Just love female men: accidentally sinicized

Chapter 14 For love, let's go!

Chapter 14 For love, let's go! (3)
There was thunder and lightning outside, and I was the only one in the room, so I was a little scared, so I got into the quilt after washing.

There is a message on the phone.Su Lie bought the mobile phone and phone card for me at Bangkok Airport, and I didn't bring anything with me when I went out.There is only Su Lie's number in the new phone, other than that, the numbers I can remember are those of my father, my mother, my sister and Miley, and Zhong Siyu's.Before coming to Thailand, Zhong Siyu left his new number on the Internet, saying that if he had any troubles, he could call him.

"I may not be able to save the fire from far away, but I can listen." Zhong Siyu said on 13~.After he went to Thailand, we have been in contact through 1.What's more, my dad's troublesome man called Zhong Siyu on his own initiative before going to Japan, saying that he was going to Japan on a business trip for a month, and Zhong Siyu asked Zhong Siyu to take care of me during my vacation.My dad is the kind of person who is worried that I will starve to death at home even after a long trip. He feels that the aunt who cleans and cooks cannot guarantee my safety.He really underestimated me.

Should I say hello to Zhong Siyu in advance and say that I am coming to Thailand and also in Chiang Mai?Chiang Mai is only such a small place, and if you are unlucky, you can meet them anywhere. If he and sister Yunzhu saw me and Su Lie together, how would they feel?
Not long after I washed up, the waiter knocked on the door and brought me a supper. I happened to have nothing to eat and I was so hungry that I couldn’t fall asleep. I thought that this hotel is small but has good service.For supper, there are Thai-style rice noodles, banana pancakes, and a fruit plate, which made me drool.I didn't pay attention at first, and when I finished eating, I found the sign of the five-star hotel next door on the plate.

Could it be that Su Lie sent someone to send it?It's too late to ask the people at the hotel, and I'll ask at dawn tomorrow.If Su Lie really sent someone to send it, why did he treat me so well?

On the first morning of waking up in Chiang Mai, the rain had already stopped, and the sky outside the window could be seen from the room. The clean blue was like the color called out by Van Gogh.After looking at the sky of Beijing for a long time, and then looking at the sky of Chiang Mai, it seems that the eyes that have been full of dust for a long time have finally been washed clean.

After I got up from the bed, I washed up quickly, ate the simple English breakfast provided by the hotel, and asked the staff at the front desk of the hotel about the route around here, how to get back after going out, and so on, and she enthusiastically drew a picture for me Simple English labeled map.When I was going out, I met a hotel staff who was going to buy goods, and asked me where I was going. I said to the five-star hotel next door, and he said he could drop me by.Once again, I feel that the Thai people are really warm.

Arriving in Chiang Mai last night, the shock brought by the downpour has not been completely removed from my heart, and it is too late to enjoy the street view of Chiang Mai.There were several puddles of water on the roadside in the morning, and the roads in the ancient city were washed clean by the overnight rain. They were so clean that they would not be stained with mud when lying on them. The Thai signboards along the way always reminded me that I was in an unfamiliar language environment.There are many temples, and there is a small temple on almost every street, with white walls and golden roofs, exuding a sacred and solemn light in the smoky morning sun.There is a faint fruity fragrance in the air, which smells pure and pure. No wonder Teresa Teng loves Chiang Mai so much.

When I arrived at the five-star hotel, I went directly to Su Lie's suite.In the morning, I asked the front desk of the hotel where I was staying about the supper delivered to me last night. The front desk said that it was delivered by people from the hotel next door, the five-star hotel where Su Lie stayed.It really was Su Lie who did it. Could it be that he was ashamed?

On the way, I found the wrong room and rang the doorbell tirelessly. I was shocked when a sturdy foreign black man opened the door. He was probably woken up by me, and his eyes were murderous.I hurriedly looked for the steps, nodded and bowed in Japanese mixed with Korean: "Smi Mason, Miane Smecta." Then I ran away in small steps.This is what I learned when Miley and I went to Vietnam.

Su Lie's room is at the other end of the corridor. I made sure the door number was correct. I didn't care if he was sleeping or not. I rang the doorbell desperately, knocking and kicking the door while the corridor was empty.About 10 minutes later, Su Lie opened the door wearing a hotel nightgown. He looked like he had just woken up, as if he hadn't slept very well. He looked angry and frowned habitually when he saw me.Even so, I have to admit, he's still handsome, and no one can play Qi Qi as handsome as him.

I don't care about entering his suite, and I stretched out my hand to him angrily: "Give me the money, I'm going shopping." Anyway, he said that all the expenses of coming to Thailand will be covered by him, so I will treat him as an ATM .

Su Lie raised his eyebrows: "Shopping? Do you know the way? Do you know Thai? English is so bad, you have a stone head."

"I can't help it, why did you make it too late for me to bring my luggage, this clothes are smelly, smell it, smell it." I said and moved closer to him.He took a few steps back to avoid suspicion:
"Don't come in, I'll give you the money."

Su Lie brought me a small leather bag: "There are [-] baht in it, which should be enough for you to spend, if you don't lose it."

I took the small purse containing the money and opened it to see a stack of Thai bahts with a large face value inside. All the resentment towards Su Lie for one night has disappeared, and money can make people happy no matter what time it is.

When he was about to close the door, I stuck my foot in and asked him, "Did you send someone from the hotel to bring me food last night?"

"No." He kicked my foot away and slammed the door shut.

I stood at the door and smiled.To deny is to admit that Su Lie is really similar to Miley.For example, when Miley bought a scarf for Xu Zheng, she obviously picked it out herself, but when she gave it to Xu Zheng, she said that I helped pick it out, and they all "directly admit that they will die."

It happened to be the weekend, I asked the proprietress before leaving the hotel, she said that there is a night market at night, and the night market is more lively.During the day, I have to find local food, visit ancient temples, buy some clothes for myself, and go for a Thai massage.Ignoring what Su Lie said, this is the perfect itinerary for my day.On the plane, he promised me to rest in Chiang Mai for two days, and those two days belonged entirely to my private time, and then I would follow his order to find Zhong Siyu and Yunzhu together.

To be honest, I don't know what to do or say when I find them, should I say: "Hey, what a coincidence, you are here too?" Say hello.Forget it, I still don't have the courage to say hello to Zhong Siyu when I meet him by chance, I can make up some words to deal with it by myself, if Su Lie is by my side, that's the worst situation.

The first thing to do on the street is to find a clothing store, buy a hat and a scarf, and disguise yourself.In the fitting mirror in the clothing store, my mother would not recognize the woman in the straw hat and scarf covering half of her face.

The language barrier is not the biggest obstacle to travel at all. If you have eyes, you can find the place you want to go. Food is available at the door of the store. If you want to go to the scenic spot, follow the tour group. Find a hotel with the words 90% 1.I wandered around the ancient city for a long time, negotiating prices only by hand gestures, and bought a bunch of things in big and small bags. I even bought a small handmade clay statue of Buddha in a local handicraft store. I don’t know if I can pass the customs. It cost 2000 baht.I think Comrade Lin Zhan agrees that he would like the little Buddha statue in Zen meditation very much.

I bought a hairpin for Miley and a small model of a temple for Xu Zheng, who has a hobby of collecting architectural models.I can only make up for my guilt towards Xu Zheng in this way.

Thai massage shops are everywhere, and the decoration of any one is quite unique. The Thai signboards are full of exotic flavors. The shop is filled with the aroma of rose essential oil. 150 baht can massage for an hour, which is comparable to domestic massage shops. What a bargain.The staff were polite and enthusiastic. I gestured to my whole body and said that I wanted a full-body massage. The clerk was well-informed and understood immediately after hearing this, and led me to a single room.

Massage is a must. God knows how Su Lie will torment me in the days to come. First relax my muscles and bones so that I can have the energy to deal with him.

Two hours later, I came out of the massage parlor, feeling refreshed physically and mentally. Some joints in my body were still aching, but the pain was just right. I almost completely forgot the real purpose of this trip to Thailand and the existence of Su Lie.

This trip to Thailand was so smooth, because I had a terrible experience traveling abroad, I almost regarded Chiang Mai as my blessed land.Miley has always been obsessed with Hong Kong movie star Tony Leung Ka Fai. She has watched the movie "Lover" many times. In the winter vacation of her sophomore year, she tricked me into going to Vietnam. Not only did we lose our luggage, but the driver took us in the wrong direction. The two walked by the Mekong River.

Surrounded by an inexplicable group of local men, we would have been almost sold if Miley hadn't yelled at the cops.On the last day of returning to China, both of them suffered from gastroenteritis, and they ran to the toilet on the plane until all the passengers on the plane knew us.Going to Singapore is a matter of high school. I used the pocket money I saved for half a year to plan a birthday trip for my dad. He has always appreciated the cultural environment of Singapore, the Lion City. Unfortunately, I lost my passport there. My dad’s birthday It's fine if he doesn't succeed, and he spends the time when others are watching the scenic spots running to the consulate and the police station.

But my luck seems to have run out.When I took a taxi back to the hotel with my bags and bags, I saw thick smoke rising from a place in the car. A bad premonition haunted my head. The car drove into the intersection, and there were crowds of onlookers standing on the side of the road. A fire truck stopped in front of the hotel, and a huge jet of water was aimed at the house that was emitting black smoke.

The fat lady proprietress of the inn stood outside in a hurry.I squeezed in from the surrounding crowd, and asked a familiar waiter in a hotel: "Manjiu?"

When he saw me, he hugged me and yelled happily. The proprietress also saw me almost at the same time, and ran over and hugged me excitedly and yelled.

I'm completely bewildered.After the fire was extinguished, I heard from a guest living next door that due to the lightning last night, the circuit in the hotel room I lived in was affected. It spontaneously ignites under the sun's rays, which is the cause of the fire.Fortunately, there were no casualties, except that the room I stayed in was burned to a certain extent, and the hotel did not suffer much damage.

The hotel proprietress and staff were so excited to see me because they thought I was still in the house when the fire broke out.Not long after, Su Lie also rushed to the scene. He asked me why I didn't answer the phone. After hearing about the fire, he called me many times.

I told him I put my phone on silent when I entered the massage parlor.His face turned green, and it seemed that this sudden incident also made him panic.I can probably understand his feelings, after all, I came with him, and he booked this small hotel for me just to punish me, and he couldn't get away from my accident.

With a pale face, Su Lie stopped a taxi, stuffed my people and bags into the car, and asked the driver to take me to the five-star hotel where he stayed.When he arrived at the hotel, he wanted to open a separate room for me, but because the room was full, he took me to his suite and said that if someone checked out, he would book it for me.

"I didn't think about letting you live there. You should live here tonight." Su Lie apologized to me for the first time.But I haven't recovered from the fire yet, and I just sat on the sofa in a daze.

After recovering, I said to Su Lie: "Book me another hotel, I don't care, I can't share a room with you, if Yunzhu and Zhong Siyu know about it, they will misunderstand."

"Do you think they didn't misunderstand us before? No, you still stay with me, the bed is yours, and I will sleep on the sofa until the hotel vacates a room, at most one night." Su Lie seemed to order.

I don't know why, but my chest feels a bit congested. I don't know if it's the sequelae of the fire, or Su Lie's sudden concern made it difficult for me to digest. It turns out that he still cares about people. It turns out that he is so handsome and cool when he cares about people.

I don't want to admit that Su Lie's act of taking me back to the hotel actually touched me a little.

I remained sitting on the sofa for an hour until it got dark. Su Lie said he was going out for dinner, and he invited me to a big meal, which shocked me.I also felt hungry immediately, and when I was hungry, I thought of the legendary Chiang Mai weekend night market. The fire in the hotel almost disrupted my itinerary.

"How about going to the night market? Today is the weekend. The weekend night market in Chiang Mai is very interesting. There must be a lot of fun and delicious food." I suggested to Su Lie.

"I just encountered a fire, and I don't know what will happen when I go to the night market." Su Lie didn't know the logic, so he disagreed.

"It's because of the fire that I was shocked, so I went to the night market to relax and calm down."

He probably felt guilty about me, but couldn't stand my repeated requests and took me to the weekend night market.

As soon as I arrived at the night market and saw the dazzling array of shops along the long street, I was so excited that I had already forgotten about the fire.The weekend night market that runs almost throughout the ancient city of Chiang Mai lives up to its reputation. From Wat Phra Singh to Tha Pae Gate, a variety of local delicacies and handicrafts come into view. I took Su Lie to a freshly squeezed juice shop and said to him: " What to drink, I treat you." This kind of feeling of visiting a foreign night market is super good.

Su Lie smiled helplessly, probably thinking that I recovered too quickly, a few hours ago I was still gloomy, and when I came to the night market, my whole body seemed to be wound up, jumping around.He has a weird personality, he hates places where people get together, and he is very impatient.The night market was buzzing with people, and there were many foreigners with yellow hair and white skin, all kinds of languages ​​filled his ears. There were many people, and there were also many people buying juice. Some people crowded around him, and he dodged impatiently when he was rubbed on his shoulder.

"I would like to recommend pomegranate juice to you. It's super delicious." I encouraged Su Lie to try the freshly squeezed tropical pomegranate juice that he had never tasted before. It was one of my favorite drinks when I returned to my hometown in Guangdong.Before he could speak, I turned to the vendor owner and said, "A glass of mango juice and a glass of pomegranate juice."

When I handed the pomegranate juice to Su Lie, he took the mango juice from my hand.

"Ha, I knew you would take mango juice." I was proud of guessing what Su Lie was thinking, and I took a sip of the pomegranate juice when Su Lie snatched it away. won't let you succeed."

He took a sip of pomegranate juice, but never returned it to me, and stuffed the disgusted mango juice back into my hand.And I just realized something, the pomegranate juice sippy...are we indirect kissing?But Su Lie didn't realize it, let alone the weird expression on my face.

The two of us walked down the bustling street of the night market, and Su Lie was also attracted by the night market unconsciously.He walked in front, and I followed him to observe him secretly. I saw him standing on the side of the road watching the special performances of local street performers. Two teenage girls wore local traditional costumes, just like in the Thai movie "Dear Galileo" "In it, two Thai girls wear the same ethnic costumes with slanted shoulders when they work in restaurants.They danced Thai dances in the aisle of the night market, and almost all the onlookers were foreigners.One of the two girls is blind, pure and beautiful, she can't see but she dances very well. Some people are moved by her enthusiasm and dance with her, and the onlookers applaud and laugh constantly.

After a dance, I couldn't help but ran over to Su Lie and said: "Don't just look at it, people bring you joy, you should be interested anyway, anyway, you are so rich, it's hard to buy fun tonight." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand.

"Why didn't you give it?" he asked me back.

"You said it yourself, what's yours is mine in Thailand."

He took out his wallet and wanted to find a Thai baht with a smaller denomination. With quick eyesight and quick hands, I pulled out two 1000 yuan Thai baht and put them in the hands of the blind girl. The other girl saw it and said to me in Thai Saying thank you, I pointed to Su Lie and told her that Su Lie gave her the money. The little girl opened her arms happily and wanted to run over to hug Su Lie, but he ran away in fright.

I followed behind him, laughing so hard I couldn't stand upright.In fact, when Su Lie is not so serious and not so cold, he is quite cute.That Su Lie who always had a stern face and aloofness looked hateful and boring, and he was a completely different person from the happy figure walking around the night market now.

The night market is so charming, and all kinds of strange things occupy the attention. I like the small shops that look very local. I like the entertainers to do their best to make everyone laugh. I also like the smiling faces of everyone on the street. .

After a while, Su Lie came to look for me, and stuffed something into my hand, a small stone painting, on which was a girl with short hair making a grimace: "It looks like you! I'll give it to you." He looked like a Laughing like a child, he said that there were meatballs for sale in front that looked good, and asked me if I wanted to eat them.

"Of course." I had put the pebbles in my pocket and ran ahead of him.When I went to him with two bowls of meatballs, he didn't know where he went.

I carried the fragrant meatballs and walked towards the direction where there were more people. I saw Su Lie stop in front of a booth selling oil paintings. He stared at a painting without moving.

The painting shows a girl hiding behind the wall with half of her face showing, smiling shyly.I walked over and heard Su Lie ask the student who sold the painting in English, who painted this painting.

The student said in English that a beautiful Chinese woman came to the oil painting booth a few nights ago. She saw that the business of the oil painting booth was deserted, so she borrowed brushes and painting tools on the spot and started painting on the spot, which attracted many people to watch. Thanks to her, the business of the painting booth was much better. .

I was dumbfounded and surprised when I heard this, and guessed in my heart that there are such coincidences in the world. I looked at Su Lie, and he looked at the painting like looking at a lover who missed day and night.The moment he saw the painting, he already knew it was painted by Yunzhu.He knew Yunzhu so well that he could find clues about her at a glance even in a foreign country.

He looked at the painting with such an intoxicated and faintly sad expression, for some reason, it made me feel panicked.

Alas, why do I feel so sad.

(End of this chapter)

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