Chapter 270
"There are only two reasons for hitting him. One is that I want to hit him, and I can feel better after hitting him; There is room for negotiating conditions with us." Wang closed her eyes when she said this: "The so-called killing stick."

She lowered her head when she opened her eyes again: "The master once said to me that killing power and killing power is to kill people's prestige, arrogance and reliance, so that people know Here I am the sky, I am the earth, and I am the one who takes life and death."

"Shawei, it's not your fault to hit you. Hitting you has nothing to do with right or wrong." She sighed faintly: "I remember clearly what he said, but I don't know when he will come back."

Mrs. Wang wanted to beat people, and those who dared to pretend to be General Jin, no one from the Jin family would stop her; Mrs. Sun didn't want Mrs. Wang to spare Zhu Zhongyu when she spoke, but she hadn't asked clearly yet. The ins and outs.

Hearing that Mrs. Wang wanted to beat someone up, Mrs. Sun would naturally have nothing to say; Jin Chengye and Shuyuan would not say a single word for Zhu Zhongyu, even if Zhu Zhongyu was beaten to death, it was his own fault. .

If he dared to lie to a imperial order, and he was the widow of a great general, then he was looking for death, no wonder others.

It's just Wang's last sentence that made everyone in the room tangled up: Everyone knew that the general would never come back, he would never return to the Jin family, and he would never be able to eat the noodles made by Wang himself; but , Hearing again that Mrs. Wang is still so firm in her belief that the person is still alive, who among them can say words of persuasion?

Watching Wang's longing day and night, knowing that what Wang's looking forward to is not hope, so how can everyone bear to let her go on like this?

Shu Yuan coughed a few times: "Auntie, I think there must be one or two thieves, otherwise it would be impossible to pull off such a clever deception." She wanted to divert the conversation away, and didn't want Wang to think about the general anymore.

In this life, Wang is destined to live alone.

Mrs. Wang nodded: "Of course. Chengye, don't let his accomplice run away as soon as possible; I'll go back first, and you can ask first when you see that the fight is almost done. I'll come back later and you tell me the same."

"I'm going to meet with the above." Her face was very calm: "The master hasn't come back yet, but the old lady has passed away, mother and child are connected, maybe the master feels something, maybe he will appear in the mansion soon In front of the door."

"He has suffered too much outside. He must have a bowl of steaming noodles waiting for him to let him know that this is home. None of us has forgotten him."

She raised her foot and left after she finished speaking: "I'll be back when I reconcile." Like beating someone, she got up and left without giving anyone a chance to argue; she didn't want to listen to everyone's persuasion, because she knew that the general was alive There's no reason to speak—it feels like she hasn't felt lonely since she learned about the general's death in battle.

She is not alone because the person who promised to accompany her for the rest of her life is still there.

Mrs. Wang knew that it was a huge matter to misidentify someone, but the big thing couldn't compare to the bowl of noodles that her husband and son-in-law stepped into the house after returning home, because it was her master's favorite noodles.

No one spoke, but everyone in the room stood up and stopped at the door after walking a few steps. Looking at Wang's back, everyone's heart was heavy: they really didn't know how to deal with it.

The secret does not say no, but it is even worse.

Mrs. Zhao heaved a long sigh: "Actually, it's a good thing for a person to have thoughts. When there is thought, there is hope. If there is hope, there is something to look forward to every day." After she finished speaking, she sighed again.

Her husband and son-in-law also died, so he really died.She also cried, but life has to go on, and she can't wash her face with tears every day; but every day after she wakes up, she is a little dazed, not knowing how to live this day, and what to live for.

If she has a child, she also has a thought, but she doesn't.She knows best what it feels like to live in despair and feel ashamed, that's why she said such words.

Mrs. Sun held Mrs. Zhao's hand: she knew the situation of the elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law best, so she would give in to them in every way—Mr. No support.

That feeling is not what she can experience, because she has a son.

The matter of Jianyou is far more important to Mrs. Zhao than Mrs. Wang, because Mrs. Zhao really needs to have something to think about and something to look forward to.But all of this was also ruined, and now there is no more Jiangxi - there are too many things, and no one cares about Zhao's loss.

Mrs. Zhao didn't react too much, but Mrs. Sun knew that Mrs. Zhao would definitely not be able to sleep every night: the original little hope was lost, and the heavy blow might not be over for a while.

Everyone has her strengths, just like Mrs. Zhao.She hurt her, but she didn't say anything, and silently tasted those pains in the corner.

Just because it's useless to say it, it can't change anything.Even so, those pains will not disappear, and they will not even be reduced by half.

Shuyuan didn't have a good impression of Zhao Shi, until today she found that Zhao Shi also has such a respectable and amiable side: she thought that the person who suffered the most was Lou Shi, but at this time she discovered that Zhao Shi The pain suffered was no less than Lou's.

Even bigger.Because after the end of the family, Zhao has no thoughts at all. All she has is despair and day-to-day loneliness: she is not Lou, and she doesn't even have the chance to step out of the Jin family's gate and start again.

The Jin family is her home, but at this moment Shuyuan has a feeling that the Jin family is not Zhao's grave!Zhao is still alive, but she is dead.

"Ma'am," she went to help Mrs. Zhao turn around: "Chengye and I have something to ask you. You also know that there are so many things happening in our house, and there are many things going on in and out of the house when you calm down, but Both of us are dull people, I'm afraid we will be very busy."

"It's okay to talk about other things, but I'm afraid the baby won't be able to take care of it. So we want to trouble you to take care of it. Well, what we mean is to adopt one of the babies to you as your grandson."

When she married into the Jin family, her original mother-in-law was Mrs. Zhao. Since the incident of concubine disappeared, she has not changed the names of Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Wang. In fact, she just doesn't know how to comfort Mrs. Zhao.

Today she saw Mrs. Zhao's suffering, and wanted to give Mrs. Zhao something to think about, so she proposed to give Mrs. Zhao a grandson: this is her confession to Mrs. Zhao.

When Mrs. Zhao heard the words, she turned her head and looked at Shuyuan: "Really, really?" She has nothing else to ask for in her life. If there is a descendant who can take care of her until the end of her life, that would be her greatness. blessing.

"We'll talk about this later, and it can't be your first child." After she got excited, she immediately understood that it was not the time to talk about it, but Shuyuan's words still gave her hope: "Shuyuan, you are a good child." , Aunt has always known."

She uttered the word "aunt" by herself. Although she was a little trembling and awkward, she still uttered it and re-identified her and Shuyuan.

She will no longer be Shuyuan's mother-in-law, she is just Shuyuan's aunt.

Jin Chengye heard Shuyuan's words.He knew that he and Shuyuan had never discussed it, and never thought about adopting a grandson for Mrs. Zhao: but, he understood Shufa very well, so he acquiesced.

But Mrs. Sun blinked when she heard it, she looked at her son and couldn't ask directly, so she could only pull his sleeve lightly: "Why doesn't she know about such a big thing?"You know, the child in Shu Yuan's belly is her and Jin Chengye's first child.

If she has two or three grandchildren, she refers to the grandchildren of the direct relatives: she still has a grudge against the Fangfei siblings—she doesn't mind adopting one to the Zhao family, but how can she only have one grandson of the direct relatives? Are you willing?

Of course, it's not that Mrs. Sun doesn't sympathize with Mrs. Zhao, it's just that she overemphasizes the words "offspring of incense".

Jin Chengye gave his mother a reassuring look: Shuyuan did not say that she would adopt her first child to Mrs. Zhao, and Mrs. Zhao also said that she would not take their eldest son as her grandson.

After comforting her mother, she looked at Shuyuan, and just met Shuyuan's eyes. The two of them immediately understood the sigh in each other's heart: give Zhao a grandson, that is Zhao's hope; , that is a kind of torture.

Because the general will never come back again, Wang started from waking up with hope every day, and then went to sleep with disappointment every night: how many people in the world can bear this kind of torture?

Zhao's thoughts can be solved by Shuyuan, but Wang's has nothing to do: unless there is a fairy who can revive the dead General Jin, no one can give Wang real hope, and there is no way to save her from that sea of ​​suffering.

After walking two steps, Shuyuan suddenly had a thought, put down Mrs. Zhao's skirt and ran: "It's broken, hurry up, hurry up!" Her running like this frightened people, and Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Sun called God, And Jin Chengye even followed to hold her back.

In case of a fall, something big will happen in such a big month!
"Let go of me, auntie, no, second auntie—" Shuyuan patted Jin Chengye anxiously: "I'm afraid it's not good."

Wang's obsession with the general is well known, even if she was really afraid that the general would have no noodles to eat when he came back, it was impossible to go back and make noodles at this time: the old lady hadn't finished her shroud yet, and there was another Zhu Zhongyu Not dealt with yet.

She went back to the room at this time, and it must not be just for the meeting.

Jin Chengye looked into Shuyuan's eyes, and his heart trembled: "No, wouldn't it be?" Having said so, he handed Shuyuan to his mother and Mrs. Zhao: "I'll go and have a look." He picked up his clothes and ran away, When he ran out of the courtyard, he almost bumped into someone.

The visitor, Jin Chengye, knew him, and he was the big shopkeeper of the North Mansion of the Jin family: the person who was in charge of many land and shops of the Jin family.

(End of this chapter)

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