Chapter 276
Shuyuan was taken aback by her question and subconsciously replied: "What should I do?"

The corners of Qian's mouth turned up slightly: "Are you planning to faint again and pretend you don't know everything, or are you planning to give birth today and charge me with a huge crime so that I have no chance of recovering?"

"Your means, I know very well, how can you tolerate me, and how can you allow me to recognize the two children?"

In front of the two children, she accused Shu Yuan of things she had never done, as if Shu Yuan was a bad person who did all kinds of evil, and she was just a poor person who was hurt.

Shu Yuan's face changed again: "It's you, so I fainted because of you!"

Qian replied flatly: "Don't use the word Ye, and don't be so surprised, do you really not know? If you don't know, why come to test me several times?"

When she said this, she looked at Jin Chengye: "It's our fool, only he will believe your tricks, and only he will believe that you are a kind-hearted person."

"In this big house, the one who can survive is the kind-hearted person? A truly kind person either becomes a cruel person in the end, or becomes inhuman in the end—like me."

Jin Chengye strode forward, and slapped Qian's face fiercely with his palm. The beating made Qian's back, and he hit the lake stone after a few steps before stopping.

Her head was bruised and purple, and soon a big bump bulged out.

Fang Fei and Rui Ren forgot their father's majesty when they saw it, and rushed over together: "Mother, mother!" They hugged Qian Shi and cried loudly, and the two children felt resentful towards Jin Chengye in their hearts—why did they beat their mother.

"You are in front of the children..." Qian hugged Fang Fei and her brother, she burst into tears after speaking a few words: "No matter what, the two children are not wrong, you should treat them better in the future. "

When she said this, she looked at Shuyuan's stomach: "Especially after adding a younger sister or younger brother to them, you have to treat them as the eldest son and eldest daughter."

Jin Chengye trembled with anger: "Shut up. My children will naturally be loved by me, so don't provoke me! Let Fangfei and Ruiren tell themselves how Shuyuan treats the two children."

"What are you going to say is the word "Li"? You still have the face to mention it. Thinking about what you have done, you still have the face to say the word "to me!" His words were only aimed at Qian, and the children. Not relevant at all.

Also because the child is here, there are too many things for him to say.As he said, the child belongs to him, Jin Chengye, how could he not think about the child?No matter how angry, some words can't let the children know.

He took a breath and looked at the two children: "Fang Fei, take your brother back to the room - don't listen to everything, think about your mother - I mean this mother," he pointed at Shu Yuan : "How to treat you."

"The grown-ups want to talk, you go back to your room and think about it carefully, and we will discuss it with you when we go back later."

Qian held her child tightly: "I knew that you would take away their identities, so that her child could be the eldest son and the master of the Beifu; but my son is nothing, he can only watch People look alive."

"Children, you can trust what mother told you now. The superficial goodness is just for people to see; if it is really good for you, why did you suffer so much in the early years?"

"Only the mother really loves you. If you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather. How can you still be in your father's eyes?"

She actually provoked without concealing it.

Shu Yuan looked at her: "You are a mother, you really don't think about your children, you just want to use them? You know, they are the flesh of your body, but you are nine months pregnant..."

"Of course I'm thinking about the children," Qian interrupted Shuyuan, and hugged the two children even tighter, because Nuannuan came over, and she was afraid that the children would be taken away: "Do you think I don't know your plan?" , you are just lying to children."

Child, today is her biggest bargaining chip, and she will never let go.Because she knew how Jin Chengye was, as long as she held on to the two children, Jin Chengye would not do anything to her.

Jin Chengye slapped him again: "Shut up. How did you make Shu Yuan faint back then, let me explain clearly now."

But Rui rushed over and hugged his arm: "Don't hit, don't hit mother."

Qian cried: "Why did she say that I caused her to faint? You just can't tolerate me, you just want to drive me out, you just want us to separate mother and child, and you have to find many reasons."

Jin Chengye hit Qian Shi again, but he didn't want Ruiren to bite his arm hard: "Don't hit my mother, don't hit my mother!"

In the heart of little Ruiren, his father was not a good father, because he and his sister suffered so much when they had a father.

And in those dark pasts, all he thought about was his mother: if his mother was there, he and his sister wouldn't be bullied like this.

Mother, finally came back today, he will not allow anyone to drive away his mother.

Jin Chengye didn't expect his son to speak out, and he didn't do anything to hurt the child under the pain. He only had time to look at his wound after helping his son.

Fortunately, there are only two rows of teeth marks, and only two or three teeth marks ooze blood.Looking at his son, he only felt angry towards Qian: why did he involve the child, why did he use the child?They are still young.

There are too many things they don't understand, and they shouldn't understand; if they really let them know the truth of the matter, it will become a lingering shadow for the children for the rest of their lives.

Jin Chengye never thought that his children must become dragons and phoenixes, as long as they are happy and healthy.Therefore, he knew that he couldn't let the children stay anymore, he had to let them leave here.

He ordered people to take Fangfei and Ruiren away, but he didn't want the two children to kick and bite, and even uttered bad words to him and Shuyuan: From the children's point of view, this is what father and Shuyuan want to do to their mother. Poisoned.

Shuyuan stopped the girls from taking away Fangfei's sister and brother: "Chengye, although the children are young, they don't understand everything. Now they don't understand everything, and they don't know right and wrong. Isn't it right for them to let them go like this?" Good thing."

"I know your intentions, but they already have an idea in their hearts. I'm afraid they won't trust you as a father in the future, let alone me?"

"How can they be happy when they grow up like this, I'm afraid there is only resentment in their hearts. Let them stay and let them hear who is right and who is wrong-don't let them lose faith in you, otherwise you will not be able to teach them in the future. "

Her opinion was exactly the opposite of Jin Chengye's, but it was in Qian's arms.

Jin Chengye thought for a while and finally let the girls back away. Seeing the two children running back to Qian's side, he felt a pain in his heart; he looked at Shuyuan and said with a bit of shyness: "They are still children..."

As a biological father, I feel uncomfortable, let alone Shuyuan?But he had to say it, because that was his child, and Shuyuan was his wife, they were a family.

Shu Yuan glanced at him and didn't speak, but looked at Qian Shi: "You have hurt me so many times, what is the reason for it? You made a mistake and were dismissed first..."

Qian sneered: "Who said I was divorced?" She looked at Jin Chengye: "I am just a dead person, a miserable person who has died long ago and does not exist in this world. I did not receive a divorce certificate when I was alive, so don't speak in vain .”

Shu Yuan looked at Jin Chengye when she heard the words, she was a little unclear whether Qian's words were true or false: was she not divorced or was she dead?
Jin Chengye closed his eyes, and after a while he let the maids back away, and wearily went to the pavilion and sat down: It turns out that Mrs. Qian is really a dead person, a person who has already died.

Back then, he wanted to divorce his wife after he found out that the Qian family was having an affair with someone else. Of course, he also invited the elders of the Qian family.

The Jin family didn't want to make their family scandal public, and they wanted to tell the Qian family to take their daughter back, and the two families would have nothing to do with each other after she left.

But the elders of the Qian family slapped Qian several times on the spot, and knelt on the ground for the members of the Jin family: They can't let Qian go back.

The Qian family happened to have two daughters who were going to get married. The earliest one was two months later, and the latest one was ten months later. Reason, but people are not fools.

People's words are terrible, especially if you don't tell the reason, people will guess wildly. At that time, the reputation of the Qian family will definitely be ruined: the daughter of the Qian family will definitely be divorced.

Next, who would want to intermarry with the Qian family?The sons of the Qian family may not be able to find a good wife, and the Qian family may become the laughing stock of the whole city.

If you just give a reason to divorce the Qian family, it is really hard to find a reason: because the government can't explain it - the Jin family's reason is not valid, and the government still asks the Jin family's fault, how can the Jin family take this responsibility?
Therefore, as long as the Qian family is divorced, the real reason is that if you don't tell them, the government will know the details; if someone knows it, they will spread it. How will the Qian family deal with themselves?
After all, when the Qian family members got angry, they wanted to kill the Qian family on the spot: Of course, the Jin family would not agree, and when the time comes, the Jin family will not be able to get rid of the responsibility when the government investigates it.

It's obviously something that I don't care about, but I want to make myself in trouble. The Jin family is not stupid: I can kill it if I want to, but I will bring it back to your Qian family and kill it again.

The two families quarreled and quarreled, and they both had scruples--reputation.The Jin family also didn't want scandals to spread, and eventually the Qian family died as the Qian family.

But Qian's whereabouts has become a problem. The Qian family does not have this daughter, but if Qian is allowed to leave, the Jin and Qian families are afraid that she will go out and talk nonsense, or people will see that something will happen.

In the end, Qian became a servant of the Jin family, guarding the ancestral tablet of the Jin family to redeem her sins: she could not leave the Jin family in this life, nor could she meet her children.

After hearing this, Shu Yuan pursed her lips. It was not a good way to deal with this matter, but the matter has come to this point, and no matter how much she complains, it will not solve the problem.

"I've been thinking about it for a few years, and what you think is harming people?" Looking at Qian Shishuyuan, I really couldn't help but ask.

(End of this chapter)

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