world assassin

Chapter 189 Relentless pursuit

Chapter 189 Relentless pursuit
White Fang rushed into the woods on the hill in a few steps, followed by the bee swarm in the sky, but the dense branches slightly blocked the speed of the bee swarm.

Bai Fang glanced back, and found that the Demon King Bee had divided into dozens of small groups and was chasing after him.

A large number of Demon King Bees filled the gaps in the grove, following White Fang closely like a black tide.

"It's not a way to escape like this. You have to find a way to kill some of them."

While fleeing for his life, White Fang looked at the grove around him, and found that some low shrubs and weeds in the grove were somewhat withered and yellow.

Bai Fang mobilized his internal energy, and the fire energy in the Five Elements Kung Fu instantly penetrated Li Jian, and Li Jian was like a burning torch. Bai Fang waved Li Jian, and immediately a large piece of fire scattered on the surrounding area. in the bushes.

The bushes and weeds were instantly ignited, and the bottom of the entire grove suddenly ignited a raging fire.

All I saw was a big fire, like a fire dragon wandering through the mountains and forests, where the fire covered the mountains and thick smoke billowed.

The sudden fire caused a great loss to the Demon King Bees who were chasing after Bai Fang at high speed. Many Demon King Bees plunged into the raging fire and died in the sea of ​​flames.


There was a mournful and tragic howl in the distance, and after hearing the long howl, the Demon King Bee who was following White Fang immediately raised its position to avoid the raging fire, but even so, the Demon King Bee had already lost Mostly.

"Is this long cry from the Lord of the Five Poisons?" Bai Fang thought after seeing the reaction of the Demon King Bee.

"Boy, I swear in the name of the ancestor of the five poisons, I will let you suffer from the five poisons and devour your soul. If I don't kill you, I swear that I will not be a human being." A voice full of violence and resentment spread like thunder in an instant All over the world.

"It seems that it is really the Lord of the Five Poisons, let's run quickly." Bai Fang didn't care what the Lord of the Five Poisons said, and running for his life was the most important thing now.

The Demon King Bee suffered a lot of damage, and the pressure on Bai Fang's body was relieved immediately.

White Fang escaped from the grove and kept moving forward at high speed, while the remaining Demon King Bee followed closely behind him, trying to catch up, White Fang felt a strong resentment from the remaining Demon King Bee , this resentment should come from the Lord of Five Poisons.

"Shushashasha." There was a rustling sound beside Bai Fang, Bai Fang sensed a sense of danger, his feet touched the ground, his body jumped a few feet, and then he landed firmly, turned his head to look at the place he had just passed, and found I don't know when a group of colorful little snakes appeared.

"Colorful thread snake! The most poisonous snake in the world." Bai Fang just glanced at it and exclaimed loudly.

"It's over, it seems that the Lord of Five Poisons is really going to put me to death, and even brought out such a poisonous snake, it seems that I have lost all my money." Bai Fang thought in his heart.

After Bai Fang saw the seven-color thread snake, he didn't dare to stop for a moment, he tried his best to lift up the seven-star step, and ran forward.

While running, White Fang felt a little aggrieved.

Originally, I just came to see Mingyue, so why did I meet the Demon King Bee?I also happened to meet the Demon King Bee who marked Mingyue and the others. In order to let Mingyue and the others escape, I pretended to be a hero and stayed to stop the Demon King Bee and buy them time to escape. Fortunately, I killed most of the Demon King Bee, but provoked The worst person to mess with.

Although I am already in the late innate state, judging from the current situation, the Five Poison Lord should also be at that level, and the poison of the Five Poison Lord is too powerful, and I am not his opponent at all now.

While running, Bai Fang analyzed in his heart, the more he analyzed, the more he felt aggrieved, he was chased all over the mountain by a group of poisons as a late-born person, probably it had never happened in the past.



Behind White Fang, the voices of the Demon King Bee and the Colorful Thread Snake rang together.

Bai Fang's figure was like a phantom, constantly flickering among the mountains and forests, and the two kinds of poisonous mist behind him also followed at high speed, leaving Bai Fang with no chance to breathe.

Bai Fang ran at high speed for a day, and the two poisons showed no signs of decay, but Bai Fang felt that it was a bit too much, and told him all day that although his inner strength was enough to support him, the mental pressure made him a little irritable.

White Fang knew that as an assassin, he had to endure mental torture and pressure, but these ghost-like things behind him were really annoying.

And, wherever White Fang went, the two poisons must have wreaked havoc, destroying trees, houses, and some ordinary people who hadn't lost their lives in the famine.

Every time White Fang passed by a place where there were people, he would hear the screams of the people behind him, but Bai Fang could only listen to their screams and fled desperately but could do nothing. White Fang felt a burst of guilt. Did not die, but died because of himself.

White Fang's heart was twisted like a knife.

Therefore, in the subsequent escape route, White Fang tried to avoid places with people as much as possible, but fled to some remote and desolate places.

It was already a day, and Bai Fang had already escaped a hundred miles away from the imperial city, but these Demon King Bees and Colorful Thread Snakes were still chasing him, obviously the Lord of the Five Poisons had already personally chased him.

White Fang changed countless routes along the way, but he couldn't get rid of the Demon King Bee and Colorful Thread Snake behind him, which caused White Fang a lot of headaches.

Three days later, White Fang did not know how far he had run. Gradually, White Fang came to a big mountain.

"This is the outer mountain range of Yunling." Bai Fang looked at the ever-changing and receding scenery around him, his pupils shrank slightly, and a different kind of emotion rose in his heart.

After several days of running for his life in a panic, he escaped from the imperial city all the way to the Yunling Mountains.

This is where he grew up, the most important place in his life.

After his father passed away, he lived here alone, hunting and surviving tenaciously. In his childhood memory, except for the deserted village, there was only Xiaobai. I don’t know how Xiaobai is doing now.

Countless memories about Yunling flashed across Bai Fang's mind in an instant. In this memory, it was like a wanderer returning home, a feeling of home.

"This is my hometown, I can't let the Demon King Bee and the Colorful Thread Snake destroy my home." Bai Fang realized that the place where the Devil King Bee and the Colorful Thread Snake passed would leave nothing behind, and suddenly came to his senses.

Bai Fang stopped suddenly, turned around, and waved Li Jian, a sea of ​​flames suddenly rose in front of him.

The Demon King Bee and the Colorful Thread Snake stopped immediately when they saw the fire, as if someone was manipulating it.

"Come on, let's settle it here, Lord of the Five Poisons." Bai Fang looked at the Demon King Bee and the Colorful Thread Snake, and said with fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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