Chapter 21
Broken, exposed flaws.I was so anxious that my heart beat faster, Yang Duowei suddenly pointed to me and said, "You are here to play the panda, who is the panda on that stage?"

"Who is it?" Others also made surprised voices.

"Who the hell is it?" Su Lie jumped onto the stage and walked towards me step by step, until he was in front of me.He stared at me in the panda costume, and reached out to tear off the panda headgear.

When it was too late to say it, I covered the whole panda's head with both hands, and I was in a stalemate with Su Lie. I only had one thought in my mind, no matter what, I couldn't be seen by him.No need to think about it, the scene must be very funny.I pressed my head with all my strength to prevent Su Lie from succeeding, but Su Lie was still motivated, with the momentum of swearing not to give up until he saw the true face of the panda.Because I was wearing a panda suit, my palms were round and clumsy. It didn't take long for Su Lie to take over and pull off the panda headgear cruelly. My whole head was almost torn off.Because I was stuffed in the headgear for a long time, my hair was soaked, and because the headgear was pulled too hard, after removing the headgear, my hair stood up in a mess, and the shape was exaggerated. It could be added to the Vietnamese wash, cut and blow combination 90 .

Everyone gasped, but Yang Duowei had a horrified expression on her face.Su Lie stared at me with wide eyes, with a constipated expression that he didn't know how to describe, and blinked quickly to tell him that he was not dazzled.

After parting from Thailand, we haven't seen each other for more than a month. He has lost some weight and darkened a lot. His hair is cut shorter than before. He looks very energetic, like he came out of the deep mountain army.For some reason, seeing his energetic appearance, I breathed a sigh of relief, and tried to give him a fake smile that couldn't be more fake, and the scene became more awkward.

"Why are you here?" Su Lie said in a bad tone.

"What else can I do, isn't it just following you, I said earlier that she has something wrong with you." Yang Duowei walked over with her chest in her arms, pointed at my nose and said in a high-pitched voice, "See how you can explain it clearly."

She was really right. My face was flushed and I didn't know how to explain it. It was too difficult to explain, and I couldn't explain it. 36 Walking is the best strategy, I turned around and ran, but before I ran two steps, Su Lie stopped me: "Stop!"

I didn't have time to stop and slid two steps forward. This posture and the fat panda suit made me look as ridiculous as a penguin gliding on the Antarctic ice.

"I don't have that much time for rehearsal, you stay here to play the panda." He said to me almost as if commanding, and then waved to the junior student, "Go, you are not needed here anymore."

"What? Why do you want her to act? Can she act?" Yang Duowei protested, but Su Lie didn't seem to hear.I think Yang Duowei is probably the only one in this world who would be so harsh on a person who plays a panda.Panda, do you need any acting skills?
I looked at Su Lie blankly, he walked back off the stage and began to direct everyone to take their positions, barely looking at me again.

Something is missing, Su Lie's attitude towards me, the need to be domineering and domineering in the past, and the ridicule of my jokes, but treat me as a member of the stage, deal with mistakes and interference, and concentrate on the drama superior.He is very serious about his work, it's just that I feel lost for no reason.

I took a deep breath and put the panda head back on, feeling like this outfit, heavy from head to toe.

The rehearsal ended at 10:[-] p.m., I was exhausted, and I dragged my feet to the prop room to return the costumes. When I came out, everyone dispersed. One of the leading girls came over and asked me if I wanted to have supper together. I couldn’t tell, I was sleepy. Had to sleep.The girl laughed and said, "It's like this in Boss Su's drama club. If you don't get tired enough to go to the school doctor's office, you don't count as staying here. You will get used to it gradually."

Habit?I don't want to be a panda for a whole year.

Walking out of the event building, I saw Su Lie picking up his car. He drove past me. I waved him nervously to say hello. He glanced at me in the car, as if he saw a car waiting for a red light while driving on the road. The passer-by drove the car away with a blank expression.Feeling ashamed, I slowly lowered my hand and stared blankly at the car turning around the teaching building and driving away from the south gate.

Sorrow is thick as night.On the way back to the dormitory, I told myself that if Su Lie could be like a stranger, I should also be able to do it.Come on, the omnipotent Lin Qi.

"Lin Qi!"

Behind me, Xu Zheng approached me on his electric donkey.I stood there, he jumped out of the car before it even stopped, pushed the car and ran to me in a hurry, and said to me as if the end of the world was coming: "What should I do with Lin Qi? What do you think I should do? What should I do? How to do?"

"Be careful of falling. Is there an earthquake or a flood? Are you going to the front line for earthquake relief? Why are you in such a hurry." I was terrified at one point, afraid that Xu Zheng and his eDonkey would knock me over.

Xu Zheng had a sad face, sweating profusely under the street lamp: "Miley said that she was going to break up with me. I don't know what I did wrong. Does she know that I went back on a blind date during the summer vacation? That girl, I will be there on the spot. Turned it down, I swear I have no second thoughts about her."

How should I describe my mood? It seems that I knew that a nearby resident had been burglarized a long time ago, and the neighbor came to tell you after I got home, but you can't tell the neighbor that the thief is actually a house thief.

I patted Xu Zheng on the shoulder to comfort him: "Want to drink? Let's drink."

There is a small Taiwanese oden shop on Cross Street. Miley and I often go there, especially when we want to drink a little wine.The store is called "Little Fatty Black", not because the manager is a little fat black, but because there is a cat in the store, fat and black, always lying motionless on the counter, too lazy to look at anyone.Sometimes I brought sausages to coax it, but it was never moved by it. It lay there all day long, and Miley and I suspected that it was too fat to move.

There were not many people, besides Xu Zheng and me, there was another table of students.The food in this store is actually not very tasty, but the advantage is that it is quiet. Freshmen don’t like it, and graduate students are resident. There are free food and air conditioning.Xu Zheng and I found a place, bought oden, ordered a few bottles of beer, and blew on the bottles.Xu Zheng was so melancholy that he could squeeze water out of his face. He said that he couldn't figure out why Miley broke up. He said he had gray hair, and he pushed his hair back to show me. The light reflected it, and I couldn't see whether it was white hair. Still brunette.

"I thought she was scaring me like before, but this time she was very serious about breaking up. No wonder she ignored me at the end of last semester. She always said she was busy. It turned out that she broke up with me long ago. Tell me, how did I offend her?"

I don't know how to comfort Xu Zheng: "Miley is like that sometimes. I have been friends with her for six years, and I don't fully understand her. But what is certain is that she is serious when she says it is true..."

Thinking about Su Lie too, he was very serious when he said that he had nothing to do with each other when he came back from Thailand.Miley was wrong about Xu Zheng, she was wrong first, but she is like my family, I have to stand by her for no reason, causing me to feel pain when facing Xu Zheng's pain extremely.

The wine bottle was crooked, Xu Zheng's alcohol capacity was worse than mine, and after drinking the fourth bottle, his cheeks were flushed, his words were incoherent, and he began to howl like ghosts and wolves, showing a tendency to become drunk.Only then did I realize how big of a mistake I had made in asking him to drink. He simply doesn't know how to drink.

When Xu Zheng reached the fifth bottle, he began to hit the table with his head regularly, talking nonsense while bumping: "I'm not good, I'm not good enough, Miley doesn't love me, I'm not good, she hates me"...

The students at another table in the "Little Fatty Black" shop were dumbfounded by Xu Zheng's behavior, and even the shop owner looked worried.When I saw Xu Zheng hit the table, I was terrified. I was afraid that he would hurt his head, so I put my hand under his head without thinking, and he hit him hard. Let him continue the comet hitting the earth.When he raised his head, he found that his forehead was bruised, and he was very drunk. He insisted on continuing to drink. He stood up with a beer bottle and staggered to toast me. He drank all his glasses.As I knelt down to help him pick up his glasses, I was worried that he would kick me.

He disturbed the fat cats in the store, jumped up with a meow, and jumped from the counter to our table. A wine bottle rolled off the table and shattered to the ground. me.It turns out that cats' ability to fly over walls has nothing to do with being fat.The shop owner came over to apologize, Xu Zheng grabbed his face with snot and tears and asked, "Why do you think she doesn't love me? Why?" After saying that, he fell down on the table.Customers like Xu Zheng who are not good at wine will not be sold to him next time they come.

I had to call Miley. She had just fallen asleep. Miley always went to bed early, beauty sleep.When I was rehearsing in the concert hall, she sent a message asking me why I hadn't returned to the dormitory. At that time, I didn't have time to explain, so I just told her that I was studying by myself.I'm worried that if I tell her, she will probably say that I went to follow Su Lie.

"Miley, come quickly to 'Little Fatty Black', Xu Zheng is so drunk that he is unconscious, he will go crazy if he doesn't die, come and deal with it quickly." I said to the phone.

Miley paused for a long time before speaking: "I won't go, just leave him alone, I will call some boys to take him back to the school apartment, come back." She hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Miley is like this, once she makes up her mind to say goodbye, nothing can be saved.I experienced it when I was in high school. The female political teacher at that time changed Miley’s test paper with more than 80 points to zero points in response to Miley’s behavior of reading novels in her class, just to give Miley a punishment. Warn her in front of the class to stop reading pornographic novels.In fact, it is not a pornographic novel at all, it is the comic version of "The Tale of Genji".Miley has never taken a political class since then, and the test questions for the political part of the college entrance examination are also blank. She said that she does not believe that without a political class in life, there will be nowhere to go.It is true that she is not at the point of desperation, but she has lost her life, which should have been in a first-rate university, to a second-rate university, but she has no regrets at all. It is not necessarily first-rate to say that a first-rate university produces female teachers who teach politics.

I couldn't bear to leave Xu Zheng, who was unconscious, alone in the small shop, accompanying his students who were waiting for him to take him away.Twenty minutes later, Xu Zheng's students who were close to him and called him brothers and sisters came, and they were a little overwhelmed when they saw his condition, saying that they had never seen him lose their composure like this before.

Several people carried him out of the small shop together, put him on the electric donkey and sent him back to the teacher's apartment.I stood on the street and watched them go away. A burst of alcohol hit my chest, and I was a little too drunk. Suddenly I saw Miley standing not far away with her chest in her arms, looking at the direction where Xu Zheng was being driven away.

We looked at each other, across the dark night like water, smiling didn't look like laughing, crying didn't look like crying.

The courses of the four-year university are decreasing year by year. In the senior year, there are only three professional courses posted by our journalism department, and the rest are all elective courses.Teachers of professional courses even encourage students to skip classes and find companies for internships.When I meet such a reasonable teacher, I can't wait to hug him and kiss him.Except for Miley coming back to take the necessary compulsory classes once or twice a week, she spends the rest of the time as an assistant at the old man's auction house.We don't see each other for a week, and she is busy learning to identify antiques, which is a very lucrative industry.

As the welcome party approached, the drama rehearsal time increased from two hours per night to four hours per night. Team members were not allowed to ask for leave or be late from 6:10 pm to 14:[-] pm. Even so, no one complained.After rehearsing for a whole week, Yang Duowei brought drinks, desserts, and snacks for everyone every day. The day before the performance, the driver at home brought a [-]-inch truffle cake as an early celebration.When everyone shared the meal, she was like a hostess, saying that she would not eat dessert for weight loss, and said: "Lin Qi, you should eat more, this is not truffle powder, but authentic black truffle." That seemed to mean me I have never eaten such a top-notch cake.The more she said that, the more I had to eat, otherwise it would be difficult to vent my anger.

Su Lie is arranging the stage effects. We haven't spoken a word in the past week. I don't know if he is too immersed in the drama, or he strictly abides by our agreement. Except for correcting me when I misplaced on the stage, he never said anything. He took the initiative to say a redundant word to me, even he told others more than me.The more he obsesses with stage details, the more radiant he looks.

I don't deny that because I like him, I think he looks good everywhere. Sometimes he stares at my panda head and explains his movements to me. I stare at his chest from the panda's nostrils, and my face becomes hot. , fortunately he didn't notice it.In order not to let him think that I was here to make trouble, I performed very hard on the stage, rolling hard, and trying to be cute.

Yang Duowei cut a small piece of cake and brought it to Su Lie. Su Lie was taking notes, shrugging his shoulders and saying that he would not eat it. Yang Duowei dug a small spoonful and brought it to Su Lie's mouth. Su Lie Shaking my head, it seemed that they were a well-deserved relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. I was blushing and heartbeating, and secretly scolded Yang Duowei for being thick-skinned.

On the weekend my dad called me to come home for dinner and I also turned it down, saying that I would prepare for the welcome party on Monday. This is my first time acting in a play. Although I play a panda, everyone doesn’t even know who is in it, yes Whether it is a man or a woman, you know it is a panda.Comrade Lin Zancheng said excitedly that he would come to watch it, and I advised him to avoid it if he didn't want to see his daughter embarrassing.

Even Miley said: "You don't need to work so hard. Yang Duowei is the lead actor, and she has the limelight. You just sit and eat bamboo. Panda spends most of its life on this matter. It's a national treasure. It's not a circus." There is no puppy in the group, no panda wants to roll around on the floor." She knew that I was for Su Lie, although I didn't say a word, not even Su Lie's name.

"You are such a wonderful couple that has never been seen before or since. It is hard for me to imagine that if Su Lie knows that you like him, he must die laughing. He will probably say that this is the funniest joke I have ever heard." Miley It's funny just thinking about it.

"You're wrong, he wouldn't say that. He would say, isn't it? It's hard for any woman not to like me. Who am I? I'm Su Lie." I imitated Su Lie's tone, and said Picture him squishy.Even so, I still have to admit that I like him, my heart will blush when I see him, and I can't help but miss him and want to see him.

This will be the worst embarrassment I have committed in my 21 years of life, with a record of 10?1, irreplaceable and hopeless.

The simple and easy-to-understand analogy is that the idiot Lin Qi is planting a mine for the future that she is destined to step on.

On the night of the performance, the concert hall was full, and Miley got a seat in the second row in front, specially for my panda.Everyone was preparing backstage, doing makeup and changing clothes. Yang Duowei even brought her own makeup artist, which is not an exaggeration at all. She has her own makeup artist, just like a big star.

I sat in a corner with my Xiong You headgear on, and saw Su Lie coming in and out, explaining precautions to the leading actors, helping them review their lines, he seemed to treat me as invisible.One time, he finally came towards me, I was expecting him to tell me something, he just stared at me and said the two words I least wanted to hear, "excuse me".

10 minutes before the performance, I had another catatonic attack and went to the toilet. When I came back, I saw Yang Duowei hugging my panda headgear with a smirk on her face.I was wondering, how did the panda headgear get into her hands when I handed it over to someone else, she handed me the headgear, pushed me towards the curtain, and said softly: "Lin Qi, you have to act well, you can't Let Su Lie down, you know, every performance is very important to Su Lie, he will never forgive you if you mess up."

God knows what went wrong, Yang Duowei reminded me so kindly, her pretentious voice gave me goosebumps.At the beginning of the performance, I put on the hood and walked to the stage amid the sparse applause of my classmates. There was a pungent onion smell from the hood, which brought tears to my eyes.I suspect that the onion smell in this headgear is caused by Yang Duowei, but I have already walked on the stage, the performance started, and Yang Duowei and other students took their positions and started to perform.

The whole performance lasted for 40 minutes. At the beginning, the pungent smell of onions made me sneeze several times and desperately held back my tears and nose. I finally persisted until the end. Three roll.My eyes were itchy and painful, I couldn't find the right position, I turned over by feeling, I didn't pay attention, and I fell off the stage all of a sudden, I fell heavily under the stage that was one meter high, accompanied by the screams of the audience , I thought I heard Miley screaming in it.

Fortunately, with the cushion of the thick panda doll costume, I didn't feel too much pain. When I fell to the ground, I only had one thought in my head, not to ruin the play, so I quickly got up from the ground and made a bending over to pretend to be cute In the action, amidst everyone's amused laughter, he climbed onto the stage awkwardly using both hands and feet.

After 2 minutes, the play ended, and the audience burst into warm applause.

Just as he walked back to the backstage lounge, Su Lie had already walked over aggressively.I didn't have time to take off the panda headgear, so I could only look at him like that, knowing that he would definitely scold someone who demanded perfection, and the others would automatically disperse to the side.

I had an itchy nose and sneezed loudly before he could speak.He took two steps back, full of anger: "Can't you pay attention? We have walked so many positions and rehearsed countless times, why do you still make mistakes? Do you have a brain? Are you a stone head?"

I couldn't stand the heat, so I took off the hood with all my strength, wanting to apologize to him.

Seeing that my eyes were red and swollen, he asked in a daze, "Are you crying?"

Everyone else thought I was being scolded and cried. Yang Duowei was sitting on a rest chair, and I saw a well-disguised smile gloating at the corner of her mouth.I pointed in her direction, but there was no evidence at all. I didn't say anything, and then I put my hand down again, and I twitched my nose that was still a little itchy, sweating profusely, and my face was already red like a fever. Charcoal stove.

(End of this chapter)

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