Chapter 6
White Fang picked up the first scripture book, the cover was black on a blue background, the whole book was a handmade book bound with hemp rope, when White Fang opened the book, the paper was slightly yellowed, but the handwriting was very clear.

This mountain is usually cloudy and rainy, and the climate is humid, and in this ancient cave, the humidity is even worse, but this book is bound with some kind of paper, and it is completely dry in the hand.

Bai Fang turned to the first page, and saw the flying dragons and phoenixes dancing. At first glance, it looked like a flying dragon in the sky, flying straight above the nine heavens, but when he looked closely, it looked like a dragon diving in an abyss, with his breath restrained.

White Fang looked at the words and secretly called out "good word"

When Bai Ya was in the deserted village, Bai Changfeng also taught him how to read and write, so he could naturally understand the characters in the book.

It was written in the book, "We were born in the assassination of Badi, and all I have learned in my life is the art of assassination and concealment.

In the seventh year of Daqian 320, I knew that the end was approaching, so I hid in the mountains and forests to enjoy the rest of my life.However, I live here alone, and I have some insights from observing the hidden and fighting beasts every day, so I integrated it into the stabbing martial arts. I finally succeeded in stabbing, but my life is not long. Those who are destined will get it.

I don't ask you to be able to enter my way of stabbing, but I hope you can be a hero in the world and promote the righteous way. "White Fang couldn't help being surprised when he read this.

When he was in the deserted village, Bai Ya once heard someone say that Daqian unified the world for more than 320 years. This person said that in 300, he realized that his end was approaching and then lived in seclusion here. It is [-] years away from him. , I don't know what kind of big shot it is?The Badi mentioned in the article is the southernmost place close to the wild land. Because of its proximity to the wild, people living here practice martial arts, which is naturally unusual.But what kind of sect is this assassination?White Fang had many questions, but he could not answer them.White Fang looked back again.

"The methods of cultivation in the world can be divided into physical training and spiritual training. Physical training focuses on the body, supplemented by inner strength. If it is practiced to the extreme, it will be difficult to break through. Physical training can be divided into warriors, acquired, and innate. It is easy, but it is difficult to cultivate to innate. Looking around the world, there are very few innate masters in physical training.

On the other hand, it is the opposite for the practitioners, it is not easy to get started, but once you get started, with the help of inner strength, it is very easy to cultivate, and those who have achieved great success are even a little bit more than those who practice body.

There is another faction in my way of stabbing, but the number of people is too small to be seen by the world, and there are people who practice body or spirit occasionally assassinate in the world, which makes people in the world not understand my way of stabbing.When we practice the body, for various reasons, we invisibly warm and strengthen the spirit, and then achieve the effect of harmony between spirit and energy, cleansing scriptures and cutting marrow, and then nourishing the body in turn to achieve harmony between skin and flesh, flesh and bone , the whole body is comparable to pure gold, impenetrable by swords and guns. "

When Bai Fang saw this, he suddenly understood that there were such miraculous exercises in the world, so he immediately became interested, and continued to look down.

"I have learned quite a lot in my life. When I live here in seclusion, I think back to what I have learned in my life. Assassination is a technique performed in danger. It is the most important way to exercise the mind. It can exercise the mind invisibly, so I tried to practice it. The body and the spirit are integrated into one, and finally achieved great success, so I left the exercises in the wooden box to hope that the people who come later can pass this exercises on to the world."

Further on, there are records of the cultivation method of stabbing path and the newly created exercises. Bai Fang read them one by one, and was shocked by all the methods mentioned in it.

What Cidao pursued was a one-hit kill and the method of concealment, with simple and vicious moves.

At the end of the book, there is another note: "My way of stabbing is the way of great courage. I do it when I know it is impossible to do it. I fight it when I know it is invincible. I kill the enemy within ten steps. Human head level. But the way of stabbing can be summed up in four words: Hidden sword, out sword."

The name at the end is Tianyang. Bai Ya saw that the word Tianyang must be the name of the person who left the practice. Wouldn't it be like this to live alone in the future?

Bai Fang picked up the next few books and read on. The remaining few books were one about cultivation experience, one about martial arts anecdotes, and one about Tianyang's assassination experience...

In the 210th year of Daqian, he assassinated Pan Tu, the minister of the DPRK and China.

In the 230th year of Daqian, the barbarians in the northwest invaded our territory in the northwest of Dagan. They burned, killed, and plundered. People are upright and chivalrous...

45 years of hard work, assassination...

This book records hundreds of assassinations since Tianyang's debut, all of them are evil people or generals of the enemy country, many of them are dangerous, and there are dozens of injuries recorded, almost losing their lives every time, Bai After reading this book, Ya felt a burst of enthusiasm, admiring Tianyang's high cultivation, and was also impressed by Tianyang's courage. The dangers and assassinations again and again are so decisive. What is this? It takes a lot of courage to face it with the heart, and never shrink back in the face of danger, this is the stab.

After reading these scriptures, White Fang picked up the black short sword, pulled it out and swung it in the air a few times, the black tip of the sword slashed across the air very strangely.

It is recorded in the book of assassination that the name of the sword "Li" was Tianyang's weapon in those days. It is difficult to be found on the body and is very suitable for assassination.

White Fang put the books and dagger in the wooden box, closed the lid and tied the hemp rope on his back, then walked up to the cross-legged skeleton and stood still, with a respectful expression: "Senior Tianyang, today I, Bai Ya, got your scriptures and sword, and I will definitely work hard to cultivate. In the future, I will be successful in walking the world, and in the future, I will make Ci Dao shine. Today, you can rest in peace when you grow old."

After speaking, he dug a hole in the hole with a hunting knife, put the skeleton in it, buried it with soil, and then carved on the stone with a knife: the tomb of the benefactor Tianyang Senior.Then he pulled Xiaobai up to the top of the mountain along the vines and left.

During the hundreds of years, countless hunters have entered and left Yunling Mountains, and countless people with profound cultivation have entered Yunling Mountains, but how many people would have thought that an old man died silently in a cave in such a small mountain 300 years ago?

Bai Fang guessed that this cave must have been discovered by Xiaobai by accident, maybe it was the last time he discovered it, maybe the last time Xiaobai was rescued was probably because Xiaobai accidentally fell off the cliff when entering and leaving the cave, and was then killed. I met it by myself and saved Xiaobai.If it wasn't for Xiaobai this time, it is estimated that no one will be able to discover the secrets in the cave in hundreds of years. This is God's will.

From then on, Bai Ya comprehended the cultivation method left by Tianyang's predecessors every day. The set of exercises created by Tianyang himself was called "Fengyun Hidden Action", whichever was as fast as a gust of wind, like clouds drifting erratically, Fengyun Hidden Action It is a method that combines physical training and spiritual training, and it is very rare to practice.Bai Fang couldn't always understand the deep meaning in it, but the ordinary cultivation method of piercing the path made rapid progress.

Another year has passed.

In the Yunling Mountains, by the edge of a pool, there is a white ape lying on the beach, with its limbs stretched out in all directions, its head resting on a piece of dead wood, and a leaf covering its eyes, basking in the sun, looking very comfortable.

The pool is formed by the impact of the waterfall flowing down from the mountain. The waterfall falls from a height of tens of meters and makes a rumbling sound. There is a large bluestone under the waterfall, and half of the stone is exposed above the water. In the middle, there was a thin figure looming in the pool, that thin figure wanted to get close to the waterfall and climb on top of the bluestone, but the huge water flow forced him away, time and time again, that stubborn figure was always After being washed away, he swam towards the big bluestone without stopping.

Finally, after countless failures, the thin figure struggled to swim to the edge of the bluestone, grabbed a corner of the bluestone, and climbed up under tremendous pressure. Just after the sound, the thin figure was rushed out by the huge impact, swam to the shore, climbed onto the beach and sat down cross-legged.

That thin figure is Bai Fang, who has been cultivating hard since he got the cultivation method of stabbing. This method of hitting the body with a waterfall is the method of stabbing. Bai Fang practiced according to the cultivation method of stabbing every day. At the same time, he was studying the "Concealment of Wind and Cloud", his life was simple and boring, but his daily practice made his body stronger, his strength also increased greatly with the practice, and his internal strength was also a small achievement, but for the cultivation of God Never found a way.

There is no Jiazi in the mountains, just like that, three years have passed, Bai Fang has grown a lot taller, almost to seven feet tall, although his body looks thin, but it is also very strong, with sharp edges and corners, and his hair is numb. The rope was tied casually behind his head, he was dressed in animal skins, and he carried a wooden box on his back, looking a bit nondescript.

In the 15th year of the Great Qin Dynasty, Bai Ya reached the peak of warriors, and the next level is the acquired state, but looking at the entire Kyushu, there are many people who cannot cultivate to the acquired state, and there are many people who stay at the peak of warriors all their lives. .Bai Fang decided to go to the Great Qin to practice.At the same time, Bai Fang also thought that if possible, he would visit his ancestral land by the Baihe River and worship his ancestors. Although he had never seen them before, they were his ancestors after all.

Bai Ya once mentioned on the tree left by Master Tianyang that there are countless masters in the entire Tianzhou, let alone those masters in the wilderness and the Western Regions. If he can fight against those masters, he should It is also very inspiring to myself.

Bai Ya also remembered one thing, that is, when his father passed away, he mentioned that the Great Qin Emperor Yue Ziqiu was an innate master, if he met him, he must fight hard, even though he was only a warrior now The state of the peak, but it does not mean that he will not have the opportunity to enter that state in the future, not to mention that Yue Ziqiu is still the chief culprit of the destruction of his Bai family, this revenge must be avenged.

On this day, Bai Ya stood in front of a grave for a long time, then Bai Ya knelt down, "Father, since I got Master Tianyang's exercises, I practiced day and night, and now I have a small success. Now I am a martial artist." Dacheng, entering the day after tomorrow is just around the corner. Back then, you didn’t let me take revenge because you were afraid that I would not be strong enough, so you would die if you were afraid of breaking the blood of my Bai family. Today, I have practiced the master’s skills to save my life. This time I am going out of the mountain. Take a trip to that time, if you can avenge your blood, it must be a good thing, if you can’t, I will come back here and live in seclusion in the mountains like a master.”

After speaking, Bai Fang knocked down heavily, then stood up and walked out of the mountain without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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