Chapter 298 The silver lining

Shuyuan covered Jin Chengye's words with her hands, not letting him continue; she put her head on his chest, listened to his heartbeat and was silent for a long time before softly saying: "Reliable, extremely steadfast."

Jin Chengye lowered his head and saw the calmness on Shuyuan's face, his heart was sore and painful; but what else could he say besides hugging Shuyuan gently?

Shu Yuan didn't say anything heartfelt to him, but that steadiness was exactly what she wanted: Be steadfast by your side.

Jin Chengye didn't say anything anymore, because what he said was not important, the important thing was how to do it in the future.To be able to get a wife like this is really what a husband could ask for!

He gently kissed his wife's hair, without expressing the promise in his heart.Because that promise was made to himself - he will never fail Shuyuan.

"Someone brought Mrs. Qian?" Jin Chengye asked softly.In addition to being afraid that Shuyuan would be tired, he also had a second thought because Qian was his trouble, why did he let Shuyuan suffer?

It's just that there is really no need to talk about these things between the husband and wife, and he thinks that what he says, it is better to treat Shuyuan better in the future.

Anyone can speak.

Shuyuan nodded lightly, let go of Jin Chengye but put her body in his arms: "I don't want to move anymore."

Jin Chengye nodded fondly: "Is it comfortable, is this good?" He put his arms under Shu Yuan's waist, so that Shu Yuan's waist would not be too empty and uncomfortable.

Shuyuan's waist really felt a lot easier.Today, her waist is really uncomfortable, and it's not getting better until now.

When Qian Shi was brought over, Shu Yuan was still lying in Jin Chengye's arms, her eyes half-closed as if she was asleep, and she didn't react at all to Qian Shi's arrival.

Jin Chengye didn't let Shuyuan go, he knew that even if Shuyuan fell asleep, he didn't sleep soundly, instead he didn't dare to move, for fear of waking Shuyuan up again.

He waved his hand to Yunwu, and he motioned to take Qian Shi down again: the sky and the earth are not as important as Shu Yuan sleeping well for a while.

Qian's eyes pierced like a needle, and her voice was sharp as if she wanted to pierce people's hearts to be happy: "It's really loving! I just don't know when you will end up in my situation, let's see if you can still do it." Come so frivolously."

Jin Chengye was furious.Not because of Qian's slander, but because her yelling disturbed Shu Yuan: "Stop it, give me a slap."

Shu Yuan moved slightly to make herself more comfortable, but she didn't have the slightest intention to get up: "No need, I didn't sleep." She was speaking to Jin Chengye.

"Listening to your words, I don't know how much you really think that you are distracted by Qi Ye." These words were addressed to Qian Shi, and Shu Yuan slowly opened her eyes while talking: "What do you not understand? "

Gritting her teeth, Qian stared at Shuyuan and Jin Chengye: "You guys, you will definitely not end well." At this point, except for a few harsh words, Shuyuan and Jin Chengye can no longer be hurt.

Shu Yuan looked at her and sighed softly: "Why? Your cousin died because of your notoriety. Even if it's not for other reasons but for his wishes, you should live alive."

"Your cousin is willing to die for you. I think he really wants you to live a better life." Looking into Qian's eyes, she really didn't understand: "When you saw him under the nine springs, how did you talk to him?"

Qian took a sip: "That gutless thing, how dare he speak in front of me? If he was a bit tough, he wouldn't watch me fall into this situation and just die."

"Except, if he does what I say, I won't be humiliated by the Jin family, and he doesn't have to die. Hey, do you think he wants me to live? It's really naive."

Qian curled her lips and dismissed her cousin who died for her: "He was persuading him with death, thinking that if he did that, I would..." At this point, if she shut up, she would look at the eyes of Shuyuan and Jin Chengye. Flashed vigilance.

She had waited so long to see Shuyuan again, and the anxiety in her heart can be imagined: she had guessed what kind of result she would have, but she hadn't realized it for a while, and she always had a glimmer of hope.

It was this glimmer of hope that was tormenting her. She would suffer for a while without a conclusion, and the feeling of ups and downs in her heart was better than someone telling her loudly, "You are dead".

Otherwise, she wouldn't have so many words.

Halfway through the conversation, she suddenly came to her senses: "You want to talk out of my mouth?"

Shu Yuan stretched her waist, not worried about rolling down, because Jin Chengye would definitely hug her: "You don't need to say, anyway, the one who can survive at most is one."

"Although it is possible that only one of you will survive, it is also possible that there will be two of you; there must always be a priority-the sin is the same, and if you want to see it, only one of you will know the mistake."

She yawned as she spoke: "Actually, I think you are a woman and the mother of two children, so I wanted to give you a chance. It doesn't matter if you don't want it. Someone will send you back and bring Fourth Master Zhao and The same goes for Fang."

"To be honest, I really don't care about your life or death. If it weren't for the two children..." She shook her head and stopped talking, but raised her hand to signal Yunwu to take him down.

For a person like Qian, it's impossible to get her to tell everything when she's in a desperate situation: she's going to die anyway, and she'll make things difficult for you, even if she doesn't tell you, you won't know for the rest of your life.

That's why Shuyuan used the chance of survival to lure Qian Shi: Qian Shi is a selfish person, extremely selfish; if she has a chance, she will definitely not give it up to others.

No matter who Zhao Siye and Fang Shi belonged to her, she would hold that trace of vitality firmly in her hands.

Qian Shi really fell for it.

She didn't believe in Shuyuan [-]%, but she knew that the government would have to deal with it in the end, so what Shuyuan said was not unreasonable: she knew the status of the two children in the hearts of Shuyuan and Jin Chengye.

Also, it was a chance. When she thought she was going to die, she heard that she had a chance to live, so of course she had to give it a go.

"Let me go, let me go!" She pushed away the mist who was not sincere to drag her down: "I'll say everything, can you let me go?"

Jin Chengye turned his head away, not wanting to see Qian's face.Especially thinking that she is the biological mother of his two children, he feels that Qian Shi is hateful.

Shuyuan didn't answer Qian's words, but asked her softly: "You know we love Fangfei and sister very much, don't you?"

Qian Shi finally let out a sigh of relief when she heard the words. At this moment, she knew that she had little room for bargaining; if she didn't say anything, there would be Zhao Siye and Fang Shi calling, and she believed that they would never keep their mouths shut.

As long as they can survive, there is definitely nothing they cannot say.

"Okay, I believe you." She looked into Shu Yuan's eyes: "What do you want to ask?"

Shuyuan smiled lightly: "This is the opposite, you should think about what else I don't know, in other words, what can I believe that you really have to repent so that I can see it in front of the child? Let me say a few words for you, so as to save your life."

Qian looked at Shuyuan and then at Jin Chengye, bit her lips and lowered her head, then raised her head and looked at Shuyuan and his wife again, and finally gritted her teeth: "The Jin family didn't blame me for what happened back then, it's just that they didn't catch that man."

Jin Chengye didn't respond.

Shuyuan could feel all the slight changes in him in his arms: her body didn't become stiff, and her hands and arms didn't exert any sudden force—he finally let go.

Jin Chengye sensed Shu Yuan's thoughts, lowered his head and gave her a slight look: Be careful!Now, what else is important?Of course it was Shuyuan in front of me.

Qian's head was lowered and he didn't see Shuyuan and Jin Chengye's small movements: "The man who slipped away that night was actually not my cousin, it was, it was the fourth master of the Zhao family."

Jin Chengye blinked and raised his head to look at Qian: "It's him?" He asked calmly, all the surprise was just a little accident, other than that, there was no annoyance or anger.

Shu Yuan almost sat up, if it wasn't for Jin Chengye hugging her: "It's him!"

Thinking about what Zhao Siye said, Shuyuan didn't know whether it was the Zhao family's fourth master who was so scheming and patient, or whether what Zhao Siye said in front of everyone was just an excuse—to deal with the Jin family was just an excuse. Because of Qian.

Qian sighed: "It's him. I only got to know him after I got engaged to you. I thought he treated me well because I was good. Later, I wanted to deal with the Jin family to vent my anger."

"It was only later that I realized that no man in this world can be trusted! He approached me in the first place to avenge him, and his treatment of me was just, just a trick."

After she told the secret, she sat down on the ground and suddenly exhausted all her strength: "Because I found out later that he actually, actually has, and..."

What Qian said next was the depression and anger in her heart after she found out that Fang and Fourth Master Zhao were having an affair. She felt that she was cheated.

But she didn't have an attack, she still acted as if nothing had happened, and wanted to use Zhao Siye and Fang Shi to avenge her; then, she got free and then slowly cleaned up Zhao Siye and Fang Shi.

As long as she reveals the matter of fourth master zhao and shi fang to the zhao family, shi fang and fourth master zhao will be finished.

Her sadness, her plans, her waiting in the dark—she seemed to have completely forgotten that she was telling this secret for the sake of a chance of life, and she actually said it all in one go.

For too long, she had no one to talk to, and now she could no longer control herself.

"It was Zhao Si who wanted to harm you, it was him. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have an affair with anyone, and I wouldn't be divorced, let alone what happened today." She cried and fell to the ground at the end: "It's all Him, everything is because of him."

"He planned it many years ago. It's just that something unexpected happened and you found out about our affairs, so he changed his plan."

She told this secret to save her life, so the distinction between primary and secondary must be made clear: it is Zhao Si who is in the lead, and she is also the one who was killed by Zhao Si.

(End of this chapter)

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