Chapter 1
In the sixth year of the Great Qin Dynasty, the winter of this year was extremely cold.The heavy snow has not stopped since the beginning of winter.

The entire Tianzhou is covered in a piece of white snow, but the people of Tianzhou live in the water and heat.

In the northern part of the Great Qin Empire, there is a large mountain range named Yunling. Yunling is rich in products, and various animals and plants grow in it. It is a natural cornucopia.It is said that Yunling Peak, the main peak of this mountain range, is ten thousand ren high, soaring into the clouds, and the top of the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mists all the year round.

There is a village on the edge of Yunling, called Huangcun. The mountain village is not big, with only a dozen families. Most of the people living here are hunters in the mountains, and they usually make a living by hunting and farming.

In the only ancestral hall in the village, there is an old man sitting at the head, over seventy years old, with a hulking back, a straight waist, and a spirit in his eyes. He is the head of the deserted village.The old man is called Uncle Seven, which is the village's respectful name for him, and the children call him Grandpa Seven.

The atmosphere in the ancestral hall seemed a bit dull, and no one spoke.

Uncle Seven looked at the group of people present, threw a branch into the fire, and said, "Changfeng, what do you think of our current situation?" After speaking, he looked at the person sitting below, and saw that In his thirties, his body is not very strong.

Bai Changfeng looked at the village chief and then at the other people present and said slowly: "As far as our current situation is concerned, it's very bad. This year's snow has been falling for more than 30 days without stopping. Everyone The food we usually save will soon bottom out. If the snow keeps falling like this, I think we will run out of food. Some animals have froze to death in such a heavy snow, and some don’t know where to hide. It's hard to hit things." After Bai Changfeng finished speaking, the whole room fell into silence.

The village head looked at the others again, but the others didn't speak. The village head waved his hand and said, "In this case, everyone should go back first. I will discuss with Changfeng what to do." The others also stood up. Get up and leave silently.

After everyone left, Qi Shu and Chang Feng were the only two in the room at this time, and the room fell into silence again.

After a while, Bai Changfeng said, "Uncle Qi, why don't I go to the town outside the village and see if I can buy some food."

Uncle Qi looked out of the window and said: "Daqin has just gone through the chaos of war, and the people's living conditions have stepped into the right track a little bit, and they can give birth with peace of mind, but the heavy snow right now..." Uncle Qi was silent for a while and then said: "Town It is estimated that no one can sell us anything. In such an environment, there should be no food left, so we should think of other ways. This heavy snow has suffered the people of the world. How many people will starve to death and freeze to death, hey..."

Changfeng walked up to Uncle Qi and comforted him: "Uncle Qi, don't worry, our food can last for a few days, we can definitely find a way, or I will take a few good hands to Yunling in a few days Let’s see if we can meet some luck?”

Uncle Seven turned his head, looked at Bai Changfeng, saw the latter's eyes full of determination, nodded and said, "That's the only way, it's just a pain for you." Bai Changfeng also nodded, and walked out .

There is a simple tile-roofed house on the southeast side of the village, which is crumbling in the wind and snow. A pile of firewood is piled up under the eaves. There are several large holes in the wall, which are randomly blocked with straw, but the wind still blows into it. , this is Bai Changfeng's home.

Bai Changfeng opened the door and walked in. A six or seven-year-old child stood up from the bench and ran over, shouting, "Father, you are back. Let me pour you a cup of hot water." The boy looked very well-behaved.

Chang Feng shook off the snow from his body, sat at the table, looked at the child and said, "Bai Ya, did you get lazy while I was away? Did you know how to write today?"

Bai Fang held the water and said, "I've been practicing since Dad left, and I can write. Dad, come and drink some water to warm yourself up."

Bai Changfeng took the water and drank it, looked at the words written by Bai Ya and said, "That's right, but you have to practice often. Since ancient times, words have been passed down for thousands of years. They are all products of great wisdom, you know? Waited I'm going to Yunling in a few days, and you have to take care of yourself when I'm not around. I don't know how long it will take you to go this time, and if you need something, you can find the village chief's grandpa." After finishing speaking, he stroked Bai Fang's hand. head.

White Fang looked at his father and nodded firmly: "Yes, I will."

Bai Changfeng looked at his sensible son, although the weather was cold, his heart was warm.

Bai Fang sat on the stool and wrote, and Chang Feng watched Bai Fang write from the side, giving pointers from time to time.

Since the village chief summoned everyone, the deserted village has returned to calm, the snow is falling heavily, and there is no intention of stopping, and the wind is blowing loudly.

Three days later, Bai Changfeng knocked on the door of Uncle Qi's house. The person who opened the door was a sturdy young man with a strong body and a powerful force. Even through his clothes, he could feel his explosive power.

The young man who opened the door saw the person coming and immediately said: "So it's Brother Changfeng, come in quickly, the snowstorm outside is really heavy."

Chang Feng said to the young man who opened the door: "Zhu Zi, where's Uncle Qi?"

The young man called Zhuzi shouted inside: "Father, brother Changfeng is here."

Uncle Qi came out from the back room and said with a smile: "So it's Changfeng, sit inside."

Zhuzi's mother also came out of the house and gave Changfeng a cup of hot water. Changfeng took the water and thanked him, and said, "Uncle Qi, I came to see you today, to discuss livelihood issues. I haven’t eaten since yesterday, I thought about it, and now I can only go to Yunling to try my luck, otherwise everyone will just starve.”

After hearing Bai Changfeng's words, Uncle Qi's expression became serious, and then he turned his head to Zhuzi next to him and said, "Zhuzi, send some food to Aunt Wang, she's having a hard time living alone. , her son died during the war, and there is no one to take care of him, so it is pitiful for her to be helpless."

Zhuzi said "um" and went to work.

Uncle Seven turned his head to look at Chang Feng again, "Chang Feng, I'm going to trouble you again this time."

"What's the matter with Uncle Qi? I, Bai Changfeng, have been in the deserted village for six or seven years. The villagers usually take good care of us. When I first came here, I troubled everyone. I have already regarded this place as my own home. The matter is my business, since it is my own business, then I have no reason to back down." Bai Changfeng interrupted Qi Shu's words, speaking earnestly.

Uncle Qi looked at Changfeng: "Well, you pick a few people and be careful on the road. If you can't hit anything, come back. Don't go too far. After all, there is no danger in this snowy day."

Bai Changfeng nodded: "I have a sense of proportion, Seventh Uncle will tell everyone about it, and we will go into the mountains tomorrow, but Bai Ya will ask Seventh Uncle."

Seventh Uncle let out a sigh of relief, and said to Chang Feng: "Don't worry, Bai Ya is a sensible child, so you can leave it to me."

That night, Uncle Qi called everyone into the ancestral hall and told everyone about entering the mountain. No one had any objections. Bai Changfeng picked a few stronger and experienced hunters, discussed the time of departure, and then let Everyone go back and prepare.

After all, hunting was not as usual this time. Some things needed to be prepared. Also, they did not know what the situation was when they went into the mountains this time. It can be said that they were the hope of the whole village. It was hard to predict the bad luck along the way.

In the evening, the wind and snow were even stronger, and some trees could not bear the accumulation of heavy snow and broke, making a crackling sound, which could be heard very clearly in this silent night.

Bai Changfeng woke up from his sleep, lay on the bed, looked at his son who was sleeping soundly beside him, and recalled his experience in the past few years, always feeling helpless and sad. After arriving here, he gradually settled down here, and Bai Fang grew up slowly, and he felt a burst of relief in his heart.

Bai Changfeng covered Bai Fang with a quilt, then put on his clothes, opened the closet in the corner of the room, and then buckled open a stone slab on the ground. There was a small groove under the stone slab, and Bai Changfeng took out the A long cloth bag.

Bai Changfeng opened the cloth bag and took out a sword. The sword was three feet long and two and a half inches wide.

Bai Changfeng caressed the edge of the sword, sighed, shook his head, walked out of the room and began to dance the sword in the yard.

Immediately, the sword light flickered in the whole courtyard, and the momentum was magnificent, as if a strong man sang a war song, killing people among thousands of troops, marching forward without hesitation.

After dancing for half an hour, Bai Changfeng stood with his sword, breathing steadily.

After entering the house and putting the sword in the slot again, Bai Changfeng took down the bow and arrow on the wall, took another hunting knife and hung it on his waist, took off the coir raincoat and put it on his body, put on the bamboo hat, and strode out .

Bai Changfeng came to the ancestral hall in the village. At this time, the ancestral hall was empty. Bai Changfeng stood there for another half an hour, and the talents selected yesterday arrived one by one.

When Bai Changfeng saw that everyone had arrived, he glanced at everyone and said, "Brothers, we are going into the mountains today. We have the hope of the whole village on our shoulders, so we have to go all out. But the danger on the way everyone You should also know that I won’t say much about the other things, Uncle Seven has also told everyone, let’s go into the mountain now before everyone gets up.”

There were a total of seven people on this trip, Bai Changfeng, Zhuzi, and five experienced old hunters from the village. Bai Changfeng and his group walked towards the back mountain stepping on knee-deep snow.

What they didn't expect was that, behind them, Seventh Uncle led a group of people standing at the entrance of the village, facing the heavy snow, watching them silently, no one spoke, until their figures disappeared into the snowflakes.

The sky gradually brightened, Seventh Uncle said to everyone: "Everyone go back." Everyone was silent, several old hunter's wives were secretly crying, Seventh Uncle took Bai Fang's hand and walked to the village.

Bai Fang turned his head to look at the place where his father disappeared, and asked, "Grandpa Village Chief, when will my father come back?" Uncle Qi stopped and patted his head, looking at the back mountain: "It should be soon .”

On the back mountain, Bai Changfeng turned his head and looked back, only to see a vast expanse of whiteness, he couldn't see anything, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he walked forward step by step, the heavy snow kept falling, everyone's footsteps were covered by heavy snow in a moment Covered, disappeared without a trace, like no one was there at all.

In Yunling, Bai Changfeng and the others walked on the snow-covered road, which was very difficult. They could not see the usual hunting roads, so the seven of them chose some flat places to walk.

The seven people walked for a day and gradually moved away from the deserted village. At the end of the day, they saw many small animals that were frozen to death on the road. Hang them together.

As the sky gradually darkened, Bai Changfeng told the crowd to stop, and sent another person to look around the terrain.

After a while, the person sent out came back with news that there was a small cave ahead.Everyone was overjoyed and decided to rest temporarily in the cave tonight, so that they would not have to spend the night in the snow and could prevent wild animals from attacking.In this snowy day, wild beasts seldom caught food, and those with poor vitality died long ago, and those who survived were not good.

Bai Changfeng and his party arrived in the cave. They cleaned the cave and picked up some firewood. They quickly built a fire and boiled hot soup with melted snow water. Then they roasted something to eat. After doing this, he blocked the entrance of the cave with big stones, and slept in the cave with his clothes on.

In the deserted village, at Bai Changfeng's home, Bai Ya was lying on the bed, Seventh Uncle leaned on the bed, pressed the quilt for Bai Ya, and said, "Go to sleep, child." Bai Ya grabbed the quilt with his two small hands, brightly Looking at Uncle Qi with big eyes: "Grandpa Qi, when do you think my father will come back?"

In the dark night, I couldn't see Uncle Qi's expression, only heard Uncle Qi's voice calmly said: "Bai Ya, don't worry, don't look at your father looking as strong as your Uncle Zhuzi, but I can still see that your father is very powerful, White Fang, are you six years old?"

"I will be seven years old after the new year," White Fang whispered.

Uncle Qi went on to say: "Back then, in order to fight for the world, Daqin's army of millions fought against the army of Daqian on the banks of the Baihe River. The two sides suffered millions of casualties. It is said that the entire river surface was covered with corpses, and the river was stained red with blood. It's really miserable. It's just that we people are suffering. We keep paying money and food, and some people go around arresting strong men to serve as soldiers. My sons died on the battlefield, leaving you Uncle Zhuzi. How many people are there? He left his hometown and died on the way to escape."

"Your father hugged you covered in blood and passed out in the cemetery outside the deserted village. At that time, you didn't even have the strength to cry. It was your uncle Zhuzi who found you when he passed by, and then brought you back. Your father At that time, I only had one breath, but I just managed to get over it. Later, I heard from your father that he was originally from the bank of the Baihe River. In order to avoid the war, he fled all the way. A cemetery in a deserted village. You have lived here since then. Your father has helped us a lot these years. Every time he comes back from hunting, he will distribute the prey to everyone. It has been hard for you two... this Next time, I believe your father will resolve this matter very well." Seventh Uncle spoke slowly, as if he was speaking to Bai Fang, but also as if he was talking to himself.

Bai Fang slowly fell asleep amidst Uncle Seven's voice, and the house was quiet again, but the north wind was still raging outside, and the snow was blowing heavily.

There was nothing to talk about all night, and the next morning just after dawn, everyone got up and cleaned up. Bai Changfeng found some small animal feces outside the cave, so he knew that some small animals came here last night, probably because they wanted to hide in the cave. Of snowstorms and large beasts.But Bai Changfeng didn't pay any attention to it, but ordered everyone to set off.

Bai Changfeng asked everyone to walk carefully into Yunling and search step by step. They also found some things along the way, and even found a lot of pine nuts in a few old pine trees. All hunters in the mountains know that squirrels This kind of thing is very spiritual, and can keenly sense the winter situation. They can sense whether it is cold or snowy in the winter that year, and they can also store a lot of food for the winter.They collected half of the pine nuts and left half for the squirrels, and then continued to go deep into Yunling.

The crowd walked for another half a day, and unknowingly came to two hills, on which tall trees could still be vaguely seen. The two hills formed an encirclement, one on the left and the other on the right. There was an entrance in the middle, several feet wide. In the middle there is a strip-shaped low-lying area extending between the two mountains. It is more than ten feet wide. It looks like a river. The surface of the river has been frozen for a long time. An old hunter jumped onto the surface of the river and stomped vigorously with his feet, and found that the surface of the river was solid. Incomparable, so everyone walked on the ice and walked inside.

Just when everyone was about to reach the entrance formed by the two hills, Bai Changfeng frowned suddenly, sniffed the air with his nose and said to everyone: "Everyone, be careful, there is a fishy smell, and it is a beast."

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and they hurriedly followed Bai Changfeng with swords and bows in hand, and walked cautiously inside.

When everyone entered the entrance, their eyes suddenly opened up. They saw a basin in front of them, several miles wide, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and a waterfall hanging on the mountain peak in front. At this time, the frozen waterfall hung upside down on the mountain peak like a jade belt. , crystal clear, the waterfall is the most difficult to freeze, but this winter is too cold, it actually freezes.

There is a small pool under the waterfall, which seems to be formed by the impact of water from a high place.There is a cave next to the small pool, the cave is pitch black and the situation in the cave cannot be seen, but at this time the cave exudes a substantive fishy smell.

"Roar..." Suddenly there was a loud roar from the hole, causing his face to change drastically.

Everyone in the same group looked at Bai Changfeng at the same time, and Bai Changfeng felt everyone's eyes, and said: "Don't be afraid, everyone, there are two different smells coming out of the cave, it should be that there are fierce beasts in the cave. In the middle of the battle, we just need to watch from afar."

Everyone's face improved a little after hearing this, but they still held the sword and bow tightly in their hands.

"Roar..." Suddenly there was another loud roar, and then a giant white tiger flew out of the hole and fell heavily on the ground. roared.

The white tiger is more than ten feet long, and its whole body is pure white. Its limbs lie slightly on the ground, its several-inch-long claws protrude from the flesh, and penetrate into the snow. Roaring again and again, his eyes looked into the cave vigilantly.

"Bailing Tiger" exclaimed an old hunter.Everyone was also shocked. It is said that the Bailinghu is a strange species in Yunling. It has a huge body and neat movements. It can only be seen around the main peak of Yunling. They did not expect to see it here today, but the Bailinghu in front of them is not yet an adult.

Everyone felt their scalps go numb.

Bai Changfeng quickly told everyone to back off, spread out and hid behind a tree.And the Bailinghu didn't pay attention to everyone, just growled into the cave.

Suddenly, I saw gusts of white gas erupting from the cave, and black and red mist were mixed in the white gas.

When Bai Linghu saw the mist, he quickly stepped aside for more than ten feet. Everyone felt that a big colorful snake appeared at the place where Bai Linghu was standing just now. It was ten feet long and the waist was as thick as a bucket. .

"Colorful Snake," another hunter exclaimed in surprise.

The Colorful Snake is also a fierce beast in the Yunling Mountains. Every year in the mountains, many people who go hunting in the mountains are attacked, and many people die in the mouth of the Colorful Snake. There is even a legend that the Colorful Snake is the Colorful Swallowing Python. The offspring of the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python can turn into a dragon.Unexpectedly, they met here today. Seeing the dragon and tiger fighting in front of him, Bai Changfeng realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly told everyone to back off to the exit. Withdrew until it reached the exit of two hills, then hid behind a boulder, watching the lark and colorful snake from afar.

I saw the colorful snake spitting out its letter, its head raised high, making a "chichi" sound, and its eyes showed a fierce look.And the Bailinghu roared again and again.

All of a sudden, the lark got short and rushed towards the colorful snake, drawing a white arc in the air like lightning.

But the colorful snake twisted its body, took a step back, and drew its long tail towards the white tiger in the air. The white tiger swung its body in the air, dodged the snake's tail in the air, and continued to pounce on the big snake. The snake's tail was drawn on the ground A large snowflake fell, and the colorful snake twisted its body strangely, avoiding the attack of the lark.

The white tiger missed the attack, and rushed towards the big snake without stopping. Immediately, the white tiger and the big snake fought together, causing snowflakes to splash everywhere, and patches of white mist immediately rose in the entire fighting area.The white mist enveloped the two giant beasts.

Bai Changfeng felt that the whole valley was trembling. Looking from a distance, he vaguely saw the white tiger and the big snake wrestling together. The white tiger's hair had turned blood red at this time, and blood dripped all over the ground. The white tiger was dead. Biting the big snake for seven inches, the big snake wrapped its body around the white tiger and rolled on the ground non-stop. After rolling for half an hour, the speed of the white tiger and the big snake also slowed down, and finally lay on the ground without moving, just secretly to compete.

In the end, the white tiger's eyes dimmed slowly, and the giant mouth that was biting the big snake seven inches away slowly loosened, and its body softened. Looking at the big snake, it was found that the big snake's eyes also dimmed. A large piece of scales fell off, and the injury was serious, but at this time the colorful snake still had a breath.

Seeing this result, everyone was afraid for a while. If people like themselves were touched by the big snake or white tiger, they would probably be pumped into meatloaf immediately, and they could not die anymore.

Bai Changfeng called everyone to move closer to the front, looked at the colorful snake on the ground from a distance, took off the longbow behind him, and shot an arrow at the big snake's eyes. The colorful snake felt the danger and moved its head to the side He moved, but only a few inches, the arrow hit the corner of his eye, making the sound of metal colliding.

Bai Changfeng shot a few more arrows, all of which were dodged by the Colorful Snake. The arrows hit his body with a clanging sound. It was obvious that the colorful snake's scales were very tough.

Bai Changfeng put down his bow and arrow, pulled out the hunting knife from his waist, and said to everyone: "Everyone stay here first, I will go up and kill this beast."

Zhu Zi quickly grabbed Bai Changfeng's hand and said, "No, brother Changfeng, this is too dangerous. Look at this beast, although it is injured, it is still not easy to mess with. Why don't we wait a little longer, we will die..."

Bai Changfeng waved his hand: "Zhuzi, you can't wait like this. This colorful snake is more powerful than you imagined. It won't die after three to five days of consumption. Besides, there is such a big bloody smell here. It may cause trouble again. What kind of big beast is coming."

As soon as Zhu Zi heard Bai Changfeng's words, he stopped blocking him, and just said to Bai Changfeng: "Brother Changfeng, be careful."

Holding a hunting knife, Bai Changfeng walked towards the colorful snake step by step, and everyone also put arrows on their bows in the distance and aimed at the colorful snake.

Bai Changfeng held the hunting knife and stopped ten steps away from the big snake, looked at the big snake, and the big snake also looked at Bai Changfeng with cold eyes, Bai Changfeng raised the hunting knife in his hand and chopped down, hunting The knife is less than two feet long, but five inches wide, with a thin blade and a thick back, making it very sharp.

A faint invisible aura emanated from Bai Changfeng's body, and the hunting knife made a sound of piercing the air as it struck down.

The Colorful Snake realized the danger, and with strength from nowhere, it lifted its head up, and looked at Bai Changfeng with eyes full of resentment.

When the Colorful Snake was fighting the Bailinghu, it had already been bitten seven inches apart, bloody and bloody, and injured its vitals.The Colorful Snake didn't have the strength to dodge anymore, seeing Bai Changfeng's hunting knife approaching, he just moved his body slightly.

Bai Changfeng's knife had already slashed at the big snake's seven inches, directly cutting off more than half of the big snake's body. The colorful snake suffered a burst of pain, its body trembled violently, and then, without knowing where the strength came from, it rolled violently When he got up, his tail kept twitching, Bai Changfeng couldn't dodge in time, his body was hit, he flew several feet away, fell heavily on the ground, and immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

A group of people from Zhuzi suddenly exclaimed in the distance.

The big snake's tail fluttered non-stop, breaking off a large piece of trees, and then twitched a few times on the ground and remained still.

Everyone ran over from a distance, and the pillar supported Bai Changfeng, and said eagerly, "Brother Changfeng, are you okay?" Bai Changfeng looked at the pillar and smiled, "It's okay, I just got whipped a bit, and now I'm a little Haha, rest for a while and you’ll be fine, everyone hurry up and deal with this place, the bloody smell is too heavy and will attract large beasts, it seems that I miscalculated this time.”

The companions hurriedly dragged the bodies of the Bailing Tiger and the Colorful Snake into the cave, and covered the blood on the ground with snow. Holding Bai Changfeng on the pillar, they lit a torch and looked carefully at the cave. Seeing that the cave is very wide, the stone walls are uneven, the ceiling is several feet high, and countless stalagmites hang down from the ceiling.

Zhuzi supported Bai Changfeng to sit down in the cave, and then called everyone to go out to take care of the two giant animals. Zhuzi checked the corpses of the two beasts. The fur of the white tiger was not broken, but was whipped and entangled by the big snake. It was strangled alive, and the big snake was wounded seven inches. The scales are so hard that even a knife can't pierce them. They are good materials for armor.The two animals can still be eaten, and they can be used as food for the whole village. After discussing with the group, they stopped going to the Yunling Mountains. These two beasts can fully meet the needs of the whole village. They were transported back, but they couldn't get rid of such a big thing, so they decided to cut some trees to make logs. Because Bai Changfeng was injured, only Bai Changfeng was left in the cave.Bai Changfeng sat on the rock and slowly adjusted his breath.

Bai Changfeng used his skills to look inside and found that he had suffered internal injuries. He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, thinking that he hadn't been in such a mess for a few years. He raised his head and looked around the cave. The cave was empty, very empty. There is a thick layer of soil in the innermost part of the cave, and there is a sunken place in the middle of the soil that has been polished smooth, like a nest.

When Bai Changfeng saw the pit, he understood that this was the old nest of the colorful snake. It is estimated that Bai Linghu broke into its territory when the big snake was hibernating, and then triggered a big battle, and finally let himself take advantage of it.

Around the nest, there were still some withered grass and branches scattered, and there was a slightly raised place beside it. Bai Changfeng looked up and was shocked. Bai Changfeng stood up suddenly and saw the raised place. On the platform, a frail black grass swayed rhythmically like a breeze.The grass was about three inches high, and it was pitch black, with a glimmer of light in the darkness.Bai Changfeng was shocked for a moment, but regained his composure in an instant.Bai Changfeng said softly: "Black Dragon Grass." Then he leaned on the wall and walked to the side of Black Dragon Grass.

Bai Changfeng watched the black dragon grass carefully. The pitch-black black dragon grass exuded infinite breath of life, and the three leaves were needle-shaped. The whole black dragon grass looked so weak and inconspicuous.

Bai Changfeng searched for information about black dragon grass in his mind, and remembered that black dragon grass was mentioned in a book before. This unique shape is unique to black dragon grass. It is said that black dragon grass was dropped by a giant dragon in ancient times. The fresh blood dripped on the ground, and then grew up by absorbing the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth. It is of great help to those who practice martial arts, and it has the effect of cleansing the tendons and cutting the marrow.Black dragon grass usually grows in the vast mountains, and there are usually fierce beasts guarding it.It is difficult for ordinary masters to pick them.

Bai Changfeng also understood why he met the Colorful Snake here, and at the same time he exclaimed in his heart that he was lucky, thinking of the battle between the Colorful Snake and the Bailing Tiger, he felt a twinge of fear.

Bai Changfeng found a piece of wood, carefully dug out the black dragon grass with the wood chip, then pulled a piece of cloth to wrap the black dragon grass, and put it in his pocket.Bai Changfeng put away the black dragon grass, walked around the cave, checked and found nothing else, so he sat down and continued to rest.

An hour later, Zhu Zi and his party returned to the cave. They had already done the felling, but the body of the colorful snake was too big for them to get rid of. Hu Yun went back, leaving two people here to take care of the colorful snake's body, and after everyone returned, they brought people back to meet them.Since Bai Changfeng was injured and a little weak, he stayed.

Zhuzi and his team carried the Bailing Tiger back.Bai Changfeng was slowly adjusting his state in the cave, and another hunter from the village was waiting for everyone in the cave while taking care of Bai Changfeng.

After Bai Changfeng waited in the cave for four days, Zhuzi brought more than a dozen people, and everyone was busy cutting wood, and carried the colorful snake to the village.

When they were a few miles away from the village, someone discovered them. Immediately, all the people in the village, men, women, young and old, braved the heavy snow and ran out to meet Bai Changfeng.

Seventh Uncle walked in front of everyone, walked up to Bai Changfeng and said with a smile, "I'm finally back, it's good to be back, how's the injury?"

Looking at Uncle Qi, Bai Changfeng was slightly touched and said, "It's nothing serious, I'm worrying Uncle Qi, it should be almost done after a few days of rest."

Uncle Qi said loudly to the crowd again: "Don't stand in the snow, go to the ancestral hall and celebrate everyone's safe return."

Bai Changfeng glanced at the crowd, and saw that Bai Ya was running towards him with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and suddenly threw himself into his arms, Bai Ya said loudly: "Father, you are back. I miss you so much, I haven't been lazy these days, hehe..." Bai Changfeng looked at his son's face flushed from the cold, and felt relieved in his heart: "It's good that I'm not lazy. Let's go to the ancestral hall." He took Bai Fang's little hand and walked towards the ancestral hall in the village.

Everyone in the village, young and old, was happy. Uncle Qi, the village head, took out the wine that he had never been willing to drink, and shared it in the ancestral hall.The crowd didn't disperse until very late. After everyone left, only Bai Changfeng and Qishu were left in the ancestral hall. Bai Fang had already fallen asleep and was sent back by the pillar.

Bai Changfeng and Seventh Uncle were still drinking the last bit of wine, Seventh Uncle said to Bai Changfeng: "I also heard from Zhuzi about this time, this time it is thanks to you, I am here to thank the villagers."

Bai Changfeng tightened the wine glass in his hand, and said, "Seventh Uncle, don't be like this. I am originally from a deserted village, and part of the reason this time is for myself... Now everyone in the deserted village should be able to survive this winter." Bar,"

Uncle Qi was very grateful in his heart, "This time, everyone can save a little to last until the beginning of spring next year. In the past two days, all the villagers have gathered their food, and there is still some rice, and they can cook some porridge. With the two beasts I can pass, the fur of the Bailing Tiger has not been broken, I have already had someone peel it off, and I will give it to you after it dries, and by the way, there is also the big snake, you have put in a lot of effort this time..."

In fact, Uncle Qi didn't know the snake's name, so he only called the colorful snake a big snake.

Bai Changfeng quickly interrupted Uncle Qi, "Uncle Qi, what do you mean? This time everyone contributes, and everyone has a share. Besides, I can't accept such a valuable thing being placed here. If you have to give it to me, give me my share, and I don't want anyone else's."

Seventh Uncle looked at Bai Changfeng, "Aren't you embarrassing me? It is said that the skin of the white tiger and the skin of the big snake are hard to find, let alone such a complete one. How do you ask me to deal with it?"

After the Daqin eradicated the Daqian, it was stipulated that money should be divided into three grades, the lowest being copper, the second being silver, and the highest being gold.One hundred coppers can be exchanged for one silver, one hundred silvers can be exchanged for one gold, and one silver can allow a family of three to spend the first half of the year.A piece of white tiger skin is hard to come by, which shows its preciousness, but Bai Changfeng is unmoved.

Bai Changfeng pondered for a while and said, "Uncle Qi, you can keep this skin. He belongs to the entire deserted village, and I have to tell everyone not to mention it to the outside world. Someone will definitely covet such a valuable thing." Uncle Qi thought for a while. That's all for a while.Uncle Qi also knew the reason for Huai Bi's crime, so he thought it best to let everyone not mention it to outsiders, so as not to cause trouble.

Bai Changfeng bid farewell to his seventh uncle and returned home. He didn't sleep well in the clouds for the past seven or eight days, so he collapsed on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

…… Since returning from Yunling, the whole village seems to have gained confidence, the food problem has been solved, and everyone can safely avoid the wind and snow at home and prepare for the New Year.

Due to the heavy snowfall, there are many things that are not available in the barren village, and the life in the barren village is relatively simple.Bai Changfeng stayed at home all day, taking care of Bai Ya's writing and reading every day, and his life was quite comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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