand: "I have nothing to do, you can sit down quickly. It will be a few months, so you must not get tired." After she finished speaking, she looked at Jin Chengye: "You also usually Be more careful."

In fact, she just wanted to ease the atmosphere in the room, but unfortunately these words were really out of place at this time.

Jin Chengye stood up and replied: "Yes, auntie." After he finished speaking, he helped Shuyuan back to sit down, and then he sat beside Shuyuan and looked at the general: "You don't cry when you see the coffin. Well, let me tell you one thing, a secret that no one knows."

He stood up when he replied to the Zhao family, but he had to sit down when he was talking to the general. I can't get up.

He did it on purpose.

"This secret is based on real evidence, and it is really well-founded and well-founded—the court can prove it!" When it came to this, Jin Chengye's voice was a little serious, as if every word With the chill of three or nine days: "You have calculated thousands of times, but you never thought that there is a secret behind my second uncle's death, right?"

"This is called God's will." He said here and stared at the general: "It's not too hot today, why are you so hot, and you still sweat all of a sudden? I didn't say a word It's fake, if you don't believe it, we can go to the government to ask."

He gritted his teeth when he said this: "My uncle is a great general who died for the country. His death is naturally documented. You, hehe, planned well and prepared well, but you The mistake is that all calculations are based on the knowledge of the world."

Shu Yuan saw that he looked a little scary, and said softly: "Speak slowly." At the same time, she passed the tea over.She had believed in Jin Chengye from the beginning, and it was even more impossible to doubt Jin Chengye's words at this time.

It's just that she now knows that the secret related to the death of the second master of Beifu is obviously a great hidden pain for Jin Chengye.

If it wasn't because of the general's return to the mansion, Jin Chengye might not have said it even if he died; it wasn't that he wanted to hide Shuyuan, but that he didn't want to mention it, and he didn't want to mention it: remembering and mentioning even a little bit is a very painful torture .

If possible, Shuyuan really didn't want him to say it.

Jin Chengye took a long breath, then took the tea and drank it in one gulp, holding Shuyuan's hand behind his back, he looked at the general again.

The general is different now, his face is full of sweat, and he is simply fidgeting; he met Jin Chengye's eyes and avoided this time: "If you have anything to say, you can tell others; and as long as it is a secret, then It’s just that there are things that cannot be told to others, and as a human being, there is absolutely nothing that I cannot tell others.”

"Also, since it's a secret, it means only one or two people know it. It's very likely that only you know it. Who knows whether what you said is true or not? As for going to the court to prove it, it's not because you know that I don't want the court to know that I'm still alive. That's the only way to talk in this world."

"Unexpectedly, the third brother gave birth to such a scheming son!" He flicked his sleeves: "If you don't do it, just say, hmph, you also know that you have a guilty conscience? I'll go see how my mother is..."

He wanted to go to Wang Shi, or alert Wang Shi to let him come back.As long as Mrs. Wang is around, he won't be afraid even if the sky falls.

Shu Yuan didn't move or look at the general, she lowered her head to look at the empty teacup on the table: "You don't have kung fu now, do you? Or, your kung fu is far inferior to the girls around me—you are now You should know that they all came from the palace."

The general stopped abruptly, but he was furious, looking like he wanted to swallow Shuyuan alive: "You, what do you mean by that, do you really dare to use force against your elders?"

Shu Yuan slowly raised her head and looked over: "It depends on the situation. If you sit still and discuss the facts clearly with us, no one will be violent to you before you can tell right from wrong."

"However, there is a princess in our house, I think you should know by now; so, if you act rashly, we really don't know if you are here for the princess, you know, someone assassinated the princess not long ago .”

"How can our loyal family of the Jin family put Her Royal Highness in danger? We have to take it down first. And the princess is quite frightened. We can't let the princess be in danger again. The sword has no eyes when we do it. If there is anything unbearable There is no other way."

"I think you'll understand that I don't need to say any more, right?" After she finished speaking, she pointed to the chair not far from the general: "Sit back, we haven't made things clear yet, what are you talking about?" Why are you so anxious? The old lady has an aunt there, so everything will be fine, so why don't you worry about it?"

The general stared at Shu Yuan, his eyes were as sharp as iron needles, as if they wanted to stab down fiercely, into Shu Yuan's flesh.

Shu Yuan blinked at his gaze, slowly raised her hands, and made a gesture of clapping but didn't immediately clap her hands; her calm eyes didn't mean the slightest threat, but what did she want to do? The general is very clear.

——If you dare to move, I will let someone take you down, or even kill you.

At this moment, the general suddenly remembered that Shuyuan had the official position of General Huaiyuan, of course he didn't really forget it, but he never took it to heart: a woman is an official or a general?Hey, let her faint when she sees killing a chicken.

Now, he understands that the woman in front of him not only won't faint from watching Sha Ji, but also really dares to kill.

He glanced out of the window and saw the girls in the yard: either they had swords in their hands or whips in their hands. Judging from their posture, he knew that they were definitely not threatening—the ones who have been trained are the ones who have been trained, and they are definitely not for weak women. fake.

A word popped up in his heart: Longtan Tiger's Den.

"Hmph! Of course I want to hear his real evidence, so tell me now." He didn't sit down but took a few steps back.It's not that he doesn't want to sit, but how can he sit still now.

Turning his eyes again, he looked at the rear window, only to find that a man's figure flashed there, but it disappeared in a flash; he believed that he was definitely not dazzled, that was a master!
In an instant, the general's clothes were soaked through.

(End of this chapter)

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