Chapter 272 Tired
When Jin Chengye heard Shuyuan's words, he knew that Wang's family might have been cheated of some property; but he didn't know how he was cheated, and now is not a good time to ask Shuyuan.

Wang's emotions are very agitated. Asking about those belongings at this time will most likely irritate Wang, and may also lead to more guilt or even shame.

So he didn't ask or look at Shuyuan.As Shuyuan said, it was just a matter of a few villages, a few shops, and thousands of taels of silver—whether it was Wang's dowry, or the second uncle's and her private property, it all belonged to Wang's.

He was the only one from Beifu to Jin Chengye in his generation, but Wang's property still belonged to Wang's, and if Jin Chengye was not given to him, then it had nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Jin Chengye believes that how to use Wang's property is Wang's business: whether to use it for shopping or give it away, etc., as long as Wang is happy, he has no objections.

Unless it was Wang who was cheated and wanted to settle accounts with the other party, then of course he would stand up for Wang as a younger generation, but the recovered property still belonged to Wang and had nothing to do with him, Jin Chengye.

Wang's words actually lifted Jin Chengye's heart, because Wang couldn't get over his knot, if he and Shuyuan could stop her today, could they stop her tomorrow?

As long as Wang's desire for atonement persists, she may still hurt herself; today is an arm, what will it be tomorrow?Jin Chengye didn't want to see blood anymore, because the Jin family shed enough blood: whether it was for the country or for the family, enough blood was shed.

"Second Aunt, if Second Uncle really forgets all his past because of his injury, so he married a woman who took care of him, and later remembered everything and brought that woman back with him. Would you blame Second Uncle?" He asked Shu Yuan gave Shuyuan a look, but didn't let Shuyuan go on.

In comparison, he understands Wang Shi better than Shuyuan, because he has spent much longer with Wang Shi.What's more, at this time, Shuyuan still didn't think about the things of the previous three years. For Wang, it was just a few months of acquaintance.

Wang raised her head when she heard the words: "No." After she finished speaking, she paused: "No." She blurted out the previous sentence, because she had only one thought in her mind, the general. It's good to be back.

But the latter sentence was the answer she had thought about, but the answer was the same, because what she wanted was the safe return of the general.

"That's true, that woman is my benefactor, the benefactor of our husband and wife." She said slowly: "Your uncle must not remember the past when he marries her. If he remembers, he will never marry again. Even if he remembers and Let him marry—”

She took a deep breath: "There must be his reasons, so I don't blame him." Because she knew that he always had her in his heart, and always had her, only her.

Even if the general marries a hundred women, she is the only wife in his heart, and other women are not in his heart at all.

She can trust that man, so if he really wants to marry, there must be a reason for him to marry again. Of course, she won't blame him: why should she blame him? Instead, she should do so that he doesn't have to feel too much guilt.

Jin Chengye looked into her eyes: "Since Second Aunt knows, she will know that Second Uncle really won't marry again; even if he forgets all his past, he won't forgive himself if he marries, and he won't be able to forgive himself."

"Auntie, have you thought about what he will do when the second uncle really has to remarry and he understands that everything is irretrievable?" Jin Chengye's voice lowered, "I think, auntie, of course you don't want to see..."

Suddenly Wang screamed: "No, no!" She closed her eyes: even if the general really changed his mind, even if she was injured badly, she would not want to see the general suffer any harm because of her. !

This kind of heart is not only for the general, but also for the general Jin.

Shuyuan stepped forward to support Wang Shi: "Auntie, you are not hurting yourself, you are cutting flesh on the second uncle's heart. Think again, the second uncle has not been by your side for many years, he must have been very upset. I'm sad, seeing you like this when you come back, think about it, what will the second uncle do when he sees you like this?"

Wang Shi is not even afraid of death now, so she didn't commit suicide because she sees the general as more important than her life; in the same way, there is only one general who can prevent Wang Shi from hurting herself.

At this moment, Shuyuan was curious about General Jin, she really wanted to remember the past: what kind of man is General Jin?
To make a woman like Wang so infatuated, it is impossible for General Jin to be an ordinary man; at least he will not be like the third master, nor like his own father.

Well, think about it, Jin Chengye is not like the son of the third master in this regard, but a bit like the son of a great general: he treats himself very well.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking at Jin Chengye, but she didn't want to meet Jin Chengye's eyes.

Neither of the two spoke, but they both knew that if one day they were separated like Wang Shi and the General, they would be like Wang Shi and the General, even if heaven and man were separated, they would not forget each other.

Originally won the hearts of the people, the white head is inseparable!

Thinking of this sentence at this time, more feelings arose in Shuyuan's heart: It is not easy to win someone's heart, but it is even more difficult to keep the head of a lifetime.

Therefore, she would like to thank God, because he made herself and Jin Chengye know each other and stay together, and she was much happier than Wang and the general.

Wang was stunned for a while, then burst into tears.

As an elder, she really wouldn't cry so loudly in front of the juniors on weekdays, but at this moment her mind was already in a mess.

She knew she was wrong, but no matter how sorry she was to the general, she couldn't hurt herself, because she was not alone in the pain, especially the one who hurt the most was not herself.

At this moment, she really didn't know what else to do besides cry.Her remorse and her hatred all turned into cries.

When Wang cried like this, Shuyuan and Jin Chengye both heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that Wang would not hurt themselves again in the future: even if the knot in their hearts was not completely opened, at least half of it was untied.

In the future, with their company, Shuyuan believes that Wang Shi can always find hope, and Wang Shi can always see the real hope of life.

Jin Chengye gave Shuyuan a look, telling her not to forget herself while taking care of Wang Shi: it will be inconvenient for him to stay in the future, and no matter how much he loves his wife, it is not easy to take Shuyuan away at this time.

He called the maids to come in, and quietly withdrew without speaking to Mrs. Wang.Mrs. Wang needs to dress up, and there is another Zhu Zhongyu who has not been dealt with over there.

Wang didn't cry for too long, knowing that this is not the time to cry, as the daughter-in-law of the Jin family, she still has a lot to do today, especially when the general is not in the mansion, she has more to do It's fine.

She wants to do the part of the general, even if the general comes back in the future and finds out that his mother has passed away, and knowing what she did, he will feel less pain in his heart.

There is no need for Shuyuan and the maids to come to persuade her, she just shut up when she said, and stood up and let the maids heal her wounds; she even obeyed the doctor's words - what else could she do for the general if she was not in good health?
Seeing Wang's calm down, Shu Yuan felt that she was quite tired, so she sat on a chair beside her; she felt a little sore in her waist, so she rubbed it with her hands.

Wang looked up and saw: "But what's wrong?" She stood up while asking, and looked at Shuyuan with concern, really afraid that something was wrong with Shuyuan.

Shu Yuan shook her head: "It's nothing, you don't have to worry, Auntie. I think you should take a rest, the two ladies over there will be fine."

Although Wang's strength did not hurt the bones, but the wound was very deep and bled profusely, of course it is better to rest more at this time.

Mrs. Wang shook her head, and handed a bowl of supplements to Shuyuan: "Today, let someone stew it early, and we will go over after eating." She took another bowl to eat by herself: "I have to eat that Zhu Zhongyu myself. Come to deal with it, and the old lady and your third master..."

She sighed softly: "Your second uncle is not here, so I have to do my best; besides, how can I not see the old lady off on her last journey?"

The old lady Hai Shi is a formidable person, but she is not hateful, she treats her daughters-in-law really well; becoming a mother-in-law is also a kind of fate, and she has to give her last heart just for the sake of her relationship with the old lady.

She doesn't have a good impression of the third master, but she is also the younger brother of the general and his mother; besides, the third master is not a thing, but Sun and her two sisters-in-law have been in love for many years deep.

If she doesn't do her best for the third master, she also has to share her work for the Sun family, so she has no reason to hide in the room and enjoy leisure.

Shu Yuan knew that she was not going to move, so she let her go: "The auntie must at least take the medicine before going over. I will go ahead first, so that the two ladies can feel at ease."

There are too many things going on in the mansion today, so she can't stay here if there is nothing wrong with Mrs. Wang.If it was normal, she really wanted to hide for a while, but right now she still has no time for leisure.

Mrs. Wang didn't argue any more, and asked the girls to send Shuyuan away, and she waited for the girls to bring the medicine.

Shu Yuan was in a hurry to leave. Apart from having too many things to do, she also wanted to avoid Wang Shi and asked the doctor to take a pulse: the more things in the mansion, the less she could take her body lightly.

Now there can't be one more patient in the mansion, especially there can't be any accidents, so that the child in the belly can die early: I really can't add the slightest trouble right now.

So she felt something was wrong, so she sent for a doctor.

She was really tired, and she shook her head halfway through the walk: "Take a break." She felt that her back was hurting more, and her heart became more and more uncertain: "Nuan Nuan, send someone to watch, if you see the doctor Bring him here."

She didn't have the strength to say more, she went into the pavilion and sat down while holding Yunwu's hand.

Nuannuan promised to call a little girl over, and when she turned around, she saw a person approaching, and she blinked: "You are a foreigner, but you got lost with your family?"

Although there are people in Beifu who have arranged to report the funeral, there will be absolutely no foreigners arriving today.

(End of this chapter)

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